Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1155 - Tackling (2)

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The front was pushed further north, and it was one step closer to the camp of the Titan Alliance. The blocking power of Ryan ’s legion was one more point, and the speed of advancement was slightly weakened accordingly. Looking at the legendary strength of both sides The attackers attacked each other, and finally some domain powerhouses could not hold back. After all, in this battle today, the domain powerhouses are the protagonists, so this angry demon from Saul Demon will leave the position he should guard and move forward quickly Sprinting for dozens of kilometers, standing at the forefront of the four-nation alliance attack position,

Fanning the pair of bat-like wings in the vest, the angry demon will levitate in the air, screaming in devilish words, and issued a provocative voice towards the Titan Alliance opposite, his arms are not idle, and he is empty in front of his chest. The magic circle is drawn, and the obvious mana fluctuations are transmitted from the unfinished magic circle. Obviously this is a powerful attack spell. It seems that if no one dares to fight, this Saul demon Moza The angry demon under Prince Zfiler will prepare to use force to achieve his purpose,

Standing at the back of the Titan Alliance position, Losa narrowed his eyes, and his eyes moved back and forth on the challenge of the Saul Demon Realm and other four-group alliance strongs dozens of kilometers behind him. The result is that everyone has fears and does not dare to stir up at random, so I have to try it with low-level combat power to see if I can find anything to take advantage of. The Sol Demon who is facing the challenge now seems to be such an opportunity. But Lothar as the commander must weigh the pros and cons beforehand, because the angry devil will also be a bait for traps, just waiting for himself to take that step,

Just at both ends of Lothar ’s first mouse, the angry demon will have completed his spell. Six fist-sized fireballs are suspended in front of him. When the angry demon will flick his fingers, those fireballs also rotate irregularly. Beating, they are getting faster and faster, leaving a dazzling trajectory behind them, and then the six fireballs suddenly stop suddenly in an instant, and then they are releasing magic in the distance to stop the legendary peaks of the Legion Legion. Blazed out,

“There is no time.” Losa, hesitant, finally made up his mind when he saw that the angry demon would launch an attack. At his command, a Titan ** teacher Shen Sheng recited the magic spell and was angry at the demon. A huge net woven by countless lightning was laid on the fireball’s forward route, ready to intercept the attack of the angry demon,

The magic that the rage magic will release is just some of the simplest fireballs. Although the Titan field powers ordered to intercept do not understand why he did this, he thinks that with his defensive magic he can definitely prevent them from continuing to advance. The next three consecutive fireballs exploded when they hit the giant web interwoven with lightning, and did not cause any damage to the dry defensive magic, so there was a trace of joy in the face of the Titan **, but who wanted to be the first When the four fireballs smashed, they suddenly burst out an amazing heat wave, and then the temperature in the air rose rapidly. In a very short time, the magical energy scattered around the surrounding area was burned. Magic ripped open a gap,

“How can this be?” The Titan ** with a smile on his face didn’t understand what was going on. How could a fireball cause a killing effect like a curse, terror and drought, but he didn’t have much time to think This problem, because the two fireballs behind the angry demon had passed through the gap exposed in the defensive enchantment, and went straight to the group of legendary strongmen who were casting spells.

“Woo.” A black lightning screamed and shot down the first of the two fireballs, but there was no way for the latter one, so I watched it hit the defense under the legendary division Above the enchantment, when everyone thought that these legendary strongmen were afraid of heavy casualties, this fireball that hit the target just splashed bright flames like magic fireworks, and then disappeared into the air. Already,

“Be careful, he is a mad mage.” A strong eye-demon standing on the side of Lothar gave a reminder sound. It was just that it released a ray of black lightning through the eyeball to help the Titan Master. Defensive to the opponent’s attack, and now shouting out the profession of the angry demon again, the Titan ** Master who was puzzled in his heart suddenly became cheerful,

The so-called mad wizard is actually very similar to the mad warrior, except that the mad warrior enters the state of madness to enhance the martial arts and strength, and the mad master is enhanced, but it is powerful, dangerous, and magical effects that cannot be predicted at all. As for the six fireballs just now, the angry demon will indeed release six fireballs, but he added the unique power spell of the mad mage when casting the spell, so the six seemingly inconspicuous fireballs contain surging. The waves of mana, resulting in unpredictable magical effects, the power of the banned curse terror drought after the outbreak of fireball is derived from the effect of this power spell, but unfortunately this change even the mad mage angry devil will also There is no way to control it, otherwise the fireball that just broke through the interception should be transformed into the most terrifying fire ban curse to kill the legendary Titans,

Although not every time the Mad Mage ’s attack will produce such unpredictable changes, bad luck may even affect itself, but under no circumstances is anyone willing to fight this kind of nearly self-harming enemy, because You do n’t know that the magic he released will explode, especially to ensure the effect after the explosion, the mad mage usually detonates with a very fast spell with a low power, just like the angry devil will choose fireball. On the occasion of contempt for these fireballs, you will definitely suffer because of carelessness, but if you guard against full resistance everywhere, I am afraid that the other party ’s mana will be consumed completely before the other party ’s attack starts.

After understanding this, Commander Lothar did not hesitate to order the eye-monger who reminded him to replace the previous Titan Master. Since the other party can be as powerful as the treasure of the angry demon, then they must be I will be very familiar with it, maybe there is a better way to defend against the uncertain magic eruption of the mad mage,

Sure enough, when the angry demon with crimson eyes will see the strong demon, he immediately grinned and thumped his chest hard. At this time, the angry demon will have used the unique power spell of the mad mage. And let yourself be in a state of madness, just like a mad warrior enters a state of madness, but how to say that the angry demon will also be a strong field, and he will not be completely out of control. His spirit is extremely hyperactive, but he still keeps enough sober, can It was easy to recognize that the opponent in the distance was the leader who was fighting against himself on behalf of the eye demons, so he didn’t say much. He directly extended his fingers and randomly mobilized the energy on his chest to complete it at the fastest speed. The casting process of fireball,

“Huh, huh.” A series of fireballs blasted out under the fingertips of the angry demon. At first glance, it was quite a bit of the taste of Ryan’s multiple casts. The strong man in the field of eye demons who succeeded the Titans’ division was angry. Everything about the devil is quite familiar. It waved its eyes and gathered magical energy. It also completed the counterattack spell at a very fast speed. I saw a thick black lightning cut through the sky and went straight to the series of fireballs.

“Boom.” A dull reverb came in the sky, and the black lightning released by the strong eye demons bombarded on the first fireball released by the angry demon, without any suspense. Broken, let the fire energy contained in the fireball burst into a dazzling firework, and then the black lightning disappeared, ejected onto the second fireball flying behind … The black lightning was ejected four times in a row, and was attacked by it The fireballs of all burst without exception, and did not produce that unpredictable change, but when the black lightning hit the fifth fireball, a powerful energy was released from the broken and exploded fireball, and the power spell function The following aberrations occurred, and the little fireball became a dazzling sun, and the strong light emitted by it completely swallowed the alien world in a very short time.

Looking at the angry demon who was fighting in front of him and the eye-demon strongman, Ryan did not say anything to stop it. Although this Saul Demon domain strongman violated some discipline, but in this situation of confrontation, someone always stood up to break the deadlock. In this respect, Ryan and Lothar ’s ideas are very different. In his view, if he always wants to keep the status quo and dare not change, then things will tend to develop in the undesirable situation at the end of the day, instead of waiting for changes to occur. Having to bear passively, it is better to take the initiative to grasp everything and push this change in a direction that is beneficial to oneself,

Based on this, Ryan did not pin his hopes on using the Skeleton Legion to consume the opponent ’s living power. The reason is very simple. If the real Undead Legion, under the leadership of the demigod Lich Cons, can naturally sweep the world, but Ryan After all, this is only a semi-finished product. If nothing else, the endless skeleton warrior has already revealed its shortcomings. There is no lich, no soul, nor frost bone dragon. Once the enemy launches an attack from the sky, there is no Way to fight back, of course, Ryan himself is very clear. He does not believe that the old monsters that have lived for thousands of thousands of years can not be seen. The legendary Titans who are casting spells in the sky are enough to prove their own. This shortcoming was discovered by the other party, so the immediate priority is to force these guys to fall to the ground. Only in this way can the hordes of corps tactics be used.

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