
Chapter 119

  1. Chemical Intelligence(5)

Upon hearing the news, the pharmaceutical company personnel gathered in front of the intensive care unit on the 7th floor and entered, where they found Nam Gung-gil lying down with an oxygen respirator attached.

“Oh no…”

Most couldn’t close their mouths, still agape in shock.

“Weren’t the side effects of the diuretic supposed to be manageable with treatment alone?”

“What happened? It’s not critical, is it?”

Nam Gung-gil, in a state of unconsciousness, glanced weakly at the people. Raising his hand, he whispered something to the nurse next to him after lifting the respirator for a moment.

The nurse, who had been listening attentively, wore a puzzled expression. Unable to contain their curiosity as the nurse continued to focus on their duties without relaying any information, one person asked.

“What did Mr. Nam Gung-gil say?”

“It was nothing special.”

“Still, please tell us.”

As people continued to insist, the nurse, looking bewildered at Nam Gung-gil once again, relayed his message.

“He wants to know who is the cute female student in the white gown, if she’s a new intern. He also asked for her name.”

At these words, everyone’s gaze turned towards the woman standing at the entrance. She had large, almond-shaped eyes, with a petite and attractive appearance.

Even though her face was undeniably impressive at first glance, there was no choice but to regard Nam Gung-il, in the midst of his deteriorating state, as a lunatic for asking trivial questions.

Upon seeing everyone’s attention focused on her, Song Boyeong, feeling flustered, leaned close to Jeong-woo’s side. Then, she looked up at Jeong-woo indicating she didn’t understand the situation.

“What’s going on?”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s just how he is.”

Jeong-woo turned to Doctor Moon, who was standing nearby, and asked.

“What are the symptoms exactly?”

“He was vomiting and now has developed congestive heart failure. His low blood pressure has turned into symptoms of high blood pressure.”

“Is such a disease possible?”


With a grave expression, the attending physician Cho Sang-wook and the diagnostician Lee Hee-cheol stared at the ECG monitor. Lee Hee-cheol turned his head to confirm that all the representatives of the companies were present.

“You’ve confirmed the new symptoms. If any of you have a medication in development that could cause such side effects, please speak up.”

This was undoubtedly a magical question, as the room suddenly fell silent. Then, Hwang, the deputy manager of Jongwoong Pharmaceuticals, stepped forward indignantly.

“What are you people doing! Mr. Nam Gung-gil is suffering like this, and you’re just standing here with your mouths shut, worried about potential losses.”

Being the only accused party, Jongwoong Pharmaceuticals had nothing to lose. Everyone was eager to avoid Hwang’s burning gaze, seeming determined to prolong the situation with a strategy of denial.

Having turned the attention from JK Bio to Celltree and back to Jeongmi Pharmaceuticals, Hwang, with confidence, looked at Jeong-woo.

“Did you say your name was Han Jeong-woo? That level of luck earlier. Can you do it again this time?”

“Well, it wasn’t a random shot.”

“What? With thousands of medications causing headaches, dizziness, and low blood pressure on the market.”

The representatives of other companies nodded as if agreeing. Jeong-woo calmly replied to Hwang’s provocation.

“I may not know about other drug systems, but for Jongwoong Pharmaceuticals’ diuretic…”

“That diuretic, diuretic. It doesn’t even have an official name yet, it’s ‘SI-3012R.’”

“Anyway, the side effect that stood out as the top priority was severe electrolyte depletion, despite its short duration.”

Hwang blinked in surprise and narrowed his eyes.

“Where did you get information about our drug?”

“From the FDA.”

“The analysis isn’t finished yet, so you couldn’t even seen the report.”

“But it’s perfect when experts communicate. It’s akin to a chemical reaction.”

The gaze of representatives from other companies all turned sharply to Jeong-woo. He racked his brain, but couldn’t come up with a perfect response out of nowhere.

“Oh, that wasn’t what you asked about.”

Hwang, feeling taken aback, regained his composure and chuckled. How could he analyze based solely on reports? He asked again, thinking it would be nothing but a show of bravado.

“I understand you’re eloquent. So, can you tell us which drug caused the side effects to Mr. Nam Gung-gil or not?”

Lee Hee-cheol, who had also received help from Jeong-woo, looked at him with slightly hopeful eyes.

Finding the exact cause was crucial. Jeong-woo looked around at the representatives of the companies and then stopped his gaze on the representative from Celltree.

“When stung by a bee, for example. Among the various biomolecules in the bee sting, if histamine or phospholipase overlaps and causes hives on the body…”

As Jeong-woo turned to Lee Hee-cheol, he asked.

“You should take allergy medicine, right?”

“Yes, he should. Corticosteroids or anti-inflammatory drugs…”

As Lee Hee-cheol was answering, he hesitated. Then, he turned to Cho Sang-wook and said.

“Wouldn’t it be explained as heart failure due to the side effects of medication that suppress anaphylactic shock hypotension symptoms?”

“That’s right. But wait, Celltree specializes in that.”

Cho Sang-wook’s gaze fell on the middle-aged man wearing a Celltree badge around his neck that said, “Park Byung Geon, Manager”. The man looked at Jeong-woo with eyes that expressed disbelief, silently acknowledging the accusation.

As if on cue JK Bio and Jeongmi Pharmaceuticals shouted.

“We don’t use steroids.”

“Allergy medication? We haven’t even done market research.”

Hwang sighed in relief.

“We really found it…”

Lee Hee-cheol raised his thumb towards Jeong-woo before immediately delving into the diagnosis.

“Anyway, with the interaction of two medications, at this point, dialysis seems to be the only solution.”

“Since his kidneys aren’t damaged, we should start treatment quickly. Nurse!”

About an hour later.

Nam Gung-gil returned to the VIP room. Placing his hand on his side and furrowing his brow, he quietly lay down on the bed.

“Your complexion has improved.”

Upon hearing Doctor Moon’s assessment at a glance, Jeong-woo finally felt relieved, thinking the situation was finally over.

“Surprisingly, he’s not flirting. You didn’t become ugly in the past hour, did you? Or perhaps, have you swollen up in the meantime?”

Despite Jeong-woo’s joke, Doctor Moon remained firm.

“Are you saying that flirting is a symptom?”

“Doctor Moon, said he was in a state of reduced consciousness.”

“If you can still smile right after poking a hole in your side skin, then it might be a symptom.”

At the mention of the very painful treatment, Jeong-woo glanced at Nam Gung-gil with a wince. Then, he turned his eyes towards Song Boyeong.

“Wow, Senior, you really did swell up.”


Song Boyeong rolled her eyes at Jeong-woo’s teasing.

Five minutes later, all the company representatives had gathered. As they waited for the diagnosis, the door opened.

“Everyone is here.”

A man in his mid-forties, with a perfectly tailored suit that clearly looked top-notch, suddenly walked in. Naturally, everyone’s gaze was drawn to him.

Standing next to Nam Gung-gil, he began to speak.

“I’m Harvey Park from the law firm K&P. I want to make it clear that anything you say from now on could be used as evidence in my client’s lawsuit.”

The appearance of the lawyer darkened the faces of representatives from Jongwoong Pharmaceuticals and Celltree.

“K&P? That’s the leading law firm specializing in corporate litigation, right? They have an outstanding winning rate.”

The representative from Jeongmi Pharmaceuticals said to their colleague with a resigned expression.

“Mr. Nam Gung-gil, you’ve been through a lot for your treatment.”

“Oh, Mr. Lawyer…”

“Please don’t say too much. And…”

Harvey Park leaned towards Nam Gung-gil, lowering his voice. However, it wasn’t a whisper, it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

“As a representative, I’ll handle appropriate responses to medical malpractice, so rest assured and take a good rest.”

Even though it was clear what he was aiming for, both Deputy Manager Hwang and Manager Park were taken aback. Not missing their expressions, Harvey Park continued.

“The conversation I had with the attending physician was quite interesting. There’s a company causing side effects not mentioned in the contract. While we’ll need to wait for the precise details after the thorough examination, the evidence is clear. If reasonable compensation for damages is not specified, I believe there’s enough reason to initiate medical litigation.”

With a resigned expression, Manager Park from Celltree spoke.

“Hey, Mr. Lawyer, please consult with our legal team.”

“The door for negotiation is always open.”

Deputy Manager Hwang from Jongwoong Pharmaceuticals, after making a call, with his shoulders slumped said to Harvey Park.

“Our legal team is on its way.”

Jeong-woo, who had been watching the situation with curiosity, met eyes with Song Boyeong, who was also watching with the same curiosity.

“I see.”

“What is it?”

“The reason for the Senior’s swollen eyes. You’re sleepy aren’t you?”

Song Boyeong squinted her eyes at Jeong-woo.


The conversation ceased as Cho Sang-wook and Lee Hee-cheol entered the room.

“As you can see, the treatment is progressing well. After flushing out all the remaining drugs and stabilizing the kidneys, most of the pain the patient complained of has disappeared.”

As it seemed the decision was finalized, Harvey Park asked.

“Other than the two companies you mentioned earlier, could there be side effects from other medications?”

“We’ll have to wait for the recovery process to be certain.”

“Not 100%?”

In the lawyer’s persistent pursuit of compensation, representatives from Jeongmi Pharmaceuticals and JK Bio decided they should leave the room quickly and approached Nam Gung-gil.

“Get well soon, and if anything happens, please contact us.”

“Being in a position to develop new drugs, having undergone five clinical trials and getting this far is already fortunate.”

As Nam Gung-gil nodded in agreement while holding his side he suddenlty turned his gaze towards his lower body.


His surprised voice made both the attending physician and Harvey Park, who were in conversation, turn their heads.

“Why is this happening?”

“M-My sensation…”

Harvey Park couldn’t continue his words for a moment as he saw ‘the man’s tent’ suddenly popping up from under the blanket around the central area of Nam Gung-gil’s lower body.


Nam Gung-gil screamed.

Not only did the company representatives outside, but also Jeong-woo, who had been comfortably chatting, turned his gaze towards the bed.

“What’s this! I have an erection, but no sensation!”

As the third symptom emerged, the VIP room plunged into chaos.

“Mr. Han Jeong-woo, didn’t you hear? It’s a side effect of Jeongmi Pharmaceuticals’ erectile dysfunction drug.”

“But what’s wrong with having a proper erection? It’s the desired effect.”

“Is it logical that the effects of an erectile dysfunction drug taken eight months ago are only appearing now?”

Jongwoong Pharmaceuticals and Celltree concentrated their attacks on Jeongmi Pharmaceuticals, the suspected culprit of the side effects. It was a conversation of ‘you die, I die.’ Though JK Bio had not been mentioned yet, its representatives were equally anxious.

Once again, Jeong-woo swiftly identified the pharmaceutical companies matching the symptoms, all the while observing Nam Gung-gil lying with a lost expression as if he had lost everything in the world. The pain in his side, which had been so intense, seemed to have been forgotten, judging by the despondency in his eyes.

‘What could it mean to have an erection without any sensation? Is it… paralysis?’

As a man, it was a dreadful symptom to even think about. Song Boyeong beside him couldn’t bear to look and was staring at the wall as if it could pierce through.

“Senior, do you want to step outside?”

“I’d like to, but… As a junior researcher, I have to listen to what Mr. Jeong-woo says. I’m curious about the situation, too. And I’m worried about him.”

“Looks like you’re fully awake now? Your eyes are wide open.”

“Yeah, I guess so. With that person like that…”

Unable to bring herself to mention Nam Gung-gil’s condition, Song Boyeong just blushed. In contrast, Doctor Moon was completely focused on participating in the differential diagnosis alongside Lee Hee-cheol.

“It’s known that Viagra and Cialis-type enhancers have almost no side effects. There have been no reports of the genitalia turning into rubber lumps like that.”

As Doctor Moon cruelly treated it as a rubber lump, Nam Gung-gil turned his shocked face towards him. Then, he met eyes with Jeong-woo.

“Mr. Han Jeong-woo, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“To have the same symptoms after taking the same medication…”

“I’ve told you, it’s not me.”

Nam Gung-gil, with a look of disbelief as if to say what does it matter, reached out and tentatively touched ‘the man’s tent’ on top of the blanket.

“I can’t feel anything. My life is ruined!”

Harvey Park quickly approached Nam Gung-gil.

“Think positively. With this level of damage, you can still get a substantial compensation.”

“Would you give up being a man for that money?”

A pitiful question that shook Nam Gung-gil’s heart. Even Harvey Park, who had been outspoken, had to remain silent on this matter.

‘It’s an erectile dysfunction drug.’

Jeong-woo didn’t want to dwell on it further, but Nam Gung-gil looked too distressed, and this situation didn’t seem to be ending anytime soon, so he slowly pondered the action of the medication in his mind.

‘Even for someone as uncontrollable as him, it’s hard to imagine he’s having lustful thoughts in that condition. Then…’

Jeong-woo turned his gaze towards ‘the man’s tent.’ Despite the thin clothes and blanket, a explosively growing molecule from some molecular world was flashing like a phantom.

cGMP, a cyclic nucleotide.

That was a biological compound that induced erections. However, the enzyme that needed to control that compound was nowhere to be found.

“Doctor Moon.”


As he called her, both Lee Hee-cheol and Cho Sang-wook stopped their conversation and waited for Jeong-woo’s next words.

“I think the specific enzyme in the body may have been removed during the treatment process, causing this. Since we need to exclude other side effects, conventional drug therapy is not possible. If we could make a customized targeting molecule to reduce the concentration of cGMP, wouldn’t that solve the problem?”

Before Doctor Moon could answer, Lee Hee-cheol, surprised, interjected.

“The phosphodiesterase enzyme? Yes, it’s possible. But how do you make a customized targeting molecule?”

“Oh, our pharmaceutical bio team 3 specializes in nucleotide compounds. We just need to go and make it.”

“KG Chemical’s team? Teacher Chae-eun. Is that true?”

“In theory.”

She sent a glance to Jeong-woo, asking if he could do it. Jeong-woo responded with a smirk, indicating it was nothing special.

“In that case, may I use the laboratory for a moment?”

Team Leader Jeong Yong-hoe chuckled as he listened to Jeong-woo’s explanation. It wasn’t until the inexperienced Song Boyeong briefly elaborated that Jeong-woo intended to attempt a precise assembly operation that he could understand.

Jeong-woo entered the cleanroom, accompanied by Song Boyeong to assist.

While the two chemists were conducting the assembly operation, Jeong Yong-hoe, who had been standing outside the glass window, casually asked the tall man next to him as he passed by.

“I heard that even the top law firm lawyers got involved. We should also call our legal team… Oh, you’re not from the center. You’re from headquarters, right?”

Lim Kwang-soo responded nonchalantly as if it didn’t matter.

“So far, we have no connection to our clinical trials. Mr. Han Jeong-woo seems to be moving to resolve the issue without any mishaps. Since KG Chemical has provided its opinion from the standpoint of diagnosing the patient’s condition, the law firm lawyers can’t easily oppose it.”

While they were talking, Jeong-woo created something and filled it into a spray bottle, then came out. Jeong Yong-hoe scratched his head as he looked at the spray bottle.

“What exactly was that substance you mentioned earlier?”

“Um… If we go by the name, it’s an erectile inhibition spray.”

A forbidden compound that should never be sprayed on a man. Jeong Yong-hoe was startled and instinctively moved aside, letting out a sigh.

Returning to the VIP room, the confusion was still palpable. Nam Gung-gil’s face was even more tearful, and the company implicated in the side effects continued to fight relentlessly.

“Mr. Nam Gung-gil.”

As Jeong-woo approached, Nam Gung-gil lifted his head.

“It should improve if you spray this.”

He placed a small bottle on the table next to the bed.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a liquid containing a targeting molecule. It has erectile inhibition components.”


Nam Gung-gil’s expression showed contemplation, as if considering how to navigate between a numb big club and a sensitive small club. Understanding his dilemma, Jeong-woo quickly interjected.

“No, it’s not like that. It’s just meant to keep your blood flowing until we find the exact cause and treat it. Staying with stagnant blood for too long can be dangerous. You have to stay alive to figure things out.”

“Jeong-woo made this?”

“Yes. It’s temporary, so you’ll need to spray it periodically.”


Harvey Park approached from the side.

“Is there any evidence to believe that it works? From someone who’s part of the group that caused this situation?”

“If you put it that way, there’s no way to answer. I can only provide chemical theories.”

“We’re currently receiving all data on reported side effects during clinical trials from the FDA. It’s unlikely that KG Chemical can escape… Nam Gung-gil!”

Harvey Park stared at Nam Gung-gil in shock, who had grabbed the bottle on the table and stuffed it under the blanket, using the spray.

Seeing a client disobeying instructions and behaving foolishly, Harvey Park felt sweat forming on his forehead. The case might be top-notch, but the client’s condition was far from ideal.

Nam Gung-gil let out a short groan after spraying the temporary suppressant. Harvey Park asked, concerned.

“Where does it hurt?”

“It’s not that, it shrunk. Ahh… This is good, but if we can’t treat it, it’ll become a terrible situation like earlier, isn’t that right?”

Since it was clearly Nam Gung-gil’s will, Harvey Park couldn’t say anything more and silently suffered inwardly.

Upon seeing the expected outcome, Jeong-woo stepped back. Hee-cheol approached with admiration in his eyes.

“You made a detoxifier that cleanly removes just one component. It’s almost like surgery. It’s amazing.”

“It’s not that impressive. It’s just the situation, you know.”

“Excuse me, but how old are you?”

“I’m twenty-seven.”


Hee-cheol, who had been repeatedly expressing admiration, turned to Dr. Moon and asked.

“Is he Chae-eun’s boyfriend?”

Dr. Moon raised an eyebrow.

“How did you come to that conclusion?”

“I was just asking. Everyone is amazing, you know. But KG Chemical did all the diagnosis and treatment for the patient. I’m just sitting here waiting for the blood analysis results.”

“Stop whining. We haven’t properly identified the cause yet…”

Dr. Moon, who had turned her gaze to the bed, paused.

“Senior. Look there.”

Hee-cheol also looked at the bed.

Even in such a noisy environment, Nam Gung-gil slept without a care in the world. At first glance, it seemed like sleep, but to the doctors, it presented as a symptom.

The two of them rushed to Nam Gung-gil upon detecting the abnormality. After shaking him and checking his eyes, Dr. Moon nodded to Hee-cheol.

No response from the sleeper. It was a new symptom.


At Hee-cheol’s call for the attending physician, everyone’s attention quickly turned to the bed. Harvey Park, who had been on the phone, rushed over in surprise.

“What’s going on?”

Jeong-woo, seeing Nam Gung-gil exhibiting symptoms similar to those seen in “AF-12,” was at a loss for words.

‘All the medications he took in the past are causing side effects. What kind of body does he have?’

Having crossed several mountains, it now felt like sinking into a swamp.

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