Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 23 [Aunt Angela]

I received a call from Anna, and I quickly answered, curious to hear what she had to say.

"Hey, Anna! What's up?" I greeted her with enthusiasm.

"Hey, Boss! I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," Anna replied.

"Nope. I was just about to go through the details about my new restaurant, as you already know, the soft opening is in 10 days... I want to make sure everything is perfect," I replied as I locked the door behind me and walked to my car.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"There is a lady here, calling herself your aunt. But she is way too young to be your aunt. I mean, she looks like 20 or something," she replied.

Ah! Crap. Why is she here? I have been avoiding my family members after waking up in this world since it's too awkward to talk to them. And this aunt of mine is a mutant. She sheds her skin like a lizard whenever she thinks she is looking too old or grey hair appears on her head and turns into a young girl.

"Haaa... Green eyes, red hair?" I asked.

"Yes, that's her!" Anna confirmed.

I sighed, realizing that my aunt had somehow found her way to my restaurant. Dealing with family matters was not something I had anticipated in my current situation.

"Alright, Anna. Here's what you need to do," I instructed. "Give her something cold and keep her company for a bit. She likes to talk about her beauty too much, so, listen with one ear and throw it away with the other. And I will be there soon."

"Got it, Boss," Anna replied. "I'll handle it."

"Thanks. I really appreciate it," I said, relieved that she was willing to help out. "I'll be there as soon as I can. Keep me updated if anything else comes up."

With that, I ended the call and started the car, making my way to the restaurant. Thoughts raced through my mind as I considered how to handle the situation with my eccentric aunt. She was always full of energy and had a penchant for causing a scene. It would be a challenge to keep her entertained while also focusing on my restaurant preparations.

As I drove, I mentally prepared myself for the encounter. My aunt was a force of nature, constantly seeking attention and validation for her appearance. I knew I had to find a delicate balance between indulging her and ensuring that my work didn't suffer. It wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to make the best of the situation.


As I entered the restaurant, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, and the lively chatter of the customers created a vibrant atmosphere. The staff was busy attending to tables, ensuring that everyone had a pleasant dining experience.

I approached the private VIP room, knowing that my aunt would likely be waiting inside. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I opened the door and stepped into the room.

Inside, I found my aunt, Angela, seated at a table adorned with elegant decorations. Her vibrant red hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her green eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked up at me.

"Brian, darling! You're finally here!" she exclaimed, rising from her seat and enveloping me in a tight hug.

"Hello, Aunty," I greeted her with a smile, returning the embrace. "It's been a while."

Angela pulled back, her eyes scanning my face as she took in my appearance. "Oh, my, my. Look at you. You've grown into such a handsome young man. Marvelous!"

I chuckled, accustomed to her lavish compliments. "Thank you. You're looking as youthful as ever."

She grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, you flatter me, dear. But enough about me. Tell me, when was the last time you called your mom?"

Ah! Crap. With all the training and work schedule, I might have forgotten to call mom. She must be sick worried.

"I apologize, Aunty," I said, trying to keep my tone apologetic. "Things have been quite hectic lately, and I've been caught up with work and other responsibilities. But I'll make sure to call mom as soon as possible."

Aunty Angela's expression softened, and she placed a hand on my arm. "It's alright, dear. I know how busy life can get. But family is important, and your mother worries about you. A simple phone call would put her at ease."

"I understand, Aunty," I replied, feeling a pang of guilt for neglecting to keep in touch with my family. "I'll make it a priority to reach out to her and catch up."

She nodded approvingly. "That's what I like to hear. By the way, are you taking your medications properly?"

Ah! She must be talking about the trauma medications the doctors prescribed to me due to the bad nightmares about the explosion day after I woke up from that coma into this body.

"Yes, I am taking my medications as prescribed," I assured her. "I am sleeping better at night now."

She smiled, her concern evident in her eyes. "That's good to hear, dear. Your well-being is important to me."

I appreciated her genuine concern, despite her eccentricities. It reminded me that family was always there, even in the midst of our own personal challenges.

A family, huh? I am not even Brian, but a different person... Sometimes I feel bad for deceiving all these people, but... At least they are happy to know their Brian is doing alright. Maybe one day, I will tell them the truth. But right now, I want to enjoy this life without much guilt.

"Thank you, Aunty," I replied sincerely. "I appreciate your care and support. Now, why don't we enjoy a meal together? Allow me to cook something special for you."

"Well, I am looking forward to tasting your special dish. I wonder how you are going to surprise me today," She said with a smile.

"Well, Anna, why don't you keep her company and join us for lunch?" I asked.

"But the reception table?"

"Let Ralf take over for today..."

"Then, I will take your offer..."


I left the VIP room and made my way toward the kitchen.

As I entered the bustling kitchen, the aroma of various ingredients filled the air, heightening my senses. The chefs and kitchen staff were working diligently, focused on creating culinary masterpieces. I took a moment to observe the organized chaos before I approached our newbie intern, washing fruits.

"Hey, Ralf," I greeted him with a smile.

Ralf is a newbie intern, working here to earn some experience.


"Can you handle the reception table and keep an eye on things for a while? I have a special guest in the VIP room, and I want to personally cook a meal for her," I explained.

Ralf nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "Of course, Chef. You can count on me. I'll make sure everything runs smoothly."

"Thank you, Ralf. I appreciate it," I said, grateful for his reliability. "Just give me a heads up if there are any issues."

With Ralf taking charge, I turned my attention to the array of ingredients in front of me. I carefully selected the freshest produce and spices, envisioning the flavors and textures that would come together in the dish I was about to create.

The dish I decided to create for my aunt was a savory pan-seared salmon with a tangy lemon-caper sauce, accompanied by a side of roasted asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. It was a classic and elegant combination that would showcase the freshness of the ingredients and provide a delightful balance of flavors. The dish would be topped with a sprinkle of fresh dill and a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, adding a touch of freshness and vibrancy to the presentation.

The process of cooking was a dance of precision and intuition. I monitored the heat, adjusting it as needed to achieve the perfect sear on the salmon. I carefully timed the roasting of the asparagus to retain its crispness while allowing it to develop a slightly charred flavor. And as I mashed the potatoes, I added just the right amount of garlic and cream to create a velvety texture.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived as I plated the dish, arranging each element with care and attention to detail. The vibrant colors and enticing aromas beckoned, promising a culinary experience that would delight the senses.

With the dish complete, I made my way back to the VIP room, balancing the plate with practiced ease. As I entered, the room was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of the freshly cooked meal.

Anna's and Aunty's eyes lit up with anticipation as she caught sight of the plates in my hands.

"Boss, is that?" Anna gulped her saliva down.

I smiled and nodded, placing the plates in front of them. "Yes, it is. A pan-seared salmon with a lemon-caper sauce, accompanied by roasted asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. Bon appétit!"

Aunty Angela's eyes widened with delight. "Oh, Brian, you've outdone yourself! It looks absolutely divine."

I took a seat at the table, joining them as we prepared to enjoy the meal together. We engaged in light-hearted conversation, savoring each bite of the carefully crafted dish. The flavors mingled on our palates, eliciting expressions of delight and satisfaction.

As we enjoyed the meal, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Despite the challenges and unexpected encounters, I was surrounded by people who cared about me and a restaurant that was becoming a reality. It was a reminder that even in the midst of the chaotic and extraordinary, there was still room for simple joys and connections.

As the lunch came to an end, Aunty Angela leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smile on her face. "Brian, my dear, that was an exquisite meal. You truly have a talent for this."

"Thank you, Aunty," I replied, appreciating her praise. "It means a lot coming from you."

Aunty Angela stood up, stretching her arms. "Well, it's been a delightful visit, but I must be going. Remember to call your mother, dear. You know how she worries about you after that incident."

"I will, Aunty," I assured her, standing up as well. "Thank you for coming and for your wise words."

"Well, keys," She extended her hand towards me.

"Keys?" I asked. I got a bad feeling about this.

"Yeah, your apartment keys. You wouldn't let your beautiful and sexy aunty stay in some unknown hotel among unknown people, would you now?" she said with pouty lips.'

I sighed internally, realizing that my aunt had her own plans in mind. Dealing with her always required a delicate touch, but I can't say no to her.

"Haaa. Here you go..." I gave her the keys.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you have started to date Peggy again. It's good to see you couples patched up things," she said as she took the keys from my hands.

I gave a stern look at Anna. She avoided my gaze and turned her head to the other side. This is on Gwen, that girl must have spread the news about my drunken babble to all.


"Not entirely, but, yeah, we are working on it," I replied with a sigh.


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