Chasing Tides

Chapter 83 - Fanwaiyi: Fools and baddies (below)

Early the next morning, Sui Yan and Ning Lan were just downstairs, and the director joked: “This red-eyed person, who didn’t know, thought that our show team bullied people and didn’t give them food.”

Ning Lanxun, who had no plans to put on makeup, was worried that her eyes were too swollen to be too noticeable. She puffed up the foundation and covered her face.

On the second day of the overnight stay, the show team finally started to do things. They used a car to go to the intersection and told them that they had to earn their own meals today.

The crowd suddenly realized that the “no food” in the director’s mouth turned out to be suspenseful.

The grouping continued to take families as the unit. Due to the lowest scores of the Sui Yue and Ning Lan games yesterday, the activity expenses were also the lowest, with only a ten-yuan note.

Ning Lan was worried that he would not be able to eat lunch without earning money. He did not choose to take a taxi or take a bus like the other groups. Instead, he rented a small yellow car and let Sui Yue ride on him. He sat behind him and held the piano. A car to the city.

Before Qin went out, Ning Lan noticed that the show team was “unsatisfactory.” While the staff was unprepared to sneak into the trunk, other guests expressed their admiration for his foresight.

Turning into the road, Sui Yue stepped on a bicycle in front and turned to ask Ning Lan: “Where are we going?”

“Downtown, a crowded place.”

Sui Yun was in a bad mood, and tentatively asked, “Baby, you don’t want me to …”

Ning Lan smiled with narrowed eyes: “What a great opportunity for free promotion.”

Forty minutes later, the two arrived at Commercial Street. Ning Lan found an open space, took out the piano and handed it to Sui Yang, and then put the last ten dollars of paper money in the piano case. it has started.”

Sui Yang held the harp, which was somewhat embarrassing. He has studied piano for more than ten years, either practicing in the piano room or performing in the concert hall. He has never sold on the street. The scene of people coming and going really makes him uncomfortable.

The show crew was on the road. The camera was in the distance. Only one casual dress was arranged in the vicinity. No one noticed the movement here.

Ning Lan turned his back to the camera, blinked his eyes wide at Sui Sui, and said with anticipation, “It’s up to you today.”

Facing such a request, can Sui Yue not agree?

Of course not.

As the head of the family, you must have the ability to bend and stretch. Sui Yun looked down. Fortunately, she is wearing casual clothes and wearing a mask today.

He took a deep breath, clamped the piano, lifted the bow, and pulled out the first note.

It’s a familiar piece of music, with a bright tune and a melodious melody. At this time, most of the people who are shopping in this generation are idle people. Some people stop to listen. A few girls saw the money in the box, and they really threw one or two steel goblets.

Sui Yue pulled to the third tune, and her mentality was unsteady.

Ning Lan chatted with passersby in the name of pulling business, and the crowd burst into laughter. The longer the two have been together, the more he knows how attractive Ning Lan is. He laughs and bends his eyes. When he is shy, his ears and the corners of his eyes will follow the red. The flowers must be bright and vivid.

About the pain that was lost before was so unforgettable that it left him with serious sequelae. He never concealed his exclusive desires, nor felt that there was anything wrong with this mentality. Ning Lan is alone, and he can only be alone.

At the end of the song, Sui Yue put down her piano and walked to Ning Lan: “Baby, I’m thirsty.”

Before waiting for Ning Lan to speak, the girl next to her took a bottle of water from her bag: “It hasn’t been opened yet. If you don’t mind, take it.”

The plan failed, and Sui Yan stretched his face and couldn’t laugh.

After drinking water, he was about to go back and continue playing the violin. Ning Lan grabbed him: “You wait.”

The temperature outside is extremely high, standing under the heart of the sun, and casually sprinkle cumin is a delicious roasting meat. Ning Lan took out the tissue from his pocket, folded it up and wiped the sweat on Sui’s forehead. Pressing it gently, the sweat was too thin and the debris stuck to his forehead and cheek. Raised his hand and brushed it carefully, and said in his ear nearby, “Tough work.”

Sui Su’s heart suddenly disappeared, and he continued to take on the responsibility of the head of his family, playing the violin.

There were more and more people recognizing them around, and three laps inside and three laps were filled with people, all of them holding their phones at them. Ning Lan has a good temper. A few fans rushed to hear the wind and talked around him. He also had the patience to chat with them.

“It’s so hot, the show crew is so distraught?”

“Blamed for the late arrival of both of us, we didn’t find a good place.”

“I just saw Teacher Ji playing the piano in the **** coffee shop just now, why not join them?”

“Event rules require grouping, and we don’t want to.”

“Is the captain going to a concert in the second half of the year?”

Ning Lan pointed to Sui Yan who was focused on playing the violin: “I don’t know. Ask him.”

The girl waved hands again and again: “No, the captain is so cold that he dare not speak to him.”

Another shy **** the side whispered, “Lan Lan, how is the captain treating you?”


“What about your eyes …”

Ning Lan rubbed her red eyes: “I didn’t sleep well last night.”

The girls seemed to understand, nodding meaningfully, and exchanging “as it is” eyes.

Two shopping middle-aged aunts passed by, thinking that Sui Yang was a young man of the right age who came out to look for a target. He looked up and down and seemed very satisfied, saying, “Where is the young man?”

Sui Yang just finished a song, put down the piano and said, “Local people.”

Auntie was even more satisfied. He asked him to take off the mask to see how he looked. Sui Yang was unclear. So, just to ask the reason, Ning Lan walked away in a few steps: “Sorry Auntie, not very convenient.”

The two middle-aged women looked at Ning Lan again and felt that their bodies were thinner, and they shook their heads unpleasantly: “We didn’t ask you, young man, this one …”

After waiting for the aunt to finish, Ning Lan reached out and grabbed Sui’s arm, saying, “This is my husband.”

In the next few recordings, they went hiking, going to the beach, going skiing, and went to Northern Europe to watch the Aurora.

The temperature was very low that day, and the breath turned into ice. Sui Yue unbuttoned her scarf, and then circled around, and covered Ning Lan with only two slick eyes outside.

“Aren’t you cold?” Ning Lan asked sternly.

Sui Yan shook his head: “Not cold.”

Ning Lan was born colder than the average person. Once in this place, the sensitivity to temperature was greatly reduced.

So he didn’t quite believe what Sui Yun was saying, he stretched out his hand and tore up half of the scarf. He couldn’t help but make a circle around Sui Yun’s neck, then turned back and looked intently at the sky, and said sternly: “The scarf is not long enough, you Come here. “

Sui Yang had no time to admire this so-called extreme beauty. He tilted his head to look at Ning Lan, and those clear eyes reflected the bright light of the Milky Way.

He sees him enough.

Seeing that Sui Yang hadn’t moved for a while, Ning Lan narrowed her neck and urged, “Come here a little.”

Sui Yue looked back, raised his arms to embrace him, and let his head rest on his shoulders.

Ning Lan froze against Sui Yang’s shoulders, exhaling a sigh of heat, exclaiming, “It’s so beautiful.”

Sui Yan’s cheek was next to Ning Lan’s hair, and she also lightly pursed her lips: “Well, it’s beautiful.”

The final filming location is set at Disneyland in S City. The rule is to play three or more large projects in the park and cannot be found by other tourists.

This time there is no grouping, and the individual who takes the least time will receive a mysterious gift from the program group.

Even so, the guests consciously acted on the basis of the family.

After performing arts on the street that day, Ning Lan reminded himself to implement the principle of “what is at home, what is here”, and gradually revealed the innocent nature in the show.

This is the first time he has grown into an amusement park. Although he knows that the purpose of this trip is to complete the task and win first place, he still can’t help staring at young projects such as honey pots, Buzz Lightyear, and jetpack aircrafts. A few glances.

The night before entering the park, Ning Lan hurriedly copied a few thousand words of strategy on the Internet. Before it was too late to see, the team who had queued for two hours played the leap to the horizon, and when they came out, they were catching up with the speed of the Aurora wheel. Pass time.

On the road, I met Guo Hao and Liu Yuqing, who were also rushing over there. They had already played two big projects. Ning Lan felt urgent. He got off the roller coaster and his legs were still soft, so he rushed to the next project.

Sui Yan grabbed him and pointed to the honey pot in the corner: “Let’s play with that.”

Ning Lan turned into the park’s manual and wondered, “Isn’t that a big project?”

“Yes, I checked it last night.” Sui Yan affirmed, pulling him to the other side, “There are not many people in the line, just leave it.”

Ning Lan lined up with him suspiciously and saw Ji Zhinan and Qin Weiyu standing at the end of the team before he believed him.

Because there were two groups of guests here, they followed the camera around. The first to be recognized by the masses was Ji Zhinan. He put his finger on his lips and said mysteriously, “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since since when I ’m not far enough, I ’m humbled, just say a little, we are on a mission.

The surrounding people cooperated with snoring.

Most of the parents who played with the rotating honey pot were children with their children, and several adults seemed to be out of place. However, Ning Lan had a lot of fun, turned the steering wheel frantically, and passed away with a few children, and waved to say hello to them.

Out of the jar, they were dizzy and turned to the ground. The two went to the store to buy headdresses and disguise themselves. Ning Lan smiled and wore a bow-tie Minnie headdress on Sui Yan’s head. Sui Yue looked in the mirror and her face was black.

In an unoccupied corner, Ning Lan flexed his mask away, kissed him slightly, stomped his lips, and stretched his voice out of the camera: “Extra-don’t look good.” Then poked at his face, Playboy teased, “It’s beautiful.”

Although the adjective was a bit weird, Sui Yue was still exaggerated by him, his eyes fell on Ning Lan’s red lips, his throat rolled a bit, and he put down his hand to remove the tiara, and turned and pinched Ning Lan’s chin. Raised, then kissed down.

Sui Yunxin said that the talent in front of him was beautiful, and people just wanted to eat him in one bite. Thinking about it in his head, he did so. Sui Yue kissed like Ning Lan. He pressed Ning Lan against the wall with a strong force, and easily pried open the soft lips with his tongue. Ning Lan still had some in his mouth. The aftertaste of the ice cream I just ate, take a bite, it’s not sweet.

Ning Lan likes it, but someone may come over at any time in the public place. He was so scared that he scratched his fingers across the cloth through the cloth and slapped away the hand that was patrolling on his buttocks. All became red clouds of fire.

When I went out, I asked the elder brother if he was suffering from heat stroke. Ning Lan pointed at Sui Yun and said, “I help buy a bottle of ice water. This Minnie needs to cool down!”

Next, following Sui’s instructions, the two played jetpacks, Winnie the Pooh’s adventures, and there was almost no queue in space to meet Stitch, and even took a time to take a photo with the captain of the pirate ship.

Later, I encountered Qin Weiyu and Ji Zhinanfu several times in several projects where children gathered, so Ning Lan completely dispelled his doubts. The shooting score in the Buzz Lightyear interstellar rescue was not as high as Sui Yan, thinking that there is no need to line up anyway. Pulled Sui Yan to accompany him to play biubiubiu three times.

The last time I took the first place in this group in the case of “fault” by Sui Yang, proudly took pictures and tweeted: Am I cool?

Fan comments: Cool, cooler than the captain!

When it was getting dark, the two sat on the carousel. Ning Lan played all day, tired into a pool of mud, drowsy in the floating bumps of the Trojan horse, and the spring dog headdress worn on his head shook along with his nodding motion.

After watching the fireworks show, the show group gathered to announce the game results. When there were four people who were not eligible for the contest due to unfinished tasks, Ning Lan was dumbfounded on the spot, wondering that Ji Nan had seen them talking and stopping in a few times. When taking a photo with the captain, he also asked him, “Did you also give up the race?”

On the returning car, Ning Lan brushed out Weibo from Sui Yan. The photo shows the silly dog ​​on his head, a spring dog on the carousel, holding a pole to fall asleep, with three words: little fool.

Ning Lan’s eyes widened and stared at the Sui Yan who was sitting next to him. Because the camera was still open, it was not convenient for domestic violence, and he bowed his head and typed and replied: Big badass!

After the hair was sent out, it was still irritating and heartache. The first prize was the M Island luxury double flying tour, which included a set of travel wedding photography. How much was it worth?

Sui Yue knew what he was angry at, squeezed his hands, and whispered, “We can go by ourselves.”

“Where to go?”

“Honeymoon and wedding photos.”

Ning Lan stared at him, lowering his voice and complaining: “Can you pay for yourself as much as you don’t?”

Sui Yun was amused by his “family and frugality”. The big brother in the back camera pointed at the camera at the two of them. They immediately pretended that nothing happened, one looking out the window and the other playing the mobile phone.

After a while, Ning Lan’s cell phone lighted up and saw the reply from Sui Yun: the same, I promise.

Ning Lan pressed the screen off, turned her face silently and continued to look out the window, and then on the window reflecting the flickering neon, she saw the smiley face with her mouth crooked.

The past cannot be traced, and the future is unknown. At least at this moment, the fool’s heart is full of bad guys, and the bad guys’ hearts are all fools.

So it doesn’t matter who is stupid or who is worse.

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