Chaotic Nights

Chapter 141 - Turmoil

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 141. Turmoil

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 3/4

“Why did you send the Great Prince!”

The court ladies, who were cleaning up the blood, recoiled at the Queen’s shout. The King wiped the blood stains left on his face with a damp handkerchief.

“Surrender. He no longer deserves to become Crown Prince.”

“The current Crown Prince does not qualify as King. He cannot compare to Jihak.”

“Don’t insult the Crown Prince!”

The Queen Mother struck her heart. When the Crown Prince found his mother hanging from a beam, his young heart suffered for a long time.

But his father began to doubt his feelings. He hated the Crown Prince as if he had strangled him to death. He did not understand his cruelty.

“I will have the Grand Prince returned to the Palace.”

The Queen Mother’s lips trembled. The King showed her two black emblems.

“Are you familiar with these?”


“He governs those who identify as Shadows. The Shadows have great talent in the martial arts. They protect the Great Prince with loyalty. You can distinguish them from others because they wear this emblem.”

The Queen Mother’s eyes narrowed as she looked at the blood-stained emblems. The King brought the items closer to the Queen’s eyes.

“But these emblems are fakes. Someone is trying to provoke a rebellion with this plan.”

The Queen Mother’s expression, which had been momentarily stunned at those words, began to change. The King’s eyes grew sharper.

“You bastard! My son tried to turn my brother into a traitor. Which hand should I take? Is it my brother who seeks to harm me, or the son of the woman who betrayed me?”


Jihak stared at the tea in silence. He seemed trapped in frozen time. Seohwi, seated opposite the Grand Prince, took a sip of tea, his nervousness evident.

“The wound on your hand is serious. I will call a doctor.”

Seohwi was the first to open his mouth.

This was the first time Seohwi sat with the Grand Prince since he became Crown Prince. This was Jihak’s residence for 20 years. He lived here for 20 springs, where he lost countless people.

That is why Seohwi still could not assimilate that he was the owner of Donggung Palace. If his esteemed elder brother wished to reclaim that position, Seohwi would be willing to kneel at any moment.


Concern filled Seohwi’s voice.

“I don’t think it’s necessary, Crown Prince.”

Although he appeared normal to the naked eye, Jihak’s hand on his knee slightly trembled. He lifted the teacup to his mouth, then looked around.

“This place hasn’t changed.”

“I don’t think it should change.”

“If that’s what you want.”

Jihak abandoned the notion of alerting Seohwi to the danger of death. Instead, he decided to station seventy percent of his Shadows at Donggung Palace.

He should be leaving soon. The news in the letter threw his mind into turmoil.

He was in disbelief that a roving samurai had slain Eunha.

His feelings were indescribable. Anger or sadness?

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