Chapter 2: Chapter Two - A New World, A New Body
A bright white-hot light flashed through Carmell's eyes, and her chest heaved into the hard dirt floor, blowing particles of gravel and mud around her face. Groaning, she rolled onto her back and felt the soft grass beneath the fingertips of her left hand. Lifting her right hand, she rubbed it across her eyes and face, peeling her eyes open to stare at the bluest sky she had ever seen.
Carmell blinked and sat up into a rushing cascade of silver hair, letting out a soft squeak and grabbing it. It moved through her tanned, slender fingers like silk, and she couldn't help but marvel and turn around on the floor to the empty air. She scratched her head and followed the roots down, tugging the pretty silky hair through the air.
"Oh my god!" she whispered, jumping to her feet and immediately staring down at her chest as they bounced around, defying gravity. "Whaaatt?" she mused, giving them a light slap with a snicker. They jiggled under the tight, deep purple blazer and fully buttoned-up white shirt with a dark black tie expertly tied and tucked into the blazer.
Her eyebrows furrowed together at the knee-length black skirt and opaque black tights. The shoes, however, she could work with. Combat style and heavy were tied up her calves with her white socks poking out of the top.
'Eww... this is fucking gross. Why am I dressed like a catholic schoolgirl?' She retched internally, wanting to claw the tie down.
The sound of chains rustling against the quiet path brought her attention to the left as a large grey metro-style carriage burst out of the forest. Six giant white stallion horses turned at the helm to rush toward her. The wind left her body as she stumbled backwards and fell over a large brown satchel and two-wheeled suitcases that toppled over with her. Her legs dropped down from the air in defeat, and she lay there staring at the sky. The horses skidded to a stop, and the coach's door hissed open before her.
'What the fuck is happening?!' She sighed internally, rubbing her hand down her face.
"Oh, shit, hey! Ha! Are you okay there?" A deep voice laughed like music, and she lifted herself to see a slender hand in her face.
She nodded her head furiously and took the hand that lifted her to her feet with a grace and ease that can only be described as gallant. She blinked and, standing at the same height as she was, a golden-haired, blue-eyed man in the same uniform. Her mouth formed into a little 'oh' sound, but nothing came out, and she stood there dumbfounded. A voice cleared their throat from behind him, and she jumped back in surprise and snatched her hand from the guy's warm, comforting touch.
He turned around slowly, his golden hair shimmering in the sunlight and lifting as if it had a field of gravity. Carmell gasped, watching his icy blue eyes wink at her before they shifted to a cold arctic ocean. He turned to face a man who looked exactly like him but with silver hair like hers and crazy deep pools of literal gold eyes.
"Who is this beauty?" The golden-eyed cutie drawled out, and Carmell snorted in amusement.
"I have no idea, Zion. I was just about to find that out when you rudely interrupted me."
'Is this a fucking joke?' She mused, quickly tapping her finger at her temple as she surveyed the situation. 'Okay, okay, okay! I was in my house playing Forbidden Kingdom. Well, I didn't even get the chance to get past the menu screen, but whatever. Moving on. Milo killed me, and this is NOT England or Earth in general, really, so... whatever is left, even if unlikely, could still be… probable. Reincarnation? No, I haven't exactly been reborn. It's more that my soul has been transmuted into a character's body. I feel like I'm in a fucking isekai anime.' Carmell smacked her hand to her forehead, her face twisting into a state of despair.
"Well, maybe I should rudely interrupt you both since you are both too slow, and we are going to be late for our first day!" A sweet, curt voice snapped, and a young woman smaller than me dropped down in the same uniform and stalked past them, her gold and silver curls bouncing around her like an angel's glow.
"Wow!" Carmell breathed as she stopped in front of her, at least a head shorter than her. She was in heeled black boots, and her one gold and one blue eye peered into her. "You are pretty!" The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them, and the pretty girl threw her head back and laughed like music, just like her brother.
'They are one hundred per cent related directly. Triplets? Fuck that's mental,' Carmell mused in her head.
"Well, that settles that, guys. She swings the other way, so leave her alone." The girl snapped. Taking Carmell's hand in hers, she dragged her towards the coach. "Come on. We're clearly all going to the same place, and we wouldn't want you to be late on our account." She chuckled, dragging her onto the coach and pushing her into an empty seat at the back.
The air left her as she scrambled to straighten herself and clip the belt in, vividly remembering the speed at which it came at her. The girl spun on her expensive heels and pointed an accusatory finger at her brothers. Her mouth opened to shout something before they lifted my bags up and held them out to her.
The whole coach suddenly lit up with her smile and hummed to life. Then, the door shut with a hiss.
"Oh, good boys. You're so well trained for your future partners; Mom will be pleased," she teased, pinching their cheeks.
Their eyes narrowed, but they stalked past her and carefully laid the bags in front of Carmell's seat. She looked up and smiled at them, taking their breaths away. She was a beauty.
"Thank you!" She unclipped her belt.
The lack of movement inside the coach did not go a miss to her, but she put her hands in each of the brothers, squeezing quickly before she let go and grabbed her satchel.