Chaos Fiend

Chapter 36 - Contradictions triggered by a beauty

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

“What’s your name?” As Ye Chen looked around, a voice as sweet as an oriole sounded. (((Catino Novel Network )))

A beautiful and pretty girl is looking at Ye Chen, who is different from others, with curiosity. She has noticed Ye Chen long ago, and her excitement is very different from other people. He has been very calm and calm. Of course, Ye Chen’s ‘cool’ is not the same as other people. She can feel that Ye Chen is really ‘cool’. Unlike others, she pretends to be cool in order to pursue her and attract her attention. Therefore, she has always disliked boys. She took the initiative to talk to a boy.

Others heard Ye Chen ’s inquiries and looked at Ye Chen one by one, but there was a hostility in Ye Chen ’s eyes because the young girl was the most beautiful of several girls. Before, they were all trying to enter the Little Arctic Palace. Now they are entering the Little Arctic Palace. It is natural for men and women to think about other things between men and women. Especially the children on the Phoenix continent can practice at the age of four. precocious.

And these boys hit their attention on the girls, but now Ye Chen is pretending to be cool, attracting their goddesses, they hate Ye Chen.

Ye Chen turned her head and looked at the girl. The girl’s bright eyes favored her, crescent eyebrows, tall Qiong nose, pink sakura lips, standing in the crowd like a pearl in white clothes.

Ye Chen was also lamented. Why didn’t he notice such a beautiful girl before? But I am a girlfriend, how can I follow other people?

The girl saw Ye Chen staring at herself for a while, and didn’t speak, her frown frowned.

Seeing the girl frown, the guys on the side were unhappy, and one of them suddenly felt very powerful and stood up and shouted at Ye Chen, “Hey, didn’t you hear Linger speak to you? Are you? Dumb or deaf? No response! “

Ye Chen heard the words and stared at the guy who spoke. The beauties were silent, so you jumped out to find something.

“What stare at me, thinking I’m afraid of you!” The boy looked back at Ye Chen unwillingly.

When Ye Chen saw the boy actually dared to stare back at himself, he suddenly thought that the plot seemed wrong. I am a special man who can meet the purple king without staring at the wind. How can a child dare to stare back? I? Shouldn’t he and I look at each other because he was so frightened that he was urinating and kneeling for mercy?

But Ye Chen just thought of it just now. As for the boy who really wants to lie down, it is okay, but he still has to hide his mental strength, it is impossible to really stare at that boy.

“Huh.” Thinking of Ye Chen, he hummed softly, ignored the boy, and ignored even the beautiful girl.

“It turns out you **** speak, what to pretend! Remember to me, my name is Feng Qiang.” Feng Qiang heard Ye Chen’s cold hum, and continued to point Ye Chen with his fingers. Be careful, don’t let me meet you! “

Feng Qiang doesn’t know the rules of the Little Arctic Palace now, so he doesn’t dare to shoot at will, so he can only threaten Ye Chen.

“Remove your hands.” Ye Chen didn’t want to cause any trouble, but when she saw Feng Qiang getting more and more excessive, she suddenly became angry and thought that she should learn this guy well.

“Huh? Great? How can you treat me if I don’t take it off?” Feng Qiang said unhappy, still pointing at Ye Chen, he almost pointed his finger on Ye Chen’s forehead, and drooled Ye Chen’s face. .

“I can beat you to find teeth all over the place! Wang Bazhen!” Ye Chen couldn’t bear it anymore, and a pair of iron fists smashed at Feng Qiang.

The strength of his green six-star warrior was also revealed.

Feng Qiang dismissed his face, “Damn, you are a green six-star warrior, pretending you’re paralyzed! You really think you are a human being if you don’t shoot!”

Then the strength of Feng Qiang’s green eight-star warrior exploded and he fought back towards Ye Chen.

Just when the attack of the two was about to slam into each other, two ordinary palms were inserted, and Ye Chen and Feng Qiang were arrested at the same time.

“Everyone is a disciple of the Little Arctic Palace, and internal fighting is not good.”

With the sound of the sound, everyone noticed that there was already one more person in the field. He was ordinary, with a good face, and smiled at Ye Chen and Feng Qiang, making people feel like a good old man.

“Hello, my name is Wang Fan, and I am the master of your outside disciples.” After Wang Fan lowered Ye Chen and Feng Qiang’s hands, he slightly looked at Ye Chen and nodded, if it was not his shot, I’m afraid Feng Qiang will be abused.

Ye Chen retracted his hand, without looking at Wang Fan, and without speaking. If it were not for Wang Fan’s nosy business, now he had beat Feng Qiang down.

At the same time, Feng Qiang also thought so. Damn, if this brother suddenly appeared, he must have taught the garbage of this green six-star big martial artist severely.

“Let’s be lucky!” Feng Qiang said unhappyly, and said to the young girl Linger, “Sister Linger, seeing this garbage is only a green six-star master martial artist, where is it worthy of you!”

As for the young girl Linger, she turned her head and didn’t look at Feng Qiang at all.

Feng Qiang was secretly angry and scolded Ye Chen’s ancestor eighteen generations in his heart, preventing me from picking up girls, so I wanted you to look good sooner or later.

And Wang Fan blew his nose gray from Ye Chen and Feng Qiang. It was unhappy immediately, and it was not good to see Feng Qiang’s face. If it weren’t for my brother’s shot, now you are all kidnapped. it’s here? ?

Then there was Ye Chen, relying on his own ingenuity, he didn’t put his colleagues in the eyes, the most important thing was not to put himself in the eyes of a big brother.

Just when Wang Fan was moving slightly, thinking about whether to teach these two guys.

Others saw that Wang Fan seemed to be down, and respected one by one, “Master Wang Fan is good, we will rely on him to take care of him in the future.”

Wang Fan nodded with satisfaction and automatically filtered the matter between Ye Chen and Feng Qiang, and then eleven storage belts appeared in his hand. “The basic items of the small Arctic Palace inside are also some newcomers to know And martial tokens, you all have them. “

Then everyone noticed that Wang Fan actually had a space to accept the ring, and they all admired it very much. The space was acceptable, and even the strong blue martial artist was able to get it outside.

And Wang Fan turned a blind eye to it and continued, “You do n’t have to be envious. As long as you work hard, you also have the opportunity to receive the space ring. Of course, although the free storage belt is not as good as my space ring, it is also a rare thing. If you do n’t join the Little Arctic Palace, it may take a long time to get such a stored treasure. Now, after you get it, you will recognize the Lord by blood, and then you can open it with a little mental energy. “

“Thank you, Brother.” Everyone took the storage belt and was really grateful.

When Ye Chen heard Wang Fan’s words, his eyes brightened. He had not been able to open Kadar’s purple-golden space to accept the ring. Is it because of his lack of mental strength?

Although Kadal does not cultivate spiritual power, but he is a purple king of warriors after all, even if he does not practice spiritual power, his spiritual power will increase with the improvement of his strength. Just like the physical body of a practitioner, Kadar does not need to Yuanli, it is estimated that Ye Chen can’t break Kadar’s physical defense. This physical body also automatically improves with the increase of Yuanli.

The reason why Ye Chen couldn’t open before was probably because of insufficient mental strength.

Ye Chen took this matter into his heart, and after he practiced to the fifth-level mental strength, he went to try to open Kadar’s purple-gold space to accept the ring.

“Well, brothers and sisters, come with me first.” After distributing the storage belt, Wang Fan took more than a dozen people to the foot of the iceberg straight into the sky.

At the foot of the iceberg, Ye Chen realized the height and size of the iceberg more directly.

When you look far away, you don’t feel anything.

But after a closer look, he stood like a ant below the mountain, and his inner shock could be imagined.

Others are the same.

And after seeing the reactions of everyone, Wang Fan looked at the iceberg with awe in his face, “I saw his hand for the first time, and I reacted the same way as you. Long ago, our little Arctic Palace was not called the Little Arctic Palace. It’s called the Arctic Palace. The Arctic Palace was powerful for a while and led the entire Arctic ice sheet. “

“But many years ago, a thousand imperial sons appeared in the Arctic Palace, and they became one of the three great towns in the Arctic Palace. They were frozen for thousands of miles, and invincible to the Arctic ice sheet. Thousands of sons went out independently and created the martial arts. The unthinkable was that many years later, some people successfully cultivated the Shinsui Shinshu, one of the three best schools in the three towns, to create the Shinsui Palace. “

“Contemporary palace masters are also amazingly talented. Under the stimulation of the two, they actually practiced a third masterpiece, but then the two and the two forces have become the climate, and the contemporary palace masters can’t help them. In the last breath , Renamed the Arctic Palace to the Little Arctic Palace, and vowed not to regain the name of the Arctic Palace in a day without conquering the Minshui Palace and Qian Jue Zong. “

“And the Tongtian Iceberg, where the Arctic Palace was originally, was also inherited by our little Arctic Palace. For so many years, our little Arctic Palace has adhered to the earliest conditions for recruiting disciples. The talents are very strong, but there are too many disciples in Heshui Palace and Qian Jue Sect. We have already failed to fulfill the wishes of our ancestors. “

“But don’t we have any talented disciples in our little Arctic Palace, can we be powerful and boundless?” Zhongyi, an ordinary girl, looked forward to it and asked.

“Haha, when our Arctic Palace was divided into three, there were still many strong men. But since the Phoenix Emperor unified the Phoenix continent, all the top strong men have been taken away by him, no top strong man was born on the mainland, even if there is a genius I ca n’t practice invincibility in the world. ”Wang Fan laughed.“ Of course these things are too far away from us. Do n’t discuss it now. One day, if you can become core disciples, think again. These things. “

“Thank you for teaching.”

Under the leadership of Wang Fan, more than a dozen disciples each found a residence in Dongfu.

Of course, before staying, Wang Fan also registered the names and origins of the crowd, and deliberately remembered the names of Ye Chen and Feng Qiang before leaving.

When everyone returned to their respective Dongfu, they started to work on refining the storage belt. Before everyone was there, they were embarrassed to refine the storage belt outside. Now they have returned to their Dongfu.

Ye Chen found a relatively remote cave house, closed the door, and began to refine the storage belt in accordance with Wang Fan’s method.

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