Chapter 556: Timeline Artifacts - The True Potential of a Worthy Faceless!!!
As Darcie, Kai embezzled funds to deposit nearly 5000 Galleons in his Mutliversal Gringotts Bank Account, bringing his Noble Philanthropist Title's Status to 50/100.
Once completed, it would also grant him a +15 Luck.
Then he began collecting Plot-defining Books, bringing his Literary Savant Title's Status to 45/300.
Not only this would let him increase his Inventory size by another 100%, but it would also grant him an Inventory Manipulation Skill.
But the biggest influence having freedom as a Faceless granted him was the Artifacts.
A Contestant needed to hold an Artifact for 1 minute to make it count towards his Title.
Moreover, for the entire duration of the Current Mission, no other Contestant was supposed to make the Artifact his/her's.
Otherwise, the original Contestant needed to repossess the stolen Artifact.
As a Contestant, it would have been impossible for Kai to collect so many Artifacts so quickly.
As Darcie, it was as easy as breathing.
Almost all Major Side Characters' wands were Artifacts.
Moreover, Darcie had access to Diagon Alley, Malfoy Manor, Weasley's home, etc., noticeable places like the back of her hand.
It didn't come as a surprise that as a Privileged Faceless, despite having a minuscule 3 hours of Identity Period, Kai became a Proficient Collector.
But the reason behind the held-back demonic grin wasn't just the +15 Luck itself.
It was the Title that was about to come next.
Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn
You have unlocked a new Title…
Title: Master Curator
Specification: Collect 5 different Timeline Artifacts
— Timeline Artifacts define an entire Plotline within a timeline by themselves.
— A Timeline Artifact doesn't lose its Artifact-status after becoming an Item
Status: (4/5)
— The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Original)
— The Compass of Desire
— Sounga - The Sword of Calamity
— Harry Potter's Wand
Effect: Luck +50
The Tales of Beedle the Bard and Sounga had both become Items the moment Kai had obtained them.
The moment Kai unlocked Master Curator, both of these Items bloomed with their true potential as the plot-defining Artifacts.
Moreover, because of the absence of Master Curator, The Compass of Desire (Jack Sparrow's Compass) and Harry Potter's Wand, which Darcie had secretly got hold of while practicing Wandlore in the shop, were counted as normal Artifacts.
Now these two too burst out with their true worth.
Collecting even one Timeline Artifact was a matter discussed and struggled against by the Highest Floor Contestants.
What could have been a strenuous task for almost all, Kai accomplished and went beyond using his Worth and the three contrasts of Facelessness.
Bad Luck…
The two words had pained Kai and brought uncountable troubles to him in these years.
Why was his Luck so low? Was it an external effect or something inherent? Who did it?
For once, Kai cared nothing.
So what if the Luck was low? He would become lucky with his efforts. Never had he depended on anyone else to gain power anyway.
He was a demon. And all demons had their definitions for what was lucky and what was not.
Only one Timeline Artifact remained to be collected.
And Kai knew before he was done playing Faceless by the next day, he would have already become a Master Curator.
The giant took a gulp of tea and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Call me Hagrid," he said, "everyone does. An' like I told yeh, I'm Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts — yeh'll know all about Hogwarts, o' course."
"Er — no," said Harry.
Hagrid looked shocked.
"Sorry," Harry said quickly.
"Sorry?" barked Hagrid, turning to stare at the Dursleys, who shrank back into the shadows. "It's them as should be sorry! I knew yeh weren't gettin' yer letters but I never thought yeh wouldn't even know abou' Hogwarts, fer cryin' out loud! Did yeh never wonder where yer parents learned it all?"
"All what?" asked Harry.
"ALL WHAT?" Hagrid thundered. "Now wait jus' one second!"
He had leapt to his feet. In his anger he seemed to fill the whole hut. The Dursleys were cowering against the wall.
"Do you mean ter tell me," he growled at the Dursleys, "that this boy — this boy! — knows nothin' abou' — about ANYTHING?"
Harry thought this was going a bit far. He had been to school, after all, and his marks weren't bad.
"I know some things," he said. "I can, you know, do math and stuff."
But Hagrid simply waved his hand and said, "About our world, I mean. Your world. My world. Yer parents' world."
"What world?"
Hagrid looked as if he was about to explode.
"DURSLEY!" he boomed.
"How long… must… I keep him?" Ekrizdis asked, his voice hissing under the black hood.
They were all above the clouds now, bolts of lightning snaking underneath within the stormy clouds.
Kai still had yellow-colored Lilith around his shoulders.
Meg, Red Sun, and Spawn hovered behind him with their own methods.
Despite talking with each other, the four of them had their eyes glued to the hut as if they could see all things going on within it, ignoring the storm altogether.
It was more so with the Lord of Azkaban.
In sheer disbelief, he kept looking at the Hagrid inside the hut and then at the demon next to him. The Inferi tried to make some magical connection, but failed.
"At least till the next evening," Kai told Herpo the foul's Horcrux. "Make sure to wipe and modify his memories according to the documents I have given you."
Documents… A chill ran down the Inferi's rotten spine.
How did the Yellow Warlock got hold of the precise series of events that haven't even happened yet? Event that thrice-damned Merlin couldn't be this precise with his prophecies, Ekrizdis knew.
But Death's whispers were still elusive about the identity of this man. So the Lord of Azkaban dared not utter a word regarding it.
"I am keeping… the House Elf," Ekrizdis said, letting out a perverse chuckle. He licked his scabbed lips with half a tongue. "I have some… use for her…"
Kai frowned. After spending so much time with Dobby, he had become much aware of a House Elf's illogical magical capabilities.
Moreover, he had been gently manipulating Dobby's personality for the last three years.
Now the Malfoy's House Elf was as good as Darcie's friend, ready to die… or even kill… at her command.
So, yes, Kai knew the memory manipulation magic wouldn't be as effective on a House Elf.
It didn't matter if he let the Lord of Azkaban do it or used the Ad Infinitum. The result would remain the same.
Also, Dumbledore would actively begin searching for House Elf anyway.
Even if they were to modify Hagrid's memories, it wouldn't remain secret from the old wizard for long.
The best thing to do now was to just… kill the House Elf.
But Kai wasn't in a mood to argue with the Inferi, either.
"Do what you have to do?" he said, his expression flat. "Spare me the details."
The rotten Inferi gave an order to his undead beings, cackled, and then with an audible crack, disapparated.
Meg's lips twisted with the heaviest despite.
Red Sun held his chin and brooded, "How will it even work…"
Both Meg and Spawn turned their heads and gave Red Sun a flat stare.
The hair on the back of Red Sun's neck stood on their ends. He gulped.
"Hey!" he shouted, moving away. "It is that idiot who will be doing it. Why look at me like that, huh? Tell me. Is this fair…"
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