Celestial Master of the Whole People: My Golden Light Mantra Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 How To Gain Experience With The Divine Technique

There is a saying that is good: it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself!

Since other celestial masters who are good at divination cannot calculate the position of that evil celestial master out of thin air, then he will do it himself.

He has the black smoke left by the evil celestial master in his mind. As long as he can master a kind of divination and quickly rise to level 10 or above, or above level 20, Zhang Wuji believes that he can definitely find the hiding place of the evil celestial master. place.

Zhang Wuji has a little understanding of the innate abilities of divination. There are four types of innate abilities he knows, namely:

One of the Eight Magical Skills of the Intermediate Heaven Grade: Daluo Cave Temple!

The first-level divination talent of Tianpin: Tianyuan Divine Art!

The divination talent of the first-level earth grade: Heavenly Mystery Magic!

The divination talent of the first-level Xuanpin: Heavenly Policy Divine Art!

Of these four innate abilities, only the “Heavenly Policies Divine Art” of the first stage of the Xuanpin was deciphered and transformed into divination-like spells that could be practiced.

Coincidentally, it is available on the Night Watcher’s internal mall app, and the price is as high as 1,000 contribution points!

In the past half month, Zhang Wuji only exchanged one bottle of corpse liquid or demon blood for cultivation every day, and the rest of the contribution points have been saved, plus the resentment of killing more than 7:00 last night to 3:00 this morning Soul, Zhang Wuji now has a total of 930 Contribution Points, and only 70 Contribution Points away can buy a copy of the Heavenly Law.

And the 70-point contribution value is also easy to solve, just find someone to borrow it.

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Zhang Wuji closed the search engine, opened the address book, found Zhang Taiyi’s name, and made a call.

The call was quickly connected, and Zhang Taiyi’s voice sounded:

“Hey, Brother Zhang, what’s the matter with you?”

Zhang Wuji took a deep breath, suppressed the gloom in his heart, and said with a smile, “Brother Zhang, please, can you lend me 70 Contribution Points? I want to buy something, but there is still a few Contribution Points left!”

Zhang Taiyi agreed without hesitation: “Okay, I’ll turn it over for you right away.

The real meaning of Zhang Taiyi’s words is: I have a total of 70 contribution points, all of which are lent to you, and I don’t ask you to give me anything in return, but you have to let me hold your thighs, right?

Zhang Wuji smiled, without breaking Zhang Taiyi’s real thoughts, he thanked him politely and said:

“Thank you, Brother Zhang, I remember this favor. After a few days, I will return you a bottle of demon blood.”

It is true that the blood of the demon soul has to be returned, but this is only a little extra, and the favor is still there.

Next, Zhang Wuji chatted with Zhang Taiyi for a few more times. Zhang Taiyi told Zhang Wuji not to worry, as long as he stayed at the Night Watcher headquarters, the evil celestial master could not attack him, and the two hung up the phone.

A few seconds later, a “ding” sound came from the Night Watcher Mall APP in Zhang Wuji’s mobile phone.

The 70 contribution points transferred by Zhang Taiyi have arrived.


The smile on Zhang Wuji’s face disappeared, he took a deep breath, a trace of anger flashed across his eyes, and opened the Night Watcher Mall APP!

For the first time, Zhang Wuji’s eyes were filled with anger.

In the past, Zhang Wuji, even when faced with the death of his classmate Xu Fang, was only in a heavy heart and did not give birth to a trace of hostility.

After all, this is a world where demons are rampant. Unless you awaken your talent and become a Celestial Master, ordinary people may die at any time.

The two highest official institutions of the Shenlong Empire, the Tianshifu and the cabinet, can keep the abnormal mortality rate of ordinary people below 0.1% in such a dangerous world after expelling the evil celestial masters.

But now, if someone wants to bully his head, it won’t work.

Who did he provoke?

That Evil Dao Celestial Master doesn’t know how many ordinary people he has killed before he has cultivated more than two.

The Qiyuanji Yin evil “Shayuan”, is it still not allowed to be discovered by others? Could it just make him succeed?

If you don’t dare to be singled out directly when you are discovered, you will take revenge in secret and use unscrupulous methods?

Not even just hostile!

Zhang Wuji, a celestial master with three positive views, had murderous intent towards a person for the first time.

As long as he can find that evil celestial master, Zhang Wuji wants to kill him personally now.


To kill such a person, Zhang Wuji does not need to have any psychological burden, and after killing that evil celestial master, he does not need to bear legal responsibility.

Because killing the evil celestial master is an act of justice and a heroic act…

Not only does he not need to bear legal responsibility, in theory, Zhang Wuji should also be rewarded by the Tianshifu of the Shenlong Empire.

With a gloomy mind, Zhang Wuji jumped out from the homepage of the Night Watcher Mall APP and clicked directly on the category of spell products.


The screen jumps, and all kinds of spell commodities that can be purchased appear.

The Five Thunder God Spell – the top level of Xuanpin, selling price: 10,000 contribution points!

Yuxu Talisman – the top level of Xuanpin, selling price: 10,000 contribution points!

The shaman invites divine art – the top level of Xuanpin, selling price: 10,000 contribution points!

In front of them are all kinds of top-level Xuanpin spells that sell for as high as 10,000 contribution points. Unless Zhang Wuji has not cultivated all the time and saved two months of contribution points, he will definitely not be able to buy it.

His eyes turned sharply, and he quickly locked on the “Tiance Divine Art” priced at 1,000 points, and clicked to buy without hesitation.

As the order was successfully placed with the sound of “ding”, a pop-up message appeared on Zhang Wuji’s mobile phone screen: “Congratulations to Zhang Wuji, junior night watchman, the product you purchased will be delivered to you within 20 minutes. Room.”

On the top floor of the Ghost City Night Watch Headquarters office building, Qin Jue, the head of the headquarters’ office.

“This guy bought a book of Heavenly Policy Divine Art?”

Qin Jue frowned slightly: “Wouldn’t he plan to learn the divine art of Heavenly Policy by himself, and then calculate the whereabouts of that evil celestial master based on the black smoke?”

[Listing notice: Tomorrow at 12:00 noon, there will be 8 chapters of 4000 characters in the afternoon! Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for an evaluation ticket, thank you! 】

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