Celestial Master of the Whole People: My Golden Light Mantra Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Golden Light Armor Combination

Zhang Wuji’s eyes lit up, he noticed the word “internal”.

Generally speaking, any resource allocation related to the interior basically means that the selling price is lower than that of the exterior. In particular, the internal resource exchange of the night watchman does not require such things as money, only contribution value.

What is the contribution value?

It is the virtual currency calculated by the night watchman after killing all kinds of ghosts.

What’s the difference between this and prostitution?

As for getting the contribution points, you need to go out and kill the ghosts, which may mean that there is a certain danger to others.

But for Zhang Wuji, it is not only a crisis, but an opportunity.

One is that you can accumulate contribution points to exchange resources, and the other is that you can gain experience to speed up the upgrade speed of the golden light spell.

Even if he encounters a spirit of resentment whose cultivation level is equal to that of a great physiognomist, and whose strength is stronger than Zhang Wuji, he is not afraid at all. The skill “Aurora” derived from the Golden Light Curse allows him to easily escape from the ghosts of the evil spirits.

Unless he is extremely unlucky and encounters the ghost realm resentment equivalent to the earth master realm Tianshi.

But Zhang Wuji believes that his luck is not so bad.


Even if there is a ghost of the ghost realm, it will be sensed by the night watchman’s head of the earth division realm, and then there is no need for others to take action, the head of the earth division realm. , it will kill the grievances of the evil ghost realm.

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Zhang Wuji said to the middle-aged man:

“Senior, can I see what resources can be exchanged within the night watchman?”

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded:

“Of course, it’s no secret.”

The middle-aged man took out his mobile phone, opened an app, and handed it to Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Wuji took over the phone, took a closer look, and was immediately attracted by the dazzling array of products on it.

Exchangeable resources today:

Corpse Liquid – Price: 100 Contribution Points! Remaining quantity: 9

Demon Soul Blood – Price: 100 Contribution Points! Quantity remaining: 12

Thunder Peach Wood Sword – Price: 100 Contribution Points! Quantity remaining: 3

Resentment Crystal – Selling Price: 50 Contribution Points! Remaining quantity: 256

Zhang Wuji saw his heart beating with a “puff” and “puff”.

The resources that the internal members of the Night Watch can exchange are so rich that Zhang Wuji is so jealous!


It was kept by Lu Xiongjian as a treasure at the bottom of the box, and was prepared to break through the corpse liquid of the great physicist. In the exchange channel inside the night watchman, it only needs 100 contribution points to buy, and there are 9 copies left today. so much.

The ghost blood, which is equivalent to the corpse liquid, only needs 100 contribution points, and there are still 12 copies left.

The Thunder Peach Wood Sword, which is several grades higher than the ordinary Peach Wood Sword, still only needs 100 Contribution Points, and the quantity is only 3 copies.

The cultivation effect is only lower than the corpse spirit liquid and the blood of the demon soul, but it is far more than the resentment crystal of the resentful soul crystal. It only takes 50 contribution points to exchange for one piece, and the remaining amount is 256 pieces.

Zhang Wuji looked at the various commodities exchanged by the members of the night watchman, and thought with burning eyes: “I can eliminate the Resentful Soul Crystal, and I will only use the Resentful Soul Crystal to practice in the future. Liquid and demon soul blood may not be used openly, but you only earn 50 contribution points every day, and it is definitely not difficult to exchange a piece of resentment crystal.”

Thinking of this, Zhang Wuji raised his head, handed the phone to the middle-aged man, took a deep breath, and couldn’t help asking:

“Senior, how does the night watchman confirm the number of wraiths killed by the internal members every night between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.?”

The middle-aged man smiled and said:

“No need to confirm, once you successfully join the night watchman, you will get a spirit-sealing pot. After you kill the resentment, point the spout of the pot at the resentment fragment and input a bit of mana, and you can seal the number of resentful souls into the pot. , and then hand over the sealing pot to the finance department of the night watchman for statistics, and it is easy to calculate the number and grade of the ghosts you killed…”

“The Wraith Fragments sealed by the Spirit Sealing Pot are also the source of energy for our Shenlong Empire to manufacture Wraith Crystals, Wraith Crystals, and Wrath God Crystals. Speaking of which, the Night Watchers actually made a little bit of money, but they didn’t earn as much as they did in the Tianshi Mall. .”

Zhang Wuji nodded secretly, his face suddenly stunned.

It turned out to be so.


Seal the Wraith Fragment with the Spirit Sealing Pot, and then hand it over to the Night Watcher’s Finance Department to calculate the amount of resentment it contains. It is easy to calculate the contribution value.

It’s just a pity that the night watchmen in Nanhe District did not distribute the Spirit Sealing Pot, otherwise, the seven resentful souls he killed before would not have been wasted.


Speaking of waste, it’s not a lot of waste. After all, there are only 7 wraiths with the highest 7-star Wraith Realm cultivation base, and the total contribution value is only 7 points.

After a month of hard work, he didn’t get as much profit as he got last night.

At this moment.

“Senior, I have filled it in.”

Zhang Wuji filled out his information and politely handed the registration form to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man had a normal face, with a faint smile.

But after taking the registration form, Zhang Wuji’s expression froze when he saw that Zhang Wuji’s talent was actually a golden light spell.

“Your innate ability is the golden light spell?”

The middle-aged man suddenly looked at Zhang Wuji and exclaimed in disbelief.

Zhang Wuji had long expected such a thing to happen, so he was very calm, grinned and nodded and replied:

“Yeah, it’s the Golden Light Curse!”

20 minutes later.

Zhang Wuji successfully joined the ghost city night watchman and became a junior night watchman with the cultivation level of the seventh-grade xiangshi.

Then, he received the seal pot belonging to him from the finance department, and scanned the code to download the shopping mall APP inside the night watchman. Only in the middle-aged man’s still shocked state of mind, he took him to one of the buildings in the night watchman’s compound. building.

The people living in this building are all junior night watchmen.

However, because the night watchmen work at night, they either sleep or practice during the day, so Zhang Wuji didn’t see anyone.

He didn’t care either because he wanted to sleep too.

After saying goodbye to the middle-aged man, Zhang Wuji walked directly to his assigned bedroom with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. He didn’t take off his clothes, fell on the bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep soon after.

I don’t know when, Zhang Wuji’s mind sounded the message prompt tone of the on-hook panel:

“Congratulations, your on-hook skill Golden Light Spell has risen to level 21!”

[The second chapter of the update is over, and today’s update is over! No reward? There is no reward today, woohoo~~ I want a reward! 】

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