Celestial Employee

Chapter 6 - Ghostly

“Ghost?” Zhao Lingjun wanted to say that the man is a big husband. I’m afraid of ghosts. But when I think of many Hong Kong movies, the red blood in my eyes and my tongue sticking out of my eyes will stand in your window or in the mirror, and the female ghost staring at you with your eyes staring out, and from the TV every twelve Sadako crawling out to practice dog-climbing style. Zhao Lingjun felt a little hairy in his heart. This is not afraid of the word, so I am embarrassed to say it.

Looking at Zhao Lingjun, Zhang Changsheng smiled and said. “It seems that you are quite honest, but I’m also embarrassed to lie to you. The reason why the developers couldn’t hold back the news later is because it’s not quite flat from the start of construction.”

“Not quite flat?” Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt a breeze blowing over him, chilling.

“Yeah, after the construction started, there were a lot of strange things happening here. For example, construction workers here often heard people talking outside at night. Soon after work started, there were several work-related injuries here, and then it didn’t take long. A worker is mentally disturbed, and he keeps saying during the day that he sees something unclean at night. “Zhang Changsheng said. “After the completion of the community, a group of heads of households who had just moved in also heard some very strange sounds at night. Later, this place slowly turned out to be a news of a mass burial, and it went away.”

“Later, house prices have plummeted here? Not many people have lived? The owner’s building can’t be sold, it’s rotten, and we can only do staff quarters for us?” “But I didn’t seem to sleep well yesterday, and I didn’t hear any strange sounds.”

“Most of what you said later was correct, but you don’t know that later this developer, under pressure, is said to have hired a master to do the ritual. Nothing strange happened here later.” Zhang Chang Sheng said. “But because of the fame of the haunted house. Not many people dare to live here.”

“I!-! #! #!” Zhao Lingjun looked at Zhang Changsheng crying without tears. He didn’t expect that the company’s so-called separate apartment dormitory turned out to be a haunted house that the boss could not sell.

Looking at the rest hall not far away, when he walked out of the door of the community in the heavy rain, Zhao Lingjun was in a trance, feeling that the three characters of the flower garden at the entrance of the community became the words of Lan Ruo Temple.

When Zhao Lingjun thought about how many bones with missing arms, legs, and head were under the house he lived in before, he thought that this might suppress a metamorphosis like the old demon in Montenegro, Zhao Lingjun was originally excited to go to work on the first day. , Already disappeared, and when Zhao Lingjun and Zhang Changsheng walked together to the bus station platform not far from the community, Zhao Lingjun almost fell to the ground.

The dense crowd on the platform reminded Zhao Lingjun of the dilapidated platform in front of his school. Zhao Lingjun couldn’t figure out whether to live or die. In a place like Lan Ruo Temple, there are so many people waiting for the bus here.

Zhang Changsheng greeted many of these people. It seems that many of these people were in the same company as Zhao Lingjun. There, Zhao Lingjun did not find Wu Xiaoye. It seems that in this time, Wu Xiaoye has taken a bus and left.

As soon as he saw the crowds on the platform, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but feel that a girl as weak as Wu Xiaoye, squeezing such a bus every day was really a miserable thing. If you buy a car after two years, you must bring Wu Xiaoye to work for free every day. In the process of squeezing the bus, Zhao Lingjun thought of Wu Xiaoye for the first time.

After squeezing into the bus with the effort of eating milk. Zhao Lingjun asked Zhang Changsheng very depressed. “Why are there so many people in this ghost place. When Hao Meili and I came here yesterday, it seemed that there were not so many people yet.”

“This place is not crowded, but the number of buses is small.” Zhang Changsheng explained. “Yesterday when you came back, it was not the peak of work, so there must be few people.”

“No, there are few buses. Why did Wu Xiaoye leave in a while?” Zhao Lingjun asked strangely.

“Oh, you still thinking about Wu Xiaoye.” Zhang Changsheng said. “I forgot to tell you that there is another characteristic of the bus here. In addition to the small number of buses, the time of the bus here is not allowed. Sometimes, two buses will come in succession, and sometimes they will wait for half an hour. No one comes. So I usually do n’t take the bus. “

“Why, did you buy a car?” Zhao Lingjun suddenly remembered what Hao Meili told himself at this time. The company was well-paid, and some employees had only bought a car after staying in the company for two years. Zhao Lingjun became excited at once.

“Yeah.” Zhang Changsheng said.

“Then why don’t you open today.” Zhao Lingjun said.

“It’s raining so much today, how can I drive it.” Zhang Changsheng said. “If I start a company, I will not be drowned alive?”

“Living alive?” Zhao Lingjun felt a bit wrong at this time. “What kind of car are you driving?”

“Electric car.” Zhang Changsheng looked at Zhao Lingjun strangely and said. “What other car can I have.”

“Punch”, Zhao Lingjun almost rolled his eyes and fell into a coma. “Did it be you who drove the electric car into our community that I saw on the balcony yesterday?”

“I guess so.” Zhang Changsheng said. “Other people generally commute by bus, except for Yaoyazhen and Zhang Fatzi. In addition to the boss, our company bought a car for both of them. The boss doesn’t live here.”

“What? What did you say?” Zhao Lingjun said. “Just a few of them bought a car? How did Hao Meili tell me that some employees of our company only bought the car after only two years?”

“Haha.” Zhang Changsheng couldn’t stop laughing. “Can you believe what Yaoyazhen said? She said that our company had employees who bought the car after two years, wasn’t it me?”

“Electric car?” Zhao Lingjun almost fainted.


After experiencing two blows in succession, Zhao Lingjun already felt that everything was beginning to be illusory, with the last hope, Zhao Lingjun asked Zhang Changsheng. “How is the treatment of our company, is there a dividend every month?”

“Treatment? Everyone comes in and talks about different salaries. By the way, what did she tell you?” Zhang Changsheng didn’t answer the question, but asked Zhao Lingjun instead.

“Two thousand.” Zhao Lingjun said.

“Is that before tax or after tax? Is it before deducting hardware, or after deducting hardware?”

“This …, this is not very clear to me.” Zhao Lingjun said looking at Zhang Changsheng. “Is there a difference?”

“Of course there is a difference.” Zhang Changsheng said with a sympathetic look at Zhao Lingjun. “If you sign the two thousand, it is after tax, the salary after deducting the hardware, then I congratulate you, your salary is high among the new employees in previous years. But if you sign the two thousand, It ’s pre-tax, and the salary after deducting the hardware, then I will sympathize with you more. ”

“…” Zhao Lingjun felt cold again. “Then, how much is the difference between the two? How much is it?”

“If it is 2000 yuan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com deducts the hardware, and after deducting the tax, it will be 1500, which is good.” “It’s a difference of four or five hundred.”

“…” Zhao Lingjun was completely speechless, but Zhao Lingjun still had a silver lining. “What about dividends? Are they really distributed every month?”

“Dividend?” Zhang Changsheng bent down again with a smile.

“What’s wrong?” Zhao Lingjun’s heart was cold. “Are there no dividends?”

“Yes, why not?” Zhang Changsheng said with a smile.

“Then why did you laugh like this.” Zhao Lingjun said. “Laughing so scary.”

“If I tell you, this monthly dividend does not exceed one hundred, and when it is small, only fifty?” Zhang Changsheng looked at Zhao Lingjun and said.

“I …” Zhao Lingjun only felt a bang in his head. It seemed that all the soap bubbles of hope cracked in front of his eyes. There seems to be someone laughing out loud in Zhao Lingjun’s mind: “Haha, your money, beauty, all belong to me in the future.”

Zhao Lingjun grasped the handrail tightly, stabilized his body, and did not let himself fall to the ground.

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