Celestial Employee

chapter 43: Chapter 106 - Perverted masochism, white impermanence-110th

“Lin Yiren, Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun, where are they? Did they fall into six reincarnations?” Zhao Lingjun could not help but looked down at Xiaobai beside him.

But as soon as Zhao Lingjun lowered his head, he heard another deep growl.

The three-headed monster Adaogang caught up.

“MLGBD, you have endless ah.” A anger ignited in Zhao Lingjun’s heart. If in peacetime, Zhao Lingjun wouldn’t mind trying all the attack spells he knew on this unkillable Xiaoqiang.

But at this time, Zhao Lingjun had little time left, but he had not yet found the soul of Lin Qianxun and others. So what appeared at this time, A Daogang, who is entangled with himself, is more disgusting in Zhao Lingjun’s mind than anyone who casually pulls on the roadside.

After a golden light flashed on Zhao Lingjun’s hands, Zhao Lingjun threw at the three-headed monster Adaogang.

In this place, the lost Dao power cannot be supplemented at all, so the Dao technique Zhao Lingjun is currently performing is the simplest Dao Dajin gold palm in Maoshan technique. The effect of this Taoist technique can only make the hands of the caster as hard as steel.

However, this Taoist technique is one of the Taoist techniques that consumes the least amount of power, and this pair of steel-like hands immediately exerted a powerful lethality on Zhao Lingjun who possessed incomparable power.

The three-headed monster Adaogang waved his claws, and just wanted to give Zhao Lingjun a sudden blow in the face.

“I asked you to pester me.” Zhao Lingjun’s action was like the wind. The three-headed monster Adaogang hadn’t reacted to it yet. The three heads had been smashed into the pig’s head by Zhao Lingjun.

When Zhao Lingjun kicked Adaogang out. Adaogang has become unable to recognize himself.

But when Adaogang got up from the ground, Adaogang’s three swollen heads like a pig’s head were still laughing haha. “I can’t die. When your power is exhausted, I will tear you up and eat it.”

It seemed that after taking a breath, Adaogang regained his vitality and rushed towards Zhao Lingjun with a grin.

“Ma’am, are you a masochist?” A green flame passed Adaogang through.

Zhao Lingjun was so angry and anxious that he couldn’t help using even the most exhausting Void Yin Yang sword.

The green flame on the Void Yin Yang sword is said to burn not only a person’s but also his soul. But this kind of flame is helpless to take Adaogang, a black mist flows out of Adaogang’s wound, and the green flame on the Void Yin-Yang Sword completely disappears when he touches the black mist.

“It’s actually a ghost fire that can burn souls.” Adaogang, like a pig’s head, seemed a little surprised, but when he saw his wounds heal quickly, Adaogang still smiled proudly, “Only I can feed on my soul , A little ghost fire in every area, how can it bear me … ”

Before Adaogang finished speaking, Zhao Lingjun’s punch hit Adaogang’s mouth again, knocking Adaogang’s talking head straight down on his neck.

But A Daogang’s punch also made Zhao Lingjun take a few steps back, making Zhao Lingjun burst into anger.

In a rage, Zhao Lingjun had lost his mind, so he forgot to protect himself even after the shot.

“MLGBD” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but want to lose the power quickly, and released the ghost bone bone sword to unload this **** who hated the extreme, and then fried it into pieces of meat. Look at this immortal Adaogang. How long will it take to recover.

“Aim.” Just when Zhao Lingjun was furious, he wanted to release the ghost bone sword. Zhao Lingjun suddenly heard Xiaobai cry.

Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but bowed his head, but he saw Xiaobai stretched out his paws and nodded behind him.

Not far behind Zhao Lingjun is the gigantic six-color vortex that keeps spinning.

“I *, why am I not as clever as Xiaobai.” As soon as he saw the huge scourge, Zhao Lingjun’s heart was pleasantly surprised.

“What are you doing with such a lustful smile? What do you want to do?” Adaogang suddenly found a smile on the face of impatient Zhao Lingjun in front of him. This smile made Adaogang a little creepy.

“Nothing?” Zhao Lingjun tickled his little finger towards Adaogang. “Aren’t you calling the messenger? Are you not killing Xiaoqiang? Come over here.”

“Who is Xiaoqiang?” Adaogang just shook his head, trying to figure out which powerful monster the Xiaoqiang was, Zhao Lingjun had suddenly appeared behind Adaogang.

“Xiaoqiang is your mother.” Zhao Lingjun yelled and kicked Adaogang’s **** with a heavy kick.

“You actually kicked my double-strand, are you creative?” A Daonei just wanted to express her dissatisfaction, but found that she had flown towards that huge vortex.

The discovery of “Ah-I” caused Adaogang to die, and after a cry of panic, Adaogang waved his limbs desperately, trying to catch something to stop himself.

“Go to the place of reincarnation, but if you look so ugly, you will definitely fall into the beast road.”

But after half a day of arresting Adaogang, he caught a fireball smashed by Zhao Lingjun.

“@% , # * #”

A Daogang was smashed by Zhao Lingjun’s flaming ball, and suddenly fell into a huge non-stop rotating six-color vortex, inspiring a colorful flame.

But in the moment of falling in, Adaogang used the loophole to make the most extreme voice and chanted an obscure spell.

The sound, like a thunderous thunder, flowed through the red clouds in the sky all the way to the distance.

In just a moment, Zhao Lingjun heard countless sharp calls from afar.

“Is this perverted **** just calling for helpers?” Zhao Lingjun changed his face at once.

“Xiao Bai, almost no time, take me to find them.”

Zhao Lingjun said anxiously to Xiaobai.

The battle just now has consumed a lot of Zhao Lingjun’s strength. If there are such a few perverts that can’t be killed, Zhao Lingjun feels that even if he can win, he will be exhausted.

Xiao Bai also seemed to know that the situation was urgent. After nodding quickly, he ran towards the top of the mountain.

“Are they there?” Zhao Lingjun was pleasantly surprised, but the color of surprise on Zhao Lingjun’s face had not disappeared. A long roar came from the flying red clouds and flames.

This howling sounded in the distant sky, but in the blink of an eye, it had reached Zhao Lingjun’s head.

And after that long roar, the countless sharp calls suddenly disappeared without a trace.

“What?” Zhao Lingjun had just raised his head, and a white figure had fallen from the red cloud.

Zhao Lingjun was greatly taken aback. Zhao Lingjun thought that it was a powerful monster, but what Zhao Lingjun did not expect was that he appeared in front of himself with a white gown, which was as long as a Qing official. Beautiful man with braids.

“Are you human?” The beautiful man in white appeared surprised when he saw Zhao Lingjun standing on the top of the mountain.

“Of course I am a human being.” Zhao Lingjun looked at the white man in amazement, and couldn’t help asking. “you are?”

“I am the Soul Emissary of Huang Quan’s Land. My surname is Bai, which is impermanent.”

As soon as the white man said this, Zhao Lingjun almost fainted.

“You are white impermanence?” Zhao Lingjun’s mind appeared in many Hong Kong films, the white impermanence image of a long hat wearing a high hat and spitting blood, but Zhao Lingjun couldn’t put that image to the slutty one now. Men in white are linked together.

“Exactly.” The white man who claimed to be white impermanence didn’t seem to find the horrified expression on Zhao Lingjun’s face. The white man looked at the surroundings while he couldn’t help himself. “The voice just came from Adao within …”

“Did you see Adaogang?” After looking around, and not finding the trail of the three giant dogs, Bai Wuchang turned around and asked Zhao Lingjun.

“Who is Adaogang?” Zhao Lingjun said shamelessly. “I just came down from above, I don’t know anything.”

Zhao Lingjun felt that if he said that A Daogang was beaten into a pig’s head by himself, and then kicked into the six reincarnations, maybe he had fallen into the beast way now, then he was really an idiot.

Because Bai Wuchang and Adaogang must be familiar with each other, and the light comes from Bai Wuchang’s imperial wind. From the standpoint of a thousand miles, Bai Wuchang is a master in the master.

Of course, Zhao Lingjun didn’t want such a master to turn his face with himself immediately.

“Strange, did I hear it wrong?” The man in white looked at Zhao Lingjun strangely. “The place of Huangquan, except for the soul of the dead, seems to have nothing to attract you like a monk, and here is a crisis, even if the monk With the ability to break through yin and yang, it is not rare to appear here. ”

After a pause, the man who claimed to be Bai Wuchang continued. “Why did you break through the yin and yang, and ran to the land of Huang Quan with only souls.”

“I’m here to find the soul of my friend.” Seeing Bai Wuchang didn’t seem to be malicious, Zhao Lingjun hesitated and said. “Their living souls were held here by a poisonous magic weapon, so I came to take their living souls back.”

“Oh, that’s what it is.” Bai Wuchang smiled and suddenly nodded behind Zhao Lingjun, “Is there a few of them?”

“What? They?” Zhao Lingjun turned around in surprise, but besides the huge colorful vortex, Zhao Lingjun was empty behind him.

At the same time, an uncommon smile appeared on the plain white face that was originally gentle. Chapter 108 The Gold Medal Fighter, White Jade Sword and Hei Xiuluo are now the number one gold medalist in Zhao Lingjun’s hands. As soon as Zhao Lingjun’s voice fell, Hei Xiuluo made a chuckle.

On the ground around Hei Xiu Luo, a spear-like thorn suddenly grew, and after a whisper like a baby crying, these spear-like thorns broke through the sky and shot towards the high flying The white impermanence in the air, and the moment these thorns rose through the air, a black flame began to rise above it.

In an instant, it seems that there are countless arrows burning with black flames shooting towards the white impermanence, the scene is very spectacular.

However, Zhao Lingjun now has no time to watch the spectacular spell of Hei Xiu Luo, because after Xiaobai nodded towards Zhao Lingjun, he quickly ran down the cliff.

“Are they there?” Zhao Lingjun ran a few steps, and saw a big hole like a bridge hole under the cliff.

“Do you think that a black Shura can deal with me?” Zhao Lingjun was surprised when he saw Xiao Bai rushing into the big hole. But before Zhao Lingjun reached the cave, he heard the roar of impermanence in the air.

Zhao Lingjun didn’t want to ignore Bai Wuchang, but when Bai Changchang’s roar sounded, Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt a bit of chill coming from behind him.

When Zhao Lingjun turned his head, he found Bai Wuchang’s hands. I didn’t know when there was a dazzling white sword like a white jade. The cold air from the short sword seemed to make the surrounding temperature all at once. A few degrees lower.

Bai Wuchang was just wielding a sword, and the black thorn rockets released by Hei Shuura cast a white cold mist at once, and they fell down one after another.

When these thorns fell to the ground, they made a sound similar to the ice falling to the ground, and then turned into fragments of the ground.

The power of this sword made Zhao Lingjun breathe a sigh of relief, but Hei Xiuluo is now a puppet warrior who has no mind and only knows about fighting, so now Hei Xiulu doesn’t know what it means to be afraid.

When Bai Wuchang’s sword swept down all the black thorn rockets, Hei Shuura had already begun to cast a second spell.

A huge black skull appeared out of thin air above the black sura.

Hei Shuura cast spells quickly. But Bai Wuchang is faster than Hei Xiu Luo.

After sweeping all the black thorn rockets with a sword, Bai Wuchang stabs at the black sura asura.

Between Bai Wuchang and Heijishura in mid-air, there was at least ten feet apart. But the huge black skull cast by Hei Jiluo just appeared above himself, and a white ray of white light emitted from the dagger in Bai Wuchang’s hands had reached the top of Hei Xiuluo’s head.

The huge black skull cast by the black screen Shura was suddenly shot into pieces by the white glow of the white moments in Bai Wuchang’s hands. And after smashing the huge black skull, the white ray of light suddenly hit Hei Shuura.

“Jiahao–” Hei Yi Shu Luo just had a time to scream, and his body was broken by the white ray of light. A huge hole was opened, and Hei Shu Shura almost instantly two-thirds of the body from the chest to the abdomen disappear.

Hei Shuura just shook it and fell back.


From Zhao Lingjun’s turn back to the fall of Hei Xiu Luo, it just happened in a flash.

Before Zhao Lingjun responded, Bai Wuchang’s second sword had already spurred towards Zhao Lingjun.

Zhao Lingjun knew that if he was hit by that white glow, it would be a dead word.

So Zhao Lingjun quickly rolled on the ground, avoiding the white glow.

When Zhao Lingjun jumped up from the ground quickly, the bone-like ghost sword with eight door panels appeared beside Zhao Lingjun.

But in an instant, Zhao Lingjun’s eight-faced white bone ghost sword only reached the four sides.

Bai Wuchang just waved a sword. A white ray of light shattered the white bone ghost sword into fragments.

“What kind of sword is this, so powerful?” When Zhao Lingjun drove his remaining four-faced white bone ghost sword to Bai Wuchang, he only felt a chill hit the top of his head from the sole of his foot.

It took only a few minutes from the Bai Wuchang Festival to start the white dagger, but Zhao Lingjun saw that even on the red mountain stone within a few feet of his own, white cold mist had begun to appear.

“Haha.” Bai Wuchang Zhang Kuang smiled, and another sword smashed Zhao Lingjun’s remaining four-faced white bone ghost sword.

“When can your power be supported?” Bai Wuchang crushed Zhao Lingjun’s four-faced white bone swords, and the sword pointed at the sky. The white ray of light emitted from his dagger was rolled back, bursting into countless blue arcs in the air.

When the blue arc disappeared, white snow began to fall in the red sky.

“Come on, eat me another sword.”

Bai Wuchang stabbed with a sword, and a white glow of light swept to Zhao Lingjun again.

A green flame lighted up beside Zhao Lingjun, and Zhao Lingjun’s figure disappeared into the green flame at once. The white ray of light passed Zhao Lingjun through.

But when the white glow disappeared, Zhao Lingjun, who appeared on the spot, was unharmed.

“I don’t think you still have such a defensive spell.” Bai Wuchang looked at the Void Yin Yang sword in Zhao Lingjun’s hands with some surprise. But a moment later, Bai Wuchang’s face was covered with a smug smile. “This spell must be very laborious, and your power must be lost very quickly now.”

“Small meaning. My spell doesn’t need to cost me much power at all.” Zhao Lingjun changed the Void Yin-Yang sword again and escaped another glow. Although the white Xiaguang is extremely powerful, it has no ability to break the void. But when he said that, Zhao Lingjun’s mouth was bitter.

The Void Yin Yang sword is of course one of the most labor-intensive spells. When using the Void Yin-Yang sword, Zhao Lingjun can clearly feel that his power is losing rapidly, but without this spell, Zhao Lingjun ca n’t think of any spells he can have, which can resist the white impermanence. The white glow from the dagger.

Zhao Lingjun now feels as if he has cut open the artery in his hand and is watching his blood pouring out.


Of course Bai Wuchang wouldn’t believe Zhao Lingjun’s words. Even an idiot monk, it can be concluded that this spell is extremely laborious. Like Bai Wuchang’s treacherous spell, of course, it can’t be seen.

“One sword, two swords and three or four swords, they are not visible when they are shot into the void.” So Bai Wuchang was just shamelessly attacking Zhao Lingjun with white ray of light on his short sword in the air, while making fun of Zhao Lingjun. “How come your face is getting whiter.”

“Are you there?” Zhao Lingjun smiled reluctantly. “It’s snowing, are you blind?”

“Oh, really?” Bai Wuchang’s heart blossomed with joy. Now Bai Wuchang thinks he is a cat playing with a mouse, and Zhao Lingjun is the mouse being played with.

“Then it seems that my attack is not enough. Come, and come a few more swords.” Bai Wuchang stabs out several swords quickly.

“Wait.” After flashing a few white lights of white impermanence, Zhao Lingjun gasped and sat down on the ground, “No more playing.”

“What’s wrong?” Bai Wuchang looked proudly at Zhao Lingjun. “No way?”

“Put your p, I am a big old man, where can’t I?” Zhao Lingjun, who was pale-faced, nodded behind impermanence. “Look at what is behind you?”

“Hahaha, you come here again, do you think I will believe you?” Bai Wuchang held his short sword and smiled like a wind. “You think I’m a fool.”

“You are stupid,” Zhao Lingjun said with a smile, towards Bai Baichang.

“How is it possible?” Bai Wuchang looked at the three thorns burning with black flames suddenly protruding from his chest and turned back incredulously.

“How could it be alive?”

Bai Wuchang looked behind him, standing the black shaky Shura swaying, the flesh growing fast on his chest, his eyes were all incredible.

“My little brother certainly won’t hang up so easily.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Bai Wuchang.

The spot where Bai Wuchang had an arrow in his chest had begun to melt like hot cream.

“Unfortunately you are about to hang up.” Zhao Lingjun sighed.

“I …” Bai Wuchang’s eyes were red, and the three black thorn rockets on his chest seemed to have made Bai Changchang’s strength disappear for a moment. But Bai Wuchang still raised his hand reluctantly, trying to stab Zhao Lingjun again.

But before Bai Wuchang’s hand was lifted, Zhao Lingjun had disappeared from his place and appeared under Bai Wuchang.

A green flame suddenly swept through the white impermanence from bottom to top.

After the serious injury, Bai Wuchang’s movements were no longer as usual, and Zhao Lingjun’s blow had already exceeded Zhao Lingjun’s limit.

In the flames where the Void Yin Yang sword can burn even the soul, Bai Wuchang only issued a scream of sorrow, and it turned into a green fireball.

With the sound of “ding”, the white dagger in Bai Wuchang’s hand fell not far away in front of Zhao Lingjun. Chapter 109 The East Pole Qinghua and Taiyi Save the Suffering “Why is this painful? You are staying in your Huangquan well, I will leave as soon as I finish it, our well water will not be as good as the river water, big deal you next time When going to the sun, I invite you to have a big meal in the best restaurant. “Zhao Lingjun looked at Bai Wuchang and shook his head.

At this time, the white impermanence of the entire body in the air has been burned into pieces of fly ash by the green flame of the Void Yin Yang sword, and it looks very miserable.

However, Zhao Lingjun had no sympathy for Bai Wuchang, because Zhao Lingjun knew that if Bai Baichang didn’t know that his soul-fixing nail could allow the puppet warrior to quickly repair his body, I am afraid that it would be himself that turned into fly ash at this time.

Zhao Lingjun glanced at the white impermanence of the gray body, and gasped forward, grabbing the white dagger that was not far away in front of him.

When Zhao Lingjun picked up the white dagger, Zhao Lingjun thought that the tentacles must be icy cold, because when the white dagger fell in front of Zhao Lingjun, the cold air above it almost made Zhao Lingjun fight a cold war.

But what surprised Zhao Lingjun was that the tentacles were actually gentle. This kind of warm feeling made Zhao Lingjun feel very warm, and the cold surroundings seemed to be dispelled at once.

“This is a big issue.” The feeling of tentacles and the incomparable power of this sword just showed Zhao Lingjun that this sword is not an ordinary magic weapon.


When Zhao Lingjun was about to take this sword in front of him, Xiao Bai ran out of the hole again.

When he saw Xiaobai, Zhao Lingjun realized that he probably had little time left.

If we do not hurry up, let alone Lin Qianxun and others cannot be rescued, I am afraid that even myself, I have to become a walking dead in this ghost place.

“This little friend, please stay.”

Zhao Lingjun smiled embarrassedly at Xiaobai, knowing that this time was not his time to study the magic weapon. But Zhao Lingjun took a step toward the big hole, and Zhao Lingjun heard a voice like this coming from the air behind him.

“Who is back here?”

Zhao Lingjun’s heart fell to the bottom at once.

The one who can appear silently behind Zhao Lingjun is definitely a master who is more powerful than Bai Wuchang.

And now that Zhao Lingjun’s power is almost exhausted, even if it is a parallel import from Adao, Zhao Lingjun may have no way to deal with it.

When he turned his head, Zhao Lingjun felt more desperate than desperate sashimi.

But as soon as he turned his head, Zhao Lingjun was like a petrified magic, completely stunned.

A huge white lotus platform, quietly floating in the air.

Nine white petals continually radiate a soft and sacred white light, and a man with bare feet, white clothes and a kind face, sitting cross-legged on this huge lotus platform, there is a radiant above his head Aura of nine colors, and in the void behind him, there are several white lotus flowers that are constantly opening and closing.

As these lotus petals kept opening and closing, a warm and peaceful force slowly emanated from this barefoot, kind-faced man, which made people unable to bear the urge to worship.

“Who are you?” Zhao Lingjun stared blankly at the man sitting cross-legged on the huge white lotus platform, and asked in a dreamlike tone.

“I’m the East Antarctic Qinghua Taiyi to save suffering Tianzun.” The bare-eyed, kind-faced white man looked at Zhao Lingjun’s eyes, full of compassion.


In an instant, Zhao Lingjun’s heart was as if someone had knocked it with a huge hammer. In a flash, Zhao Lingjun had lost his ability to think.

“Are you saving Tianzun?” Zhao Lingjun suspected that what he heard was not true.

But Zhao Lingjun saw the bare-footed man in white and nodded slowly.

“Boom”, Zhao Lingjun almost rolled his eyes and fainted.

Zhao Lingjun almost passed out to death because Tai Yi’s name for saving suffering Tianzun was too big.

If there is a Taoist alchemist who says he does n’t know the name of Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun, then he will definitely be considered an idiot by the other Taoist alchemists.

Because even Wu Ling like Zhao Lingjun knew from Xu Mi that among the gods believed by Taoist alchemists, the most honorable is “three clear six feet”.

The Sanqing nature refers to the illusory nature of the Daqing Sanqing Dao ancestor Yuan Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and moral Tianzun.

The six feet refer to Haotian Supreme Jade Emperor, Gouchen Emperor Emperor, Arctic Ziwei Emperor, Houtu Emperor Di Yi, Antarctic Eternal Emperor and Taiyi Jiu Tianzun.

In other words, Taiyi Tianzun is in the mind of Taoist alchemists. It is the same level as the Jade Emperor, the highest enemy of the Three Realms.

If a Jade Emperor suddenly appeared in front of you, would you be stunned to death?

“Are these legendary mansions actually exist?” Zhao Lingjun looked up at the white man sitting on the huge lotus platform and took a deep breath, but that should be the case, Zhao Lingjun still couldn’t Keep your mood calm.

“This little friend, it seems that you have heard of my name?” The bare-footed man in white looked at Zhao Lingjun with a smile.

“East Antarctic Qinghua Taiyi Rescue Suffering Tianzun, also known as Shifang Rescue Suffering Tianzun, who is called the Great Mercy in the world, the Emperor Riyao in Hell, the King of Lions in the Outer Path, and the Emperor of Dongyuan in Shuifu. Zhao Lingjun looked at the man in white. “A monk, who doesn’t know that Tai Yi saves suffering Tianzun?”

After Zhao Lingjun paused, he looked at the bare-footed man in white and said, “Where should I call you Sun Yaoxingjun or King Yan?”

“There are others in the Ten Temples. I am just a practitioner who lives here occasionally.” The white man with bare feet said with a smile.

“So what are you doing here?” Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath. “Is it because I killed Adaogang and Bai Wuchang? Are you going to kill me to avenge them?”

“In the netherworld of Huang Quan, there is no living creature originally, how come the concept of life and death.” The man in white who exudes barefoot looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled. “Everything has a cause and a cause. This is their destiny. It has nothing to do with you.”

“Then why are you here?”

“I’m here to persuade you to leave quickly.” The white man with bare feet exudes a compassionate look at Zhao Lingjun. “Everything has causes and there must be results, and there are certain rules for the operation of all things and the Three Realms. If you disrupt this rule, you will bring many unpredictable disasters.”

“Breaking the yin and yang and disrupting the order of the three realms will cause unpredictable consequences.” After a pause, the white man looked at Zhao Lingjun and continued. “do you understand?”

“You mean, what I want to do now is to give up saving my friend and leave quickly?” Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath and said.

“Yes.” The man in white nodded and looked at Zhao Lingjun. “The reason they appear here is because they have planted such causes in the past, and if you disrupt the order of the Three Realms and force them out, maybe it will cause more results.”

“Perhaps there are more spellcasters who will learn from you and break through the yin and yang to arrive here to save their friends or relatives.” After a pause, the white man continued, “If so, maybe the order of the three realms, There will be complete chaos. I do n’t know how many people will die because of you. ”

Zhao Lingjun listened to the man in white, and unconsciously was already sweating all over his body.

Zhao Lingjun thought the white man’s words made sense, but Zhao Lingjun vaguely felt something was wrong, but at one and a half moments he couldn’t say anything wrong.

Seeing Zhao Lingjun hesitate, the man in white thought that Zhao Lingjun had been moved by himself.

“Come on, you have time to go now.” The white man folded his hands, and suddenly nine breathing lions appeared around him, with white flames in his mouth and nose. “You have been here for such a long time. If you stay longer, you will not be able to go back. By then, you will also be a walking dead here.”

The man in white thought that after saying this, Zhao Lingjun would definitely give up saving his friend and go back to where he was.

But the white man did not expect that when he heard his words and saw the nine lions spitting flames around him, the look on Zhao Lingjun’s face hesitated suddenly disappeared.

Zhao Lingjun looked at the white man on the huge white lotus coldly. “I don’t care if I act against the sky. I only know that they are my friends. I will never let them die like this.”


“If you want to stop me, I can only kill you.”

“You even dare to save Tai Yi from Heaven …”

The white man on the lotus platform of Jiu Pin looked incredulously at Zhao Lingjun who suddenly appeared beside him, and a white dagger stuck in his chest.

The white frost spread quickly along the chest of the white man.

“Of course I dare.” Zhao Lingjun pulled the sword out of the white man’s chest all at once and kicked the white man out of the lotus stand with one foot. “Because you are not a Tai Yi to save suffering at all.” Chapter 10: The Illusion of Illusion, Back to the World “How do you know that I am not Tai Yi to save the suffering Tianzun? How can you see through my Illusion of Illusion?” With a wave of mourning, the figure of the white man who was barefoot was slowly blurred and twisted Became the beginning of Bai Wuchang. It’s just that this impermanent figure is faint, it seems that it is just formed by the thin mist, and it seems that it can be blown away by a gust of wind.

“Great saint and great mercy, great sorrow and great wish, to seek a sense of sentiment, to save the suffering and rescue Taiyi to save suffering Tianzun, how can such a benevolent person threaten people like me by force?” Zhao Lingjun slowly fell in the void, The nine-pink lotus platform and nine fire-breathing lions slowly faded and then vanished into nothingness. “Your phantom is so real, but there are some things you can’t imitate.”

“Dare you dare to save Tai Tianzun from Tai Yi?” Bai Wuchang looked at Zhao Lingjun incredulously. With a little frost on his chest, Bai Wuchang’s figure seemed to be blurred and began to slowly change. light.

“I have no choice.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Bai Wuchang and smiled bitterly, “Even if it is a real **** Buddha, if I won’t let me save my friend, I can only fight.”

“You …” Bai Wuchang looked at this man who dared to succumb to God and seemed to want to say something more, but he only had time to say a word. The already blurred figure had already disappeared in the sky. In the blood red sky of flame.

Bai Wuchang’s flesh and body were lost under the Void Yin-Yang sword, and his soul was also seriously injured. With a breath of vitality, the display of the Void Illusion has made him almost exhausted. Bai Wuchang originally wanted to scare away Zhao Lingjun with the illusion of Tai Yi Tianzun, and then devoured his soul to slowly recover his vitality, but unexpectedly he got Zhao Lingjun’s fatal blow, Bai Wuchang at the moment. At last he lost his vitality and lost his soul.

“You should really hang this time.” Zhao Lingjun looked up at Bai Wuchang, which disappeared into the sky, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But where the white impermanence disappeared, a white bead fell quickly.

“What is this?”

Zhao Lingjun reached out his hand and caught the white bead.

But Zhao Lingjun had just caught the white bead, and a black long-tailed strange bird appeared in front of Zhao Lingjun out of thin air, making a sharp cry while circling in front of Zhao Lingjun.

Zhao Lingjun’s face changed as soon as he saw the black long-tailed strange bird.

This black long-tailed monster is not a terrifying enemy. This black long-tailed monster is just a symbol of Wumen.

This black long-tailed monster bird, called the time bird, appeared at this time, indicating that an hour was about to arrive.

“Why didn’t he come back?”

Cao Xiaoxian looked at the white candle that was about to be extinguished and asked Wu Xiaoye absently.

“He will definitely come back.” Wu Xiaoye looked at the swaying candlelight that could be extinguished at any time, and answered Cao Xiaoxian affirmatively. But by saying this, Wu Xiaoye’s body had already begun to tremble slightly.

“Yes. He will definitely come back.” Cao Xiaoxian took a deep breath and repeated Wu Xiaoye’s words again.

But Cao Xiaoxian’s words just fell, and the white candle suddenly extinguished.

“An hour has come.” Wu Xiaoyi only felt that the sky was turning, and the world in front of him suddenly lost all his colors.

At this time, Zhao Lingjun also felt that he had lost all the color in front of him.

Zhao Lingjun only felt that all the colors would gather on the white beads in his hand, and then radiate through the white beads.

When the time bird appeared in front of Zhao Lingjun, Zhao Lingjun knew that his most sensible approach was to cast a spell back immediately. But when he saw the **** hole not far in front of him, Zhao Lingjun still decided to give it a go.

If you could see Lin Qianxun and other people’s souls as soon as they entered, time was still too late, but when Zhao Lingjun rushed in, he saw at a glance, but it was a long, invisible way.

“Can I not rescue them after all?” Zhao Lingjun’s heart fell to the bottom.

At this time, the screaming time bird that had been circling sharply in front of Zhao Lingjun also disappeared in front of Zhao Lingjun.

The disappearance of the time bird means that an hour has come.

With the disappearance of the time bird, a strong tiredness came, Zhao Lingjun desperately told himself not to sleep over, but at this time, Zhao Lingjun found that any part of his body seemed to be out of his control.

Zhao Lingjun only felt that his consciousness slowly began to blur, and there seemed to be an invisible force that was slowly peeling it out of his body.

“It seems that I’m going to hang this time.” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help making such a sigh in his heart.

But just as Zhao Lingjun was about to close his eyes to death, Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt a feeling of coolness, which quickly spread from his own hand to his whole body.

The intense tiredness disappeared without a trace.

“What’s going on?” Zhao Lingjun opened his eyes in surprise. Zhao Lingjun found all his consciousness and seemed to return to his body all at once.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Zhao Lingjun felt that all the colors between heaven and earth would gather on the white beads in his right hand, and then radiate through the white beads.

When Zhao Lingjun put the white beads in front of his eyes, he only saw this crystal-like white bead with a soft luster. Among the white beads, there was a white lotus flower with nine petals. Stop opening and closing. With each opening and closing of the lotus flower, a gentle warmth, but seemingly full of compassion, slowly emanated from the beads.

And that kind of warmth and softness, but it seems to be filled with the power of compassion, there seems to be some cool feelings slowly permeating into the meridians from around the body. Is recovering.

This feeling made Zhao Lingjun feel as if he had returned to the human world. It seemed that under the envelope of the power emanating from this bead, Tiandi had established contact with Zhao Lingjun again.

“What kind of beads are these? How could there be such power.” Zhao Lingjun looked at the beads in shock with shock, and could hardly believe that this was true.

In a silver ray of light, shot from the magic circle where the red cloud was rolling in front of Wu Xiaoye, Wu Xiaoye was already ashamed.

Because at this time, time has passed for nearly one and a half hours, and even the scattered immortals in the world cannot stay for a half and a half hour in the place where Huang Quan leads.

At this time, even the faction is about to close.

In Cao Xiaoxian’s eyes, it seemed that even Wu Xiaoye’s face was not angry.

But when the silver light shot out of the red cloud’s tumbling circle, Cao Xiaoxian saw Wu Xiaoye’s face, regaining the brilliance of life.

“What’s that?” Cao Xiaoxian couldn’t help asking with a trembling voice.

“He is coming back.” Wu Xiaoye’s voice also shivered inexplicably.

Wu Xiaoye’s voice just fell, and the silver light spread out at once. A huge thunder sounded in the sky. The tumbling red clouds and the huge eyes of samsara suddenly disappeared in the magic circle.

When the silver light disappeared, Zhao Lingjun’s figure suddenly appeared in front of Cao Xiaoxian in Wu Xiaoyi.

“MLGBD. This will almost hang.”

“You are finally back. But there are girls here, can you not be so rude?”

Wu Xiaoye smiled and looked at Zhao Lingjun, but his eyes were already blurred.

“Sorry.” Zhao Lingjun looked at the two women in front of her with tears in their eyes. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com pinched a recipe and took the Soul Inviting Umbrella in his hand. “Fortunately, it’s not humiliating.”

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun again showed a weary smile and said to Wu Xiaoye: “Wu Xiaoye, please help me perform the soul rejuvenation technique. My power is not enough to perform the soul rejuvenation technique now.”

“Just just below, what the **** happened, how can you stick with it for such a long time.” Cao Xiaoxian looked at Zhao Lingjun incredulously, and wanted a person with three flowers to spend all his energy. Dao force, what kind of danger it represents.

“This is a long story.” Zhao Lingjun smiled bitterly and took the white beads and the white jade-like dagger in his hand. “Let’s see what these two things are.”

“Especially for this bead, without it, I would have become a walking dead among Huang Quan.” Zhao Lingjun paused and said with acceptance.

An icy coldness and a warm and gentle power suddenly permeated Wu Xiaoye and Cao Xiaoxian.

Although the two people didn’t know where these two things came from Zhao Lingjun’s hands, but they felt the surging power from the two things, and they both knew that the two things in Zhao Lingjun’s hands were definitely not ordinary Magic weapon.

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