Celestial Employee

chapter 20: Chapter 36 - Perverted game-No. 40

Zhao Lingjun was afraid that the thin man suddenly raised his hands and snapped two shots to beat himself and Meng Xue into a rock sugar gourd string.

But the fat man just beckoned to Zhao Lingjun and said, “Oh, I actually forgot that you guys are here too. Don’t stand there, come to us.”

Zhao Lingjun was hesitating, but saw the thin man pointing himself with a gun. Zhao Lingjun was so full that he could only walk to the fat man with Meng Xue.

“Fellow, thank you for pointing us a clear way. For our sake, we will do us a favor again.”

Zhao Lingjun looked at the smiling fat man like Maitreya in front of him, but before he had time to say yes or no, he saw the fat man throwing a big duffel bag and a small hammer.

“Help us put all the gold objects in those stores into this bag.” The fat man said to Zhao Lingjun with a smile. “How about, this is not difficult.”

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue looked at each other, and they both knew that they would bother to kick the fat man with a knife in their smile, but both of them knew that if they could not say anything at this time, they might end up lying down earlier The next few women are even more miserable.

So after glancing at Meng Xue, Zhao Lingjun could only take the hammer in the hands of the fat man.


“Boom, buck.”

When Zhao Lingjun began to smash the glass cabinets in the shop, and began to put the gold necklaces, gold rings and other things in the luggage bag held by Meng Xue, the four robbers headed by fat men were not there. Idle.

The thin man was still holding the strangely shaped gun flatly and staring coldly at everyone present.

The tall man behind the fat man first ran to the gate of Qili Lane, closed the door, and then held the hands of the four women who had just been shot down by a few points from the thin man. Dragged in front of everyone.

The tall man dragged the four women like he dragged the four hens.

All four women had a big hole in the bowl. When the tall women dragged these women through the front of everyone, the clotted red and black blood clots and broken organs came from those holes. There keeps pouring out. The tall man dragged the bodies of the four women all the way, and the road behind them was covered with red and black colors.

The four women, with their grey eyes wide open, had their blood clots floating in their mouths.

“Wow ~”

Almost half of the people spit it out when they saw the tall woman dragging four women past him.

And some people are even incontinent at once.

The whole square suddenly smelled of sour smell.


“Why, it’s disgusting?” After the tall man threw the bodies of the four women in front of all the people, he walked to a bald man who vomited so badly that he even spit out yellow water.

“No. Not disgusting.” The bald man watched the tall man walk in front of him, and he could not help shaking.

“Really?” The tall man seemed to smile.

Then when all the people hadn’t responded, the tall man had already kicked the bald man’s lower body.

With a click, the bald-headed man was kicked and bounced like a frightened shrimp, and then slammed and fell on the vomit that was vomited by the people behind him. Fainted.

“I hate bald men who lie.” The tall man stepped forward, wiped the dirt on his bald man’s shoes, and then said to everyone: “If anyone vomits again, I will let him Eat what you spit out. ”

“Vag ~” There were people at the scene who couldn’t help making a gagging voice, but the tall man swept away, but no one dared to spit it out, even if he spit on the ground.

“Actually, there is no difference between humans and animals. This is a society where people who are weak and strong eat people.” The fat man stood in front of the bodies of four women and smiled. “Actually everyone will die, but you can choose whether to die now or later.”

After the fat man paused, he said to the two groups of people in front of him: “If you don’t listen to us, you choose to die now. If you listen to us, you choose to die later.”

“We don’t want to die. We will do what you want us to do.” As soon as the fat man’s voice fell, many people cried and knelt down in that disgusting vomit.

“Okay, since everyone wants to die later, then do as I say.” The fat man smiled and said. “I count one, two, three. All men pull out the belt in the waist first, tie their feet, and then use their underwear to block their mouths. All women, all lying flat on the ground, hands and doubles Feet up to the sky. ”

As soon as the fat man’s voice fell, the woman standing on the right side of the fat man lay down on all four feet. The men standing on the left hand side of the fat man took off the belt on the pants with a single swipe.

But when these people tied their feet with the belts on their pants, they were dumbfounded.

“Big … Big Brother.” The first person who caught his feet found a problem with the tied person. “After tying my feet first, how can I take off my underwear? How can I put my underwear into my mouth.”

“You really can’t figure out how to stop it?” The dwarf behind the fat man smiled coldly, stepping forward, and directly put the barrel in his hand on the head of the man.

“I figured it out, figured it out.” The man shivered in fear. Then all the people heard a hissing sound, and the man ripped out his underwear, and then quickly put the underwear into his mouth.

Then the dwarf glanced coldly, and there was a hissing and pulling of **** across the square.

After a moment, apart from the two men, all men’s mouths were filled with their broken underwear.

“You two, it seems that you want to hit the road now.” The tall man smiled coldly, moving his hands and feet.

“Hero, let me go.” One of the two men fell to the ground with one knee. “I never wear underwear, so I can’t stop.”

“I *. I hate not wearing underwear.” The tall man stunned the man with a punch and looked at the other one. “How about you.”

“I … I’m stuffed.” The other said vaguely. “My thong is relatively small, and it seems to be stuffed into my mouth.”

“*, Your mother told you that **** is standing in the middle.” The tall man also passed with a punch, and the man fell in a thump.

“Okay, since you all cooperate, then let’s make a game.” The fat man said to all the men whose mouths were full of underwear fragments. “This game is called occupancy.”

After a pause, the fat man smiled and looked at all the four-legged women, and then said: “The game rule is that after I announce the start, you will get to the four-legged woman over there as fast as possible. Body. Remember, there can only be one person on each woman’s body. And I count to ten, and if no one has accounted for a woman, I will … click. ”

The fat man wiped his neck.

All the people present only felt cold. Because everyone knows the meaning of this fat man’s gesture.

“Okay, since everyone has no doubt. Then I announce … the game begins! One or two …”

The fat man announced the start of the game with a chill.

All the men with pieces of underwear in their mouths were stunned. After a while, all the sober men rushed towards the woman on the other side.

But because these men’s feet were tied by themselves, most people only took a step and fell into a wolf.

But the men who fell did not stop. Instead, they went crazy as if they were crawling towards the woman on the other side.

“Haha.” Seeing these men crawling on the ground like crazy, the fat man and four others laughed wildly.

“Wow ~~”

While the fat man and four others laughed arrogantly, there was a terrible voice outside Qili Lane.

All the men who crawled like crazy to the opposite woman suddenly stopped.

Zhao Lingjun, who knocked on the glass cabinets of the last two shops, also stopped.

Because all the people heard, this stern voice from far and near was the sound of the police car coming from behind.

The thirty-seventh chapter of the body of the black eagle’s stern alarm sounded, but stopped not far from the gate of Qili Lane.

Then all the people present heard a sound from the loudspeaker.

“All the gangsters inside, you have been surrounded. Your only way out is to put down your arms and surrender.”

“The police are here.” Meng Xue said softly to Zhao Lingjun with a little joy.

However, Zhao Lingjun just pulled La Mengxue’s hand and told Meng Xue not to act rashly, and used his own body to cover Meng Xue’s gaze to fat people and others.

Zhao Lingjun covered Meng Xue ’s eyes because he was afraid that Meng Xue would see the miserable state of the four women. If he had n’t exercised in the sewer once, he would have seen Zhao Lingjun with four bodies stacked in front of the fat man. Spit all over.

Zhao Lingjun told Meng Xue not to act rashly, because Zhao Lingjun felt vaguely wrong.

Because Zhao Lingjun just glanced at it, he seemed to find that there was no trace of panic on the faces of the four people, but there seemed to be a trace of excitement.

“Too old-fashioned.” Zhao Lingjun heard a tall man standing in front of a group of men and women. “Why are the notes everywhere, even the shouting is the same.”

“Hehe.” The fat man just counted to five at this time. When he heard the tall man say that, he couldn’t help smiling, stopped counting, looked at his watch, and nodded to the tall and short man. Say. “The police here are pretty good. They were half a minute faster than the place last time. Let’s solve them first.”

“Okay.” The short and the tall looked at each other and carried a luggage to the gate of Qili Lane.

“Okay, they’re busy with them. Let’s continue our game.” The fat man smiled and looked at the pile of men who had climbed halfway in front of him, but he was standing on the ground, covered with a dirty man with his underwear in his mouth. Counted again, “Six …”

When I heard that the fat man started to count again, the eyes of the men were all concentrated on the short and tall men who ran to the door.

The tall man and the dwarf moved very quickly, and when the large iron door closed in the nearly Qili Lane stopped, the second shout in the loudspeaker came to “put down the weapon …”

And when the fat man shouted “Seven”, the tall man and the short man had taken out four black and fluffy things out of the luggage in a row.

“Ah ~~ It’s not good, retreat quickly and lie down.”

The voice of persuasion in the loudspeaker stopped suddenly, and suddenly became such an incomparable voice.

“Wouldn’t these be grenades?” Zhao Lingjun was cold, and when the idea had just surfaced in his mind, the tall man and the dwarf had swaggered back.

“Isn’t it grenades?” Zhao Lingjun looked at the two people’s leisurely self-satisfaction, and just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. There was a violent shaking on the ground.

The entire Qili Lane seemed to shake suddenly, and Zhao Lingjun staggered, almost stumbled and fell to the ground. Four loud rumbling sounds exploded in everyone’s ears. Zhao Lingjun only felt that his ears were knocked a few times with a hammer. Even the loudest firecracker that Zhao Lingjun played when he was a kid did not have such power.

There was a blank in Zhao Lingjun’s shocked head. When Zhao Lingjun looked up, he only saw a rising fire outside Qili Lane, countless flames and fragments that did not know what were flying and falling in the air.

And the big iron gate in Qili Lane kept making the sound of ding ding dong banging with something hitting. Under the impact of the air waves visible to the naked eye, the iron door trembles like a woman in it, and then makes a creaking sound that makes the teeth sour.

“Crazy, this whole person is crazy.” After Zhao Lingjun finally stood firm, he had such an idea in his mind. “They actually have grenades. And they just throw it out like this.”


All the men crawling on the ground were also terrified. No one thought that these people had reached such a level of madness. But the fat man only continued to count when nothing happened.

When he heard that the fat man counted “eight”, all the men who had been scared and loosing their souls seemed to be crazy, and they desperately crawled towards the woman lying on the ground.

“This group of people even has grenades, and even the police dare to blow up, what else can’t do?” All men lying on the ground have only one idea in their hearts, that is, get to themselves in the fastest speed Woman.


But no one thought that after counting eight, the fat man directly counted ten.

When there were dozens of fat people, there were only a handful of people who had already laid themselves on the four-legged woman. Most people are still a few meters away from those women.

“You … Why did you even count nine, you counted ten.” These people were so scared that all their tears came out of their noses.

“Oh, I’m the master of my site.” The fat man smiled. “So I can only blame your hands and feet for being too slow to complain to me.”

“Ah …” Many people fainted as soon as they heard the fat man.

And more people were crying and shouting, flying to the woman on all fours. And when some people who crawled there found that there was no woman who could let themselves lie on their stomachs, they fell into the wolf like crazy, and burst into tears.

Zhao Lingjun looked at the people who were crying and crying in a wolf book, but only felt sick for a while, but this time, Zhao Lingjun’s heart was more fear.

Zhao Lingjun was afraid that the thin man would suddenly shoot up and shoot the men who did not occupy the “seat” one by one.

But at this time, Zhao Lingjun saw the fat man and the tall man coming towards him.

“Come on, fellow.” The fat man smiled at Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue. “Send us another ride.”


“What is going on today?”

After Xiao Ping had lunch every day, he had the habit of taking a nap. Many people in the company laughed at Xiao Ping’s stomach.

But Xiao Ping was not tired, but Xiao Ping was sleeping well as usual. Suddenly, he heard countless police cars pulling sirens and whizzing across the road downstairs. When Xiao Ping leaned in front of the glass window, he saw that in addition to some ordinary police cars, there was a police car painted black. They were all flying away not far away from a thick smoke.

“In the direction of Qili Alley, what happened there …” Xiao Ping sighed. “Even the Black Hawk was dispatched.”


“According to the current information. Four people were robbing the gold shop in Qili Lane. They all have firearms and weapons, as well as powerful weapons such as grenades. We must be more careful this time.”

Sitting in a black police car were seven people wearing black suits, only showing a pair of eyes, a nostril and a mouth. And speaking is the current captain of the Black Hawk sitting in the closest driving position, Wang Zhaoping.

“Got it. Captain, aren’t these four hairy thieves? Don’t be so nervous. You have said it three times along the way.” Assaultman Li Yaosheng said with a light smile. “At that time, find a point and let Xiaofu get the four people out of it.”

“Oh.” The sniper Fu Shun smiled, undecided.

“I’m not afraid of 10,000, but I’m afraid of it.” Wang Zhaoping glanced at his team members and said, “I don’t think it’s easy this time. I’ve never heard old money so anxious on the phone.”

“He has always been like that, no hurry.” Li Yaosheng laughed. “The group of people under him, it’s okay to catch prostitutes and prostitutes, and you have to come across something real, which line.”

“That is, maybe they were frightened by a few homemade grenades.” A group of people laughed loudly. “How can they compare with our Black Hawks. We are the best urban special forces. Besides, there are only four robbers. We have seven, and we are afraid of getting it done?”

“Hehe.” Wang Zhaoping looked at the six young men in front of him, and couldn’t help but smile.

Anyone who hears these six people will think they are crazy, but Wang Zhaoping knows that they do have crazy capital. In the face of these young and flamboyant guys, Wang Zhaoping knows that even if he says something more, they will treat it as an ear. Because they are now like a treasure sword that has just been sheathed, and the only thing that can keep them from being sharp is only the sharpening of years.

So after smiling, Wang Zhaoping just said one more thing to these six people. “Be careful when doing things, don’t hurt the hostages.”

The thirty-eighth chapter of the text of the shooting “One minute ago, they had threatened two hostages to break out and grabbed a car and ran.” Wang Zhaoping et al. Just rushed out of the black police car with a hula and saw that Qian Wen, the captain of the city’s criminal police, looked pale and oblique * in a broken police car, trying to use a lighter to smoke.

But Qian Wen’s hand was shaking so much that he didn’t even succeed in ordering a few times.

When he heard Qian Wen say this, Wang Zhaoping was very worried about whether the six young men behind him would make any untimely ridicule.

But Wang Zhaoping turned his head, only to see all the six boys behind him widened his eyes, and looked at everything in front of him inexplicably.


“Did we come to Iraq?” Li Yaosheng looked at the incredible eyes of the four big pits on the ground.

The air was filled with the smell of high-explosive smoke and several police cars that had almost become a pile of debris, showing that the explosion here was definitely not a homemade grenade.

“Desert Eagle, AK47, modified micro sniper.” Fu Shun looked around the bullet holes while reporting the name of the firearm used by the other party.

Every time a name was reported, the rest of the Black Hawk couldn’t help but take a breath.

“Are these people here to rob or fight?” Li Yaosheng heard Fu Shun reporting the names of so many guns, and finally felt that something was wrong.

“Don’t I let you hold them down?” Wang Zhaoping recovered from the shock after a long while and asked Qian Wen.

“Drag, how do you let me drag.” Qian Wen suddenly got excited and shouted at Wang Zhaoping. “A few of them didn’t even mean to negotiate with us, so we shouted the second sentence, and four high-explosive grenades were thrown out, and we just thought it was wrong. Two hostages rushed out with guns. ”

“Calm down, calm down.” Wang Zhaoping was so excited to see Qian Wen for the first time.

“Go to TMD and calm down.” Qian Wen suddenly burst into tears. “We lost eight people in one meeting, eight people.”

“A lot of people blocked the door, rushed out, and lost eight people?” All the members of the Black Eagle felt a little weird.

“You mean there are two hostages with them?” Wang Zhaoping took a deep breath and asked Qian Wen, who was crying. “How about the remaining hostages?”

At this time, more and more police cars had arrived at the scene, and each member of the Black Hawk also saw the **** wounded people from time to time being carried on the stretcher to evacuate the scene.

“They have a male and a female hostage in their hands.” Qian Wen punched **** the broken police car with one punch, smashing his fist in a flurry, but Qian Wen didn’t feel the fist at all. Suffering. “The rest of the hostages are inside. You can see for yourself.”


Wang Zhaoping and all the members of the Black Hawk immediately rushed into the Qili Lane from the curved iron gate washed by the grenade.

But as soon as they rushed into Qili Lane, these people all froze. No one can believe everything in front of you.

From the doorway of Qili Alley to the shops before Qili Alley, it was stained with black and red blood clots, just like a black and red carpet, and at the end of this black and red carpet, the bodies of four women Just like broken sacks, they were randomly piled together.

But it was not these corpses that made these members of the Black Eagle feel trembling from the heart. It’s the people who are dull and crying in a piece of vomit and excrement.

More than a dozen men with their feet tied around their belts, covered in dirt, bare ass, and their pants fell on their knees, with their **** stuffed in their mouths, lying on the body of a dozen four-legged women with their **** upturned. And more men tied their belts with their feet and **** in their mouths rolled in the dirt around them, seemingly trying to pull down the men who were lying on the woman, and then went up on their own.

Whether it is a man lying on a woman, a man rolling in these dirts, or a woman who dares not move at all on all fours, she seems to be scared and stupid, her eyes dull, she only knows where she is. Cry.

Even if there are already police officers pulling them up, they dare not get up. Just cried there and said, “Do n’t kill me, I ’m taking my seat.”

“I’m going to kill them.” Li Yaosheng just glanced at it, and then turned and rushed back.

“…” The rest of the Blackhawk members did not speak, but when they glanced back at each other, everyone saw the murderousness in everyone’s eyes.

“Where did they run?” Li Yaosheng’s eyes were red when he rushed to Qian Wen.

“Running in the direction of Siping Road, Director Ma has arranged for the man to intercept it.” Qian Wen just finished, Wang Zhaoping and a group of people have also rushed behind Li Yaosheng.

And Wang Zhaoping and others just rushed behind Li Yaosheng, and heard the sound of a brake not far away.

A dilapidated Santana suddenly stopped across the road not far away.

Qian Wen turned white as soon as he saw the dilapidated Santana.

“Get down, get down quickly.” Wang Zhaoping and others were immediately alert, but Wang Zhaoping and others had heard Qian Wen’s shouts before they could make any enquiries.

Wang Zhaoping and others were almost lying on the ground subconsciously, but at this moment, all people heard two deep bangs in their ears.

When Wang Zhao was lying on the ground and turned his head to the side, Wang Zhaoping saw two huge blood mists rising from Li Yaosheng and Qian Wen.

Wang Zhaoping’s eyes became blurred at once.

“Kill them.” Wang Zhaoping couldn’t help but shouted. At this time, Wang Zhaoping had forgotten the fact that the gangsters were hostage.

But Wang Zhaoping’s shouting sounded, and Wang Zhaoping heard the third low gunshot.

“Bang Bang”, the first member of the Black Hawk who was awake began to shoot back. But at this time, what Wang Zhaoping heard in his ears was a smoldering noise from Fu Ping and the loud laughter from the roar of Santana’s engine.

“Hahaha. Is this the legendary Black Hawk? Your movements are too slow. I think you will change your name to Black Sparrow. Hahaha.”

“Bang Bang” all the police officers’ bullets were pouring out in a frenzy. But in front of everyone, they have lost their goals.

Because when the first gunshot sounded, several smoke bombs with a strong pungent smell had been thrown out of Santana at the same time. By the time the third gunshot sounded, all police officers could not open their eyes.

When I heard that crazy laughter was slowly going away, Wang Zhaoping, who was extremely humiliated in my heart, wished to kill himself with a single shot, but after Wang Zhaoping got up from the ground, he watched the blood foam and slowly spread from Fu Shun around him. ‘S pupil, but only hissed. “ambulance.”


“Haha. This group of people is really awful.” The tall man jerked wildly while playing with a few tabs in his hand. Obviously the last few smoke bombs came from him. “Everyone in the Dao said that since the relentless detective retired, the Black Hawk is not as good as a year. Now it looks like this. You see those birdmen, Kuroko shot three shots. There was no shot. ”

“Their movements are too slow.” The thin man known as Kuroko looked at the gun in his hand and said with a blank expression.

“Haha, I guess they were already scared to urinate in their pants when they saw us,” the dwarf said while driving the car. “Heizi, now the black eagle is like a black bird, you must be very disappointed.”

The thin man glanced at the gun in his hand and said nothing. Fatty like Maitreya, but said with a smile: “The legendary hot-handed detective can turn four male flies flying in front of his eyes into eunuchs in one second, but he did not expect his apprentices to be so pussy. ”

“It’s estimated that they were blown out by this hot detective.” The tall man threw the pull ring out of the window and took out a few grenades from his luggage to play in his hand.

“Haha, I guess they can’t think of how we will kill a carbine suddenly.” The dwarf said to the fat man around him while he was driving the car. “What about your fellow, why is there no sound at all, you will not be bored.”

“Haha, the trunk is so big, where can I be so sulky.” The tall man sitting in the back row smiled haha, patted his seat in despair and shouted into the trunk, “Boy, Are you dead? Squeezing together with the beauty is not good. Your fellow doesn’t treat you badly. But if it’s cool, you say something. ”

Chapter 39 The Edge of Life and Death Zhao Lingjun, who was stiffly stuffed in the trunk with Meng Xue, although he has felt that his eyes are black, and with the bumps of the car, Zhao Lingjun feels that his internal organs are about to be Turned out. But Zhao Lingjun did not die after all.

Zhao Lingjun heard the tall man’s words and the loud voices from the back seats clearly.

At this time, Zhao Lingjun wanted to curse aloud, “I’ll **** your head” and then curse these people in the most vicious language.

But at this time, Zhao Lingjun, even though his neck was already stiff, did not dare to move.


The fat man and four others rushed out with the most powerful firepower and precise marksmanship, and the dwarf stopped a Santana that had just opened on the road. The dwarf just shook his gun, and the pair of men and women in the car saw a hell-like scene and ran away like crazy.

The tall man pushed Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue to the trunk.

Then Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue hadn’t reacted, and they just felt black. When Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue reacted, the tall man had pressed the trunk lid down.

Zhao Lingjun had just bowed and was pressed down by a huge force, squeezed together with Meng Xue.

Then Zhao Lingjun felt his nose hit a soft bulge under the thin fabric. And Zhao Lingjun felt his lips, and suddenly encountered a very soft place under the thin fabric. And that place still seems to radiate the heat of nothingness.

The feeling of warmth and softness on both sides of the face reminded Zhao Lingjun that today Meng Xue is wearing a white cotton slacks. Many girls with long legs and hips like to wear such pants, because white is easy to bring a refreshing feeling, and thin and soft trousers can well outline the girls with long legs and hips Perfect curves of hips and legs.

Meng Xue is a standard beauty with long legs and hips, and her white casual trousers are of course thin and soft.

Such a thin and soft cloth, of course, cannot stop the erratic heat radiated from Meng Xue.

Zhao Lingjun understood at a glance what his head was pressed into, his nose and lips, and what happened to him.

Zhao Lingjun only felt his head bang, as if all the blood had poured into his head at once. Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but wanted to go back.

However, the two people were too tight. Zhao Lingjun suddenly moved, but found that his hands, feet and body were already squeezed. When Zhao Lingjun’s head snapped back, Zhao Lingjun’s lower body was pushed forward slightly.

Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt that he had been touched by two soft things in a place where he was about to change.

Although it was only a light touch, the part where Zhao Lingjun was touched reacted uncontrollably, directly on the two soft things. And in the middle of those two soft things, it seems to be exuding the heat of nothingness.

Even across thick jeans, Zhao Lingjun can imagine where Meng Xue is.

Zhao Lingjun froze at once.

Zhao Lingjun did not expect that his head was actually squeezed in the middle of Meng Xue’s legs, and the place where he had already changed, actually just pressed Meng Xue’s lips.

If this car is driving smoothly, perhaps Zhao Lingjun, who has kept his neck stiff, will no longer be in contact with the most secret place of Meng Xue, and Zhao Lingjun may also slowly recover his calmness. But the dwarf was very wild when he drove up, especially when a few sudden brakes or crazy forwards, Zhao Lingjun ’s mouth and nose would irresistibly stick to Meng Xue ’s soft and incomprehensible heat. Private parts. And every time the car bumped, Zhao Lingjun’s erect part would gently hit Meng Xue’s soft lips.

Zhao Lingjun couldn’t tell what it was like in his heart. Shame and death are entangled with an extremely comfortable and warm feeling, which makes Zhao Lingjun feel like he is sailing in the sea, and he will be thrown into the air for a while, and suddenly fall into the dark abyss.

What Zhao Lingjun can do is try not to let his nose and lips touch the thin fabric of Meng Xue, the most secret place that exudes warmth and heat.

So although Zhao Lingjun wanted to use the most vicious language to curse the four people who were sitting in the car in front of them, laughing wildly. But Zhao Lingjun is now afraid to open his mouth.

Because now Zhao Lingjun’s lips seem to be tightly attached to Meng Xue’s most secret private parts. Zhao Lingjun feels that if he speaks, he seems to be biting Meng Xue lightly and blowing hot air there.

If that’s the case, although Zhao Lingjun doesn’t know how Meng Xue will feel, Zhao Lingjun can be sure that he can’t stand it.

Because now Zhao Lingjun already feels that his place is about to explode.

When the car braked suddenly again, Zhao Lingjun’s lips pressed tightly to Meng Xue’s soft private parts, and Zhao Lingjun’s erect place gently pressed Meng Xue’s lips again. Got an idea. “Meng Xue will definitely think I am a pervert.”


This thought just flashed in Zhao Lingjun’s heart, and Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt the pressure on his body was light.

The trunk lid of the car was suddenly lifted. The dazzling sunlight made Zhao Lingjun, who had been in the dark trunk for a long time, suddenly unable to open his eyes.

Just when Zhao Lingjun wanted to struggle, Zhao Lingjun felt that he had been lifted up by someone, and then dropped like a broken sack on the ground.

Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt that his internal organs were about to come out of his mouth, but Zhao Lingjun hadn’t had time to open his eyes. A heavy object hit him hard again.


Zhao Lingjun could not help but uttered a scream.

When Zhao Lingjun eased his breath and opened his eyes, he found that it was Meng Xue who hit him. The fat man and the tall man looked at themselves with a smile. In the tall man’s hand, Zhao Lingjun’s bag and the luggage stuffed with goldware were carried.

And that Santana is still moving forward.

Zhao Lingjun did not know where the strength came from, so he helped Meng Xue to climb up.

“MLGBD, spell it.”

After standing up, Zhao Lingjun only had such an idea in his mind.

But the fat man just smiled and pointed the gun at Meng Xue, and Zhao Lingjun stopped.

Zhao Lingjun suddenly calmed down. Because Zhao Lingjun feels that although he is not afraid of death, he can’t be involved in Meng Xue.

“You let her go.” Zhao Lingjun took a breath, glanced at Meng Xue, who was blushing all over his face, lowered his head and unable to speak, and said to the fat man and the tall man. “Don’t you want to be a hostage? It would be nice if I were your hostage.”

“Oh, look at what you said, fellow.” The fat man smiled at Zhao Lingjun and said. “I just want to have a good chat with you. It’s inconvenient for your girlfriend to go back alone in the wilderness here. It’s inconvenient to wait for me to chat with you. I will send you and girlfriend back.

Fatty and Zhao Lingjun said so. Zhao Lingjun found out that he had arrived in a desolate suburb, in front of him, a wide river, and his group of people were standing at the approach bridge of a bridge across the wide river.

“They rushed to this place all at once. What about the police? Why didn’t they stop them? Where did the two men drive in the car again?”

Just when Zhao Lingjun was thinking this way, the tall man pushed Zhao Lingjun and nodded under the bridge. “The note is coming soon, we should go.”

“Go?” Zhao Lingjun was cold all over. “Where are you going?”

In the fortieth chapter of the main text, my hobby is that women “go here.” The fat man smiled and clicked the weed from the river bank under the bridge.

“Where do you go?” Zhao Lingjun looked at the wide bridge and found no place where there could be a passage down to the weedy river bank below.

But as soon as Zhao Lingjun asked this sentence, the tall man shoved it on Zhao Lingjun’s back.

“Ah ~” Meng Xue’s exclamation sounded, and with a “bash”, Zhao Lingjun’s entire body hit the weeds on the bank of the river firmly.

“Haha. Know how to go on.”

The tall man looked at Zhao Lingjun, who fell in the weeds, and smiled wildly.

Even though the place where Zhao Lingjun fell was all soft mud and thick weeds, but when he fell from a height of more than three meters, Zhao Lingjun only felt that his eyes were black and almost fell to death. After a while, Zhao Lingjun took a breath and spit out a mixture of weed and mud from his **** mouth. But Zhao Lingjun wanted to jump up and scold “I **** your ancestor”. Meng Xue also fell from the bridge and suddenly fell into the weeds beside Zhao Lingjun.

Zhao Lingjun ’s first reaction was to immediately lift Meng Xue, but what relieved Zhao Lingjun was that Meng Xue was not hurt.

“Your girlfriend is quite personal. I didn’t push her, she jumped on her own.” Zhao Lingjun just helped Meng Xue stand up, and the fat man and the tall man jumped off the bridge. After landing, the tall man couldn’t help saying this to Zhao Lingjun.

“It’s all right, fellow.” The fat man still smiled at Zhao Lingjun and said. “follow me.”


Nowadays it is the early summer season, the weeds on the banks of the river grow like crazy, which is more than half of the height.

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue followed behind the fat man and walked through the tall weeds. Behind the two, tall men carrying two bags.

The mud on the bank of the river was very wet. Every time Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue walked, they accidentally stepped on a mud pit. So it didn’t take long for Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue to have mud in their shoes. The bottom half of the two men’s pants were all wet and tightly attached to the two men’s calves. Every step is like a monster licking the legs of two people with cold tongue, which is extremely uncomfortable.

But the most uncomfortable is the feeling of those weeds cutting on people. Because of the sultry weather, Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue all wear short sleeves. When walking through the weeds, when the arms of the two people exposed to the weeds touched the weeds, they seemed to be cut by some small blades. It hurts and itches.

Not long after walking, Zhao Lingjun saw Meng Xuexue’s arms cut by countless bloodstains with weeds.

As soon as he saw the blood marks on Meng Xue’s arm and the expression of pain on Meng Xue’s face, Zhao Lingjun felt a heartache in his heart for no reason.

“Even if you die hard, you must preserve Meng Xue.” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but think in his heart.


After walking for nearly an hour on the overgrown river bank, when Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were unable to support their physical strength and willpower, Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue saw several bungalows on the river bank.

The fat man smiled and ordered some of them to be built up with stones, just like the temporary bungalows built by the people who raised ducks and geese on the riverside, said to Zhao Lingjun, “My fellow, here.”

“Why did they bring us here?”

Zhao Lingjun was full of doubts when he was pushed by the tall man into the largest one among several bungalows.

But this time Zhao Lingjun heard the fat man ask the tall man: “How long will it take them to get here?”

“About half an hour.” The tall man looked at his watch and said to the fat man.

Upon hearing the conversation between the tall man and the fat man, Zhao Lingjun suddenly understood that this place was not a trading place that the fat man and others had said in advance with others, or that the fat man and the tall man and two other dwarfs and other people who caught the police ’s attention The meeting point of the thin men.

As soon as he understood this, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but look carefully at every corner of this bungalow.

There is almost nothing in this bungalow except for a stove for cooking. It seems that this is indeed a temporary building built by some fishermen who are fishing by the river or those who raise ducks and geese. On the ground near the window, a thick layer of dried firewood and hay was laid. It seems that people who used to live here used it as a bed.

“His mother, it’s quite comfortable.” The tall man threw two bags on the stove, and then sat on the thick hay with one butt, taking off his muddy boots.

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue looked at each other, and the two also wanted to take off their muddy shoes, and took a break, but the two did not know what they wanted to do to bring this place to themselves. ghost.

“Hehe.” While Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were standing wondering what to do, the fat man smiled and said. “Thanks to your fellow guys for showing us the way this time, we have done things so smoothly.”

“Since it’s a fellow, do you still treat me like that?” Zhao Lingjun finally couldn’t bear it at this time. Zhao Lingjun swept his heart and finally said what he wanted to say. “Now that you are safe, let us go.”

“Don’t worry.” The fat man’s face is still a Maitreya-like expression. “We said it well. We haven’t introduced ourselves yet. Fortunately, you sent us all the way, and everyone should know each other. . ”

“His name is Gao Jun.” The fat man said no matter whether Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were interested in listening, he nodded, sitting there, taking off his boots, and taking off his boots to dry his stinky feet. “He used to be a martial arts champion of Guangdong and Guangxi. Basically, if he was fighting alone, even the fighting coach of the special forces was not his opponent. His usual hobby is to find someone to fight and seek excitement.”

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue only listened to the fat man’s first words and couldn’t help but get cold.

At this time, Zhao Lingjun remembered the scene of a tall man with two hands dragging the bodies of four women and kicking away the bald man with one foot. Zhao Lingjun felt that the fat man was not talking big.

“The thin guy you have seen with a modified sniper rifle, he’s called Heizi.” The fat man didn’t care about Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue, and still said. “He retired from the special forces before, and later joined the mercenaries abroad. His hobby is killing people, especially killing some masters with guns.”

“And that short man, his name is Li Hao. He is a blasting expert and grew up in an arsenal that specializes in grenades. He made grenades and smoke bombs. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is better than the best on the black market. Better. His hobby is more vulgar, he likes money. ”

The fat man still talked to Zhao Lingjun with a smile, but Zhao Lingjun listened, and his heart slowly sank to the bottom.

Zhao Lingjun’s heart sank, not because the fat men mentioned were all unusual characters. Zhao Lingjun had already seen these powerful people in Qili Lane. Zhao Lingjun’s heart sank because Zhao Lingjun felt that the fat man talked too much to himself.

Zhao Lingjun feels that if he is a gangster, if someone knows a lot about himself, he certainly will not let him go.

Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but looked at Meng Xue.

Meng Xue’s eyes were already full of horror.

At this time, the fat man still said with a smile.

“My name is Ji Jijun, and I do n’t have any special skills. I just know more friends on the Tao and can buy things that ordinary people ca n’t. I get some business that ordinary people ca n’t. I only have one hobby. “The fat man paused when he said this, and looked at Meng Xue who was standing beside Zhao Lingjun. “That’s a woman, a beautiful woman.”

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