Chapter 259: Chapter 256
He walked out, my eyes glued to the costume inside. The original costume, the real costume, not the one I made, no. This was Peter Parker's costume.
I sighed, 'maybe...maybe I don't need to wear it right now,' I bundled up the costume and put it into my school bag along with the web shooters.
I shouldn't lie to myself, being was fun. And maybe...maybe I should stop pretending I didn't want to be him again. So for now, I'll keep it on me, just for now.
The next day:
"And then this new Spider came in, kicked but and just bolted!" Dani cheered, jumping in her seat in the cafeteria, "it was so cool!"
Nancy rolled her eyes, "she was okay I guess."
"So you guys really saw this Scarlet Spider?" Brad asked, sounding skeptical.
"Yeah we did! Hey, just ask Bruce and May, they saw her too," Dani pointed to May and I, both of whom remained silent the whole time.
"Well?" JJ asked, "is this true May?"
The girl cleared her throat, "yeah."
"Nice! So we have another Spider! This is so cool!" said Moose, the big guy I called gay the first time around, "was she cooler than Spider-girl?"
"Hell no!" May snapped, "she's just a rip off!"
"Well I wouldn't say that May," a new voice called out as a woman with platinum blonde hair dressed in a pair of jeans and a green top walked over to our table. She smirked, her face looking similar to Felicia's, "some would say the new Spider is totally a step up."
I blinked, that's right, Felicity Hardy also studied here didn't she?
"Hey girl! It's been too long! Have you heard?" Dani smiled moving over, giving Felicity space to sit down, making her sit down right opposite me.
"About how the Scarlet Spider saved you guys? Yeah, I heard," Felicity replied in a smug voice, "in fact I heard is she hadn't come, May's cousin would have been swiss cheese."
I raised an eyebrow, "I can handle myself Felicity."
Felicity looked surprised, shocked even. May blinked, "you guys know each other?"
I smiled, "something like that," I gave her a knowing smile leaning forward, resting my face on my hand, "you know, that isn't actually where this story ends."
"What do you mean?" Nancy asked skeptically.
"I mean," I smirked at the girl, "after you guys left, Scarlet came back. And then, she kissed me."
"What?!" May cried out, her eyes immediately landing on Felicity, who was blushing red. Ah, so May did know who the Scarlet Spider really was.
"Dude! Are you serious?!" Brad cried out.
I nodded, "yeah, I am. I guess she wanted me to properly thank her or something, so she just shoved me down and kissed me."
"W-woah," Dani blinked, "was she any good?"
"Dani!" Felicity cried out, blushing harder.
"What? I just want to know!" Dani shrugged.
"Well...was it?" Brad asked, the gathered teenagers all looking very curious.
I smiled, "it was..." they leaned in closer, even May looked curious, "the worst kiss I ever got."
"What?!" Felicity cried out, slamming her hands on the table, "what the hell do you mean?!"
I shrugged, "I mean it was the worst kiss I ever got. It was like kissing a horse, tongue going everywhere and lips being shoved all over the place. It was like her first kiss and...wait..." I shivered, "I think it was her first kiss. Damn. Now I feel bad."
"N-no way!" Felicity cried out, the kids turning to her, "it can't have been her first kiss!"
"Why do you think that Felicity?" Nancy asked, her eyes narrowed curiously.
"Yeah Felicity, why?" May asked, a smug smile on her face.
"B-because, I mean, she's a superhero right," Felicity gulped, "they must like be with a lot of people."
I snorted, "well even then, she was still the worst kisser I have ever met."
Felicity was red now, she looked like she wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I chuckled, there, now there's no way she'll ever want to kiss me again.
That night:
I was walking home alone that evening, May stayed behind for basketball practise. And just then, I was suddenly grabbed and dragged into an alley.
I blinked in surprise as I found myself face to face with the Scarlet Spider once again, "oh...hey. What's up?"
"I'm the worst kisser ever?!" Felicity demanded.
I smirked, "oh? And how did you know that?"
Immediately she realised her mistake and backed away, "I-I, I have my ear to the ground."
"Really," I rolled my eyes, "cute."
"Why what?"
"Why am I the worst kisser ever?!"
"Wow, this is really bothering you huh?" I chuckled, God this was so much fun!
"N-no! I mean...I just want to know why!"
I shrugged, "there's no was just a bad kiss is all."
She growled, for a moment I thought she was going to hit me, but then, she lunged forward, pushed me back and raised her mask, kissing me again. Her hands went around my hair, her chest heaving against mine as she attacked every corner of my mouth with hers.
And then she finally moved away, the skin on my lips wet with her saliva and a shocked expression on my face.
She smirked, "yeah, I'm just the worst," she turned around and took off, "catch you later cutie!"
I watched her jump and leap away and groaned, "great, just great. I knew I shouldn't have pushed her. God, I hope she doesn't try that again," I swear she gets it from her mother. Urgh, I'm going to be sick!
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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