"Caught in the Web of the Spider."

Chapter 252: Chapter 249

I snorted, "believe me, giving up the webs won't be that hard," MJ and May just chuckled, but Pater narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

I cleared my throat, "anyway, what I'm really having a hard time getting over is the fact that MJ and I got together."

MJ smiled, "why? Who did you think you would end up marrying?"

I shrugged, "Felicia."

MJ's eyes went wide as Peter coughed in surprise, "you and Felicia are going out?!" he asked in disbelief.

"Were," I sighed, "we broke up."

Peter blinked, "why?"

"She broke her father out of prison and became a fugitive on SHIELD's shit list. Obviously she couldn't stay with me…." I grumbled, "look I don't want to talk about it."

"Right," May said getting up, "I don't know about you guys, but today has been weird enough, first my dad from another world showed up, made fun of my friends, insulted the Avengers and is now in my house."

I snorted, "oh please, those wannabe's don't deserve to be called Avengers. They're reckless, and yes, I understand how ironic it is that I'm saying that."

"You're not wrong," Peter said with a chuckle, "those kids have no idea what they are doing."

"Ah! I'm surrounded by judgemental people!" May cried out as she walked away to the stairs, "I'm going to bed."

I blinked, "really? It's so soon."

"It's been a long day!" she yelled back going upstairs.

I chuckled as I turned to MJ and Peter, "5 bucks says she's going to sneak out dressed up."

Peter shook her head, "probably. So that was you today fighting Dragon Emperor?"

I nodded, "yeah...May and I had the situation handled, but then the Avenging morons came in and mucked everything up."

"I can understand your frustration. So...what are you going to do? Just wait to be flung back home?"

I shrugged, "that's the plan. There's nothing else for me to do.."

Peter nodded, "hm, I see." We talked into the night, telling him about my life. Honestly I was excited, this was Peter Parker, the real one. I was so excited to finally meeting my idol. My hero, so in order to impress him I told him everything I felt comfortable telling him.

"So Fury recruited you?" Peter asked surprised, "damn, that's surprising."

I nodded, "you're telling me. One night, bam! He's there and I'm staring at this dude who's sprouting out something about Avengers."

MJ nodded, "still, trained by the Black Widow, impressive."

I shrugged, "Fury didn't want me to be out there untrained. He figured I was safer under his eye than out there wild."

Peter chuckled, "I wish I had that chance. I can only imagine what you know."

I leaned back, "yeah, I guess...but, in the end, it just wasn't worth it."

Peter and MJ looked at me. Peter cleared his throat and spoke, "what happened?"

I looked up, "what do you mean?"

"I've had that exact look on my face many times before," Peter explained, "and that was when I was getting ready to give up. And from what you said earlier...you stopped didn't you? You stopped being spider-man."

I snorted, "figured I couldn't hide it from you...yeah, I did. I gave up the webs. That's why I don't have my costume or shooters on me."

"What about the helmet?" MJ asked.

I took out my red tablet and expanded it into the helmet, "a prototype I was working on for super heros, heroes other than me. I just had it on me when I was sucked in here….it was a coincidence really."

"Then why did you step in to help May?" Peter asked.

I looked at him, "what else should I have done? Let my daughter die?"

MJ and Peter were silent. They looked at each, MJ motioning to me. Peter sighed, "listen...Peter. I've been where you have been before...I understand what you're feeling. But...running away from your problems will never solve anything."

I narrowed my eyes, "what do you know? Did you nearly die at the age of sixteen? Did your life flash before you as a mad man stood over your corpse ready to end you as easily as he breathed?"

Peter was silent. And then he got up and pulled up his pant leg showing his metallic peg leg, "yes Peter, I have. Many more times than I care to count."

"Then why the hell should I do the same?" I asked him, "if you were me, what would you do? What would you do if you lost the reason to put on that mask? What would you do if you lost the will to fight?"

MJ looked at me and smiled, "that's good."

My eyes widened, "what?"

"If you lost the will to fight, then you can simply find it again. Believe me Peter, if you're anything like my husband, you won't let something like a near death experience stop you," she smiled, "you'll find a way, you always do honey."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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