Capture Target

Chapter 100 — Y5: Brand New Me

A special thanks to all of my subscribers!

Okay, ready to --

-- w-wait, really?

I mean, uh, yes!  Gladly!  Should I bend over or -- o-oh yes that works, yeeees~

Haaaaa~  That was good.

…Not sure how I feel about you being the one asking for sex, for once.

…Feels a bit odd.

Good odd!  Just.


…One more round?



Story time it is.


The goo-proof outfit.

There I was, standing in front of a slightly crazed Sumiko -- which is better than a greatly crazed Sumiko by miles -- and staring at her and the giant vat of bubbling glossy purple-black goo.  

I immediately turned around and tried to leave.

…Only to discover that Sumiko had figured out how to close and lock her lab doors via remote.  

I felt my expression go flat as I turned to glare at her, and she rolled her eyes, pressed the unlock button on her remote, and got to explaining.  

So, the problem with the corruption goo was -- okay, Sumiko's explanation was kind of hard to follow, and it was like a half-hour before I gave up and pretended I got it.  That said, from what I did understand, the problem was… uh… similar to osmosis.

Osmosis being the process by which a liquid can transfer through a semi-permeable material, and thus equalize the liquid on both sides of it.

For the purposes of this, think of trying to hold back water with, say, some fishnet stockings.  The stockings have literal holes in them.  So the water just goes through, until the amount of water on one side is determined to be ‘equal’ to the water on the other side.

And yes I’m skipping a bunch of stuff like ‘pressure’ and ‘height’ and don’t worry about that.

What’s important is that the corruption goo didn't need something to be semi-permeable.  It didn't need something that it can get through.

It can just go through anything.

Apparently a lot of the inert goo that we brought her managed to just -- slip through their containers after enough time.  Slowly, and bit by bit, but they could.  She said she had to mad science up a magnetic force field thing to hold the corruption goo in the air not actually touching anything solid, as making containers thicker didn’t do anything.

Yes, it was bullshit.

It was bullshit that could literally ignore the laws of reality.

Thankfully, in this case, that just meant that it followed its own rules.  Rules that Sumiko managed to figure out in her weeks of experimentation and, uh, cheato-shardcraft-examination.

The key thing here is its viscosity.

The goo likes to stick to itself.  It doesn’t like to be separated.  That means that it can, at the very least, interact with itself in some fashion.

Sumiko took the inert goo, and…


…Okay I’m going to be frank.

I don’t know what she did.

Like.  At all.

She gave me a lot of steps that she did in the process!

And, uh, okay.  

Boiling away different components?  That I get.  That makes sense.

Zapping them with a high-powered tesla coil in order to ‘energize the particles’?

That does not make sense!

And then!  Then!  She said that she used her ‘polarized beam cannon’ in order to ‘orientate the quarks’, and just, what the fuck does that even mean?!

Argh!  I hate mad science!  Give me magic any day!

As for how she'd confirmed that it would -- she'd made a pair of long-sleeved gloves from the material.  They went all the way up to her shoulders, and looked like they were made of an almost latex-like material, shining in the lab's light.  She confirmed that she could handle the inert goo with these gloves safely, and that she could contain the inert goo by coating the inside of a container with it.  

So that was… promising.

…I’m not going to lie, I was still suspicious as fuck about this entire thing.

Especially when she told me to get naked and jump in the vat.

I mean, like, are you kidding me?!  Strip and jump into the vat of mysterious bubbling goo?!  No!  That’s just -- no!  Who would do that?!

…Besides me, that is, because she did manage to convince me.



Look, if there’s one person I can count on to tell me, ‘Hey, Elizabeth, don’t do the obviously stupid shit’, it’d be Jessica.  My lovely, hot, younger sister.  I can count on her to be reasonable.  To be rational.  To have arguments that make sense.

So when she says, ‘Hey, Elizabeth, do the obviously stupid shit’, I don’t have a leg to stand on!


After Sumiko prodded her, Jessica asked Mini to scan the goop.  Mini is literally made to be able to detect when things are dangerous, particularly when it comes to bugs in reality.

…I’m a bit surprised it works equally well in MISSY, but I’m not going to argue.

Point is, according to Mini, the goop was safe.

And if Mini says something is safe, Jessica says it’s safe, too.

…I admit, I don't have quite as much trust in Mini as Jessica does, but.. well…

…Well, I was trying to listen to my companions more.



Yeah.  I, ah, I stripped naked and jumped into the vat of totally-not-evil goo.

Possibly not my smartest moment, but it worked out great!


I stripped naked, and moved to jump into the vat of goo.

Well… to be more precise, I, uh.

Poked it with my toe.

I brought up my now goo-covered toe, and wriggled my foot as I examined it.  It felt a bit weird, but seemed… fine.

Sumiko gave me an exasperated look and made a ‘get on with it’ motion, so I, maturely, stuck my tongue out at her and proceeded to ‘get on with it’.

I went down the ladder into the vat of goo.  Properly, this time.  It reached up to around my neck, because I had no interest in drinking this stuff, and then Sumiko did -- something.  Turned on a light, activated a hose, I’m not sure what, but most of the goo was drained away, leaving me alone in the tub.

Well, alone, with what seemed to be several lumps of solid goo.

There was no bubbling, this time.  It barely even looked liquid -- I only call it goo because it could clearly shift its shape.  I looked myself over, and saw that the goo had stuck to seemingly random parts of my skin. 

My toe, from before.  A bit of my left hip, some of my right leg.  Almost all of my right arm and a thin stripe that went from my neck to the outer curve of my left breast.

Every part covered by the goo felt weird.

Sumiko was babbling stuff about how this was all ‘part of the plan’ and to ‘stay calm’ and whatnot, but I was busy poking the parts of me that the goo covered.  Because they felt weird.

…Weird, and good.

Stroking my right arm with my left hand felt oddly -- sensuous, to me.  I could feel it as if I was touching my skin, instead of some kind of thin purple covering.  Like it was my skin that had been changed, recolored, instead of merely my attire.

The more I stroked it the better I felt, and it was around then that I was starting to get suspicious.

I heard some kind of -- wet-ish sound in my ear as I carefully examined my right arm.  Specifically, where the purple goo met flesh.  The seam.

The goo wasn’t falling off, after all, so I figured that if I wanted to remove it I’d have to put some effort into it.  So I tried wedging a nail from my left hand into the seam to peel it off.  

…Tried and utterly failed.  

It wasn’t even…

…It wasn’t even like trying to open a jar.  You know that the jar can open; you can feel it move a bit if you’re lucky with every few attempts.  You can see where the lid and jar are attached, and you know that they can be separated.

It wasn’t like that.

It was more like a cliff face, a mass of solid rock that changes between two different kinds of stone and pattern halfway.  Where the seam is just the material changing from one to the other, not there being any kind of gap or hole.

The seam was -- odd.  A bit bumpy, or foamy, like ‘something’ had been ‘pushed out’ when the goo attached itself to my arm.  More than attached; picking at it with my nails felt like I was picking at my own skin, stinging to warn me off before I drew blood.  

I determined that this was very weird and also probably not what I should be focusing on at that precise moment.

I looked down and I realized that the solid bits of goop left?

It was crawling up my legs.

My natural instincts took over and I immediately shrieked for Sumiko while trying to kick the goop off, trying to escape it.

Naturally, this backfired.

The goop had a firm grip on my feet and itself.  Trying to kick it away just resulted in agitating it, helping it move up my body.

Sumiko’s response to my panic?

“Don’t worry, it’s working as intended!”

Which was just.


A totally useless response.

I could hear her snickering!

At least I knew it wasn’t dangerous but I was still kinda panicking.  I had almost fallen over due to my failed kick, tried backpedaling in a panic, and didn't even finish my first step before ramming against the wall of the vat.  

I then tried the thing that was obviously a bad idea.

Care to guess?


I tried to use my hands.

When dealing with potentially-alive liquid latex that’s enveloping you, smearing it across even more of your skin is not the smartest move you can make.  

Curiously, my left arm, which didn’t have any covering on it, was essentially ignored.  But my right arm, that was almost completely covered, seemed to trigger the goo’s interest.  It didn’t attach itself to my bare skin -- it only attached itself next to areas that already had goo covering it.  And from there, it inevitably spread, covering more and more.

By then the goop had reached my knees and was still climbing, and it had only just begun to reach my right shoulder.  And it was then that I started to get… distracted.

When it was just the occasional band on my body, that was bad enough.  It was sensuous, sure, but that was it.

But now that it had covered the entire lower half of my legs?

As I was trying to kick the goop off, I accidentally rubbed my lower thighs together.

It was then that I fell down on my ass, a startled combination of ‘moaning’ and ‘screaming’ escaping my mouth as I did so.  The sensation was -- it wasn’t the most intense I had ever felt, to be clear.

I had felt some very intense things in my life by that point.

Like when I got raped by that tentacle beast on day one!

Or when the chief god showed up, and his super-aura of lust whammed into me.

Oh, oh, or laying eggs for the first time!  

Yeah, those were very intense.

And in a real way, this didn’t come anywhere close.

But it was like it skipped the foreplay.

Stroking somebody’s inner upper thigh when they’re in the middle of filling out a tax form won’t make them feel anything other than, probably, confusion and annoyance.  …Well, presuming they don’t have some very particular kinks, that is.  It’s not sensual at that point; it’s just skin, not an ‘area really close to my favorite fun spot’.

On the other hand, if you’re in the middle of making out -- or if you’re teasing them -- that same stroke, done gently and with intent, can make somebody moan in pleasure.  If they’re particularly sensitive and pent up, you might even make them cum!

Hey don’t look at me like that!  I made somebody orgasm from patting their head once, and they weren’t even a slut!

Aspersions about my facts aside, when I rubbed my two legs together it felt like somebody was teasing my inner thighs.  Like I was on the verge of orgasm, and somebody was just simply -- stroking me.  Teasing me.  Building me up higher and higher.

It wasn’t even that I was ‘suddenly near orgasm’.

It just felt the same way that it would have, if I was, and if it was a more sensitive spot on my body.

Thus the moan part of the moan-scream.

It was then that I realized that this was going to be a lot more fun than I thought.

It was almost like my realization was the trigger.

The goop, previously slowly climbing up me, suddenly became a lot more alive.  Sumiko claimed afterwards that it was due to the change in how I viewed it, but I claim otherwise, so what does she know?

Yes I know she’s the scientist -- I was making a joke!

I know that you knew that I was -- and yes, I know that you know that I knew that -- argh!

You’re twisting my tongue up, stupid it!

Okay yes for kisses it’s okay but --

… … …

Okay.  You've gotten very good at teasing me and winding me up wanting sex while I'm busy with storytime.  I admit it.  

Moving.  On.

I felt the goop quickly move to envelope my body.  Up my legs, and down my arm -- it reached my right breast next, and it was then that the oddity of the sensation struck me.

The goop was actually a bit warm to the touch -- like it was my temperature.  But as it was covering me, I’d feel that slight warmth and then -- nothing.

The warmth seemed to vanish with every inch of my body that it claimed.  Instead I just felt the air flowing over it, as if it had become my skin.

I was trembling as I felt that happen over my large, sensitive breast.  I raised a coated right arm and gently prodded my bust, and had to bite back a hiss of pleasure just from feeling it jiggle as the goo covered it.

By then I was getting actively wet, my slutty body ignoring the fact that this could be, you know, ‘dangerous’, and instead focusing entirely on that fact that it was super hot.

I tweaked my nipple right after the goo covered it, and I had to stifle a scream of pleasure, my body arching as I slid down the side of the vat to sit back against it.  

Because I'd felt myself cum from that simple motion.

Now, my refractory period was practically nonexistent by that point.  Because I was amazing.  But practically nonexistent doesn’t mean that there were no -- temporary lows, after orgasm.  Otherwise an orgasm wouldn’t be a ‘peak’ and become ‘another step of pleasure’.

…Which sounds hot but I’m pretty sure that would actively break me if that was the case, so.

The point was that I felt like I had a moment to recollect myself.  To calm down.

And that’s when the goop reached my upper thighs, and my slit, and began spreading in.  

I could feel it going inside of me, coating every surface.  Covering my clit early on, and that alone made me tremble and whimper with pleasure.

The goop coated the inside of my slit, up to my womb and cervix.  And then it spread inside my womb because I started getting super-sensitized sense of touch inside my womb as it coated that too!  

I would have been asking Sumiko about what the fuck was happening, but I was too busy jilling my newly-coated snatch off to really worry about that.

It was -- m-mmph!  So good!  It was part of what almost ‘awakened’ me into what I am today~

By that point I was too far gone to stop it.  I was too far gone to want to stop it.  In between schlicking myself and letting loose desperate moans of pleasure, I was no longer trying to stop the goo.

Instead, I was helping it.

Scooping piles up and dropping them near the edges of whatever was coating me.  Grabbing any bits that seemed to have fallen off, letting it get reabsorbed into the greater mass of goo.  Encouraging it with my words, whenever I could actually form one with my mouth.

It was glorious.

Before long it had covered both my tits and my upper hips -- the two points of spread having met.  It seemed to stop at my neck.. before I realized it, uh.


And wasn’t going to.

To be honest, I passed out shortly after it reached my mouth.  I’m not sure if it was the specific sensations of it pouring itself down my throat to coat my insides or just generally the continuous harsh orgasms that did me in, but either way, my body gave up and I was out like a light.

By the time I woke up, I was -- well.

I was me.

And I felt like me in a way that I hadn’t for years.

Oh, sure, there were other benefits to the procedure, but what was most important to me, as a person?

I felt like my body matched my soul.

I was finally the slutty purple-latex-skinned succubus I was on the inside, on the outside.

And that’s why I’ve never even tried to find a way to remove it~  It helped me become me, and now more than ever?  

I love who I am~

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