Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 98

23. The Immortality Council of Security Advisers

It stopped raining.

Aurora hasn’t stopped completely, and people are working under a beautiful snarl. The sky was beautiful, but life was not beautiful. The stench of the corpse and the stench of the water were mixed up, and disgusting air was hovering all over Illuvelas.

A lot of buildings have collapsed. The barely pierced waterway begins to crumble over time. Drones have been mobilized to the Frigate Ship production line in Tyrant to clear out the crags and demolished buildings. Drones the size of dumptrucks move back and forth, removing the mud blocks and lifting up the collapsed building. People rush in to collect the body. Bodies that could not be identified were piled up in the woodwork, teeming with water.

The captain stands on the permanent residence, gazing at his presence. Tyrant reports.

[Captain. As soon as Krasus captured the wizards beyond the portal, their hearts stopped. A pre-installed cyonic code was triggered.]

Within the screen, the wizards’ faces were distorted by the terrible pain coming from the heart. But the captain wasn’t interested in their lives at all. The captain said, putting a Warhammer magneta on his back.

“Is everyone dead? ”

[No, we immediately replaced heartbeat with an automated external defibrillator (AED). I was stunned by the shock, but it didn’t affect my life. Now that Krasus has done the cloaking work with magic, we won’t be able to kill these wizards from afar. Of course, the enemy thinks they’re dead because the spell of cardiac destruction worked.]

The captain smiles.

“Well done. We’ll be heading for the containment chamber soon.” ”

Seems like a pilgrimage to the people who wander around looking for their families among the bodies piled up in the empty space. The androids spray nanograms around your face and leave. A hologram is overlaid that reproduces the face of a lifetime. Tranquil music spread throughout the castle of Illuvelas for the faint.

“What if you couldn’t stop the rain?” Tyrant. ”

[In the worst case, they should all be escaping to Metropolis. If it wasn’t for Metropolis, at the very least 15,000 people would have died.]

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been attacked in such a way to wipe out an entire region. Is it the work of messengers to manage the so-called destiny?”

The captain acquired and sharpened his teeth.

A few moments later, when the captain returned to Metropolis’ containment chamber aboard AB12, Krasus was feasting on a large roasted cow and drinking the spirit as a jar.

It’s a hospital that smells like medicine, even if it’s a containment room. Eating beef in here was very awkward. However, the dragon was chewing beef to the bone without hesitation.

“Well done. Krasus.”

“Captain. You’re much more powerful than I expected. I commend you.”

Crassus grins and his teeth flash. The captain nods. The acolytes step forward and pull up a chair to allow the captain to take a seat. The suppression compartment below was placed in front of the screen and became a dining table in the form of a dinner again. When I saw the time, the 12 o’clock was running out, so I thought it might be time for lunch. The captain also ate the prepared food.

The captain looks over the screen at the dead lying wizards as he eats. Krasus, who was following the captain’s gaze, said.

“I was greatly distraught when their hearts stopped, but at the request of the fairy, I hid them from the magical eyes. Then, when the elf attached a red triangle toy to his chest, the hearts started beating again. Interesting view. They’re alive now. ”

Krasus saw the scene of an automatic defibrillator massaging the heart outside the skin with the dragon’s vision. That fascinating way of replacing the already destroyed heart by circulating blood to save their lives.

“I see.”

As soon as the captain tries to say something more, one of them opens his mouth.

“Ugh, where am I? · · · · · ·”

Waken by Tyrant, the wizards stare at themselves, bewildered. I couldn’t understand it because I was still alive, even though the heart should have exploded when the mission failed. If only one or two had lived, you could have thought there was a magical error, even though it was rare. Everything in this operation was still alive, so you felt that things were definitely wrong.

In the white quarantine room, they knock on the wall and start screaming.

“Hey! I know what you’re looking at! You won’t be able to get any information out of us! ”

Some hot-tempered wizards chew their tongues off. Someone chews the lyre between their teeth. However, the AED that caused the heart to beat against the chest was a very sophisticated machine. Whether I chewed my tongue or chewed the poison, I stopped all blood transport with my mouth and esophagus, paralyzing my muscles and making my saliva overflow. The poison that flowed from the orchid was washed out and the tongue was cut clean of blood.

“I don’t know, Captain. Are you a self-destructive tribe? I heard there are a few such nobles. ”

“No way. I just wanted to take a moment to see how you react before we get into the process. But those guys are highly trained. Moshi chooses suicide rather than hurting its owner. ”

“Sometimes there are things like that. ”

Krasus grins. The captain shakes his head.

“I don’t feel any joy except the need for this. No, it’s rather offensive. They’re people I have to protect, too. But we have work to do. Tyrant. Enemy captured. Order the execution of the exhibition flask. ”

[Command received. Receive the Admiral’s order under the Artificial Intelligence Special Administration Act during the exhibition. Initiating human brain extraction.]

It’s “blindfolded” for a little while. However, proceeding in this way lowers the karma level accumulated in the dogma circuitry of the moral core. However, unlike the guilt the system senses, human suffering has only just begun.

Krasus, who chews the meat, swallows his saliva and looks inside the screen. A small ultrasound came from the white wall, scratching your ears. The wizards clasp their ears and roll the floor.

That’s when the big mechanical arms came down, grabbed the wizards, and while they were at it, they started cutting their skulls with laser cutters and pulling out their brains. Crassus is excited and exhales a white nostril.

“Oh, my God! Captain! Excellent! Excellent!”

Screams were louder beyond the video.

“Yi, what are you doing! ”

“You dreadful creature! ”

The wizards begin to stir up chaos as the whales shout. It was obvious, because a wizard who just chewed his tongue saw his head open with an electric cutter, clutching at the mechanical arm with his whole body.

A sharp vibration blade split the skin and bone in a heartbeat, and the mechanical arm carefully entered into the head and yanked out the brain. When my face sank like a crumpled mask, it became a corpse. Crassus applauds the absurd sight.

“Bravo! Bravo! Captain! Your vengeance is cruel. So cruel! Even dragons will believe it! ”

“No. There is anger in the heart, of course, but this is not revenge. You have to do it. ”

“Kuhahaha! But after keeping her awake, you pull her brains out? It’s funny. You should try to be honest with yourself. ”

The captain refused. It was true that the people of Illuvelas who had been slaughtered in their hearts passed by. Those who lost their families to the water bomb are still wandering around the body like ghosts.

‘I’m sure you’ll hear from Francesco later. ’

The captain drank cold water.

Immediately, the brains were pulled out of the wizards’ heads, screaming one after the other from beyond the video, transferred to a silver box, one in each flask. Once all the brains are removed, the isolation chamber is bursting with a plasma blast that consumes the entire body.

There was no Grotesque pairing to look at while eating. However, neither the reinforcing human captain, nor Crassus, who had to fortify his nervous system crossing the battlefield like hell in the first place, continued to eat without grumbling at the horrific sight of man.

“Tyrant. Initiate ICSA as soon as you’re ready. ”

[Yes, sir. Please wait while you eat. This will be over soon.]

Soon a silver box entered the main frame of the ICSA system. Long cylinder flasks that were submerged in clear liquid to receive the brains began to slowly rise above the water as soon as they were ready. The water that shined in a clear, subtle blue light was like hydrocooling water that contained a nuclear fuel rod.

In fact, this cooling was a facility that functions as a kind of liquid response glove that isolates the brains from the outside world at ordinary moments, and then, if necessary, extracts flasks like this and creates an environment for the brain to be used. The flask opened and received new brains.

The captain drinks cold water again. I was strangely intrigued.

“The enemy must have thought they were beating us in the war. because we didn’t really know much about the world. But it’s different now. ”

It was not one or two heads. A bundle of flasks centered around Arden in the middle, filled with the brains of all kinds. From elite intelligence officers of the imperial army to the fresh brains of the wizards I just captured. Furthermore, the brains of the factions that were acquired during the raid, along with the cannons that transformed from the brains of the monsters that attacked the Captain, were also contained in flasks. In the battle between Triford and the dragons, the winner was a brainwashed captain.

In addition, a hundred of those multimodal flasks were illuminated in silver with a giant AIKSA. Every time the data comes in and out, a faint light flashes to the left and right side of the silver brain.

“With thirty additional brains, the Immortality Council of Security Advisers (ICSA) is finally in place. ”

The captain grins. A hundred crystal flasks floating over the blue solution of a very heavily sealed quarantine chamber were powered by a faint glow. Rather than eating, Krasus stares at the screen in a daze.

“I was thinking maybe, but leaving a hundred brains like that alive? It must be hard to see your hobbies as such. ”

“Krasus. I’m just anxious to be bolder to solve the problem. Lions swallow hesitant food first. I have no intention of hesitating or surrendering to protect humanity. If you hesitate, the gap grows. I can’t stop now. ”

The tyrant’s misguided passion creeps me out. Krasus creeps at the thought that he once had himself in that flask. He was also noticing something. How the new flesh, given by the fairy, is a hundred percent of its own.

I was following the Captain because I saw the possibility of killing the Lord of the Pantheon, but Krasus now clearly feels that the same position as the brain in that flask is actually his.

“Something to show me all this. Captain.”

Crassus grunts, putting down his well-fed meal for a moment. I understand it with my head, but I don’t feel it. Krasus doesn’t want to be freed from anyone anymore. But the captain will surely come to rule Krasus with freedom. Krasus now feels as if the captain poses a gentle threat to himself.

“Krasus. I want to show you a kind of artistic landscape of how we extract information from the brain. We can make them dream and scrape information out of them. And I hope to show you all this and strengthen our alliance as you live in reality, not as a dream.”

All of this is a lie, Captain. Not only the psychological graph, but also the pattern algorithmic analysis that appears through various combinations of the images and paragraphs. With just a simple question, the leaf scrapers were able to steal away the mind world like a leaf scraper.

Even Krasus’ thoughts, for example, are constantly being checked in the main frame of the orbital supercollider Tyrant. But it was better for Krasus to not know the principle, so he was spreading the white lie.

“Hmmm · · · · · · · · Yes, I’ll show you how to use it to remove the brain. ”

It would be better to share the same secret than to mislead and provoke anger. Faith is advantageous in many ways if it is believed that it is only by dealing with it in very complex ways that it gives information. And in particular, there are those who do not work in a simple way. They are like Arden with Protect.

But now it was a glorious first run by the Advisory Council, rather than waking Arden.

“Tyrant, activate the system. ”

The Immortality Council of Security Advisers (ICSA). Current Time Alpha Zeta 12: 44. Initiate.]

A blue light flasks into the flask and all of them begin to connect to a single self. As the various brains flashed on the screen, a plot of the algorithm converging to one vertex appeared.

From a hundred brains to ten brains, from ten brains to finally one artificial brain has become a single process. A large artificial brain in the central area connected to the brain in the barrel remains cold with water cooling equipment in place to prevent overheating throughout the system.

[Captain. Activation complete. Currently, among the 30 newly added brains, rejection and cyonic protection have been integrated normally, with the exception of three subjects not completely deconstructed; 89% of the brains are connected normally. The processor is ready for parallel processing. Please specify an operation data permission class within the database and provide the purpose of the operation.]

“We demand a report on the backs and weaknesses of this circulation. To do so, I authorize the unlimited use of information looting on the Treasure Island. ”

At one time, it was for this purpose that the treasure island was chaotic and the relationship was determined by large-scale wiretapping. It was the role of Information Observatory Intelligence Inc. to combine and observe externally accepted information with the information originally owned by the owners of the brain to find and release meaningful threads within it.


thitapel Co-man

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