Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 96

22. Ghoul Funeral 3

Samir is staring at the roaring ghouls with the maggots boiling from the burned frogs. I don’t know if it’s raining heavily or if it’s because the ghouls are struggling, but maggots spill from my body.

Samir was used to the corpse. I was used to the disgusting tasting made by boiling ghouls. Since he hung many bodies himself, he was familiar with seeing the hanging ghouls.

However, what he was not used to was the ‘polite’ view of the ghoul in a rain he had never seen in his life.

“The king does not want the corpses of the ghouls to be ruined. Stab him in the head with a paid tendon. ”

Boring rainfall brings snow to the forehead. Samir orders you to sweep over his head. To be honest, Samir was a little relieved by the feel of his forehead.

“Yes, Commander.”

Many elderly people, including the ranch that was trembling earlier, quickly became accustomed to the work and responded vigorously. The meadow ran and grabbed the frog tightly with its thick forearms and broke it. Like a fishing rod, it quickly snatched the gourd coming down and pressed it to the ground.

It was amazing how a person who had never learned police encroachment reacted naturally to the memory of his body. Immediately, the other elderly also cleaned up the ghouls that climbed up in the household, floor, and well and put them in a silver sheet.

The stiff teeth of the rushing ghouls have been aiming for arms or necks, but it was impossible to break the hard-response gloves of the reinforcement suit. Rather, the soldiers swiftly grasp the Ghoul’s arm with both hands, push the foot down, and stab the back of the head with their heels.

Silent ghouls like rapidly dead chickens are loaded onto a truck followed by other soldiers who come and carry them gently in their sacks.

“Here! Zone 24 is also completed. Let’s go to the side!”

* * *

[Physical synchronization is successful. There were 16 elderly people who had a rejection of the culture body, but they were injecting immunosuppressants and analyzing the course of the nervous system. Most of them naturally exploited the accumulated synaptic responses of the nervous system while capturing ghouls.]

Tyrant reports to the captain.

The captain was scouring the entire Illuvelas area by drone in Metropolis’ secure offices. The captain’s complex mental system handles a number of tasks in a number of places. Multiple tasks, unimaginable with human intelligence in the late 21st century, are natural in the captain’s brain, a specially enhanced human being.

Then we can shoot the head of the Ghoul with this high altitude unmanned machine. Why kill the Ghoul directly with the stinger? It was a test of whether the soldiers were adapting properly to the new body.

Their brains were slowly adapting to new bodies. More distractions disappeared and gave me more focus.

Following orders felt natural, and you remained calm in front of the running monsters. According to the testimony of these soldiers, this experience was closer to a spiritual experience, ‘Heaven and earth disappear and only purpose appear.’ Of course, the testimony is a long story after that.

Only through these steps can they ultimately be made into the ultimate warriors that the Human Effectiveness Directorate seeks.

“316 people got a new body. ”

Older people don’t survive long in Illuvelas.

“Looks like Samir was having fun roaring. Must have been boring. ”

[The era of screaming leadership ended a long time ago. He must now be intoxicated by the Red Queen’s dilemma.]

Hearing Tyrant’s cold remarks, the captain looks around the country.

The red queen who appeared in the mirror kingdom of Elise, a sequel to Alice in a strange country, told Elise, “If you want to be where you are, you must run.” For Samir to lead them, he would have to deal with people who were becoming completely different.

Thanks to this, Samir lost all the time to shout, and the soldiers quietly soaked their ankles in the rain that flowed like waterfalls and recovered the ghouls.

The captain turns his gaze and heads for the great rainfall of Illuvelas Castle.

“The castle of Illuvelas is in chaos. ”

[Yes, sir. I’m making headway on the ground through a Belu, but the whole canal is about to collapse. We’re blocking traffic, we’re expanding our waterways by borrowing only the people we need, but it’s raining too hard. Since this is physically impossible precipitation, it is probably the largest observational rainfall on the planet.]

Through the drone, the captain looks down at Illuvelas at the top of the castle. Citizens in Yellow Rain and Android soldiers are doing everything they can to get the water out of Illuvelas.

Particularly, light was rising from the Android soldiers’ foreheads and breasts to illuminate the way, and without that light, the castle seemed to be trapped in a storm that could not be seen. They were living fluorescent rods that were desperately draining the water as they built the necessary canals along Tyrant’s calculations.

“Bar, it’s a rock! ”

“Citizens, stand clear of the poles! I’ll break through!”

You shoot the grenade launcher and smash the stone as it is. The high ground is well underwater due to androids digging through the canals without spare for firearms.

However, the low ground was being torn apart and broken by the wall that could not withstand the pressure, and the market that had been stretching under the wall was drifting down. Yesterday, the vigorous people stood on top of the building and waited for rescue, and the Android army carried them and led them to their heights.

I saw people rushing to the rescue, spraying drugs, new clothes, and disinfectants to prevent the epidemic. This was civilization. It was also spectacular through computerization. Despite the slow processing of human soldiers, the speed at which Android was connected to the exhibition control process was different.

“You’re pouring water. What a traditional attack.”

The captain has his tongue.

Civilizations truly evolve with treatment circulation. The reason Pharaoh was able to be lifted up as a god was because only Pharaoh’s bureaucracy could rule the furious Nile River. The bureaucrats documented an enormous number of men, creating 50 billion cubic meters of artificial lakes.

Considering that by the 21st century, China’s largest dam, the Sansha Dam, could handle 39.3 billion square meters of water, how wondrous would the Pharaohs construction be for the ancient people?

Similarly, the king of Babylon, the emperor of Rome, and the archangel of China forced their hand. And the captain had to overcome this challenge to save lives and protect civilization in Alphazeta.

However, if there is a difference, the rain that the ancient kings fought was natural disaster, but the rain that the captain is fighting now was clearly the rain of someone’s will.

“What a waste, we can’t find the cause of this phenomenon. Krasus, do you see anything? ”

“Rrrrgh! You’re just drinkin ‘! Water everywhere! Water! Dammit! Rrrrgh! ”

On one side of the screen, Krasus’ gaze appeared. It was like swimming underwater. Crassus fires a feverish flame at the Ion Brest, scattering the clouds, but the clouds again pour rain.

It was only a few minutes before I noticed that the amount of rain was unusual. At first, Samir grumbled about the rain that flowed to the top of his foot, then began to report horribly when he saw the rain coming up to his shin.

After reviewing the weather forecast program several times in time, we found no anomalies, alerting the tactical inference system to the possibility of an enemy attack.

And as soon as the captain attempts to examine the possibility, the rainfall itself has crossed the physical limits of the Alphazeta.

However, no signs of cyanic were detected. Eventually, Crassus, a magic-sensitive creature, had to fly into the clouds after eating steak and liquor to find magic. As a result, Krasus was flying around in the clouds, drinking rain from his nose and mouth, spreading the breeze of fury.

“Khhh! Those bastards! How dare you interrupt my meal! If I find them, I’ll eat them all! ”

Tyrant, who was looking at it, said.

[Captain, the massive steam that brings this rain cloud is literally in the air. They’re sending drones around with Krasus to detect cyonic energy, but we don’t know how long it’s going to take.]

The captain nods.

“First, send Rascala to help Castle Illuvelas. Send Luna to AB12 and back her up at AGC143. ”

“Captain! The enemy may be trying to get Rascala out of this castle! ”

At the bottom of the field of view, Po appears, speaking urgently. A fistful crystal scatters lightning everywhere, trembling on the table while something odd is happening.


As she gestures, the wizards rush forward, screaming and suppressing their power with their whole bodies like warriors ready to die.

Tyrant discovered that only when they use their own brains do synapses become thicker and better, so he built a drone that transforms magic without Android sync.

Po has assembled some forward-looking wizards and set up a laboratory on an asteroid orbiting Alpha Zeta. That’s why it could explode while experimenting inside Tyrant. The captain has connected with Krasus.

So their magical power was tied to the lab’s nuclear cells, but the output of the destroyer engine was so strong that even with the entire facility, the experiment was always close.

“Forgive me, Captain. I can’t leave because I’m experimenting with the possibility of using cyonic energy to power the destroyer.”

The engines of destroyer-grade battleships required extremely sophisticated circuits and extremely scarce resources, as they required more than simple power to navigate the universe.

As long as we had to travel at near the speed of light and tear out flowing dimensional systems and enter slip space, the engine itself had to be tightly tied to space-time in order to avoid being swept away by the complex axes of space-time and emerging in hundreds of years.

And that bond required a great deal of resources. Po embarked on an operation to magically upgrade the engine in a situation where it was difficult to supply resources and technology.

Lightning flashes a crystal behind Po’s back. Wizards rush in like rugby players and press into their bodies, bouncing off again and again.

“Captain, the boys from the tower came by the other day and said, If you want to protect the castle from vampires and other monsters, sign with them. ”


Meanwhile, the Khan is no longer able to suppress it. He is struck by lightning and flew to the ground, burrowing. The drone that was flying next to his head supports him and avoids hitting his head against the wall.

Thanks to you, I was able to wake up quickly. He quickly said, holding on to his flowing circles and looking at the screen with a darker face.

“Ugh! That’s right. Sire! Once the spirit lord’s veil is broken, all manner of magic may lurk around the human city. Honestly, the Tower is a bad cat owner. ”

“Bad Cat Owner? Release the rats, release the cats? ”

Once Po is stunned and aware of Khan, Khan jogs back to Huddah and suppresses the Destroyer Test Engine with all his might. The captain takes a moment to think and wakes up.

“I’ll go. ”

“Captain! Ignore Khan’s words. This wizard does not know the power of our civilization and the protection of the cyonic. Moreover, the enemy’s objective is unclear. If you leave Metropolis now, you may be in danger. ”

Po cries out in panic. Captain says.

“Po. It would have been easier if the opponent had come forward powerlessly. But now this attack is an attack on my reputation as a ruler. It would be better to avoid any attacks that can be avoided, but an attack on reputation must be broken from the front. If you hide yourself now, that’s exactly what the enemy wants. Tyrant, what’s my motto? ”

[I’ve never heard the captain’s motto directly, but I analyzed the Big Data algorithm. The captain’s motto can be summarized in one sentence. “Be a madman rather than delight your enemies.” He looks just like me.]

“Haha. Tyrant, in this case, should look like me who was born first. ”

Po stares at you in a daze. The captain is on his feet. The small humanoid drones attached to the desks stand up, placing the documents in an orderly fashion.

“Captain, is the strategy of being a madman effective? Why don’t you do a little more math? ”

The captain shakes his head. Now was not the time to calculate. He wears a waterproof cloak on top of his washcloth. Elevated majesty was the greatest effect, although it may not have much effect.

“Po. Whoever the enemy is, it rains for a variety of reasons. It could simply be to paralyze or destroy the Illuvelas region. However, if we have some knowledge of our abilities, we will also know that rain is difficult to destroy us. Whether the enemy is the Pantheon, the so-called Sincere Hero, or the Horse Tower. Then what is the enemy after now? My reputation, I think. Looks like they’re after my reputation as a ruler. ”

In fact, a normal kingdom would never be able to withstand this much rain. However, those who know the captain’s skill will not expect the Captain’s civilization to perish with this rain.

Then this rain is a kind of power reconnaissance. Learn how to deal with them and, if possible, shave off the dignity and face of the enemy to stand at an advantageous stage.

The captain looks back at the rainy field beyond the screen for a moment. The coldest, desolate land with a deep darkness had the greatest rain in history. It looked so dark and painful, like the whole earth was bleeding black blood.

The captain opens the door and walks out, and the cart is standing by. The captain boarded a cart to a hangar with AB12. Fluorescent lights and metal buildings swiftly passed by. Po was still looking at it with a worried look beyond the screen.

“Po. Either way, I want to make this whole plain a huge boast. I want to use dry land as a field for propaganda and strengthen the diseased and hungry so I can watch their chariots fly away. To do that, what I need is dignity as a ruler. ”

“Dignity? To the captain? ”

“Yes, reputation is always important in ruling and power. Enemies will not rule my reputation unless I build mine. What the enemy wants now is to show the world that I can’t accept or solve this problem.”

The AB12 engine is running and there are hot winds and fires. The captain boarded through an open door.

[Captain, it’s raining pretty hard. Gas can shake.]

AB12 slowly flew up through the long runway in the hangar and into the rainy atmosphere. The plane makes its way through the water, igniting the ion engine towards Illuvelas. Blue light pierces through the clouds like an arrow.

“So, whether it works or not, I have to be there myself. And we have to solve the problem together, and we have to carry the burden together, and not only that, but we have to solve the problem. So trust me and stabilize the battery. ”

“Oh, yeah. Captain!”

Only then did the sober Po salute, and then he turned around and began to stabilize the lightning scattering cell with the wizards.

“Krasus. If you find any trace of him, do not forgive him, but let him live.” I don’t want to watch you flee to death today. ”

“Khh · · · · · ·.”

Crassus smiles from beyond the screen. He knew what the captain would do.


thitapel Co-man

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