Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 80

17. Dance with Crassus 6

[A0141. Loss of circuit due to cardiac arrest crisis.]

Alec’s conscious gaze was on the white ceiling. The body is submerged on the liquid of a long, oval, fluffy bed. This liquid is viscous, but not sticky. It gently sucks the human body, but it does not cause any damage to the body.

Alec’s body trembles. All the holes in your body, from your mouth to your ears to your nose to your anus, still have a slight foreign body. The lightning flashes through my mind for a moment.

The white ceiling LED light was shaken around by the impact on the optic nerve, and the fluttering light reminded Alec of a swarm of white wormworms that rolled over screaming.

“Ahhhh! Mother! Help me! There are bugs all over me! Bug! Aaaah! ”

The bed that was in the shape of a gel had a subtle electric flow. Suddenly, the muscles calmed down and my whole body sank into the bed.


The pad adhered to the body was sprayed with a sedative and absorbed into the skin. In just a few seconds, Alec looks up at the ceiling, his eyes dazed. A warm LED light was illuminated on the body.

“Are you awake, Alec? Now, touch your hand. Cheek, body. Either is safe and sound. ”

After Tyrant’s heartless remarks, Dr. Francesco’s warm voice follows.

Francesco was making his body out of nanograms, a gray-haired old man in a blue-eyed, white robe. Saint Francesco, who was loved by nature ’enough for birds to follow’ and the psychoanalysis that anyone had treated with intense concentration, seemed to have mixed Freud appropriately.

He laughs with warm blue eyes.

“Sa, priest? ”

Alec is mistaken for a priest who uses healing magic. As Francesco stood him up and patted his spine and neck, the nanorobot entered through the gel acted on the brain in response to electromagnetic stimuli.

“You were dreaming. Now take a deep breath. What does it smell like? ”

“It smells like fragrant, flowery, · · · · · · and the stew my mother makes. Priest. ”

“Good. This is your reality. ”

The smell of flowers and stew that Alec now felt was not real, but a new nanorobot that was injected into the real-world space, bringing the most ‘stable’ smell in the neuronal synaptic dimension. The more I think about the smell, the more my body is able to recover its stability.

“Well done. ”

Alec rises from his seat as Francesco taps his shoulders and leads. Now, this soldier will smell flowers and Mother’s stew whenever he wakes up from a battle thought to be “a dream.”

“Let’s go. Look how hard your colleagues are fighting. And cheer me on. Your support will be a great strength to them. ”

“Yes, yes · · · · · · cheering, cheering · · · · · ·”

Alec walks away dazed.

Looking down from above, Dr. Francesco’s nanograms were floating on many partitions, clapping their backs against the rising soldiers screaming in all sorts of ways. Each of them saw all kinds of fantasies. Soldier whose torso was cut by jellyfish, Soldier dissolved in strong jellyfish acid, Soldier whose torso was torn apart by an ally’s sword.

Each one of them said, It smells like clam stew. Somebody smells like rosemary. Some people smell the weed that they pick out of the field every day. Somebody smells like a river fishing with my dad. It smells like candles made of lard oil.

Francesco patted them on the back among the soldiers who were discussing all sorts of different smells.

“This is your reality. ”

A myriad of Francescos say.

Soldiers who shoved their backs at Francesco walked slowly to the screen and couch ready as a theater without even thinking about looking around, sniffing their noses together.

In front of the big screen, there was a white luxurious couch and a delicious snack for each. It was the finest cookies and drinks made by the chefs.

Alec, who joined the military because he couldn’t withstand the lives of the lower class, was the most prestigious sugar sweets he’d ever tasted.

Alec sits in a chair with his name on it in his head and eats a sugar cookie.

I feel like my whole mouth is waking up with sweetness. Vibrate vigorously up to the upper lip, lower lip, and under both balls and soles, throat. It’s sweeter than I’ve ever tasted in my life. Alec is the second Behr door.

It’s a chocolate coffee cookie I’ve never had anywhere before. A world without chocolate and without coffee. A fisherman named Alec, who was fishing and fishing, can’t even touch his food for the rest of his life.

Two types of scents irritate the tip of the nose and make it hot. It makes my eyes flush. I feel relieved and shed tears because I think I’m enjoying the luxury of death that I’ve never experienced before.


I started to feel like an animal. The same is true of the other soldiers. The soldiers in the front seat are yelling and cheering loudly at the screen, but the newly seated soldiers are now drooling, focusing only on the sweets.

“Ooh, ooh. ”

“Ahhhhhh! ”

Intense sweet.

This gives the impression that it is alive.

Soldiers shrugging their shoulders sit face to face, eating food, and looking at the giant screen together. A large screen that everyone can see provides a place to sit facing each other’s shoulders.

Hot shoulders and pouring tears are applying medicine to the mental trauma that they have endured the same havoc.

Screens, however, emit a light appropriate to their respective field of view so that they can see different things. Alec’s footage shows him raiding a warehouse with eggs.

The android, which has been turned off and switched to autonomy, surrounds itself and rips through the larvae for extraction.

And Qasim is screaming whales. Finally, a soldier whose arm had become a rag was struck by a tentacle several times, picking and falling while Kasim pierced the jellyfish’s head with a spear.

Then Alec wakes up and looks down at his body.

“Me, I’m alive? ”

At the end of my nose, I can smell my mother’s intense stew.

“Yes! Kill him! ”

The time it took Alec to cry for a long time and scream, like the other soldiers, was exactly 14 minutes and 43 seconds.

* * *

“It’s not always a good scene. ”

The captain stands in the control room, staring at the cannons wandering among the soldiers from afar in a curious glance. Po stands around the flooded soldiers, his tears in a clear flask.

I drink coffee looking at it. The captain frowned as the usual coffee was used more and more.

[Yes, sir. These soldiers have never been exposed to this type of propaganda psychology. If you get more than a certain amount of mental damage, you have to change the psychology. I don’t know. We live in a world where it’s hard to get confectionery, and I think it’s going to last a long time.]

“I see. We need to adjust the volume of sugar sold on the market like we do now. ”

The captain makes it sound like a joke, but it was serious. Military state construction and nationwide opening operations are magnificent, but they are a hundred times more magnificent to enter real-world situations. And it was something that, frankly, I never wanted to do.

But as long as it’s clear that the aliens are coming back, the captain can’t imagine any other means. The more I think about it, the more I miss the beautiful earth John wanted to live on.

At least on that land, we know what citizens are and what human honor is. What a great fit for that blue star. I could talk about civil and human dignity, the morals of the soldier, and my father’s work. Deep insights into the ‘human dignity’ provided by the ‘Cosmic Charter’ were engulfed in the lower reaches of the United Nations.

But there’s nothing here.

This has exhausted the captain.

“I wish I could weep like them.”

The captain mutters to himself.

[Captain, would you like me to pick up the sweets you bought at the time?]

“It’s okay, Tyrant. Right now, I’m just as happy to drink coffee with this depression and self-pity. ”

The captain laughs as if it was ridiculous, even talking to himself.

“Let’s drink some strong vodka after the operation. Was the alcohol requirement someone drinking alone? At least I’m not an addict with you. ”

[Absolutely, Captain. Let’s bring out 50 years of ageing.]

Tyrant’s voice is also lively in response to the captain.

“Isn’t it wine and vodka still so old? ”

[It was made yesterday, of course.]

“Well, that’s… Haha.But it still tastes like pears and apples, right? ”

[Certainly, Captain. I’ll age you well.]


Vodka is not naturally aged, but some of the luxury goods are aged in casks made of oak, such as pears and apples. There’s no way that’s been loaded into Tyrant. I will bring a similar vodka that has fully reproduced the flavour in the production facility.

The captain deliberately laughed at a bad joke.

With the sound of crying soldiers and screaming soldiers, this huge corridor became like a place to watch a sporting event.

In fact, this entire organization is prepared to turn war into a sport. High-quality sugar sweets such as popcorn, and a battle spot in a video that is beautifully reconstructed by AI. I think this is exactly what the Israelites who were sitting on the hill were expecting to see a missile bombing on the heads of their enemies in the past.

But the captain hated it so much.

“Still · · · · have to accept. ”

The captain has reached Krasus, who has risen from his seat.

“Krasus, what’s your status?” ”

“Greetings, Captain! If you ask me how it feels to beat these bugs, I’ll tell you I’m the best. Biting and killing with both eyes is the most fun! ”

The excitement of the battlefield was consumed by purpose. Crassus gives you a big smile. Krasus, who once again flapped his wings and burned an impending swarm of jellyfish, tells the captain.

“Looks like Samir will reach the priest first. Let’s see how it goes. ”

* * *

At that time, Samir was marching against the priests. A massive, dark blue eye sprinkles radiance and poison all around.


thitapel Co-man

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