Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 201

64. Ambitious Crusher Captain (2)

When the Black Dragon King Mavrogus received reports of an attack, he was practicing an orchestra of green souls.


Oh, shit!

Mavrogus throws the baton. Then one of the ghosts who was singing with his mouth wide open got a baton on his head and made a face.

As soon as he opened his mouth and tried to speak, the Black Dragon grabbed his hand from the air, the ghost shattered in a shovel and flowed down into a green cypress.

All the ghosts were speechless, hugging each other and trembling.

The Black Dragon King tilts his head and reaffirms what he just heard.

“The Silver Dragons? Attack? In my territory?”

I felt a tremor in his voice because he was so confused. Then one of the Giants who was lying down in front of the Dragon King trembled.

“Ugh, silver dragons. He attacked Zritcodome and smashed the rocks! ”

At that moment, the green flame on the Black Dragon King’s head blazed fiercely.

I reached the ceiling to see how powerful the rising flames were. A green flame rises from the ceiling and climbs up through the window.


The face of the giant when he saw it became a reflection, and all the ghosts fled through the windows screaming.

“The Silver Dragon Monarch who came in a few days ago? ”

“Well, yes! ”

“Did those mad zealots find anything else? ”

“Oh, probably. ”

“What’s the damage? ”

“Zritcodone fat burns completely · ·. ”


The Black Dragon King kicked the Praetor Command Stone with his foot.

A pile of marble shattered into pieces, and a pile of flying rocks flew in and left a giant trembling in front of him.

Then the Black Dragon King sighs as he looks down at the giant corpse.

Green spirits flow from his sighs, and a spirit rises from the corpse.

“What’s the damage? ”

“Contact completely lost · · ·. ”



Not even a soul left this time.

The Black Monarch picked him up with his mind and threw him into the flowing green river.

Giants roar and scream, but the green fingers that rise from the river of ectoplasm grab their souls and swallow them up.

“Ugh! I knew if anything happened to the dinosaurs, their eyes would turn. But how dare I do this to the lands of the Black Dragon King Mavrogus? ”

Previously, the Silver Dragons’ history was spectacular.

Yongsin Seperate, who was primarily responsible for the work related to the cistern, was instrumental in guarding the remains of the cistern, despite collisions with other soldiers.

The Black Dragon King used these mad dragons to deal with the Pantheon of Nightmare Trees like mercenaries, but sometimes he encountered a fire hydrant like this.

“Dragon King! Reports of broken rocks and monsters descending from Rimbo. ”

Another giant reports on the ground. The Black Dragon King is frozen solid, and he looks at the giant who reported with a pale expression.

It should have fallen a long time ago, but it was surprisingly quiet. The giant glances up at the Black Dragon King with a slight lift. The dragon king was growing a little black scale all over his body.

The black dragon king suddenly looked down at the giant with the big eyes of a reptile.

“What came down? Are you a Necronomician or a greedy bunch? ”

“I don’t know yet. However, pollution does not seem to expand. ”

“You mean nothing came down, or anything else? You want to tell me the rest of the Pantheon came down through Rimbo? ”


The dragon king suddenly sharpened his black teeth.

The cracking of the teeth gives you the creeps, and fur splits all over the giant. The dragon king calmed down, surrounding himself with his enlarged arms.

“Drive your troops to Zritcodome. Go after them! Capture the Monarch of Silver Dragon before the Pantheon Monsters come around. · · I don’t have enough money to pay. If we keep this up, we may be killed by the Divine Spirit. · · · Before I use the last tool. Get them all!”

The Black Dragon King mutters ominously.

And behind the altar where he stood, there was a huge silhouette inside the green crystal.

* * *

“The enemy’s large fortress is named A1. ”

“Confirm deployment of enemy airborne strongholds. ”

“The Black Dragon army has risen. Numbers, steadily increasing from the first 800. ”

Multiple information was printed on the screen at the same time as the operators reported.

Black dragons fly through the mist of Dark Red Sulfur from across the horizon, and the spells of the Black Keep and the dragons they ride on are cast.

“Upload the fleet’s forcefield output. Contact after enemy’s first wave 3.5 seconds. ”

“First wave contact. CIWS intercept procedure initiated. ”

Roll, roll, roll!

Ammunition spills out towards the front of the fleet.

A magical attack, flying from a distance, and Bress drops a bullet.


The cannonball strikes and drops.

As the shock wave echoes through the atmosphere, a small wave has spread inside the battleship. Thanks to you, a small ripple runs through the coffee the captain put down.

“Within the expected range. Shield loss 0.3%. ”

“No problem, Your Majesty. Intercept complete. Hostiles are preparing for a melee attack. ”

“I detect a spiritual bulwark in the keep. The risk of ice has increased. Tactical auxiliary frames request sanctuary and purification orders. ”

The captain’s fleet is approaching the Jade Fortress of the Black Dragon.

Under hundreds of kilometers of majestic brown storms, the jade fortress rising above the metallic hydrogen resembles a molten rock.

The green machine that covers the entire keep twists and turns like smoke rising. The strange cries engulf the entire fortress, singing the hymns of death.

“Captain, what a strange planet. What’s remarkable is that this is how practical it is to implement the unknown data called the soul. Not only does it seem to have a personality, but it seems to have the knowledge and memories of a lifetime. ”

Francesco looks at the ghosts roaming in the air and says,

Different faces were squeezing a scrum in a wave of ectoplasm, which was tens of millions.

“Those souls would have been people once. This is unbelievable. I can’t imagine how many stars they’re raising people in. ”

While Francesco speaks, the captain glances back at the ghost face in the cup.

As I got closer to the enemy’s fortress, there was a strange interference, and I was getting used to seeing the ghost’s face in the coffee cup.

The captain shakes his cup with a coffee spoon, and the ghost’s face shakes and disappears. Po said.

“Captain! This whole system is vibrating through resonance with the Great Crystal! I can’t wait to get a bunch of samples and get back to the lab! ”

The captain puts down his cup of coffee and gets up.

“Fine. I’ll return the favor. There’s plenty of hydrogen here, so there’s no need to conserve nuclear weapons. pour them all out.”

Since the perception was made of metal hydrogen in the first place, there really was no need to save hydrogen.

Just make a mining tribe.

If there was a problem, it was about making Raigan warheads. This dust required massive repetitive labor to collect and make warheads.

“Enemy silence until nuclear weapons are authorized. Tactical warheads. Fire. ”



You hear a heavy sound, and a nuclear warhead fires from the silo. And as the sky filled with yellow, missiles rained down.

As the missiles dropped from the fleet mounted the metal hydrogen mountain range, the dragons’ scrum center was shot straight up.


“Nuclear warheads, incoming. Shocking wave coming through.”


Gravity is enormous, so the explosion is not as fierce as the alfazeta. However, the heat pressure at this point should never be ignored.

Subsequently, giant sulfuric acid clouds, hundreds of kilometers high, are scattered over the area.

“Dimensional Gate Spread Detection”

It also appears that the enemy has studied how to combat nuclear weapons several times. Nuclear weapons are a major attack with massive heat and explosion.

Upside down, nuclear weapons could be disabled if they could only be protected from heat and explosion.


A massive ectoplasm made of spells has taken place beneath the ground.

As they swallowed up the fallen nuclear weapons, the nuclear warheads that were pouring through the passages of the soul flew into an unknown world.

“Let’s hope there’s no life where that came from. Set it for aerial detonation. ”


A series of nuclear warheads have exploded from the air following the captain’s orders.

While the shockwave rocks the fleet’s force field, the ghosts of ectoplasm are screaming and burned below.


Ghosts burn white with a nuclear blast. I drove away brown sulfated clouds that covered the sky with thunder and dust.

The melted ectoplasm melted over the metal hydrogen that rained thunderstorms and flowed into rivers, and the merciless heat and radiation of nuclear bombs was destroyed.

And through the fireworks, the black dragons shoot out Bress.

“Black Dragon Squadron approaching this fleet. We will fire extensive jamming and deterrent fire on the target area. ”

The Colbates are on the move and hovering around the fleet.

Among them, BFG Colbats, who specialize in sniper fire, activated the AIWS system as a whole.

As bullets spill down the Black Dragon’s approach trajectory along the radar, the black dragons form a protective wall, and the streets continue to narrow.

Approaching that distance, the ion cannon fires a flash of light this time.

The blue ion balls burst into flames as they struggle with the dragons.

“I can’t defeat you with just those dragons. I wonder what Mavrogus will do. ”

Sylvester stands on the bridge and watches the Black Dragons soar.

She was well aware of the shocking power of the anti-cistern weapon, as she had fought Vesta on cereal one.

The captain gave a brief order.

“Shoot the Kinetic into the keep as soon as you’re ready. ”

[Copy that, Captain.]

Soon, the main fire power from the Kinetic Engine will be connected to Tyrant’s mainframe.

The three Vesta had one in the rear and two in the front, with ten escorts herding in O-shaped formation around the three major warships in a triangular shape.

“Change the display. Changing Vesta’s course, creates a firing angle. ”

With the Kinetic engine charging signal, two Vesta escorting Tyrants from the front retreat to the left and to the right and slightly spread out across the fleet.

The protective wall of the shared output is thick as Tyrant steps out to the front.

The visible blue force field burns with enormous amounts of sulfuric acid fog rushing into the nuclear vacuum.

And Tyrant has finally finished charging.

[Charged. Penetrates the center of enemy stronghold A1. Give the order, Captain.]



A three-layer halo flashes through the kinetic case. Then there was a sharp flash of light that ended in a flash.

Something flashes for a moment, piercing the center of the Jade Keep and tearing it in two.

The fort melts in an instant through the cracks.

There was no explosion. There is no noise. The fortress ends in an instant in front of this overwhelming firepower.

“Go inside and check the portal to Alpha Zeta. ”


thitapel Co-man

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