Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 190

58. Zinger contamination

The dragon flew from the sky.

It was Krasus.

He lands with a blue flame of an ion engine wrapped around his body and smashed the ground. The fingernail marks are long, and the contaminated monsters are shredded and torn in an instant.


Bang, bang!

Crassus roars, and the forest rumbles. It was a pretty good picture.

Crassus, the size of the building, roars violently, hurtling across the enemy at the crack of dawn, and a large number of aliens are trampled to death in a jungle covered in polluted purple slime.

At the same time, you tear apart the contaminated natives running grotesque with their terrifying forelegs.

The superoscillating blade hanging from the claw makes a strange resonant sound and slices everything it touches into shreds.

“Plenty! Dogs of the Temple! ”

But it’s like a salmon coming up a waterfall.

The alien contamination surrounding Krasus is flooding out from under the ground.

A large swarm of monsters rises from the ground that covers Krasus and actually covers it.

Boom, boom, boom!

The bombs that followed Krasus’ shoulder shroud erupted, sweeping the aliens away.


A few moments later, Sylvester stirs his enchanted wings and fires a cool breeze.

The alien contaminants shatter into pieces.

Sylvester flaps his wings and stands side by side with Crassus. And thirty dragons were allowed to follow her, burning Alien contamination with it.

[Arrive at the contaminated area with the mercenaries. Initiate nuclear contamination.]

A short Tyrant echo echoes through your mind, and a nuclear storm falls hundreds of kilometers around the subway where the aliens spill out.

Hive 7 diverted all power to the force field, and the remaining power was backed up through satellite and Hive.

A massive heat storm swept up and burned, and a huge fireball appeared in space around the area of pollution.

As heat storms and radiation swept through the area, the dragons conjured up magic to protect themselves from radiation.

Then Crassus commands you to watch the dragons that follow you.

“We’re going in! We have to get in there and find the core! ”

In a passageway that looks like someone’s squeezing the gummy bears, alien contaminants are pouring out endlessly.


Kuku Kuku Kung!

Then came reinforcements.

Drones rush through the snowy dust and ashes, pouring bunkers together and flying away.

The bunker was made of neutrons, with little physical force in it, but it was a peculiar thing for neutrons to travel through living cells at shovel time.

As soon as the passageway is breached, Krasus rushes in first.

“Follow me! We’re going in for the nuke! ”

Krasus and the dragons scrum down a deep passageway.

Beneath the passageway was an open gate, and a wizard belonging to the Contaminated Temple opened a passageway from the underworld to the ground.

Krasus shoots Bress through the passageway with a single shot at the monsters coming up.

Sylvester spells out a one-way door, turns it into a two-way street and nods.

Then Crassus dives in with Sylvester.

[One of the nuclei in the collapsed mountains must have reached the mantle on a magma convection. And it looks like the nucleus was digging through Magma and into a barren city.]

Hearing Tyrant’s report, Krasus makes his way through the gate.

And he discovered an ancient city beyond the gates, a world built on a unique underground pattern.

A black city made of steel had sharp spires floating all around it, and the curves were hard to find.

What was even worse was that black-eyed tentacles were growing all over the city, like it was made of iron and fire.

And in the middle of the city was a tower of giant flesh and bone, and on top of it was a spherical portal.

Aliens pour out of the passageway leading somewhere, and as it reverses, it rises toward the gate.

[Luckily, the world itself is not contaminated. Aliens are pouring out of that core.]

“We’ve been fighting the Pantheon for a long time, but I’ve never seen anything like it. ”

The young dragon following Krasus muttered.

It was worth it. The underworld did not belong to the Pantheon, it belonged to the Catholic Nine.

Their culture and civilization were completely different from the rest of the world.

But these dragons could also find what they knew everywhere, a cult that symbolized the Midnight God of Death.

A figure of black dragon was erected all over the city, and there was always a dead man hanging there.

[It was Midnight that supplied the world with people. I was part of Florajue on the outside, but I think he was dealing with the Catarian Nine.]

A swarm of nuclear aliens rushes up toward the place where Krasus came in.

The black rays are pouring in from all sides, and Krasus and the dragons are spreading in all directions to evade the attack.

The city was completely annihilated, and all it survived was the Aliens and the Protein River.

“Let’s get on with it! ”

Sylvester drops out in a loud shout and shoots a cold breeze.

Bress, which takes away the heat from the space itself, quickly freezes and carves the monsters surrounding the nucleus.

Crassus dives in with the ionic plasma in his wings, swung his right wing like a knife and cut off the alien skeleton tower in a heartbeat.


As the tower breaks, the sphere rolls from the sky to the ground. The core cracks as you squirt the Ion Breach back into it.

“I will try to seal it. ”

The dragons swirl around the sky reciting the incantation. Then Sylvester seals the bead with all his strength.

During the sealing process, her expression was very pale, because she felt that the passageway coming through the bead was a context of Florage.


The seal is complete, and the bead loses its light and kills its breath. Sylvester grabs the orb-rolling orb with his fingernails.

The captain confirmed this with a screen.

And he looked up at the burning surface of the Alpha Zeta in the Oval Office and said,

“Cease firing. Contribute to radioactive control of contaminated areas. Good for you, Six. It won’t incinerate the entire ocean. ”

“Radiation control is better than preventing alien contamination. I’m glad for you, too. ”

In the screen, Six lifts a handkerchief, wipes off his forehead, and smiles.

At the captain’s command, the nuclear strike stops a few seconds apart, and an atmospheric control process is in place to control the falling nuclear dust and radioactive gusts.

Large drones, controlled by the atmosphere and inhaling pollutants, have descended from the atmosphere and begun to clean up the surface.


Crassus and Sylvester flew between a large drone sucking radiation dust and into a cereal circle in space.

The distance between the Earth and the Moon was originally 384,403 kilometers.

This distance was the distance that could contain all the planets in the solar system in a straight line.

But when a circle about twice the size of the Earth came in, you could see the presence of a circle anywhere on the Alphazeta.

The captain showed his power to the people by not hiding this giant fortress. The dragons had no choice but to come up to this massive facility.

“The ruins of the Clan are huge, Crassus, no matter what you see. ”

“· · Yes. That’s the emperor’s power. ”

The cereal circle above Alphazeta was only 10,000 kilometers away.

This was due to Cereal One’s gravitational control technique. Without that technology, the Alpha Zeta would have been crushed to pieces.

Krasus flaps his wings and pushes the booster up harder.

Hundreds of laser points watching them were annoying, but there was nothing I could do.

Where I’m going now is the Emperor’s residence. Crassus and Sylvester fly over the Starship Shipyard to the Captain’s Office as they approach Cereal Circle.

Main room in cereal one.

The captain sits on the throne, and Sylvester comes forward, his head tightened.

Sylvester politely offered the orb through the portal.

Then the captain sits on the throne and gazes down at the orb.

Sylvester said.

“Your Grace, this orb is the portal to one of Midnight’s managed contexts.

McMoon is a giant star that collects the souls of many worlds, and it is a place where the souls of many worlds are managed by Floraju.

There are many contexts in the universe, and the contexts that capture the souls of the planets here are ‘concomitant 8’. ”

The captain snapped his jaw.

I knew what was out there, but I had never heard that name before.

“Concomitant 8?”

“Yes, it is the place where the souls of the world are gathered and formed into dragons. And at the same time, Floraj’s fleet remains anchored.

But it looks like Midnight or his Black Dragon King was dealing with some kind of demon underground here. Stealing souls · · · Dare · · ·! I don’t know how this happened. ”

Sylvester looks embarrassed. The captain had a hunch.

Where the soul and human body had come from, Midnight, or his servant, the Black Dragon King, was selling to the underworld.

Like, maybe we caught an illegal trafficking spree.

I heard that the Knights of Order were genuine in every sense of mission. Her eyes burn like flames.

The captain leans against the chair and asks.

“That must feel pretty bad for you guys, huh? ”

The captain asked out of pure curiosity.

“Your Majesty, this is an unforgivable sin. These are the souls that will become dragons. And you’re selling those souls to fill the belly of demons! in this sacred primordial land. This is heresy against Floraju! ”

“heresy? ”

The captain listened to this religious phrase. Sylvester vomited the heat with a strange look on his face.

“After shamelessly placing the Ancient Covenant in front of them, it must now be looted or occupied by the Pantheon Forces.

There are portals that go from context to the rest of the world, so the Pantheon people have always wanted the land. You knew that, but you were secretly opening a path through the original star in context! This is unacceptable. ”

The captain turns his gaze for a moment and looks down at the fleet of pillars across the screen.

Vesta was getting two more, and Colossus was already getting six.

At first, I was thinking of getting a simple supply port.

But when I opened the lid, a giant planet-grade fortress was waiting for the captain, and the overwhelming industrial productivity prepared within the fortress helped make time on the captain’s side.

Now the captain is in a position to prepare a more powerful force the longer we wait.

‘But if the context of alien pollution is spreading throughout the universe · · we can’t just stall it. But now that you’ve targeted Midnight, the dragons will obey my orders even more. ’

Aliens will find proteins and spread to countless colonies in Floraj.

This was like taking a highway into space, and the aftermath reached here, their original star.

Furthermore, the contamination is spreading among the countless stars they rule.

There was no more time to wait.

And the captain decided to make his decision before it was too late.


[Yes, sir. I’m listening.]

“As soon as the Kinetic Engine is replaced, we will launch an incursion into the portal. Re-examine the entire fortress. ”

[Copy that, Captain.]

“Sylvester, tell me everything you can about McMoon. As time goes on, the power of the Pantheon will contaminate the portal. ”

“Very well, Your Majesty. ”

Sylvester has been talking about the structure and size of the context ever since.

Tyrant analyzed her testimony in contrast to the information the dragon brain had told him to acquire. Tyrant says after she finishes her story.

[Error rate ± 3.5%. It’s inside the safety line. We can still trust it. And this is a context based on Sylvester’s testimony.]

McMoon was a giant star floating in space, the size of which was Jupiter.

Inside, there were thunder and storms, and like a gaseous planet, the landmark was made of hydrogen metallization.

It was built all over the dragon fortress, and the jade-glowing light green building was shaped like a dragon, and the dragons were flying around it, looking as small as a gargoyle attached to the cathedral.

In addition, there were dragon warships that looked similar to the Silver Whirlpool flying above the accompanying 8.

He looked dark and strong, like an army of Black Kings.

“It’s a tough environment to set foot in without dragons, I’m sure. ”

The captain has lost his voice.

That wasn’t all.

There were several fortresses inside the massive storms and swirling stars, each of which was responsible for a single world, sucking souls.

The sucked souls were entering the dragon eggs, where Midnight’s production facility produced eggs.

The captain clamps his fingers as he looks at it.

Does it make sense to absorb human souls and make dragons?

The captain sighed for a long time.

“This is most similar to what I saw the last time I saw it. Recently, I heard that the Pantheon assault has been rampant, and that the Sausans guarding this area have been struggling. And I’ve heard that they’ve been using their power from the fixed wires to send Arden to the very beginning. ”

And now that Arden is trapped in a Tokamak underneath the hangar. I wish I could get information out of him.

The captain said with some thoughts.

“Warp some Explorers. Prepare an ambush around the outgoing data. Entry time is after Tyrant’s repairs. Prepare yourselves.

Sylvester should tell the dragons the story of Midnight and leave those who pledge allegiance. ”

“Very well, Your Majesty. ”

[I’ll warp the probe.]

The captain leans against the chair.

The bullet is fired.


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