Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 13

4. Territories instead of Gold? 2

The captain sleeps one night in the Waschutes. Tyrant increased the density of the liquid oxygen, helping the captain sleep like he was resting comfortably.

The next day, the merchant guild members appeared. They built their tents well and made negotiating tables and chairs. And here comes the captain.

“Knight, what’s your name?”

“Call me Captain.”

“Captain · · · ·? Well, good.”

The merchant, who was invited to sit at the table and finished investigating the captain’s request, didn’t seem very interested in the rambling story.

“I am Seiram, the Guild Master of the British Mercenary Guild for the introduction of Mr. Curly. With your permission, we’re going to build a decommissioning facility here and buy dragon parts. I’ll give you a price like this.”

He gave out a contract he had just written.

“Take a look at the contract and sign it if you like.”

[Transaction History]

150,000 Gold with Dragon Head and its Accessories (including Eyes and Horns)

Dragon Scale (Full Body) 180,000 Gold

Dragon Body and Organ 330,000

Dragon Claws and 450,000 Gold Bones

150,000 gold capsules, including dragon wings

The Heart of the Dragon 200,000 Gold

60,000 Dragon Blood Gold

Total Trading Price 150,000 Gold

Here, the price of the Dragon Heart was not put behind the captain’s back, but powder placed in the atrium. Other than that, the merchants couldn’t find it. However, the powder reached 200,000 gold.

“The Dragon Heart cannot be sold. I’m going to use it personally.”

“Is that so? That’s too bad.”

[Captain, if you wish, we can restore the dragon’s cranial nerve by putting it into the culture. We need about 60 percent of the remaining brain.]

“Seiram, how much is this dragon’s brain?”

“The Dragon Brain is a very powerful magical ingredient. I saw a part of my head fly away and I don’t have a lot of brains, so I can buy 80,000 gold.”

“Then I won’t sell brains either.”

“Very well. Is there anything else you need?” ”

The captain pulls out the sword he left on his back. It was a weapon that the dragon was swinging yesterday.

“I’d like you to feel and sell this weapon.”

The merchant’s eyes widen. It was a rare sword. He pulled out his magic glasses from his waist and wore them.

“Oh, my God. This is a minimum 4-star sword. You magically trimmed the dragon’s bones to create a wavy blade. A vicious dagger that can cut through a lump of flesh with one slash. The sword is full of powerful magic and curses, so it’s dangerous for anyone to take it lightly. And you see here? The handle.”

The captain takes a closer look, he says.

“Libertes Artesio Loufranx. There will be freedom at the end of the struggle. It’s a very noble phrase for a dragon to carve into his own sword. Was he locked up somewhere? Moreover, this pommel jewel is.”

The merchant gently rubs the pommel with a heavy cloth, and the pommel begins to glow.

“Oh. It contains part of the heart of the dragon. 160,000 gold will be enough for this sword. Would you like to sell this as well?”

“Yes, then take care of that as well.”

“Then I’ll settle it. 1.680,000 gold in total. But as you know, 160,000 gold weighs only 5040 kg. Wouldn’t you prefer to use a slip?”

“Then give me 10 kg of gold and 1,000 gold first, and then slip the rest.”

“Very well. Very well. Once we have the gold and gold, we will give it to you first and write down the slip.”

The Brianca Merchant Guild, which belonged to Seiram, was a large merchant merchant guild capable of issuing magically impossible replicable slips. Specifically, a slip was issued in the name of the merchant association.

And he summoned a man and brought a sack of 10 gold ingots. I looked inside the sack and saw the gold shining brightly.

“Okay, I got both the slip and the gold. It was a good deal.”

The captain wasn’t interested in whether it was a regular price or not. It was because we had to hurry to Earth once we had finished repairing it. As he walked out of the negotiating place, Curly and Shiram approached.

“Oh dear Knight. Good job completing your transaction!”

“Yes, this is a gratuity fee.”

The captain took out a hundred gold slip and gave it to Curly. Unlike the Lowfire or the officers, it was a reward for actually helping.

“Now I’m going to go into the forest and rest for a while. I’ll be back later, so let’s have dinner together.”

“The Lowfire family has given me an extra quest. It’s a search for the castle, and I’m going to stay here for a day or two. Come back when you’re comfortable.”

You nod and greet, and the captain withdraws.

While the merchants gathered a massive tent to dismantle the dragon, the captain climbed into the forest and reached a secluded place. Then I called the transport.

[Injector injection. ETA 299 seconds.]

Immediately, the injector descends from the sky with the sound of a sigh and stops in front of the captain. The captain opens a boarding cage, puts 10 kg of gold into it and climbs aboard.

The injector loads up with its captain and gold, gliding gently through the atmosphere at a rapid rate and into space. The planet was as green as the Earth. Within 100,000 years, it was completely transformed into a wilderness for life to live in.

And the orbit of the planet. A supercollider battlescruiser Tyrant is drifting between gravity and a delicate balance of thrust.

The bridge was crushed by a heavy mass attack, and the lower abdominal engine room, which had a dimensional core, was torn apart by an explosion as if it had turned a clown’s sharp crown upside down.

The Battleship Merchant Guild, where the main guns were, had huge craters everywhere, and the main guns were twisted without a hitch. Bubbles and missile facilities were also being torn apart and floating around.

“Hmm. It sure looks great. Glad the main stream isn’t broken. Tyrant.”

[As soon as you replace the 3D printer’s substrate with gold, you can start repairing with drones.]

The captain followed the injector into the facility and disembarked. For 100,000 years, this battleship had also stopped, so nothing had changed inside.

“Did you measure internal alien contamination?”

[Absolutely. I’ve been attacked several times by the Corrosion Ship Mountain, but there was no direct hit that was highly contaminated.]

“Maybe there’s a flare or a dirty bomb lurking somewhere outside the sensors. Maybe he woke up in hibernation after detecting the suicide bombing.”

[I will increase the detection sensitivity.]

“Glad to hear it. Tyrant, you woke up, you got 10 kilos of gold in three days, and you got the money you could use down there.”

[Yes, sir.]

The captain passes through the central control room to the engine room. And I stopped in front of the entire substrate facility occupying one wall. I took out every single substrate and burned it all.

The captain put the gold ingot in the manual repair facility because the manual repair facility was in good condition. With the gold ingot melted, the captain painted the circuits himself.

After working for several hours, I finally used all 10 kg of gold Ingots to coat the substrate, and I started to hear the system slowly spinning. The light started to illuminate as the large 3D printer started to power.

[Tyrant. 3D printer works. Attempts to repair the damage with an alternative protein block.]


thitapel Co-man

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