Canon Fodder


The week went by quickly. The girls were tearing their hair out trying to figure out chakra. I told them it would take time. Back when I was in ninja school it took a month for us to learn how to find and use chakra. It wasn’t really paying off for the girls. There was something missing. They ended up giving up for the time being and left me to my own training. 

Toru and I were able to sneak away now and then for some fun, but she wasn’t able to stay the night. Now that the sports festival was over one of the teachers did rounds to the boys rooms to make sure no groupies lingered in UA. After that I had to prove no one was in my room after 8PM. Toru could have hidden, but she had to sleep at her own house. 


It was soon Friday and we were all leaving to go to our internships. Everyone in class that was in the final tournament got offers. I got a few thousand offers. I stuck to looking through the profiles of the top 10 Pro-heroes and eventually chose number 9. Ryuko Tatsuma. 


She was a very beautiful older woman with blonde hair, small wings mounted on the back of her head, and her quirk was to turn into a dragon. The agency was a ways away, away from a lot of the action coming up, but I preferred it that way. Besides, Toru had an offer there too, so we could have some fun. 


We were at the train station with Aizawa as he saw the whole class off to their own internships. All nervous as we waited for our trains to arrive. 


“Midoriya, who did you end up picking?” I asked. 


“An old hero. Gran Torino, ever heard of him?” He asked. 


“I have not,” I admitted. “Nice car though.” 


“It’s a car?” Midoriya asked. 


“Yep. Way back in the 20th century,” I said. 

“I swear, you’re always referencing ancient stuff,” Momo said. 

“I’m an old soul. What about you, Momo? You really going to that fashion lady?” I asked. 


“Yep, I feel I can learn from her,” Momo said. 

“I can’t wait,” Itsuka said. She was a red head from Class 1-B that was close to the top rankings. She could make her hands larger. 


“I’m sorry, who are you?” I asked. 


“Uh I’m Uh Itsuka,” she said, blushing. “We talked…at the…tournament.” She had a dejected look on her face as I continued to draw a blank. “You asked if anything besides my hands grew.” 

“That does not narrow it down,” I said with a straight face. 

“He’s messing with you,” Momo said. I finally cracked a smile, laughing loudly. “Welcome to the torment of Weston.” 

Itsuka had a sad face as she looked between the 2 of us. “I’m sorry, I was joking,” I said. “You’re Battle Fist, right? Fist anyone lately?”

“Don’t say it like that!” Itsuka whined. “Now you’re making me regret my codename.” 


“Weston, stop, you’re ruining this poor girl’s experience,” Momo said, but held back a smile. “Don’t take offense. He is mean to everyone. My code name is Creati, but he kept trying to get me to change it to Creatits.” 


“Some of these code names write themselves,” I said with a laugh. “You literally create stuff from your tits. I did suggest Greatits too.” 


“What was yours again?” Tsuyu asked. “Frostbreeze?”

“Frostwave,” I corrected. “Dang, Frostbreeze sounds cooler. Hmmm how can you make fun of Frostwave…” The girls and I quieted, trying to think of something. “Damn, I can't think of anything. Guess you’ll just have to come up with a stupid name.” 

“How come I don’t have a nickname?” Tsuyu asked. 

“You chose Froppy as your codename, that’s cute enough,” I said. 


Aizawa walked over to our large group. “Alright everyone, trains should start arriving. Everyone have their costumes?” We all raised suitcases or luggage in the air. “Good. Wearing them in public without proper supervision is prohibited. You will all be getting on the job training. This is just the first of many times you will be interning at hero shops. Don’t become too upset if it’s not for you. It is only for a week. Keep your mouths shut, listen, and do whatever your trainer says, got it?” 

People agreed with him. I noticed Ida pull away from the group. Since his brother was still in the hospital after being attacked by the Hero Killer he had been pretty quiet. I knew he would try to take justice into his own hands and I couldn’t blame him. But I had a role to play. 


“Vice-President,” I said, running after him. The tall man stopped and turned to me. 


“Why do you call me that?” Ida asked, annoyed as he pushed his glasses up his nose. 


“Because you earned it,” I said, confused. He gave me an angry look. “What? You did. It’s a position of honor. We had known each other, what, a day? And you already had 4 votes? Ida, you’re a natural leader. People see that. You put yourself out there, trying harder than anyone else without people asking you to. Why do you think I threw Aizawa to you in the rescue room? I knew of all of them, I could count on you to catch him.” 


His demeanor slowly changed as I talked. From angry, to much more relaxed. “Why did you want Momo to be president then?” 


“I respect you, Ida, but you were a little intense. Sorry, I just didn’t want every morning to have you yelling at me,” I said. Leaning forward I whispered to him, “And Momo is way hotter than you.” He actually chuckled, a small smile on his lips. “No offense.” 

“None taken,” Ida said. He let out a sigh. “What did you want?” 

“I wanted to tell you that I am sorry that your brother was attacked,” I said. He frowned, but nodded. “I know what it’s like to want revenge.” 


Ida’s fists clenched. “If anyone else tried to console me, I would have been upset and blown them off,” he admitted. “But you’ve actually lost someone.”

“I have. And I don’t know what I would have done if I caught the man that did that to my mom. I will never know, because someone else took that revenge from me,” I said. “So, I would like it if you find yourself having to make the choice whether to get your own revenge, or let someone else take it, that you call me.” 

“What do you-” 

“Don’t try to deny it,” I said. “I know why you chose the internship you did. You are going after revenge. Which again, I understand. But as someone who has lost someone, call me. Let me help you. And whatever you decide to do, I will help you. Whether it is to capture him or…not.” He eyed me up and down. Slowly understanding what I was saying. I extended my phone out to him. “Give me your number, and I will give you mine. If you find yourself in a bind, call me.” 


He slowly grabbed my phone. Typing in his number I called him and he had mine. “Nothing has to be said. Your decision,” I said. He nodded as trains began to arrive. 

I walked back to the group of girls. “What was that?” Momo asked. 


“Just guy talk,” I said. 

“You don’t know how to talk to guys,” Toru said. “You just fight them.” 


“You know me so well,” I said with a big smile. “Bye Momo and Battlefist. Send me sexy pics from your modeling job.”

“It’s not a modeling job,” Momo spat with a blush.  


“See yeah. Tsuyu,” I said. “Call me if you need anything out on the water.”

“See yah,” she said. Her tongue sticking out of the side of her mouth as she waved. 


“Shall we?” Toru asked as she grabbed her bag. I bent down taking it from her. “I can get it.”

“You can,” I agreed. “But I will.” 

“Fine,” she said with a sigh as we headed to our train. “Why did you want to go to this agency anyway? I thought you wanted Endeavor.” 

“I did,” I agreed. It had been a close second. But from Ryuko’s website there was someone under her employ that I wanted to meet. “But Ryuko has assets I like.”

“Oh my god, are you going to try to seduce her?” Toru asked. 


“...I wasn’t,” I said. “Why, do you want me to?” 


“N-No,” Toru said. Her hands waving as if to ward the words off. 


“Why do I not believe you?” I asked. “You were totally into Nejire.”

“I wasn’t,” she whined as we got on the train. “I got caught up in the moment.” 

“It was losing your virginity and you opted for a threesome,” I said as we sat down. 

“Oh my god, why do you have to say stuff like that?” She asked. 

“The truth?” 

“No, just stop. Never again. It’s you and me. We are dating,” she said. 


“You know, Nejire stopped at my place before I left. She was asking about you.”

“Really?” She asked. 


“No,” I said. “I haven’t seen her since that night. But you sounded excited there.” Toru slapped my shoulder. “What? What is it? What are you so embarrassed about?” 

“I’m embarrassed because I watched my boyfriend have sex with another girl,” she said. 


“Like 4 times,” I said. 

“5 times,” she corrected. She thought for a second and let out a sigh. “I don’t know. I’m confused, and trying to figure it out.” 


“Hey, that’s why I’m here,” I said, throwing my arm over her shoulder. “Is it because it’s less pressure if I’m with someone else? Or because you are attracted to women? Or any number of things, really.”

“I-I just like it?” She asked. “Is that so wrong? You were doing it, and I didn’t see you as my boyfriend. I saw you both as random people that I was walking in on. Like I wasn’t supposed to be there.”

“But you were supposed to be there. You’re my girlfriend,” I said.

“I know.” She leaned closer, resting her head on my shoulder. Then out of the blue she became visible. She looked up at me, her big eyes staring. I smiled big, kissing her forehead and she turned invisible again. Toru had started becoming visible randomly for me. Only able to stop her power for a few seconds, I usually took it as a sign she wanted a kiss. 


“How about this,” I said. Rubbing her arm as I pulled her closer to me. “We just see where stuff goes. You are my girlfriend. You have final say in things. I will continue to hit on other girls. If it annoys you, you tell me and I stop. Then if things progress…you stop me if you don’t like it.” 


She let out a sigh. “Deal.” She hummed happily against me. 


“Want to fool around?” I whispered. She looked around the train but no one was close. She began to move her invisible hand to my dick. I enjoyed her working along it slowly. “Should we take a train during rushhour?” I asked. “You completely naked while I feel you up. No one the wiser.” She breathed out a little heavily. Excited by the idea. I leaned closer to her ear as I continued to whisper to her. My fingertips channeling chakra as I touched her skin. “We could stand right in the middle of them all. It would only take a few seconds for me to make you cum. Could you stay quiet?” I felt her hair move as she shook her head. “I know you couldn’t. It’s really hot when you scream my name.” 

She moaned, her legs squeezing together as she began to squirm. “I’m excited to see the new office. Where do you think we could get away with having sex? Every room? We have a small apartment in the hero office. You’ll be sleeping in my bed every night, won’t you?” She nodded. I could practically picture her biting her lip as she stared up into my eyes. Her hand slowly moving along my dick.


“How about we-” 

“What are you doing?” A voice asked. We both turned to look up at the periwinkle haired girl. 


“Nejire,” I said, awkwardly as Toru pulled her hand away. “Fancy meeting you here. You’re harder to track down than my invisible friend here.” 

The upperclassmen stared between us. “I’m off to my internship,” she said. “At Ryukyu Agency.”

“Well, that is quite a coincidence,” I said, genuinely surprised. “That’s where we are off to.” 

“Seriously?” Nejire asked with a frown. “You guys are following me there?” 

“Woah, don’t think so highly of yourself there periwinkle,” I said. “We haven’t seen or heard from you in almost a week. We chose Ryukyu on our own.” 

Nejire frowned. “I don’t believe you.” 


“Believe it if you want,” I said, a little annoyed. The train stopped. Toru and I grabbed our bags and headed off. Nejire followed us with her own bag. An angry glare in her eyes as she followed. I decided to ignore our past relationship, if she wasn’t interested, that was on her. 


“So, how long have you interned for the dragon lady?” I asked, looking back to the third year student. 

“Just this semester. Probably next too,” she said. 

“How is she?” 

“Great,” Nejire said. “I didn’t know she sent you offers.”

“Well, she is top 10 of the pro-heroes, not surprising she wouldn’t run everything past you,” I said. Nejire blushed, but I noticed her flipping me off.


“Did she flip me off?” I asked, Toru. 

“Yep,” Toru said.

“She must like me then,” I said.

“Everyone that likes you flips you off?” Toru asked.

“Yeah, why do you think you do it so much?” 

“Because you’re insufferable,” she said. 


“And yet you suffer me,” I said. We were in the middle of the street. A little busy but not too much. “Anything we should know about her?” 

“Don’t call her Dragon Lady,” Nejire said. 


“Damn, lame.” Stopping I noticed an image of Ryuko. Printed on the side of the building was a side view of her with the name Dragoir written underneath. The print was on the side of a large brown building with dark glass windows lining it. 


“What’s that? Her perfume line?” I asked, pointing at the print. 

“Dragoir, is her new clothing line,” Nejire said, walking past us.


“Clothing?” I asked. “What the hell does that have to do with hero work?” 


“Come on, I’m sure she will tell you all about it,” Nejire said with a wave. 

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