Canon Fodder


“Walk me through it,” Scott said. He was trying to act calm, but his nerves were shot. The normally stoic leader from the comic books looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Red eyes…at least I assumed they were red since he wore red sunglasses, disheveled hair, he had been very worried for the X-Men recruits during their kidnapping. 

“We were watching the Hellfire Club like we were supposed to,” Logan said. “Hisako, Weston, and I took shifts. After we heard that there was still unrest during the new management taking over, we started watching them more closely. Turns out there was a reason Shaw wanted to become the Black King now. They helped put together an auction for the elites in town, and Shaw wanted to use it as a way to get his name out there. Hisako and I followed them to the venue but hung outside.” 


Logan looked at me then. It was time for the lie. “I took it upon myself to see what was going on inside the auction. After some sweet ninja moves and more than one ‘oldest tricks in the book’, I got to the auction. It was the richest of the rich. They were selling things from Ben Franklin’s toilet paper roll to the left eye of one of the Sphinxes in Egypt.” 


“Really?” Hisako asked. 


“He’s joking,” Logan growled. “Weston, be serious.”

“I am serious…ish. Sorry I wasn’t paying too much attention to what was being sold,” I said. “Anyway, then they started saying more illegal stuff. Famous paintings, items that didn’t have letters of authenticity. Finally they got down to the selling of the 3 stooges.” I thumbed at Lorna, Alex, and a girl named Neena. I actually did know her, but her more common name was Domino.

She was a beautiful girl with ghostly pale skin and a black birthmark over her left eye. I thought she needed the name Dalmation more, but she would eventually be called Domino. Not only because of the black birthmark but because she had the mutant ability of being lucky. At least that was how canon went.

The three kidnapped mutants were coming off the worst hangover of their lives as they sat on the couch in the X-Men apartment. Logan really had been following the Hellfire Club. The Club had used a different entrance so he didn’t see me fly in. But as soon as Demoness and I walked out, he was on me, asking questions about what was going on. 

I didn’t see why not, so I told him the truth as Demoness stealthily made her exit. We quickly came up with a plan so I wouldn’t get in trouble while we threw the knocked out kids in the car. Unfortunately the drugs they were on wore off half way home, which wouldn’t have been so bad if we didn’t have to throw Domino in the trunk because we didn’t have the room in the Mustang. That was another ordeal as we let her out and explained to her addled mind what happened. 


Dawn arrived and a very disheveled Cyclops came with it, grilling us on what had occurred that led to us somehow saving his brother and other charge. 


“Yes,” Scott said. “But I doubt it is their fault. Walk me through what happened next.” 

“A pretty epic fight,” I said. “I used more ninja moves, grabbed these 3 and got the hell out of there.” 

Scott frowned. “I…find that hard to believe. Logan, did you help?” 

“No,” Logan admitted. “Kid really did save them. Stupidly, and without orders, but he did good.” I gave Scott a thumbs up, not too willing to go into details. Wolverine didn’t seem to care about Demoness, and he didn’t let on that he saw Tabi in her big form before I took the others off of her. I was really liking him as my mentor. 

“I caught them off guard. They weren’t expecting me,” I said, leaning back on the sofa. 


Scott frowned, not really believing, but moved on. “What about the Hellfire Club?”

“Doing damage control. A fire broke out in the basement. I assume that was your doing?” Logan asked me. Tabi flicked her tail as she sat on Hisako’s lap. 


“Nope, a convenient distraction,” I assured. “Why would I set a building on fire while people were in it?” I chuckled as if that was something I never considered. Even when it was the beautiful blue flames Tabi shot out. 


“Whatever,” Logan said. “Either way their reputation will hurt from this. Which is good for us. But were you seen?”

“I…don’t think so,” I said. Emma had noticed me, but she could have outed me earlier. I was fairly certain I was in the clear. “It was pretty dark in there. And I didn’t see any cameras.”

“Alright,” Scott said. “I’ll report to Fury about this. I’m sure he had his own people in there, but better safe than sorry. As for you 2,” he turned to Alex and Lorna who still looked ashamed.

“Woah there, mind telling us why they were there in the first place?” Logan asked, annoyed by this whole thing. “You’re lucky my guy was in there to save them. It would have been good to know we needed to keep an eye out for them.” 


“Yeah, I didn’t think you would have to,” Scott admitted. Standing up he pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket. Logan unfolded it to reveal a flyer. 

“Mutant support group?” He asked, passing me the paper. That was what was written on the sheet, and a meeting location at a church. “What the hell?” 

“The Professor heard of a few people going missing from groups like this. They were mutants,” Scott admitted. Matilda had mentioned people going missing, and Kingpin mentioned grabbing people. I guessed they were all related. Maybe he wasn’t doing security at the auction, he was simply there to buy more people, mutant people. 


“Lorna and Alex were supposed to join this group. Look into it. Pretty simple stuff. They met up in Philly. It was good, heard lots of stories of people that were mutants but were too afraid of being outed. We were looking at getting them information to help. I was training Alex and Lorna on some stealth ops when they were taken.”

“You were…playing hide and seek?” I asked, perking up. 


Scott frowned. “In not so many words, yes,” he said. “I was trying to show how to track. They caught me. Then I searched for them in the city. They were taken sometime 2 days ago.” 


“And you thought they were just good at hiding?” I asked with a laugh, enjoying this way too much. 

“It’s not funny,” Alex said, looking up. 

“It actually is,” Logan said, hiding his own smile.

“By yesterday I knew something was up. But I didn’t imagine they would be brought here,” Scott said. “You were lucky Weston was here.” I smiled wide, giving Alex my best shit eating grin. He frowned as he looked down. 


“What’s your story then?” I asked Neena. 

“I’d…rather not say,” she admitted, locking eyes with me. “I’m not sure what you all have going on here, but I’m not interested.” 

“You do realize you were almost sold into slavery or worse, right?” Logan growled. 

“I get it. Not like shit like this doesn’t happen everyday,” she said. “Thanks for the help, but I’m better on my own.”

Scott frowned, I guessed he was hoping to get her to the school, but he wasn’t overly picky. Digging into his pocket he handed her a card. “We are all mutants too. We can help you if you want it.”

“Thanks,” she said, standing up. I stood up with her. 

“Let me walk you out,” I said. Before she could deny it I was walking beside her. As Scott and Logan continued to talk I whispered to her, “I couldn’t help but overhear the auctioneer say you were really lucky.”

She stiffened. “What about it?”  


“These guys are all goodie 2 shoes, but I’m curious how the lottery works with your power. I’m not against some extra money, so I wasn’t sure if there was a way to utilize your power,” I said.

She smiled wide, but shook her head as we walked to the elevator. “Doesn’t work that way. Sometimes good stuff happens to me. My power is always random, but usually it has to be in relation to my life being in danger. Like I’ll walk away unharmed from a car crash or something.” 

“Damn,” I said, bringing up the Bonus Copy. 


Do you want to copy a Bonus from Neena Thurman?




I clicked yes and crossed my fingers. I felt some Spiritual Energy move from her to me and got a new notification. 


Bonus Copied

Tier II


Rabbit's Foot


“Awesome,” I mumbled. Tier II didn’t sound too bad, and Rabbit’s Foot sounded lucky. I was happy I had saved the Bonus Copy for her. 


“Anything else?” She asked, giving me a look. 

“Nope,” I said, pulling out a few hundred dollars and handing it to her. “Stay out of trouble, alright?” 

“Thanks,” she said, pocketing the money and going into the elevator. I waved her off and was back to sitting on the sofa. 

“So what now, fearless leader?” Logan asked. 

“Now, we should combine our investigations,” Scott said. “A group out there related to the Hellfire Club is kidnapping mutants.” I internally cursed. I didn’t want the boyscout with us. I shared a look with Logan, who basically said ‘don’t worry about it’ with a look. 


“What do we know?” Logan asked.

“They are using mutant support groups to single people out. Shipping them here, and maybe other places across the US.” Scott said the words as if they would reveal all the secrets. 


“That’s it?” Logan asked. “I thought you had more.” 

“No, I’m working off the clues we got today. Why? You have anything else?” Scott asked. Logan stared at me. 

“I uh, might have something,” I admitted. “But not really a team thing. Kind of heard a few rumors at the auction, but I think it would be best if I looked into them.”

“You? Why you?” Scott asked, unconvinced with my own capabilities. 

“I’m a people person,” I said with a shrug. “I heard that Oscorp might be involved in this whole ordeal somehow, well a friend of mine happens to work there.”

“A friend? You’re not from here,” Scott said.

“And? I make friends quickly,” I said. “Just let me work my angle. If it leads somewhere, great. If not, well you guys can stay on the Hellfire Club.” 


Scott didn’t seem to like my lack of fear or respect for him, but Logan stepped in. “Sounds good. Weston’s been doing well on his own. Let’s keep the leash off for a few days, alright?” Scott hesitated but nodded. After talking a few more logistics I moved over to the kitchen. The plastic case with the comatose spider was moved over to the window above the sink. The radioactive arachnid hadn’t move an inch since I got it. But it still felt alive. 


Making myself a sandwich, Hisako got up and walked over to me. Whispering as she pretended to help make the sandwich. “Need any help with your investigation?” She asked. 

“What? Bored of Logan?” I asked. 

“Nope, but you seem to be running into a lot more fun,” she admitted, making herself some food. I looked over to the others. Tabi had made her way to Lorna and was sitting on her lap now. The green haired girl practically glowed with joy having been chosen by the animal. The green and blue really did go well together. 


“I don’t think so. I really do have a contact, but I doubt she would be amenable to talking to someone other than me,” I said.

“A girl is it?” Hisako asked, a little jealousy leaking out of her. 



“Nothin, you just seem to save a lot of damsels,” Hisako said, keeping a straight face. 

“What can I say? It’s my superpower,” I said with a smile. “I am rather tired though, and there aren’t too many rooms here. Maybe we could bunk together.”

“Psh,” she said, giggling. “We own the floor below this as well. There are plenty of rooms.” 

I cursed. “Then for warmth?” 

“Nice try,” she said.

“Actually you can join me. Maybe I’ll get lucky and have to save you too,” I said. “Would I have a chance then?” 

“If you saved my life? Maybe,” she said. “For some reason I feel like you’d be the reason my life would be in danger though.”

“Maybe not your life, but some other things about you might be in danger from me,” I said.

“Like what?” She asked. I took a bite of my sandwich and shrugged. “Like what?” 

“Don’t know,” I said. “You’d have to find out.” It was best to leave girls wanting. Despite hitting on Hisako I couldn’t get Matilda out of my mind. Her in the tight red devil costume was something I didn’t think I would get over for a while. I would need to get in touch with her again soon. 

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