Campfire Shelter

Chapter 577 An unexpected visitor!

The sound of rumbling explosions came from the distance.

On a broken ground, several official personnel who had barely survived the brutal battle helped each other crawl out of the blood and body odor, and sat down next to a piece of flat wasteland.

An elite member of the "Great Wall" sat on the ground, looking at the missiles that were gradually rising into the sky and the falling red moon, but his mind was not on this at all. Instead, he recalled the battle just now and couldn't help but sigh and said:

"The feeling of using extraordinary power with all your strength is really exciting!"

Since becoming an extraordinary person and mastering extraordinary power, the side effects of every use have been extremely severe.

He has never done it at full strength. Until today, until now, he has never unleashed his full combat power in a true sense——

It's a pity that such a "small universe" can only explode once in this life.

After saying that, he was waiting for a few words from Gong Wei, but he didn't get a response.

His breathing stopped for a moment, and he glanced sideways at his surroundings. He found that his teammates had lowered their heads at some point, leaning against the wall. Their blood-coagulated eyelids were half-open and motionless.

"You couldn't move just now. Why can't you? Lao Li, I'd like to help you close your eyes. Isn't it too much to touch you a cigarette?"

The former "Great Wall" elite Rogge pursed his lips, raised his hand and closed his eyes, then touched the opponent's pocket, took out a pack of cigarettes in an iron box, smoked a few casually, and bit his mouth.

"Xiao Cao, do you have the eyesight to light a fire?"

He looked at the body on the other side that seemed to be chilling, and couldn't help but muttered: "Really, one or two, they were still able to move just now, but why can't they now? They just completed the task, and they were lucky enough not to die immediately.

"Why don't you just brag a few words with me and reminisce about the battle just now? Why don't you leave so early and rush to reincarnate?

"Well, it's not impossible. You'll die early. By the way, help me jump into the queue. I'll have a cigarette first and I'll be back in a minute."

There was a "pop" sound.

While muttering to himself, he took out his lighter, lit all the cigarettes, and shakily put one in everyone's mouth.

Then he sat down against the wall with great effort and took a deep breath.

Continue to look at the "countdown" in the sky aimlessly, while thinking about the battle just now——

Being able to use extraordinary power with all his strength without considering any negative effects is a battle like this.

It’s so cool!

“Finally, I feel what it’s like for those ‘Bonfire Company’ fuckers.”

As a "Great Wall" elite, although he looks very young, he is actually very young, but his level naturally goes without saying. To put it bluntly, in the extraordinary field, he is the most talented kid in the world. One of a handful of people, whose strength is so well integrated with his own that he can be called a "super newcomer" or a "supernova" and attract the attention of thousands of people——

At least that was the case before those gangsters came out.

But since that group of people appeared, he was shocked to find that the upper limit of extraordinary power that he could use with his own life was not as high as the lower limit that others could use without paying anything.

After he used his power explosively, he was tortured to death by the negative effects. Those little brats would be fine if they just slept.

It's like being hit by dimensionality reduction.

To use another metaphor, it's like a person who is very good with a sword suddenly meets someone with a gun one day.

Decades of hard training are not as good as a bullet fired by someone pulling the trigger.

The gap can no longer be solved by talent or lack of talent.

"Oh, I still made too much progress back then."

He sighed and shook his head. The lower limit for the use of that kind of potion was level 6 and below. However, because of his outstanding talent and rapid progress, he was ahead of most people in just a few years and surpassed this level——

Then less than a month later, people from the "Bonfire Company" appeared.

During that time, his mentality was almost broken.

But as of now, it doesn't matter anymore


Another puff of smoke passed through my lungs.

Rogge narrowed his eyes, he was more regretful than this.

Before you have a serious relationship, life seems to be over.

But don’t wait to think too much.

At this time, there was a "boom"!

In the very distant sky, another nuclear bomb exploded. The deafening sound could still be clearly heard even after a large distance.

"Ahem. Smoking won't stop you!"

He coughed twice and was about to take another breath when he suddenly noticed that the missile above his head had been flying for a long time and seemed to be finally touching the target.

Then he raised his right hand and raised his middle finger towards the falling things in the sky:

"Idiot! Humanity will win!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong white light erupted from the dome. Under the terrifying shock wave, all his cognition was frozen here.

As fragments of the "red moon" fell across the sky, a large number of restrictions failed in various parts of the world. All kinds of abnormal beings cast their gaze to the outside world, and then shrank back after seeing the terrifying scarlet light.

However, as a large number of restrictions have expired, the many "inner worlds" and other special spaces that exist on the earth are quickly integrating with reality.

Some of these spaces are even larger than the earth itself!

The world is rapidly expanding at an unimaginable speed, layer upon layer, like a cyst.

Perhaps from an astronomical perspective, the earth has not changed and is still the size of an ordinary planet.

But once anyone enters, they will find that under various layered spaces, the world has expanded dozens of times, and it is still expanding rapidly!

And some of the people who had escaped from the earth before looked at the red moon fragments gradually falling above their heads, and looked at this familiar world of disaster, and couldn't help but show despair on their faces——

I thought I was out of the sea of ​​suffering, but I didn't expect that I finally escaped loneliness.


After flying for a long time, another missile loaded with a nuclear warhead came into contact with the target closest to the ground.

Fiery fireballs erupt in the scarlet world

The dazzling light briefly obscured the crimson color in this area.

The pieces of flesh that were hit let out an inconspicuous mental cry, and then turned into a large number of fragments.

"These fragments cannot be burned by simple high temperature."

Feeling this scene, Colin couldn't help but think in his mind.

A super weapon capable of causing devastating blows to many things on the surface of the earth, against that thing, it can only crush it, not evaporate it.

However, Colin was not surprised by this situation.

After all, a group of high-ranking beings had joined forces to attack a conventional unprotected star, which would have destroyed the entire planet.

But if it hits that satellite, it can only be smashed.

Nowadays, human beings can achieve this step only by relying on the weapons created by their own wisdom and some extraordinary power.

I couldn't help but think about it. The shock wave from the high-altitude explosion was thrown to the ground after a short period of time, making the entire ruined city roll and shake again like a calm lake where stones were thrown.

Colin's eyes were dazed for a moment, and he fell into some kind of coma again.

With his physique, there is no need to worry about being crushed to death due to a simple collapse or something.

Even if he is thrown into lava, he can remain unscathed.

However, the trance did not last long. Colin seemed to hear some subtle screams, and his distracted pupils were forcibly gathered again.

"Is there anyone around here?"

He muttered to himself that before transferring, he would avoid areas with living people as much as possible.


This time someone else sent him.

Colin recalled that figure again. Unfortunately, he still could only feel the familiarity, but for a while he couldn't think of who it was.

And in his opinion, the only people who can face the gods for him and have the ability to do this are Shana who is in full condition, or Mr. Wu, or "Ms. Thorns"?

However, none of it is right.

The nature of that power is not like that of Shana, and it is much worse than that of "Ms. Thorns", and Mr. Wu.

What kind of abilities does the ninth level of "Destiny Push" have? Colin is not familiar with it, but it doesn't seem to be right. In addition, Mr. Wu seemed to have died together with the sealed consciousness of "Red Moon" before.

So it probably isn't.

Who is the one?

It's like my mind is forgetful. It feels like I'm about to think of something, but I can't relate to it.

However, some more screams came, making Colin blink and come to his senses. Now was not the time to care.

These ordinary people

His physical essence is strong enough, and he is not afraid of the large rocks in the ruins that weigh several tons or even dozens of tons.

But ordinary people are different.

"Anyway, I have suffered so many injuries."

Colin sighed, and in the spirit of "breaking the jar, breaking the jar", he used all his strength, raised his hand tremblingly, and pressed it on the "pain ring" on his head. The invisible power spread out, absorbing all the damage. Carried over.

At the same time, some people in the earthquake were surprised to find that they had been fatally injured.

But nothing happened!

And guided by some inexplicable strong intuition, people quickly began to hide.

At this moment, various crushing injuries came, and Colin fell into a coma again.

However, not long after he fell into coma, a group of people who seemed normal, but moved stiffly and had bloodshot eyes, seemed to have discovered something because of his actions to protect the mortals. They suddenly gathered and walked into the underground area together. , and walked directly towards his room.

An indescribable sense of crisis emerged from his heart, but Colin did not wake up, and even fell into a terrifying nightmare because of this, with the flames on his body getting stronger and weaker.

I don't know how long it took, but Colin suddenly woke up and immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

Feeling the injuries caused by the "ring of pain" on my body, I couldn't help but think mockingly to myself:

"My body is still quite strong and I can still live. No, something happened just now."

Halfway through his thoughts, he suddenly became aware of the "sense of crisis" he had felt during his coma.

Moving his eyes, Colin saw that the basement door that the maid had found for him had been torn open at some point, and a group of figures stood there motionless as they entered.

These figures are covered with frost, like statues.

An icy blue phantom with a delicate face, mature figure, but a child's heart suddenly appeared in front of him and blew a breath on his face:


"'Snow Girl'?!" Colin made a sound in shock.

"Huhuhu~" The ice-blue and beautiful figure puffed out another breath of cold air at him.

She seems a little angry. As for the reason for the anger, judging from the "inspiration" she gave, it may have something to do with crushing her house (ring) into pieces and then kicking her very far away.

Colin was a little dumbfounded. How long had it been?

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered something and asked with difficulty:

"You weren't the one who faced those things just now, were you?"

He thought of the figure who had faced the gods before.

"Yeah!" Snow Girl nodded.


Colin directly denied his conjecture. This young girl who looked quite mature could never have that kind of strength. The other party should have thought that he was talking about the heretics at the door.

Then, he couldn't help but want to ask how the "Snow Girl" came here.

But just when he thought of this, Colin was suddenly startled before he could speak. Looking at this innocent-looking guy, his eyes froze slightly, and an unknown chill arose in his heart.

Yes, she cut off all contact at that time. How did she find this place? !


Colin swallowed, realizing deeply.

Although old friends are reunited, this may not be a good thing.

However, when faced with his words, the "Snow Girl" just responded that she would look for her and find her.

"Let's not talk about how dangerous it will be along the way, and how you ignore the dangers of the red light. Now, I am not sure where I am, but you can actually find it."

Colin was silent.

Rather than believing what the "Snow Girl" said, it is better to believe that sows can climb trees. After all, sows sometimes really climb trees.

However, judging from her appearance, she really didn't look like she knew.

'I can only pray that you don't bring any big surprises.'

Colin sighed secretly in his heart. He didn't seem to see any signs of danger in a short period of time. Moreover, he couldn't think too hard, so he could only pray that it wouldn't be a bad thing.

And, as more nuclear bombs began to detonate, violent shaking shook the world.


After spitting out the last word, Colin threw the "Smiling Corpse Mountain" to the snow girl. With strong uneasiness, he fell into a nightmare again. Under the strong negative effect, his face was distorted.


The snow girl opened her hands, the cold air exploded, and she used all her strength to freeze and strengthen all the surrounding buildings. At the same time, she also created an ice wall tens of meters thick to cover this small bottom area.

However, when the terrifying shock waves arrived, her ice wall was still blown to pieces.

The snow girl can only act like a painter, repairing the cracks in the ice wall as much as possible.

After struggling to hold on for an unknown amount of time amid the tremors of the earth, the explosion slowly disappeared. Then, as if some time had passed, some fine pieces of red meat began to appear on the surface of this area, falling to the ground like a curtain of rain.

These pieces of meat that fell to the ground began to combine with everything around them, or they turned into terrifying extraordinary creatures that walked on the broken earth, or they formed strange and weird anomalies that wandered around.

After a long time, "Snow Girl" felt that there seemed to be less "raining" outside, but there seemed to be a lot more wandering monsters.


She dragged Colin and huddled in the depths of the ice cave, holding the purple card and not daring to move.

But before she could continue to wait, some more figures suddenly arrived and seemed to be approaching.

And destroying her newly reinforced ice wall with great purpose!


The "Snow Girl" was a little scared and subconsciously wanted to shake Colin in his sleep, but she saw a pained face on his face.

After hesitating, he retracted his hands.

At this time, despite her fear, she still had the courage to try to contact those enemies

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