Campfire Shelter

Chapter 572 Escape and Release of

The red light around the 'Red Moon' entity is absolutely fatal to the 'gods'. Once touched, as long as it does not reach super level or '0' level, it will basically stick to the body. Burning like white phosphorus.'

‘If they want to get close, I can only open a gap so that they can attack the moon directly! ’

Colin understood why.

He took a deep breath, his body burning with bonfire, and he headed towards the sky.

The scorching firelight continued to drive away the crimson moonlight around it.

In the crimson light that filled the entire world, a passage was torn out.

This task is not difficult, because the physical part of the "Red Moon" did not do anything to resist the attack, but just kept falling.

The only difficulty was that as he approached the "moon" itself, Colin felt that the various consciousnesses in his body became increasingly chaotic.

All body parts seemed to be resisting.

Even his once extremely loyal left and right brains were "persuading" him not to do anything to his "mother"'s body to avoid falling into the trap of the gods.

‘If it weren’t for the ‘blessings of the gods’ and the power given to the ‘bonfire’, I’m afraid we wouldn’t even have the capital to get close to this thing. ’ Colin suppressed all the chaos in his body and couldn’t help but sigh.

Hours later, when he tore a passage straight to the Moon.

The "gods" who have been hiding behind the scenes finally no longer hesitate, and they all choose to come at this moment!

I saw, above the sky, one terrifying figure after another appeared in the world.

Either as big as a mountain, or as small as dust.

The size of their body does not seem to affect the power they display.

At this moment, although they don't seem to be coming in person, their momentum is still terrifying.

After they appeared, there was no hesitation. They joined forces with each other, followed the passage opened by Colin, rushed into the sky, and launched an all-out attack on the slowly sinking "moon".

"You actually want to kill me too!" Colin saw that those blows included him.

However, he was not surprised by this. He was already prepared and could directly use the ability to mark a location in "Space Displacement".

Just like a mouse leaving the "fighting arena" before, it instantly transferred to the bottom.

That is to say, after the transfer, Colin was shocked and saw that the attacks of the "gods" had definitely hit the "moon".

After a while.

"Boom!" a sound.

On the blood-red moon, starting from a point, a large number of spider web-like cracks spread.

This moon, which once illuminated the ancients, is shattered at this moment!

And above the sky, it began to disintegrate at a seemingly slow speed, turning into countless fragments.

But before everyone could be happy, an invisible scream spread as the celestial body cracked.

Not everyone is qualified to hear this instinctive scream from the "moon", but among those who can hear it, the phantoms of the gods must be among them!

That is to say, at the moment of listening, all the wills of the coming gods were instantly emptied and exploded, leaving no unnecessary resistance.

Even the body hidden behind the scenes has suffered considerable trauma!

At the same time, the "world barrier" that was still somewhat remaining, barely supporting the mysterious general pattern of the earth, completely collapsed at this moment.

And that also means.

The world will completely go out of control from now on

Colin could feel that many of the previous seals were quickly losing control.

It was just that there was no time to observe more. Colin, who was in mid-air, was also lucky enough to hear this "scream". Although he was not the subject affected by the instinctive scream of "Red Moon", the severity was not bad at all.

The flames surging in his body, blessed by the gods, were quickly extinguished like a candle blown by the strong wind.

Immediately afterwards, Colin felt like an ordinary person who had been hit by a dump truck. His vision went dark and he fell straight towards the ground.

There was a loud "bang" sound as it fell to the ground.

However, the darkness of consciousness did not last long.

As the heartbeat of "Plop-Plop-Tong" came, Colin opened his eyes again in the pit.

A picture immediately emerged in my mind.

He stayed here, and in the next second, he suddenly evaporated directly on the spot. Surrounding the mist that evaporated him, several large irregular shadows appeared nearby, and further burned the evaporated mist. .

‘It’s fast enough. ’

Under the strong crisis warning, Colin reversed the "space replacement" in his hands and wanted to leave directly

However, I found that those guys seemed to have been prepared, and it was extremely difficult to move in this space.

However, Colin did not panic and immediately thought of a place - during the period when he was releasing the amputated hand, there was a special small village in an independent world where there was a suspected "food storage room" for "hungry".

Colin left a personal "bonfire sacrificial point" there, which could be used as coordinates to teleport there!

The next moment, as his thoughts turned, Colin opened this backhand and left the area directly before various blows arrived.

In the independent space that was once dedicated to the "Green Face Stove Lord", a bonfire in the center with a height of more than ten meters suddenly trembled for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the flames gathered and a figure walked out.

"I should be able to hide here for a while."

Colin felt that some eyes were temporarily shaken off, but it was hard to say how long they could be shaken off.

These things must be determined to kill him as a "reservist".

For this reason, he was even willing to risk his injuries and forcefully cross the border to find him for the final touch!

Taking a deep breath, Colin took out the parchment and took a look at it. He found that the content on it was gray. It seemed that it was temporarily shut down for some reason. The content was still the same as a few days ago.

"Currently, they have escaped from containment, but not completely. Speaking of which, why they didn't agree so quickly to take the initiative to attack ordinary people may have something to do with some remaining 'agreements' on them. They themselves cannot act recklessly. For ordinary people”

"It's just that I further strengthened this aspect."

"But compared to these past containment objects, this is the biggest problem."

Colin raised his head and peered out through the barriers of his "independent" small world.

From a macro perspective, it can be clearly seen from below that the moon seems to be a whole in the sky, but if you look closely, you will find that it is splitting and falling.

In this process, it can be predicted that it will break into countless fragments and "slowly" fall - it is said that it is a fragment, but in fact, every fragment is at least as huge as a mountain.

Once something of this mass falls on the earth, it will be enough to change the entire surface.

However, because the main body has been crushed before

This thing no longer poses a fatal threat to the existence of "high-ranking beings".

But for ordinary people, it is still a desperate disaster.

Even if you don't take into account the impact caused by the mass of the lunar debris, just saying that the pollution exists above and will not disappear for a while is enough to make people despair.

However, just as Colin was observing the outside world and thinking about how to deal with it, he was suddenly startled.

It feels like there is an extra piece of "information" in my mind.

Then, as this part of the content was analyzed, he quickly understood that this was a piece of "spiritual" knowledge that Mr. Wu had implicitly given during the dice roll.

The situation just now was special and he was watched by the gods, so the information was hidden.

Now that it is temporarily safe, it has emerged on its own.

Generally speaking, the contents are all provided for Colin, predictions and analysis of the short-term future, etc.

Now, the "Rat" has been defeated, and the remaining power of the "Bonfire" as well as the "Numerology" and "Red Moon" fires have caused both sides to lose.

The "gods" worked hard but did not save their lives. They seemed to be injured, but in fact they did not damage the root cause.

"According to the content of this 'inspiration', my most dangerous time will be soon, after the 'gods' have calmed down. At that time, they will be crazy to seek revenge on me."

"No, the revenge has already begun. Their mutual consciousness has built a 'shell' that blocks the entire earth. It even affects some functions of the parchment."

"However, as long as we can carry it over, when the moon fragments fall to a certain distance, the 'gods' will retreat again and the shell will break."

"Because even if it becomes fragments, the 'Red Moon' pollution above will not disappear immediately. In a short period of time, they will not dare to touch the tiger's beard directly."

"As long as I can withstand this wave of blows and transition through this period of time, I will stay on the surface for a relatively long time before the pollution of the 'Red Moon' disappears."

Colin quickly analyzed the situation for a while.

He couldn't help but shake his head. Unexpectedly, the newly shattered 'Red Moon' turned into his protective umbrella again.

In addition, according to Mr. Wu's prediction, the time when the first lunar fragment fell on the earth should be about seven or eight days. In this regard, inspiration did not directly give a time.

Rather, it is based on insinuations to predict the extent of damage to the ground.

What happens next is hard to see.

Because the fragments of the "Red Moon" fell to the ground, the disaster began to spread explosively on the earth, and anything observed would be directly connected to the "Red Moon".

Even if it's just a fragment, it's still a death-defying thing.

After all, "Red Moon" is not really dead, it is just sealed by the "Book of Numerology" that was briefly released.

"Looking at it this way, in the next one or two days, before the physical fragments of the 'Red Moon' break through the atmosphere, it will be the most dangerous period for me. I just need to avoid it and wait until the fragments break through the 'consciousness blockade' jointly constructed by the 'gods' ', the parchment should be restored temporarily. I have a hunch that I can attract a wave of improvement at that time, and then I should be able to survive with greater confidence."

Colin briefly refined the key points in the information given by Mr. Wu and roughly came up with some ideas.

At this time, an extremely strong sense of crisis emerged.

time is limited.

Colin thought for a moment, and taking advantage of the last moment, he took out a big eyeball ring from his pocket and released the "Snow Girl" in it.

"Huh?" The ice-blue phantom-like snow girl made a puzzled voice.

Colin smiled, pinched the ring with his index finger and thumb, exerted slight force, and crushed it with a "click" sound:

"Now that you are free, remember to hide for a while and don't come out. When the blockade is over, find a way to leave this world."

The next situation was very dangerous. He was not sure of surviving, and there was no need to let the "Snow Girl" die with him.

"Huh?" The translucent snow girl was stunned, but she didn't show any particular happiness——

He seems to be wondering why he suddenly crushed her room and drove her away?

Colin opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but sensing the imminent danger, he immediately took out an official passport and stuffed it into the snow girl's body, and at the same time took out "Space Replacement".

This card has several main skills. One is that it can transport any person or object to a place where you have been and left footprints. Of course, there are many restrictions. You cannot go too far, and there cannot be too much interference in the teleportation area. wait

The second is positioning coordinate replacement, which is similar to the previous one, but has a stronger effect.

The rat relied on these skills to transfer him to the "Seventh Box Garden World" without anyone noticing.

In addition, by slightly "displacing" the space, you can use the "space slash" ability like twisting a Rubik's Cube.

"The effect is very strong, but it's a pity that it's too late to get familiar with it."

As the thought flashed, Colin's spirituality was injected into the card, and in an instant the "Snow Girl" was transported to an icy and snowy place where "The Severed Hand" had been thrown.

If it is not necessary, the "gods" will most likely not break through such a place.

After all, these high-ranking beings are not of the same mind as each other.

Releasing more "old gods" will only increase the number of enemies.

The reason for being able to unite briefly now is purely because Colin is not dead yet. Once he dies, these things will most likely split into civil wars in an instant and start to rob and devour the resources that exist on the earth.

In addition, there are rational things in Colin, including the "Fire Tree" and the "Nano Omnic Maid".

"Fire Tree". If it didn't have other ideas, Colin might just let it go.

But for now, let's keep shining.

As for the little maid, she is different from the "Snow Maid" and can also provide a lot of usefulness, so she has to be brought with her.

That is to say, after making the plan, Colin was suddenly shocked. Immediately afterwards, several figures began to appear outside the entire small world. They were attached to some kind of barrier-like barrier, like faces separated by balloons. Trying to spy on Colin and attack him.

But in the next second, high-ranking beings disappeared immediately after appearing.

Because the "Fire Holder" reserves hiding inside have already fled to unknown areas.

The chase between the two sides continued.

With five gold cards, Colin was able to successfully escape from the pursuit of these gadgets at first, and during the entire process, he chose places with few or no people to act as much as possible to avoid casualties.

But as time goes by, the situation becomes worse and worse

One day later, when Colin, who was exhausted, escaped into an area like a small world, he took a look at the few survivors here and sent them away directly through "replacement".

Then the figure staggered and fell to the ground.

"Ahem." He touched the blood at the corner of his mouth, ignited it, and reabsorbed it into his body. At the same time, Colin took several pieces of "colorless crystals" and then stood up unsteadily.

Ignoring the injuries on his body, he was thinking about something he just noticed at this moment.

"Why do you feel that all the places you can escape are on land and there is no way to enter the sea?"

He traveled all over the world and found that all the places he could reach were isolated from the sea——

These great beings seem to be focusing on blocking the ocean?

"What's going on? Is there another unknown thing that can make these guys united and excited?"

Colin frowned. It seemed that in previous missions, although there were events related to the earth's sea, these events did not reveal much information, and he did not know if something happened in the sea.

However, it doesn't seem right to say there is no connection at all.

"Ms. Rabbit" has some arrangements in the deep water world of "World Number-4". Maybe it has some connection with the ocean of this world?

These guys may have inferred something that even he didn't know!

"Forget it, I can't care about that now." Colin shook his head and shook the hand holding the revolver hard, absorbing more power from the "Fire Bearer".

Suppress negative effects such as "disordered time cognition" and "disordered spatial cognition".

Then he looked up at the sky.

The moon began to disintegrate into countless fragments, gradually approaching the breakthrough of the atmosphere.

As long as I delay it for another day and a half, I can get through it.

However, using the power of the "Fire Bearer" will also attract some eyebrows.

He didn't stop for long, and immediately thought about a small world he had been to before, planning to jump there.

However, at this moment, my heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Because of the increasingly strong negative effects of "time cognitive disorder".

His transfer was half a second too slow this time, and this half second was absolutely fatal in this situation!

At this moment, within Colin's sight, a phantom began to take shape!

He was intercepted!

This time, he seemed to have no way to escape.

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