Calamity In One Punch Man World

Chapter 35 – Carnage Kabuto

It's been awhile since the last time I did this joke but, don't open



House of Evolution(Underground)

3rd POV


A long hallway...

No more, no less.

Just an ordinary long hallway with walls made out of steel.

With a little droplet of water falling through a pipe...

Random consistent human screams...

Lamps that flickering...

In that hallway, 3 figures can be seen walking side by side.

Those 3 figures are Saitama, Genos, and Rena.

No sound can be heard from the trio.

They just keep walking and walking... though Rena can be seen floating for some reason.

Long after, Rena finally break the silence.


"Aaaaaaa I'm tired of walking!! When will this hallway ends geez... Saitama-Senpai, please carry me~"

Rena said complaining.


"Aren't you floating..."

Saitama replied with an annoyed face.


"Then, I'm tired of floating. Now carry me please."

Rena immediately replied.


Saitama facepalmed at Rena's statement.

But Rena didn't stop there.

She keeps nagging at Saitama until he gave up.

But suddenly,


"If you're okay with me, I can carry you on my back."

Genos immediately spoke.


Rena's eyes glittered.



"Yeah, I don't mind"

Genos replied.


"You're a lifesaver~"

Rena slowly floated to Genos's back then dropped herself at his back.


"Ahh... your back is warm..."

Rena spoke. Feeling comfortable at Genos's back.


"Well, I'm a cyborg after all. I can change my body temperature as freely as I wanted."

Genos answered Rena's curiosity.


"I see..."

Rena slowly closes her eyes and lets Genos do the rest.


Meanwhile, Saitama just let out a sigh.





After minutes of walking, they finally reached their destination.

A big metal room.

In the middle of the room, stands a big beetle-like monster.

It has light brown colors with a few red stripes on its face and legs.

If you look closely, many bloods can be seen splattered around the monster.

You can easily guess that the bloods are from the random screams that the trio heard when they walked through the long hallway.

After the trio entered the room, the monster slowly gazes at the newcomers.


"Hey hey hey, what do we have here,"

The monster spoke, slowly approaching them with a menacing aura.


After the monster was close enough to the trio, it spoke with a mocking tone,

"Fo~ol, are you the people sent by the guy with glasses? hahaha."


"The guy? who?"

Saitama asked with stone face.


His face can be seen covered by the big monster's shadow.


"Hmmm? you're not?"

The monster brought its head closer to them to inspect the newcomers.


This action made Rena woke from her nap.

Rena yawned while slowly rubbing her left eye.

She then says,

"Are we there yet?"

With a tired tone.


Rena slowly opened her right eye while still letting her left eye still being rubbed by her finger.

After her eyes half opened, she was welcomed by the monster's ugly face.

The monster immediately sticks its tongue out to scare the girl.




Meanwhile, Rena just stared at the monster's face without any sign of emotion shown on her face.





But suddenly... her whole body immediately trembled as if she was remembering her traumatic past.

Her face suddenly became ugly.

And without realizing it, she already raised her right arm and screamed,



She slapped the monster's face.




A surge of winds has been created by the intense slap.

Making the monster immediately get thrown away by it.


*woosh* *woosh*


Saitama's cape is moving uncontrollably, and Genos tried hard not to fall while still carrying Rena.

A few moments after, finally, the winds stopped.





Only surprised emotion is shown by everyone.

No one had expected this outcome.

No one...

Little did everyone know, Rena didn't input a single focus on her slap.

Which made her slap without a doubt, weak.

But in these 3 years, Rena didn't slack either.

Her fight with Blast, Boros, and other Heroes...

Her adventure to other planets...

All of these made her grow stronger.

To the point where even if she punched a thing without the intent to punch, that thing will break no matter how hard it is.






Rena's sweat continuously falls from her head.


I need to think of something before it's too late.

Rena's thought.


"I-I accidentally used my psychic power,"

Rena slightly hit her head, and slip her tongue out.



Saitama Funny Face | One punch man funny, One punch man, One punch


Rena screamed.


"Oi little girl, you're pretty strong arent'cha..."

The monster walked back to the trio with its cracked face. It continues,


"We got a combat experimentation room here, let's fight there~"

The monster said, grinning.




Combat Experimentation Room


A big- no, a giant room filled with white walls in every direction.

In the middle of the room, stand Rena and the beetle monster facing each other.

If you look closely, Rena's sweat is falling uncontrollably.

Some may think Rena is probably scared by the big monster in front of her.

But actually,


What have I done...

This supposes to be a fight between Genos and this monster.

And Saitama will join the fight at the last minute.

But here I am, standing, sweating... while thinking about what should I do next.

Rena's thought.


Rena took a glance at the monster.

And only welcomed by a weird giggling noise.


Uwaa, this thing is really ugly.

Rena's thought.


Rena then took a glance at Saitama and Genos.

Both of them had serious faces.

Yeah, they're excited about this moment.

They've been curious about Rena's power ever since the first time they met.

With that known, Rena immediately gave up asking for help from both of them.

Rena threw a sigh and focussed her gaze back on the monster.


"Alright alright, a fight is it? let's not waste more time."

Rena spoke, doing a fighting stance with an unmotivated face.


The monster grinned.


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