Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 436 - Covet Gains Ahead Without Being Aware of Danger Behind

Chapter 436 Covet Gains Ahead Without Being Aware of Danger Behind

Han Siqi takes the cup, sips the tea and then asks, “Does Zhu Ting suspect you?”

“Maybe not. But so long as she meets Zhengzheng, it will come out.”

“If it can pass today, pass it.”

Tang Feng laughs, “You deleted the message from Zhu Ting to your wife secretly. Aren’t you afraid your wife will be angry with you?”

In fact, he knew long before that Xiao Jinchong revealed the false information to Zhu Ting deliberately. Afraid that Zhu Ting would tell it to Fu Zhengzheng and then the latter one would tell Yang Tao, he instructed Xiaohu to place a signal shield in the house before they got home. Then he contacted Han Siqi secretly. Han Siqi told him that Fu Zhengzheng usually took a nap at about 2:00 p.m. Han Siqi asked him to pin down Zhu Ting and didn’t give her a chance to send the message until Fu Zhengzheng took the nap. Thus, he would have the chance to delete it. Of course, if Zhu Ting called Fu Zhengzheng directly, it didn’t matter, because he muted Fu Zhengzheng’s cell phone.

Han Siqi is expressionless, “If the worst comes to the worst, I will leave myself to her mercy. If it’s more serious, my brother-in-law will back me. She can’t know it. Though she and Zhu Ting are capable, they are green to tackle Xiao Jinchong and are easy to be fooled by him. It’s the crucial moment now. Nothing can be wrong.”

Tang Feng nods, “Xiao Jinchong is as cunning as a fox.”

“Can we send Zhu Ting away in case she messes it up?”

“No. Xiao Jinchong keeps a close watch on Ting. If she is sent away now, he will be suspicious of both Ting and me.” Then Tang Feng gives a wry smile, “I will pay attention to her anytime and prevent her from messing it up.”

“Then your task will become heavier invisibly.”

“I have no choice.”

“You even figured out the methods of taking infusion while you were not ill and placing a signal shield at home. Will you have no choice?”

Tang Feng laughs again, “I was forced.”

“The day before yesterday, Xiao Jinchong put flour into Weihan’s boxes on purpose. Yesterday, he revealed false information to Zhu Ting. It’s unknown what he will do next to test you.”

Tang Feng whistles, “Don’t worry. I will cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle.”

Han Siqi meditates for a while and then says, “The more tests he gives you, the more anxious he is. They have brought so many drugs into this city to distract the police. Perhaps they will take big actions soon. We have to remain calm.”

“Yeah.” Tang Feng nods seriously, “Thanks to your cooperation, I can work more easily.”

“I have to live up to the trust from my brother-in-law.”

Tang Feng laughs, “That’s because you asked your brother-in-law for help when you hunted Fu Wenhai in Lingshan Mountain. At that time, we were searching for Fu Wenhai too. You offered your brother-in-law a reliable source of information. Thus, I could leave Lingshan Mountain after I killed Fu Wenhai. Meanwhile, you found the coffer easily and protected the treasures inside. Two birds were killed with one stone.”

“You mean it’s the instruction of my brother-in-law to kill Fu Wenhai.” Han Siqi looks at Tang Feng in surprise.

On the day when Fu Wenhai was killed, many accidents happened in the downtown area, and the police strength was dispersed. Fu Zhengzheng would go to see Fu Wenhai. Han Siqi guessed the coffer might be in Lingshan Mountain. For the sake of safety, he contacted Zhen Chao secretly and asked him for help. Zhen Chao told him that he needed to do nothing except protecting Zhengzheng. Besides, Zhen Chao demanded that he should not tell his help to Zhengzheng.

After Fu Wenhai’s death, Tang Feng took over the docks affiliated to Rongsheng. Xiao Jinchong promised that he would become the second in command of Brotherhood so long as he could win the cooperation with Weihan through negotiation. Then Zhen Chao told Han Siqi briefly that he infiltrated Teng Feng into Brotherhood to get the crime evidence of the gang headed by Xiao Jinchong and asked him to cooperate with Tang Feng secretly.

Therefore, when Zhu Ting suspected Tang Feng due to the special smell and the police went to investigate Tang Feng’s possible time to commit the crime, Han Siqi warned him one day before, so he created a false surveillance video as soon as possible. Thus, the police concluded he had no time to commit the crime.

Tang Feng smokes, blows a smoke ring and then says, “Yes. Even if he wasn’t killed by me, he would be murdered by Xiao Jinchong sooner or later. Fu Wenhai was very prudent. If he hadn’t got the privacy of many high officials by means of Angelic Music, he wouldn’t have dared to go to the coffer at night. Of course, it’s his wish to enter the coffer. Just because all sorts of feelings welled up in his mind and he let down his guard, I had the chance to kill him.”

“It was considerate of you to kill Fu Wenhai in the coffer and call the police by means of Zhu Ting.”

“If Fu Wenhai left the coffer, he would destroy the trap map because of his personality, even if he was caught by the police. Thus, the coffer could never be found. What’s more, if he was caught by the police, he would realize he was schemed against by Xiao Jinchong and would confess his past conflicts with the person. Perhaps you would alert Xiao Jinchong, so it’s the best solution to kill him in the coffer. Of course, we cleared away all dangerous factors around to ensure Zhu Ting’s safety in the coffer alone. But I didn’t expect Ting would have such a good nose and remember the medicine smell on my body. Fortunately, you warned me in time.”

“We used to think Fu Wenhai was killed by Xiao Jinchong’s man. We couldn’t figure out why Brotherhood gave up the coffer.”

“Xiao Jinchong also covets the coffer. How could he give it up? The fact is that he can’t get it. Actually, Fu Wenhai’s escape wasn’t true. It’s only a cloak designed by Pu Xiangchen under the instruction of Xiao Jinchong. Fu Wenhai always believed Pu Xiangchen, who disguised himself successfully.”

“He was the fake Pu Xiangchen, wasn’t he?”

“You’re right. The true Pu Xiangcheng died two years ago. The fake one schemed some occasional accidents to meet Fu Wenhai. He didn’t join other things about Fu Wenhai actively and seemed to be sincere, honest and scrupulous. Therefore, Fu Wenhai wasn’t suspicious of him. The fake Pu Xiangchen mentioned the audio drug of Angelic Music to Fu Wenhai ‘unintentionally’. Fu Wenhai was interested and regarded it as a spare way to get the trap map of the coffer. In fact, he did get it in this way. But he didn’t expect the fake Pu Xiangchen worked for Xiao Jinchong and schemed against him behind his back.”

“So Fu Wenhai sent someone to kill the fake Pu Xiangchen?”

“In fact, he didn’t. It’s a show for you by some guys bribed by the fake Pu Xiangchen.”

Han Siqi becomes serious, “He wanted to make us suspect that the person dying with Pu Xiangchen’s mother was Pu Xiangchen by means of her death?”

“Yes. But I don’t know where the fake Pu Xiangchen is or what his true identity is. Perhaps only Xiao Jinchong and Wu Zhenxing are clear about that.”

“This person isn’t important now. So long as we can defeat the crime gang headed by Xiao Jinchong, they will confess everything.”

“Yes. Nothing happened in Shengtian warehouse last night and tonight. I guess Xiao Jinchong will become impatient soon. Let’s wait for the big fish.”

“Don’t let down your guard anytime.”

“I will.” Tang Feng pinches out his cigarette with only a butt left and then gets up.

Han Siqi can’t help asking, “Now that you and Zhu Ting come from the same troop, why don’t you tell her your identity? Thus, what happened today won’t happen again definitely.”

Tang Feng doesn’t answer his question directly but grins instead, “If Ting knows my identity, will he admire me?”

“Well… maybe. Maybe you will become ‘comrade-in-arms’ couple.”

“If she knows my identity, she is sure to be considerate towards me in any case. Xiao Jinchong is so cunning and always tests me. Perhaps if we exchange our glances unusually, he will be suspicious of us and thus all the work we have done will be wasted, so it’s better to conceal her from it. It won’t be late to tell her when necessary. But she has tested me for several times. She may be aware of it. I have been in the army for so many years. Though I am careful, I still can’t cut out some small habits. Ting has the same military background with me, so she is very sensitive to some details, but she isn’t sure about my identity.”

“How affectionately you call her! Do you fall in love with her?”

“You just predicted that we would become ‘comrade-in-arms’ couple, didn’t you? Let alone she has become my woman. I have to be responsible for her.”

“Your woman?”

“It’s ascribed to the lecherous Xiao Jinchong. He coveted Li Xiaomeng before. After she died, he was sad for some days. Once Ting appeared before Fu Wenhai, she drew his attention immediately. He swore that he would kill Fu Wenhai and take his woman. Wu Zhenxing told me by accident when he was drunk. In fact, I didn’t pay special attention to Li Xiaomeng’s picture in the beginning. The first time I met Ting accidentally, I had a special feeling towards her. The second time I saw her, Fu Wenhai was also there. I didn’t know Ting and Li Xiaomeng looked exactly alike until then. I thought I predicted Ting’s future destiny, so I tried my best to approach her. Especially after you told me her identity, I managed to ‘conquer’ her and made her become ‘my woman’ before Xiao Jinchong came to this city.”

“As you know, Xiao Jinchong has a rule that he never touches the woman of his buddy. The lecherous man is fond of psychosexuality and hates to see a man cherish a woman. He always says a man has to fuck a woman terribly on the bed and the louder she cries, the more a man can enjoy himself. Therefore, when he saw me cherish Ting, he put some aphrodisiac into my alcohol and had someone secretly record outside what we did inside the room. I didn’t want to touch Ting, so I kept refraining myself with cold water. I didn’t remember what happened next. When I woke up, I saw Ting with traces all over in my arms. I couldn’t recollect the process, but the result was obvious.”

“A film can be shot based on what you both experienced.”

At this moment, Tang Feng straightens himself up suddenly, points to the computer screen on the desk and signals Han Siqi to be silent…

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