Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 415 - There is Something Wrong with Condoms

Chapter 415 There is Something Wrong with Condoms

“What’s wrong?” Yang Tao rises immediately.

Fu Zhengzheng waves with the other hand, rushes into the bathroom and vomits to the sink.

“Zhengzheng, What’s wrong with you?” Yang Tao comes in and supports her.

Fu Zhengzheng vomits for quite a while and doesn’t stop until her stomach is empty.

He Menghuai enters with a glass of water. Yang Tao signals him to take her out while washing the sink.

Fu Zhengzheng takes the water, rinses her mouth and then walks out slowly with He Menghuai.

Looking at her pale face, He Menghuai wants to help her go out, “Let me take you to the hospital. You must have eaten spoiled food.”

Fu Zhengzheng waves, “Let me sit for a while. I’m dizzy.”

He Menghuai helps her sit down instantly.

“You may have a cold. I’ll ask Liu of the infirmary to examine you.” Yang Tao has just cleaned the bathroom. Hearing what she says, he walks out while calling someone.

He Menghuai pours a glass of warm water for Fu Zhengzheng. She drinks some warm water and then feels slightly better.

Soon, the door is opened. A man walks in fast.

“Zhengzheng, what’s the matter with you?” A familiar voice pants.


Fu Zhengzheng looks up and sees Han Siqi whose forehead is sweaty. She is surprised, “Why are you here?”

“I was around here. Yang Tao called me and said you were not feeling well, so I come here. Do you have a cold? I’ll take you to the hospital.” Han Siqi lifts her up.

“I don’t need to go to the hospital. The infirmary doctor will come here. It’s enough to ask him to prescribe me some medicine. There should be nothing serious. I was fine this morning.” Fu Zhengzheng appears feeble while speaking.

It’s a bother to go to the hospital. She returned from the hospital this morning and still has medicine smell.

“Treatment can’t be delayed. Look at your face.” Han Siqi is about to lift Fu Zhengzheng transversely when two persons come in. They are Liu and Yang Tao.

Fu Zhengzheng stops Han Siqi’s intimate action instantly, “The doctor comes here. Let him examine me.”

Liu doesn’t know Han Siqi but can guess who he is from the action. He puts down the medical kit quickly and examines Fu Zhengzheng.

Han Siqi loosens his hands, but he doesn’t move away. He remains standing beside her and listens to the doctor talk with her.

“What seems to be the problem?” After Liu asks her some questions, Han Siqi stares at him nervously.

Liu wipes sweat and says with hesitation, “It seems like acute enteritis.”

“It seems like acute enteritis? Why do you work as a doctor since you can’t diagnose a patient?” Han Siqi casts icy glances at him and plans to lift Fu Zhengzheng transversely again.

Liu’s mouth corners twitch with embarrassment.

Fu Zhengzheng plucks Han Siqi’s clothes secretly. Then she turns her face and explains smilingly to Liu, “Never mind, he didn’t mean that…”

“I know. I know. Miss Fu, the infirmary medicine isn’t complete. I suggest that your husband take you to the hospital to see the doctor.”

For fear that Han Siqi will speak ruder words, Fu Zhengzheng stands up quickly and wants to go out with him. Because she rises too fast, she feels dizzy. Han Siqi steadies her, lifts her transversely and walks out.


Han Siqi doesn’t respond and just walks faster.

“What’s the matter with Fu?” It’s right the attendance time. They meet many colleagues on the way. Some of them met Han Siqi before and express their concerns.

Fu Zhengzheng feels extremely embarrassed, so she pretends to be insensible, burying her face into Han Siqi’s arms and keeping silent.

Looking at Han Siqi lift Fu Zhengzheng out, He Menghuai says thoughtfully, “How affectionate Mr. Han is to his wife. It’s really different. He sets an example for me.”

Ignoring He Menghuai’s talking to himself, Yang Tao twists his head and asks Liu anxiously, “Why did you swallow back your words from the tip of your tongue? Is Zhengzheng…”

“No, no.” Liu keeps waving, “She seems to be pregnant, but I’m not sure. I’m afraid that my diagnosis is wrong.”

Yang Tao sighs with relief, “If she is pregnant, it’s not a big deal.”

Han Siqi lifts Fu Zhengzheng into his car and drives straight to Shuguang Hospital. Seeing her touching her stomach on the edge of his vision, he becomes nervous again.

“Are you still uncomfortable?”

“No. I was uncomfortable because of vomiting, but now I’m not. Perhaps it’s because I ate lunch too fast.”

After sending Zhu Ting away, she came to Yang Tao’s office. Yang Tao and He Menghuai were having lunch, and then she remembered she hadn’t had it. He Menghuai went to the canteen to buy food for her at once. Soon after she ate it, she vomited it up.

Han Siqi drives the car at lightning speed to the gate of Shuguang Hospital while calling. When they arrive at the hospital, the president, the vice president and some medical workers are waiting at the gate. They come forward to help Fu Zhengzheng onto a handcart quickly.

“Hey, It’s not serious and unnecessary…” Before she finishes her words, she has been carried onto the handcart and pushed into the outpatient department.

After a dozen of minutes, Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi go out of the outpatient department. She is grimacing while he is beaming.

“Why? We practiced contraception each time.”

Fu Zhengzheng feels down. She had an endocrine disorder in the past months, and thus her period was irregular. Moreover, she is busy recently. Therefore, she doesn’t pay attention to the period. She never thought she would be pregnant, because they practiced contraception each time.

Were the condoms of poor quality? It shouldn’t have been so, because they used the most expensive ones.

Luckily, they love each other deeply, or how can she explain?

Han Siqi seems to see through her thought. He embraces her and whispers in her ear to tease her, “It means the sperm is active and even can break through many blocks.”

“I’m in no mood to joke with you.” Fu Zhengzheng walks a few steps and then pauses, “We can’t have the baby.”

“No!” Han Siqi’s face darkens, “Are you willing to abandon our baby?”

“We’ve got Fu Xing. You know my job…”

“You’re worried about it?”

“Yes, I’m a civil servant and can’t violate the national policy.”

Han Siqi laughs, “Don’t worry. We’ll not violate the national policy if we have one more kid, because I’m not of Han nationality.”

“What? Are you of an ethic minority?”

“Yes. I’ve consulted the lawyer and it’s completely in conformity with our country’s two-child policy.” Han Siqi holds her, “You can go home to nourish the fetus with nothing to worry.”

Hearing what Han Siqi says, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t say anything more. She gets into the car and goes home with him sulkily.

Yang Tao told her and Zhu Ting not to join in the case of Brotherhood. Now she is pregnant. Even if she wants to investigate, she can’t. It seems to be God’s will.

They come back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. When they just come out of the garage, Ji Yashu walks fast to them.

“Mom, what’s up?” Fu Zhengzheng goes to her immediately.

Ji Yashu holds her hands with a beam and keeps shouting “Bravo”.

“You’ve got the call from the hospital?” Han Siqi has guessed the reason.

“Of course. How can they not report such an important thing to me? Zhengzheng, walk slowly. Now that you’re pregnant, you can’t walk or do things hurriedly.”

Looking at Ji Yashu who reacts exaggeratedly and Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng shrugs secretly.

Ji Yashu arranges the servant to cook nourishing soup and tells her to be careful. After returning to the room, Fu Zhengzheng is still confused about the unexpected pregnancy.

Han Siqi is excitedly looking up points for attention during pregnancy on the computer. Ignoring him, she tells the news to Tian Xin and Qiubo on QQ, an online chat tool, as well as her doubt about it.

Sun Qiubo says, “It’s good news to be pregnant. Xingxing has been six years old. It’s time to have one more kid.”

Tian Xin says, “If my baby were all right, there would be two more kids in the family.”

Fu Zhengzheng comforts her, “Tian, don’t be sad. You’ll have many chances.”

Tian Xin responds, “I’m not sad. I just feel it’s a pity.”

Fu Zhengzheng asks, “We practiced contraception each time. Why can I be pregnant?”

Sun Qiubo snickers, “There is something wrong with condoms.”

Tian Xin retorts, “Impossible! Her condoms were all bought by me.”

Sun Qiubo says, “The pretty clothes you bought were too seductive. As a result, they were dedicated to making love and didn’t find the fish that escaped the net.”

When the two women are talking, Fu Zhengzheng opens the drawer with condoms at the head bed, pours out all condoms in a bag that has been opened and checks them one by one.

“Darling, don’t look at them.” Han Siqi snatches condoms from her and puts them into the box quickly, “You are in early pregnancy and are not suitable for making love. Please be patient. I’ve asked the doctor. We can’t do it until you’ve been pregnant for three months. Besides, we have to be gentle. Please wait and I will double the compensation for you.”

Fu Zhengzheng tries to snatch the condoms back with a wry smile.

“What are you thinking about? I just look at the condoms.”


“I suspect the condoms are of poor quality.” Fu Zhengzheng scratches a condom from his hand and studies it carefully.

“They can’t be of poor quality. They’re the best ones.”

“Don’t move! There is really something wrong! Look!” Fu Zhengzheng shows him the condom as if she discovered the new world, “There is a pinhole!”

Han Siqi takes it for a look and really sees a pinhole. Then he pours other ones out of the box and checks all of them only to find everyone has a pinhole.

“Did you do that?! I’ve told you to consider it after the case is finished, haven’t I? How can you do that?” Fu Zhengzheng looks angry.

“I didn’t.”

“Except you, who else would do such an absurd thing? Don’t tell me Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao did it when they played.”

“Perhaps it’s done by…” It comes to Han Siqi’s mind that his mom often looks at Fu Zhengzheng’s stomach recently. After hesitation, he speaks, “My mom.”

“Your mom?” Fu Zhengzheng opens her eyes wide. But after thinking carefully, she thinks Ji Yashu is indeed more likely, because Ji Yashu has asked her about her period for several times. She thought Ji Yashu was concerned about her health.

“She is eager to have one more grandchild.” Han Siqi embraces Fu Zhengzheng who is down and comforts her softly, “Darling, now that he comes, let’s welcome him warmly.”

While they are talking, Fu Zhengzheng’s cellphone rings. The call is from Zhu Linglong, “Zhengzheng, tell you a piece of exciting news.”

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