Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 386 - A Little Disappointed

Chapter 386 A Little Disappointed

Han Siqi gives her a stare instantly.

She pauses and asks anxiously, “What about Zhu Ting? Is she in the hospital alone? What happened?”

Yang Tao answers in a muffled voice, “We’re not clear about the detail. Zhu Ting doesn’t take the cellphone with her and isn’t convenient to contact us. I guess she will go home later. Surely, she will try to contact you after she goes home. Pay attention to your cellphone and ask her in time what happened. Then we can make plans.”


They talk about something else and then Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone. She clicks the Settings and finds her cellphone in ringtone and vibration mode, and the ringtone is at full volume. She puts the cellphone by her pillow and then lies down angrily.

“What’s up?” Han Siqi asks confusedly.

“Fu Wenhai went away and left Zhu Ting in the hospital alone.”

“Went away? What happened?”

Fu Zhengzheng feels frustrated, “I don’t know. I can’t contact Zhu Ting and can only try to contact her and ask about the reason after she goes home. Alas, our efforts for half a night end up in this way. Isn’t it annoying?”

Han Siqi comforts her, “Take it easy. Perhaps Fu Wenhai had something to do, so he left temporarily. When it’s finished, he will come to see Zhu Ting again?”

“But it’s midnight. What will he do? If he loves Li Xiaomeng as deeply as we imagine, how could he leave Zhu Ting alone at this time?”

“Anyway, Zhu Ting isn’t Li Xiaomeng. They can’t be mentioned in the same breath.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t completely agree with Han Siqi and argues with him anxiously, “I know they can’t be mentioned in the same breath, but now that he rushed to save Zhu Ting so quickly, that means Zhu Ting occupies a position in his heart. Though Zhu Ting must have called him, he arrived at Zhu Ting’s house too fast. It’s unreasonable. Unless he can give Zhu Ting a good excuse, it will be exposed easily that he equipped a dictograph in Zhu Ting’s house.”

“Fu Wenhai isn’t so stupid. Now that he went there, he is sure to have a convincing excuse.”

“Is it possible that he just wanted to rescue Zhu Ting and after seeing her fine, he left?”

“It’s only your guess. Maybe he returned to the hospital soon? OK, have a sleep to refresh yourself. Otherwise, when Zhu Ting contacts you, your mind will go blank and you can’t sort out your thoughts.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks what Han Siqi says is reasonable. She slips into the bed slowly, but she still frowns. After thinking for quite a while, she says as if talking to herself, “You think he would return to the hospital soon?”

Han Siqi nods smilingly, “Please believe my understanding of Fu Wenhai. Just because he looks gentle and cultivated, he can’t leave Zhu Ting alone in the hospital, even if he doesn’t like her.”

“I think he may not fall in love with Zhu Ting, but he must like her. Otherwise, he can’t do so many things for her. Don’t believe Fu Wenhai can be really kind as he looks like. He is only willing to give a hand to those that can help him.”

When they are arguing, Yang Tao calls her again. This time he sounds excited, “Fu Wenhai has returned with something in his hand. It may be night snack.”

“Really? Fabulous.”

“He asked the nurse for a quilt. It seems that he won’t leave the ward tonight. I was oversensitive just now. But before Zhu Ting contacts you, don’t contact her actively.”

“You’ve told me for many times. I know.”

Hearing Fu Zhengzheng’s impatient voice, Yang Tao smiles, says “Good night” and then hangs up the phone.

Han Siqi sees how it is going from Fu Zhengzheng’s relaxed expression and smiles, “You can have a sound sleep now, right?”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, looks at the watch and finds it has been the wee hours. Then she turns around and embraces him.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t sleep sound and gets up early. Then she washes quickly and is ready to work despite of the blood streaks in her eyes.

Han Siqi feels heartbroken to see that, but he knows she can’t fall asleep even if he forces her to lie on the bed. Worrying that it’s not safe for her to drive in this case, he gets up too, has breakfast with her and then drives her to work.

On the way, Han Siqi gives several yawns, which makes Fu Zhengzheng uneasy.

“How about asking another one to drive for you?”

“I’m OK. I’ll take a nap after I get to the company.” Then Han Siqi yawns again.

Fu Zhengzheng is guilty, “Sorry, I know you are busy recently, but I still make you worried about me.”

Han Siqi looks ahead, but he reaches out a hand to pat her shoulder and smiles, “Then please make me less worried about you.”

“I guess you can’t stop worrying about me unless the case is done. Let me worry about you in the future to make up for you.”

“How will you make up for me?”

The traffic light turns red. Fu Zhengzheng meets his stare and winks at him, “It’s up to you.”

The affectionate words make Han Siqi laugh loudly. He takes the chance to demand more, “Satisfy all my needs.”

Fu Zhengzheng makes a face at him.

How can she not know his need?

Due to the joke, Fu Zhengzheng becomes more relaxed. Han Siqi drives her to the gate of the municipal police office and then leaves. She finds she comes too early and there are few people in the big office building. She touches her cellphone and then puts it back.

It’s still early. Yang Tao must be sleeping. He stayed up late last night.

She decides to take a walk outside. But before she goes out of the gate, she sees Yang Tao running to her with sportswear.

“Zhengzheng? So early?”

Fu Zhengzheng looks strangely at Yang Tao whose forehead is sweaty. She knows Yang Tao has the habit of early morning exercise, but she doesn’t understand why he comes to the office with such clothes.

Yang Tao points to the office building smilingly, “I worked late last night, so I didn’t go home and slept in the office.”

“Why did you sleep in the office? You can live in the quarters, can’t you?” Fu Zhengzheng feels stranger.

Yang Tao answers vaguely, “Too late. I didn’t want to go there.”

Fu Zhengzheng seems to know the reason and asks tentatively, “Menghuai was sleeping there?”

She knows Yang Tao and He Menghuai shares a room. There are two beds, but they seldom stay overnight here and usually take a nap at noon.

Yang Tao is embarrassed and changes the topic immediately, “Look, your eyes are full of blood streaks. Why not sleep longer? You come to work so early.”

Obviously, Fu Zhengzheng has known the reason why Yang Tao didn’t go back to the quarters, but she doesn’t point it out. Instead, she responds, “I am worried about Zhu Ting.”

Yang Tao raises his hand and looks at the watch, “The hospital will be open in half an hour. Let’s wait and see.”

At this moment, his cellphone rings. He answers it immediately, says something, hangs up the phone and then tells Fu Zhengzheng what he knows.

“My teammate told me Fu Wenhai and Zhu Ting left the hospital and went to Zhu Ting’s house. They stayed there for a long time before going downstairs. After breakfast, Fu Wenhai drove Zhu Ting to the law firm and then went to work.”

Fu Zhengzheng is surprised, “They stayed there for a long time before going downstairs. They probably tidied the room that’s messed last night. Now that they tidied the room and went to work, that means Fu Wenhai hasn’t invited Zhu Ting to live in his house.”

“Zhu Ting has to go to work, or she can’t report the situation to us.”

“You’re right. Maybe she will contact me soon. I will go back to the office now.” Fu Zhengzheng walks two steps and then turns around to tell him, “Please make the news about Yu Nan spread faster. If it doesn’t work, ask Yu Nan to do it again.”

Yang Tao nods. Finding colleagues are entering, he and Fu Zhengzheng go back to their offices.

Soon after Fu Zhengzheng goes back to the office, she receives Zhu Ting’s message .

“Everything goes well. He doesn’t seem to be suspicious, but he hasn’t invited me to move to his house.”

Fu Zhengzheng isn’t surprised about what Zhu Ting says at the end. She thinks and replies, “Take it easy. It will be Yu Nan’s show time. Remember to protect yourself then.”

“Got it.”

“If you move to Fu Wenhai’s house, it will be inconvenient for us to contact. Remember that so long as you find the contact way of Fu Wenhai and his subordinates, you can retreat. Don’t expect to do more. Your own power isn’t enough. Are you clear?”


“Always remember Fu Wenhai is your investigation target. Whatever you do should be rational. Clear?”


Looking at Zhu Ting’s another brief reply, Fu Zhengzheng feels more relieved.

She infiltrated into Weihan Group for investigation. Just due to her curiosity, there were so many stories. Of course, her story has a happy ending, because Han Siqi and his Weihan Group are both clean.

However, Fu Wenhai is a sugar-coated poison pill. She involves Zhu Ting into the case. She never worries about Zhu Ting’s capability, but she is worried that Zhu Ting can’t resist Fu Wenhai’s charm. If she can’t, she is sure to come to a sticky end like Li Xiaomeng. Even if she survives, her life will be more miserable than death.

She hopes Zhu Ting can act decidedly like her response.

Fu Zhengzheng thinks and calls Yang Tao to update him.

At last, she says, “We only need to prepare for it and don’t need to rush. Otherwise, Fu Wenhai will find flaws.”

“I know.” Yang Tao laughs suddenly, “You are calmer and calmer.”

“Thanks for your praise.”

Then they both laugh.

Seeing Qi Juan come in, Fu Zhengzheng has a small talk on the phone and then hangs up the phone.

“Good morning, Sister Fu.”

“Morning.” Fu Zhengzheng responds with a smile. Looking at the watch, she thinks it’s almost the time, so she stands up quickly and tells Qi Juan, “I will go out to deal with something. If there is something here, please help me do it.”

Qi Juan smiles, “No problem.”

Fu Zhengzheng walks out fast, walks to the back of the office building and sits on a stone bench under a tree.

Soon a hurried figure comes into her sight…

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