Burning Moscow

Chapter 1691

Chapter 1690 Take precautions

Hearing this request from Cui Kefu, Zhukov chuckled: “Comrade Cui Kefu, you are playing tricks. Let me transfer all of your army to the Oder River. Are you going to be the first to rush into Berlin?”

“It’s not enough,” Seeing Zhukov guessed his intentions, Cui Koff said with a grin: “We have been bullied by the Germans for several years, and now we have finally waited for the moment of revenge. Naturally, we want to rush to Berlin first. Go to destroy the lair of the fascist bandits.”

After Cui Kefu finished speaking, Zhu Kefu fell silent. After a while, he said, “Comrade Cui Kefu, hand over the phone to Lida. I have important things to talk to her.”

Hearing Zhukov’s stern tone, Cui Kefu quickly handed me the microphone, and at the same time greeted several other commanders to keep them away from me, lest they hear secrets that shouldn’t be heard.

“Comrade Marshal,” I don’t know what Zhukov will ask me for, but it is probably not a trivial matter. So when I talked to him, my palms holding the microphone were sweating: “May I have any instructions?”

“Lida, your instinct is right.” Zhukov said inexplicably, and there was no voice.

Zhukov’s thoughtless words made me confused, and I asked inexplicably, “Comrade Marshal, what intuition?”

“You once said that because of our commanders’ hatred of the Germans, they will retaliate wildly after entering the German mainland.” Zhukov finally spoke again: “Not long ago, the troops that attacked East Prussia entered Germany. After the people’s town, they were stunned by the huge contrast in life. Some fighters asked inexplicably: If the Germans are so rich, why should they launch aggression against us?

Then our soldiers swaggered into the houses of local residents and robbed them of all the jewelry, watches, clothes, boots, food and what they were looking at. When he left, he set off a big fire, which burned the whole town completely. ”

The worry finally happened, which made my heart beat faster. I hurriedly asked, “Where are the residents in the town? Did they escape early or were killed by our soldiers?”

“According to Rokosovsky’s report, his subordinates only killed two or three local people who resisted.” Zhukov continued: “Our soldiers drove all the residents out of the town before setting fire to the entire town. small town.”

Although this crime was committed by Rokosovsky’s Second Belarusian Army, it had a negative impact on the image of the entire Soviet army. I carefully asked: “Marshal Na Rokosovsky How did you deal with this matter?”

“What else can we do?” Zhukov said helplessly: “Because we did not formulate the precautions that the army officers and fighters should follow after entering the German mainland before entering East Prussia, and the number of violations is as many as 1,000, so this Things can only be turned into big things and small things. After Rokosovsky summoned the commander who led the team and severely reprimanded it, the matter ended here.”

From Zhukov’s words, I guessed that he might want to talk to me about serious military discipline, so I asked first: “Comrade Marshal, do you plan to issue an order to prevent our troops from entering the German mainland and similar things happen? event?”

“Yes, I think about it like this.” Zhukov said carefully: “Lida, you should know that due to the shortage of soldiers, we have incorporated a large number of criminals and reform-through-labor prisoners into the army. The existence of these people is bound to be This has led to a slack in the discipline of our army. What I want to talk to you about today is this.”

I remembered that in the posts I read in later generations, they repeatedly mentioned the heinous crimes committed by the Soviet army in the German army. They burned, killed and looted everywhere, and what they did was fascist and fascist. In order to avoid a similar situation from recurring, I feel that it is necessary to help Zhukov formulate relevant regulations to prevent the Soviet army from recurring military discipline.

I asked cautiously: “Comrade Marshal, do you need me to rush back to Lublin?” I meant that if you need me to help you formulate such an order, I will return as soon as possible.

Zhukov apparently heard what I was saying, and quickly said: “Lida, I’m going to Lodz in two days and set up the new front headquarters there. If you have time, go there and meet me. Right. In the past two days, you will first carry out this work in Cui Koff’s army. Through the propaganda of political workers, the soldiers can correctly treat the current situation and avoid any excessive actions.”

“I understand, Comrade Marshal.” I quickly replied: “I will work out relevant regulations with General Pronin, the military commissioner of the group army, and implement them in the 8th Guards Army to prevent the occurrence of incidents in the East Prussia area. ”

After I finished the call with Zhukov, I immediately beckoned to call Trikov, Dukhanov, Pronin, and Chief of Staff Vladimirov, and repeated what Zhukov told me on the phone. .

After listening to my narration, everyone showed a surprised expression on their faces. After a while, Pronin said: “Although our fathers said that in the face of enemies, we have to pay an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but under the current circumstances, we can’t simply understand what our fathers said. . For example, the two-legged fascist beasts slaughtered our people madly burned down the houses that our ancestors lived in, or robbed them. Now we have the advantage, but we cannot repeat them because of revenge. The beastly things that have been done….”

“Yes,” Cui Koff waited for Pronin to finish, and nodded and said: “If we really do this, then what is the essential difference from the fascist invaders that are being hit by us?”

“I think Marshal Zhukov is a bit right,” Deputy Commander Dukhanov added: “Due to the serious shortage of troops, we have incorporated a large number of criminals and reform-through-labor prisoners into the army. The existence of these people is bound to affect. To our military discipline.”

“Since we know that these people are the destabilizing factor of the army, we must focus on them and send special personnel to supervise them.” Cui Kefu turned his attention to Pronin again: “Comrade Military Commissioner, we must bring the commanders and soldiers as soon as possible. Our understanding is unified so that they realize that we are here to liberate the suffering German people, not to invade them, so we must resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of burning, killing and looting, understand?”

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