Burning Moscow

Chapter 1672

Chapter 1671 New Year Offensive (7)

New Year’s Day in 1945 was the fourth day of the New Year’s offensive. On this day, all participating troops performed extraordinary performances and beat the enemies in front of our army.

The first exciting result was that the two divisions of the 47th Army, the 61st Army and the Polish 1st Army successfully liberated the capital of Poland-Warsaw!

Then, the 11th and 9th Tank Army received a good news. After a night of fierce battle, they successfully liberated the city of Radom.

The good news one after another greatly stimulated Cui Koff. He kept calling his commanders and urged them to carry out assaults on the support points of the German army and the deep defense army and transportation hubs under the cover of the air force. Speed ​​up the advancement to Rhodes.

At noon, the 45th Division of the German Army, surrounded by the 4th Guards Corps and the 69th Army of Kolpakchi, ceased resistance, and the officers and soldiers lay down their weapons and surrendered to us.

Hearing that the 45th Division of the German Army had a profile picture of our army, Cuikov was overjoyed. After giving a few words to the deputy commander and the chief of staff, he called me, the military commissioner Pronin and the chief of operations Bereyavsky. Hurried to the command of the 4th Guards Corps.

When our group rushed to the command of the 4th Guards Corps, they happened to see two German officers wearing military coats, silver-striped epaulettes, and large brimmed hats, under the **** of several soldiers, Walked to the command post.

“Lida, look at it, it’s a German prisoner.” When Cui Koff saw two German prisoners appearing here, he smiled and said to me: “It must be Glazunov who is going to interrogate these prisoners personally and figure out the enemy. Deployment of troops.”

Among the soldiers escorting the prisoners, there was a sergeant who saw that several generals appeared at the same time here, and they were walking towards the headquarters. He quickly let the prisoners stop and asked us to go in.

As soon as I walked into the headquarters, I heard General Glazunov ask loudly: “Has it been translated? Are there any prisoners coming here? Why haven’t I seen them until now?”

“General Glazunov, don’t worry, they will be here soon.” Cui Kefu smiled and said to his army commander: “You don’t mind if we are here to visit how you interrogated the prisoners?”

“Hello, Comrade Commander, on behalf of all the officers and men of the 4th Guards Army, I welcome your arrival.” After Glazunov finished speaking, he suddenly realized that I was still standing by Cuikov’s side and hurried to me. He saluted and said apologetically: “I’m sorry, Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army, I didn’t see you just now.”

I stretched out my hand and shook Glazunov’s hand, and said broadly, “General Glazunov, these are all trivial matters. You don’t have to take it to heart. The German prisoners are coming in soon, and you are ready for interrogation. ?”

After the two German officers walked into the command post, I found out that they both had the rank of lieutenant colonel. When I was wondering what position they held in the 45th Division, I heard Glazunov asking loudly: “Your name and rank!”

The interpreter standing beside the prisoner quickly translated Glazunov’s words to the two officers. After the two officers reported their names, ranks and positions, we unexpectedly learned that one of the young lieutenant colonels was actually a member of the German General Staff. He was a liaison officer assigned to the 45th Division, and as a result, as soon as the troops surrendered, he became a prisoner.

After learning about the identities of the two officers, Cuikov rushed to the front of Glazunov and said to the interpreter: “Comrade interpreter, tell them that I am Cuikov, the commander of the 8th Guards Army. I want to hear what they say about the current situation. What’s your opinion on the situation!”

Lieutenant Colonel Heisenberg of the General Staff heard Trikov’s question and immediately replied unambiguously: “Mr. General, if I can be blunt, your offensive will completely bring Germany down.” He said this. , Glanced at me quickly, maybe wondering why the officer sitting in the middle is a woman.

“Mr. Lieutenant Colonel,” Pronin waited for the other party to finish, and immediately corrected him and said: “You are wrong. Our offensive will not completely bring down Germany. It is only Hitler and fascism that will fall.”

After listening to the translation, the two German officers replied in unison: “Anyway, it’s the same thing, General, we have already lost the battle.”

Seeing the two officers acting so cooperatively, I turned my head and said to Cui Kefu, “General Cui Koff, I think these two German military officers are a bit tired and hungry, otherwise I can get them something to eat and drink, what do you think?”

Regarding my proposal, Cui Kefu nodded, and then ordered a staff officer to carry out my order. A few minutes later, two soldiers walked in carrying a wooden table and placed them in front of the captives.

Just as the German military officers expressed surprise at the wooden table that was suddenly placed in front of them, the soldiers following placed trays of hot tea, biscuits, slices of bread and sliced ​​sausages on the table in turn.

“Okay, gentlemen.” Cui Kefu saw the food and drink placed on the table, and pointed at the food with his hand: “We are not interrogating you, but chatting. We want to learn more about our feelings from you. Interests, if you don’t say anything, we won’t force it. Please drink tea and eat!”

Lieutenant Colonel Heisenberg was more courageous. After listening to the translation, he immediately picked up a biscuit on the table and took a bite, then took another sip from a cup of tea. Seeing this, another lieutenant colonel quickly grabbed the slices of bread from the plate, quickly stuffed it into his mouth, and ate it hungrily.

Lieutenant Colonel Heisenberg put the teacup on the table, looked at me and asked a few words. Although he spoke extremely fast, I still heard my name in his pronunciation. In order to figure out what was going on, I quickly turned my face to the position of the translator, hoping to use him to figure out what the other party was asking.

“Comrade General,” the interpreter said to me respectfully: “This German lieutenant colonel asks you, is it General Oshanina?”

After listening, I nodded and gave the translator an affirmative answer. The two German lieutenants stood up quickly and salute me at the same time. In particular, Lieutenant Colonel Heisenberg said again.

The translator smiled and said to me: “Comrade General, this German lieutenant colonel said that he had heard Germany’s greatest commander-in-chief Manstein mention you, saying that you were one of the toughest opponents he had encountered. If 43 years You were the one who fought him against Kharkov at the beginning of the year. We may have been driven out of Ukraine by you a long time ago.”

Although Manstein’s evaluation of me made me a little flattered, I still knew in my heart that under the logistical supply conditions at the time, let alone my two knives, even Zhukov or Rokosovsky Going out will still be defeated by Mainstein.

We and the German prisoners were talking while drinking tea and eating bread with meat. At this moment, they no longer worry that the Gestapo will overhear their conversations, and everyone expresses their opinions frankly. Heisenberg said that after the German defeat on the Volga and subsequent Kursk, many German generals and officers no longer believed that Germany could win the war. Hitler and Goebbels were responsible for this because they did not try to get in touch with the Soviet government to make peace with the Soviet Union under any conditions.

Hearing this, Cui Kefu couldn’t help but interject: “Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I want to ask you, why do you think that the people of all ethnic groups in the Soviet Union will have peace talks with you after being ravaged by the Hitler gang and enduring countless sufferings. What?”

After a moment of silence, Heisenberg opened his mouth and said: “Mr. General, I think not only the Germans need peace, but the Russians also need peace. Also, your allies are unreliable. After the war is over, they may change. Become your enemy. But we Germans can reach an agreement with you and become a reliable neighbor, and may also become an ally against your current allies!”

After listening to Heisenberg’s words, I couldn’t help but want to shook hands with him, and asked him: “Dude, did you also travel through? Otherwise, how can you see the situation after the war so clearly? Britain and the United States have indeed become the Soviet Union after the war. The enemy of China, and East Germany has become the “bridgehead” to the west on the other side.”

And Cui Koff obviously did not realize this. He still talked to Heisenberg: “Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, let me ask you, since you said that Germany is our best ally, why did you tear it apart in 1941? Does the non-aggression treaty launch an offensive against our peace-loving country that does not threaten any neighboring country?”

Heisenberg was silent for a long time before slowly saying: “The rise of the Soviet state has caused our fears. We are worried that you will attack us first. According to the intelligence held by the intelligence department, you will be on June 29, 1941. The US launched the Thunder and Lightning Operation against Germany. In order to prevent your aggression, Hitler decided to preemptively and launched the Barbarossa Plan a week in advance, but this was unexpectedly made a big mistake. It was beyond our expectation. , The Soviet state is so powerful that our General Staff and Hitler have miscalculated.”

I have heard of the “Lightning Operation” that the Soviet Union is preparing to attack Germany in later generations. The credibility of this statement is particularly high because after the outbreak of the war, the commander in the border area opened the secret document of the National Defense Commission. , I saw that the order inside was for the troops to attack the Germans. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that this fictional “Lightning Operation” will become more and more true.

After the soldiers took away the two German prisoners, Cui Koff said to us: “From the conversation we just had, we can draw a conclusion that Hitler’s officers have made a correct judgment on the current situation. They have already seen that on the battlefield. The irreversible failure is an attempt to find a way out through the conclusion of a peace treaty.”

After saying this, Cui Kefu raised his hand to look at his watch, and then asked me for instructions: “Lida, while it is dark, we have a few hours left, shall we go to the 28th Guards Corps?”

Thinking that the current commander of the 28th Guards Corps was the former Lieutenant General Rezhov of the 39th Guards Division, I wanted to say hello to this acquaintance, so I agreed to Cuikov’s proposal and said goodbye to Glazunov. , And drove to Biarov Brzeki to learn about the fighting situation of the army on the right wing of the group army.

Regrettably, when we arrived at the army’s headquarters, we did not see Lieutenant General Rezhov, only his chief of staff, Colonel Mamchin.

Regrettably, Cuikov asked Mamchin: “Comrade Colonel, please report to me about the progress of your army!”

“Report to Comrade Commander,” Mamchin reported to Trikov: “The offensive development in the zone where our army belongs to is very smooth. So far, the 79th and 88th Guards Infantry Divisions have advanced to Pushbyshev. , Ledlin, Korzhov area. Comrade commander had rushed to the seat of the 88th Guards Division an hour ago.”

According to what I know about Cui Koff, his next step is definitely to go to the location of the 88th Guards Division immediately to learn about the latest battle progress. I was worried that Zhukov would not be able to understand the progress of the 8th Guards Army in time, so I stopped Cuikov, who was about to leave, and reminded him: “General Cuikov, I think you should first report the results of today’s battle to Marshal Zhukov and let him Be aware of it.”

“That’s right, Lida, you were so timely to remind.” Cui Kefu smiled and said, “I am so happy today that I have forgotten such important things.” After finishing, he ordered Chief of Staff Mamchin: “Comrade Colonel, immediately call the front army headquarters. I want to talk to Marshal Zhukov.”

After listening to Cui Kefu’s report, Zhukov praised him a few words, and then asked me to answer the phone. I took the microphone and heard Zhukov ask me: “Lida, how is it, are you still used to the frontier life? If you feel unaccustomed, you can come back to the front army headquarters at any time.”

Although the front is more dangerous than the rear, for me, with a strong boss like Zhukov, staying in the headquarters all day, he can only be a soy sauce player, and staying at the front is more free, so I decisively He replied: “Comrade Marshal, I think everything is fine at the forefront. When you need me to assist you in your work someday, I will go back.” Having said this, I am afraid that Zhukov’s bad contact will make me hurried. Changed the subject and asked, “Did the two armies that attacked Puławy’s landing both proceeded smoothly?”

“The troops of the 69th Army are progressing very smoothly, and there is almost no decent resistance from the Germans.” Zhukov replied: “However, the 33rd Army encountered a counterattack from a German heavy armored battalion in the Kielce area. This armored battalion has a total of 90. The tanks are almost all Tiger or Tiger King tanks. As soon as the two sides touched, one of our armored brigade was defeated by the enemy. The old T-34 tanks have nothing to do with the enemy’s Tiger. I listen Zhukov said that, he couldn’t help being taken aback, and hurriedly asked: “What happened later? Did our troops repel the German heavy armored battalion? ”

“After I learned the news, I immediately deployed a new tank and a modified t-34/85 tank to meet this heavy armored battalion.” Cui Kefu said with some pride: “As a result, our army won a complete victory. , Turning all 90 enemy tanks into scrap iron.”

When I heard this, I secretly said that if a new type of tank like the t-54/55 is still being mass-produced, as long as there are 30, it will be able to beat the German Tiger tanks, and the troops will not attack. Will suffer losses.

Cui Kefu patiently waited for me to finish the call, and then said to me: “Lida, while it is still dark, let’s rush to the area where the 88th Guards Division is located, and meet Commander Leizhov.” Cell phone user Please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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