Bunker 12

Chapter 29: - Duel

Dizziness constrained him from understanding his current situation. The thick fog spreading in the room also didn't help him. His eyes had issues adapting to the oppressing darkness. However, one thing he knew for certain, he was not alone. The chamber was occupied by a large number of strangers. Strangers wouldn't be truly indicative. They are entities. Anonymous. Faceless. 

They had no shape or form, and yet he could see them. Sense them. He tried speaking up, reaching out to them with his voice, but nothing. The more he tried, the more his lungs hurt. He instinctively tried to feel his chest with his hand. He quickly realized speaking was not the only thing he couldn't do. Not a singular muscle was responding to him. Panic settled in when he kept failing to move even the tip of his fingers. Overcome by terror, he struggled to breathe. 

Even while stricken by this overwhelming feeling of fear, something broke him out of it, or more precisely, something was strong enough to divert his mind. As every entity was silently observing, a clearer figure walked out of the shadows. He could now notice the woman walking towards him. Her image was blurry. Fuzzy. But, somehow, he knew exactly who that was. Now standing before him was his mother. Or the memory he had of her. The idea of her. 

Inadvertently, his body decided to move. However, he had no control over it. His hand felt heavy. Only when his hand reached his eye level did he see the rough blade stuck to his palm. Without notice, as a witness of his own being, he had to watch himself brutally sever the throat of the woman standing in front of him. Blood spilled. His face was covered. It was cold. 

Drenched in the blood of his mother's throat, he had no time to process his murder that a man was now facing him. Physically unrecognizable, he was still certain of the man's identity: his father. In the same mechanical and cynical manner, trapped in his own flesh, he slid open his father's throat. More blood, yet still cold. 

He was certain he had passed out. He felt as if he was unconscious and yet, he could still see everything clearly. Stepping over his parents' corpses was a younger man. This time, he could clearly see every trait of this person. The man who saved his life. The man who treated him as a brother; his brother. 

His lungs were shivering from pain. His screams weren't being muffled. They couldn't even leave his sternum, leave his mind. He was crying, but only in essence. Only blood was flowing down his cheeks. He knew what was coming. It still didn't make it easier. His blade sunk into the young man's skin, blood lubricating the steel, easing the cut. 

It showed no sign of stopping. It probably never will. He was stuck here forever. He understood that much. But one thing he was not expecting. Her. Her gentle eyes pierced him. The blond of her hair glowed in the darkness. While he could have never brought himself to comprehend the absolute horror he was trapped inside of, he had no idea what she was doing here. Of all people. Why her? 

Surprisingly, he seems to have seized very little control over his locomotion. As if she was able to awaken something in him; his will was stronger than ever. There was not a single doubt in his mind. Even in this macabre massacre, in which he could only deliver harm, he knew. There was no way he could ever harm her.

Horror filled his eyes, however, as he watched her grab his hand and slowly bring the blood-soiled blade to her throat. He felt his entire being tremble, his lungs withered. The sharp edge, guided by his own hand, itself guided by hers, began to slide across her soft skin. 

He was completely shaken by distress when she disappeared, now staring at the ceiling gasping for air. Uncontrollably shaking, he felt a warm flow of tears leaking along his face. An atrocious sinking pain in his chest prevented him from screaming. While the air was hot and humid, he could only feel the chilling breeze clasping his spine. 

It took him a few long minutes to ease his breath and notice the gentle presence pressing against him. Ace's head was gently resting on his shoulder, sound asleep, her hand faintly reposing on his chest. Watching her serene face, with disobedient strands of hair brushing her skin, helped him soothe his tremor. Jab's nightmare finally ended. 

With the very little grace he has, he very slowly slithered away from under her, delicately laying her head on the towel. Her subtle grunting and moaning froze him for a bit, but he could breathe again when he realized she did not wake up. He took the time to softly tuck the golden strands behind her ear.

Jab sat up for quite some time. He's had his share of bad dreams. Yet, this one did not compare. That says a lot, he thought. After snapping out of it, he used his foot to bring his bag closer to him. He then reached into it and pulled out some bandages. The young soldier then began his daily ritual, wrapping the fabric around his severed shoulder. 

While having to do this quite often, it is still relatively new to his routine, hence his struggle. His mind, which kept wandering between the previous night and his terrible nightmare, also proved quite distracting. Distracting enough for him to not notice the quiet rustling behind him, allowing the light touch on his back to make him flinch more than it should have.

"Already awake?"


"Let me help with that."

"I'm ok."

"Come on, gimme."

"... Thanks."

"It's nothing"

Ace carefully wrapped the cloth over his permanent wound, now mostly healed. She made sure it was firmly in place, while also ensuring the fabric wasn't too tight on his skin.

"How's that feel?"

"Yeah it's good, thank you."

"Of course. What about your eye?"

"It's fine, I can do it on my own. I don't actually need to cover it anymore, I just prefer to hide it."

He then ran his finger along the heavy scars covering his eye.

"Oh ok. Isn't it annoying to always have to use bandages?"

"It's a fucking pain."

"Why don't you get a blindfold or something then?"

"I don't know how."

"I'm sure I can get something for you."

"If you could, I would actually be pretty grateful." 

"No worries. Anything for my man."

"Alright now."

Ace chuckled as she had predicted his reaction. She then wrapped her arms around him, stole a kiss on his jaw and rested her chin on his shoulder. Jab softly put his hand over hers and gently rubbed his thumb on her skin. His silence worried her, making her break her embrace.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It's just, this is a lot for me."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's ok. Things are just moving too fast."

"Yeah. It's ok. I get it."

"No. It's not like that. I-"

Jab sighed deeply. He turned around to face her, but he couldn't bring himself to look at her.

"I'm not good with words but, I don't know what last night meant to you. I don't know what it meant to me. But I know that… I'll grow attached to you if we keep going. I already am. And… If something were to happen to you… -"

"Hey, I know. It's ok."

"No. You don't know. I-"

"It's ok. I do know. Nothing will happen to me."

"You don't know that. Even just last time, it could've gone terribly wrong."

"But it didn't."

"That's exactly the problem. If anything were to happen to you that I could've prevented but failed to, I just…-"

The young woman scooped his face with both her hands and made him look at her in the eyes.

"Everything will be ok. I promise. Ok?"

"... I wish I could believe you."


Ace slowly closed her eyes, squeezing a sorrowful tear out. Her hands fell down his face at the same time her head bent down.

"I just can't."

She could barely speak any words out of her newly soar throat. 

"It's ok. I get it."

"It's not like that."

"No really, it's fine. I just wish you had it in you to put your trust in me."


"Won't you at least let me try to prove it to you?"

"Prove what? What would that even mean for us?"

"I don't know. It's like I told you. I don't want to have to think. I just. I need stability, and I feel like I need something, someone, to fall back on."

Jab broke into a short nervous laugh.

"And that's supposed to be me? And here I thought you were sane."

"Turns out I'm as fucked as you, hun?"

"I'm starting to see that."

They both chuckled before letting silence settle in. Ace then slowly dragged herself and sat next to Jab. She had to take time to assess her thoughts and apprehend the words to express them. A deep breath gave her the last push she needed.

"Not everything is about you. And I don't mean that in a mean way. From what I've seen of you, you're very selfless. I'm saying that you think everything bad that happens somehow trails back to you. And I know that I'm unaware of everything you've been through, I'm not trying to discredit that either. But you need to know that I'm not your responsibility. Not entirely at least. I know you'll protect me. That's just the type of guy you are. You already did. You saved me. Don't think I didn't notice or that I wouldn't acknowledge it. I know that you'll want to protect me, even if this goes any further or not. And you will. I know you will. But you can't control everything. So much is out of your control. Out of everybody's control. Our situation is fucked. It really is. I know you don't need me to tell you that. So many bad things happened already. It's not gonna change. It might even get worse. The only reliability we have is each other. I'm not dumb enough or naive enough to think that everybody is trustworthy. I know that isn't the case. So many people are hurt and are stuck because of their circumstances and end up making the decisions that they are. But you can trust me. I want you to trust me. Can you do that for me?"

"... I really want to. I just don't know if I can."

"Can you try?"

"... I think so."



"Thank you."



"You don't know how little that makes sense."

"Too bad."


"You're cute."



"Stop teasing me."

"You know I am not physically able to do that."

"Sadly, that is true."


"What did I just get myself into?"

"Oh boy, just you see."

"Can't wait."

The young woman laughed at her own schematics as her head sought support on his shoulder. While she couldn't see, he did smile. Even just a little. He then asked:

"So what now?"



"What about us?"

"That's literally what I'm asking."

"I don't know. But I like this. No need to overthink it."

"That's good. I'm not too good when it comes to thinking."

"I know."

"You weren't supposed to agree to that but ok."

Both of them gradually fell prey to uncontrollable laughter. Both of them were mesmerized by the moment, having no interest at all in leaving this place.


"Since when are your minions allowed to take part in our meetings, Doc?"

"I appreciate your worries, Mob, but no need to fret. And may I remind you that your level of leverage on my decisions is quite null."

"I was only relaying my thoughts."

Why am I here?

Adam's suit never felt so uncomfortable. He already exploited every inch he could on loosening his tie. He could feel the tension between the two influential men. Doc raised the glass he offered him earlier but refused, taking a sip out of it before resuming the conversation.

"Adam here has proven very useful to me as of lately. He is a very clever man and I believe it would serve me better to entrust him with more responsibilities. I trust him."

"Hm. I see. He doesn't seem to be trusting you very much, however."

"Wha- I-"

The youngest man in the room felt as though he had been exposed. He felt like it was now forbidden for him to move or to even breathe. He could only slightly look at Doc in the corner of his eyes, waiting for his reaction.

"Using your powers as always I see."

"Old habits die hard."

"Well, it is not like any sort of power is needed to make that conclusion. I am more aware than you that Adam doesn't trust me. It is all the more why I believe it is beneficial to keep him close. His understanding of things is refreshing and his position on multiple facets of management reminds me to keep reconsidering mine."

"Is that so?"

"Of course. Moreover, he himself is very much aware of his inability to go against my order. If he much as desires to betray me he would face the consequences. Isn't that right Adam?'

"I- Y-Yes Sir!"

The subordinate could barely stand. His vision kept getting blurry in intervals. He wishes he could be anywhere but here. Doc had called for Mob to meet with him in his office and asked Adam to assist with their meeting. He had been aware of their frequent convocations but failed to have taken part in any of them. He was now convinced he should never have. 

"Well, no matter. What is it that you want from me this time, Doc."

"Well you see, I was reluctant to ask for your service. Our last transaction was, may I say, quite disappointing."

"You don't say."

"Your man, Frostbite, not only failed to arrive on the location on time, resulting in the loss of an entire unit of yours, but he barely made it out alive and had been unavailable for employment until just recently."

"My apologies. I hope that I may be able to win back your trust in assisting you with this assignment."

"Yes. I hope for you too. I have a powerful target approaching fairly quickly. I am hoping to stop it before it becomes a problem. However, most of my Commanders are busy training their squads, therefore I would benefit from having your men deal with this."

"When you say men, I believe you mean the Dons?"

"Precisely. I doubt any soldier of lower capabilities could complete the mission anyway."

"What a predicament you just found yourself in, hm?"

The Father brought the brim of his glass to his thirsty grin, masking its width. 

"I see it as an opportunity for you to repair your credibility."

"Is that all I get from accepting this request?"

"That, and the usual. I believe it is a fair reward."

"I would have to disagree with that."

"Is that so?"

"Refusing to be of service would hurt your Foundation quite well."

"I don't believe that would benefit you, however. You do realize your freedom and wealth are a compromise, not an assurance".

"Oh, I could never forget how much I owe you. However, I do believe a raise would be in order."

"Hm. Getting quite rowdy I see."

"Hardly. It is merely a fair request after a long-term alliance."


"I am sure your man agrees with me, Doc. Isn't that right?

"M-Me? I don't-"

Don't bring me into this shit!

Adam's eyes were screaming for help. He could only swallow his stress and his confusion when Mob let out a few deep laughs.

"My man has nothing to do with this."

"I am merely playing."

"Enough of it. What do you want?"



"Gunpower, precisely."

"This is completely delusional."

"Barely. I want my most trusted henchmen and myself to be armed."

"Ridiculous. Only the Foundation's inner circle is aware of such weapons. The knowledge itself is forbidden. You are the only person alive to conflict with this statement."

"I intend to keep it that way. I am aware the Commanders and even the Pioneers themselves are unaware of such destructive weapons."

"I have no reliability. Nothing assures me you would keep it undisclosed."

"I have until this point, haven't I?"

"Nobody would understand or believe you, even more that you have nothing to show. This is different. Why would I believe you would keep it concealed? Even more your men?"

"I trust them."

"I don't."

"What if it is only me, then?"

"What makes you think I would trust you with it at all?"

"Why would you not?"

"Adam. Leave us. Go wait outside."

"Y-yes Sir!"

He did not hesitate an instant to leap on the door and exit the war room. Doc made sure the door was closed before resuming his exchange.

"I would recommend you to be careful about playing me for a fool."

"I would neve-"

With great accuracy, gained with experience, Doc reached inside his jacket and pulled out his firearm. He quickly readied it and hit it on the table, pointing at Mob.

"I'd drop the act if I were you. Or maybe you want me to blow your fucking brains out."

"No, I'm goo-"

"Shut your mouth. Do you really believe you are in any condition to bargain with me? You're alive because of me. Your entire life is a concession of mine. Now, you will do this mission for me. You will get compensated as per usual. And nothing more."

The Commander remained silent. He quietly finished his lukewarm drink and put the empty glass back on the table. He then firmly squeezed the sphere mounting his heavy cane, quickly followed by the mechanical sound of the gun getting ready to shoot.

"Try me. I will kill you. Or do you think I'm bluffing?"

Mob stopped moving. He sensed the old man's intention. He could smell his unwavering dedication. He was indeed not bluffing. Mob took a deep breath and relaxed his body.

"You're goddamn right. Now get the fuck out of my office and ready your men."

"As you wish."

Filled with indignation, The Father stood out of his chair, using his cane for support, and walked out of the door without looking back. He found Adam sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, his hands covering his face.

"Someday, kid. "

The deep voice startled him.


"Someday. We'll get him."


Knowing her, or what I've been told about her, she's probably hanging around the Traning Grounds. Hopefully, she's in a good mood, I wouldn't want to disrupt her while she's busy. I'm sure a Commander like her probably has a lot of work to do, even more lately. Still, with that mentality, I'll never get to actually get her to help me. I guess I'll probably have to importune her after all.

That's pretty much what I expected. She's training. Though, I wasn't expecting so many people to train with her. That's probably the team she has to look after. Wait. What is Spike doing here? She's just sitting to the side. I think she saw me. Yeah. She did. She's waving at me. I guess I'll go see her. 

"Yo! What are you doing here?"

"I was gonna ask you that."

"Oh me, haha! I'm just waiting for Blue to be done with her training."

"I see."

"Did you need something?"

"I just had something to ask Blue. It's nothing. It can wai-."

"BLUUUUUUE! He wants to talk to you!"

She really can't help herself, can she?

"Huh? What does he want? Alright guys, break time. I'll be back."

She really made her stop her training even though I said it wasn't urgent.

"What is it?"

"Here Blue, drink some water!"

"Oh, thanks."


They really do get along, don't they? Anyway.

"It can wait, it isn't too important."

"Well, I'm here now so. What's up?"

"I just thought I could probably benefit from some training."

"Why don't you ask Slash or Ace?"

"I couldn't find Ace and I just didn't feel like asking Slash. But I also just thought it would be better to ask you directly since your fighting style would be more fitting anyway."

"Right. Well, I do agree you need to level up your game. I don't care. You can just join us."

"Ok. Thanks."

"Alright everybody, we got an extra." 

I recognize all of them. I think I remember all their codenames too. Bang, Chuck, Undead and Butcher. I haven't seen what they can do though.

"You gotta be insane to put yourself through this shit voluntarily."

Undead looks like he's gonna pass out. The others don't look all that bad.

"Stop whining, we almost died because of you last time! I know you can't die but, we can! So get your shit together!"

It sounds like Butcher has some unsolved issues with him. But it must be true then. I heard it before, but it just felt impossible. I guess he really is unable to die. That sounds absolutely insane.

"I'm sure if my head gets chopped off I'm gonna fucking die! And it's ain't all that great. I always get absolutely beat up every time!"

"Alright, let's focus here. I was taking it easy but now I have somebody to spare with. We'll keep the same team. Bang and Chuck, Undead and Butcher and now you and me. Better keep up."

"I'll try my best."

"Good. Now, put 'em up."


The earthy tunnel was surprisingly well-lit. The cave's shape formed a perfect receptacle for the three soldiers' voices, their mundane conversation bouncing around them. 

"Is it really going to show up here?"

"It better."

"I swear. I ain't about to get done again by that asshole's tricks."

It is rare for the Dons to be deployed on the same mission. When it does happen, however, it never is a good sign. While being far in ranks, their potential is close if not on par with some of the Commanders. However, their position within Mob's organization is obstructing their ascension in the Foundation's ranks. 

"You did get done dirty last time, but it'll be different now Frostbite."

Spoke Scope with his dull deep voice. He was leisurely sitting on a boulder, scratching his bald head itching from the straps of his goggles. 

"That's true. You guys have me with you now so."

Alloy said confidently, her smile gleaming. Her long open jacket and shorts were revealing on full display the numerous stitches covering her entire body. 

"That actually makes it worse."

"Oh fuck off."

"Shut up idiots, let's focus here. I've had my share of getting messed up. It should be here soon."

"That monster really did beat the shit out of you. You used to be so carefree and cocky."

"I agree with that. You used to be fun. Now you suck."

"You think I give a shit? Now just shut up."

Frostbite had no intention of buying into their pokes. Fairly enough, they all sensed it at the same time.

"It's near."

"He wasn't bluffing. Something big is coming."

Alloy threw away her jacket and took her combat stance. Scope walked behind her and pulled out a metal staff which opened on activation, turning into a bow with a laser string. Frostbite took the initiative and positioned himself in the forefront of the squad. He took a profound breath and brought his hands together, drawing into his deep glacial power. 

Not too far from them, heading their way, an unstoppable beast was bursting its way through the rigid rocks shaping these earthy veins. At that moment, anybody could've sworn that this thing could not be stopped. However, they will have to. Somehow. 

In an instant, the Hollow smashed through the cavern the Dons were waiting in. The area was immediately filled with dust and rubbles, covering the immense figure in a thick smog of debris. Through the clouds, four bloody eyes were illuminating. It was ready to charge. They were all staring at it, patiently, waiting for a sign to start this standoff. Alloy was the first one to break the tension.

"Let's do this boys. Time to rumble."

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