Chapter 24: - Collision
How long do we still have to go? We've been wandering in these tunnels and caves for quite a while now. We haven't stopped to rest either. It seems Slash is quite against it; we need to keep that blood hot and pumping. He would say that. He did, actually. On multiple occasions.
The mood is tense. We're often left in silence. Nobody is talking. Other than Slash's colorful interventions. I guess everybody is tense. I don't blame them. I am too. To a point where it's painful to just simply breathe. It's as if a hand pierced through my sternum and grasped my heart, faintly squeezing it. Just enough to give me this staggering feeling in my chest.
We haven't seen anything out of the ordinary so far. That's good. To be fair, we haven't gotten to the objective yet. I wonder what's going to happen then. What we're going to find, who, we're going to find. If we are to encounter anything, I'm supposed to be jumping in the front line and face the threat head-on. Spike and me, actually. Can we really do anything? Can I?
Everybody is betting on the fact that I can survive against those monster's attacks. They expect my body to resist their strength. But can it really take on these Hollows without breaking down? Maybe as soon as I get attacked I will be utterly destroyed. Maybe my limbs and my flesh will be torn apart the moment I make contact with them. … Well. I guess that would just be the end of it.
"We're here."
Ace's voice almost startled me. We all stopped in our tracks. We all tried to look around, but we could barely see. I guess that's why we're here. There should have been lights and devices occupying this place, just like we've encountered multiple times on our way here. A Hollow must have destroyed them. It's probably still lurking around. This place is quite spacious after all. Farther ahead, it seems like everything is expanding. The ceiling is higher. The walls are stretching away. The darkness is thickening.
"Who's got the torches?"
Ace seems to be doing everything. Slash is just walking around, making as much noise as possible, trying to lure out any beast nearby.
"Hahaha! Don't be shy, come on out, you fiends!"
He's completely unhinged.
"Isn't his voice echoing a little too much?"
"Wait, why do I feel a faint air draf-"
"There we go. Let there be light- Oh shit."
Savvy and Rouge picked up on it first. Until Ace finally lit up the place a little bit. What in the hell is that?
As the crew quietly began to look up, they slowly discerned a gigantic gaping hole. There seemed to be no end to this opening, creepily lingering above them.
Spike seemed to be the only one feeling at ease, impressed even, by this sight. Whereas the rest of her troop appeared to be nervously deranged by this threatening darkness, inheriting everlasting and hidden danger.
Instinctively, the Illusionist pulled out one of her golden coins and violently tossed it into the black void. The coin disappeared in the shadows immediately, and only the whistle of its speed piercing the thick humid air could be heard. Not once, have they heard it hit anything.
"Holy fuck."
Ace was baffled, being the only person truly knowing her capabilities, hence knowing how high she shot her projectile. That ceiling is astonishingly deep. After a while, the coin came back to its master, who put it to rest in one of her pockets.
"Well, that's creepy. Let's not hang around too long. Let's get to work guys."
At her command, the soldiers began to proceed. They laid down the equipment and placed it safely. Having practiced this prior, they knew the routine. They were then able to have their minds focused elsewhere.
"I wouldn't mind every mission to go that way."
Aimlessly spoke Rouge towards Mute, fully aware she wouldn't get an answer.
"If only."
Responded Savvy who overheard, quite reassured she didn't have to take any responsibilities. Guilt faintly ran through her mind as she spoke, knowing this shouldn't be the type of thoughts a leader and strategist like her should have.
"Hahaha! Come on you guys, don't be so lame! Who doesn't like some good ol' blood-spilling-sparing?"
"You should be asking who likes i-"
"I'm on your side sensei! This is boring! We need this shit to go down!"
"Hahaha! You're goddamn right!"
The Shogun and his pupil always seemed to agree.
"You guys are psychotic. Who would wish for that shit? Still. I understand it's our duty to kill those things, hun. A Commander like me shouldn't be thinking about slacking off. So many people died and so many more will if we don't take all of these bastards down."
"Says who? Doc? Why does he have a say in this? As far as I'm concerned, he's just a senile old man forcing child trafficking on the part of his people he himself cast away outside his own walls to create an army of broken soldiers built on the death of their friends only to save the people that aren't even in danger to fucking begin with."
"Sheesh. Didn't have to break it down that much. Still. You're not wrong, but... These things still have to die."
Said the young Commander as she rubbed the brim of her hat. Jab scoffed at her response.
"Why us?"
"Hahaha! Why not us? These Insiders are just some lame cowards, you think they have the strength to beat those monsters? Hahaha, don't make me laugh! They ain't cool enough! That's why there isn't anybody better than us for the job!"
The Shogun playfully spoke before his tone became more serious. Savvy awkwardly looked down at her feet.
"I'll make sure all these fiends meet their end on my own account, not because I'm told to. They will all die from my blade."
This was one of the rare occasions in which Slash's speech was able to inspire people. The recruits were almost even scared by his fierce devotion. Ace's eyes widened, before she smiled fondly, now realizing her partner is not only an oddball, but proved to be very reliable. She was able to notice it by watching the recruits silently look at each other, somehow more motivated.
I think I'm gonna like this team.
The Illusionist clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention.
"Alright guys, we're getting the hell out of here."
The squadron was now packing up and began to walk back. Spike and Slash were both dragging their feet, defeated by boredom. The only one left behind was Rouge, still finishing to program her device before leaving it behind.
"Alright, that should do it."
After she had tapped the screen on the large box in a meticulous pattern, she stood up and lightly jogged to meet up with her group. However, as soon as she did, Mute immediately fell to his knees. Collapsed on the muddy floor, he was now ferociously clogging and scratching his ears.
"What the fuck is happening?! What's wron-"
Jab's concern was abruptly cut by a horrifying growl. The deep and raspy roar echoed along the rocky walls surrounding the team. They all quickly catch up on the direction of its source. It was coming from above.
"... What was that? What the fuck was that?"
"Mute what's happening?! Are you ok?! Get up! Something's coming!"
"In position, now!"
Ace was quick to snap them out of it. They could not afford any concern to cloud their minds. Not now. While Akuma and Spike hurried back toward where the giant hole was, Jab and Savvy quickly grabbed onto their convulsing friend and dragged him farther back.
"What the fuck is happening to him?!"
Jab furiously yelled, confused.
"Snap out of it dammi-"
He wasn't able to finish his sentence when he realized the faint whistling coming to his ears. While still not having sight of it, what they were hearing was the large body of a beast diving through the long hollow tunnel they had seen earlier. Before long, its brute stature crashed on the ground before them, creating a crater on impact, destroying everything they had just laid down and set up. The force of the Hollow's crashing descent rocked the entire floor, making all the soldiers lose balance. When their young soldier's eyes met with the monster, they all stopped breathing.
It was bigger than anything they had seen before. Its dark muscly body was painted with red oozy veins coursing along its skin. On all four, its claws were dug deep into the earth. Amongst the dust and the rumbles that rosed up from the impact, a pair of menacing sharp ruby eyes seemed to be looking at everyone's soul at the same time.
Closest to it, as the plan stated, were Akuma and Spike. Behind them, Jab, Rouge and Savvy were helping Mute get back on his feet. The young soldier seemed to be out of his sudden attack. And standing behind them, furthest from the threat, the Commanders. Ace immediately pulled out handfuls of shining coins and was ready to dash forward. However, a solid armored arm blocked her way. Everything was going too fast for them to have time to say anything. But she understood. And she hated that she did.
No. They need to go through this. If they died now, they would have died later down the line anyway. Nothing can be done. But if they survive…
Slash was standing straight, his hand on the hilt of his favored katana. Even if his mind knew he had to let them fight for themselves, his heart couldn't accept that. He was ready to jump in at any moment.
Before the rocks and rubbles, still suspended in time, even had time to fall back down, the beast blitzed forward at a bluffing speed, disappearing in the blink of an eye. When it finally reappeared, its large claws were ready to sink into Spike's flesh. Purely out of instinct, the young woman's body rapidly shapeshifted, her two forearms extending in a large and smooth white shield. Hard enough to prevent a lethal wound, but not enough to stop the brunt of the blow, she was powerfully blown away.
Like a pure killing machine, the Hollow instantly leaped at Akuma. Inexperienced, the young soldier made the worst decision he could've made. While raising his arms before him, he closed his eyes. In every other case, for every other soldier, that would have been a mistake that would have meant death. However, in his case, it was what saved his life.
Unknowingly, closing his eyes, for how terrible of a blunder it is, raised the threat level of the situation. Now dangerously menaced by death, his body took over. When his eyes opened again, they were bright red. Just like his enemy.
Akuma was able to duck just in time, only a sample of hair falling victim to the demon's sharp claws. The soldier successfully rolled under the leaping figure, which finished its course crashing into the wall. Farther behind, Spike was about to fly past her comrades when she felt a firm hand grab her leg. Nobody expected some quick thinking coming from him, but Jab quickly understood the situation. He could not afford for Spike to be out of the fight for even a minute. And she knew that too.
"Drunky!! Throw me back!"
"What did you think I was gonna do!? Arghhh!!"
With extreme might, the one-armed soldier threw his companion directly back to the enemy trying to get its claw unstuck from the rocky wall. In mid-air, amid the fight, Spike's reflex kicked in. She extended her arms in front of her, transforming them into one big piercing lance. She then proceeded to twirl violently, her whole body becoming a sharp spinning javelin. With Jab's accuracy, she was directly going towards the beast. After turning back and setting its eyes back on Akuma, the monster only noticed the sharp weapon coming toward itself a split second too late.
Spike then efficiently pierced through the Hollow's core and completely went through it without losing any momentum. She then broke her formation and turned back to look towards the beast, planting her two spiky arms into the ground to stop her course. She left behind a now deeply wounded demon, screeching in pain. The now-possessed Akuma followed Spike's initiative and began charging at the enemy, using the opening she created to hold it down.
However, a blue lightning bolt just blitzed right next to him. Being the only other fighter expected to deal the finishing blow, Mute did not let the opportunity slip away. In a split second, he appeared right in front of the Hollow, now wearing a gaping hole in its large stomach. Mute went directly for the kill, aiming his dagger at the monster's throat hoping to cut off its head in one slice.
He used the speed of his course to slash right through the monster's neck. However, at the last instant before contact, the Hollow jumped. The dagger found itself slashing through the demon's abdomen, the fresh wound easing the cut. Masterfully, Mute slid on the floor and slashed right through the Hollow, cutting it clean in half. He then ended his movement next to Spike, both looking straight at the mutilated corpse.
Savvy looked at the scene and knew it wasn't finished.
"Its head! We need to destroy its hea-"
Before the young woman could speak her concern, and her order, Jab was already on the move. His fist covered in thick emerald aura, he dashed past her. In a flash, he was already next to the upper body of the monster, still flying off in the air. He cranked his arm to its limit and threw a punch with marvellous power behind it. It meant certain death.
"Die, you fucke-"
With fluid agility, the assumed corpse moved out of the way, leaving the fist hitting the wall behind it, obliterating multiple of its rocky layers.
What the f-
The soldier couldn't even process what happened when he felt a scorching pain burn through his abdomen. He looked down only to notice a set of serrated claws digging through his flesh as if to scavenge his organs. The Hollow's brute force behind his clawing sent the young man flying, skipping on the earthy floor.
Amidst the chaos, the Commanders were able to comprehend and assess the situation. After being sliced in half, the ominous organism shared its sentience between its two halves. It then rewrote its biogenetic properties to change its appearance. In other words, it duplicated. Now the threat number has doubled. While its strength suffered and now lacks its original power, its speed augmented greatly.
The two beasts immediately teleported in a burst of dust. They each went in opposite directions; one charged toward Spike, Mute and Akuma, and the other went after the rest of the group. With Jab still on the floor, this group was seriously lacking firepower. The two defenders were stuck on the same side of the battle. As the monster appeared in front of Akuma and Spike, Mute completely ignored the threat and blitzed past them. The Hollow's sharp teeth met their match when it tried to bite down the sides of the young woman. Her arms at her side, she was flexing the best she could to not get crushed under the impressive pressure behind its jaw.
The newly possessed Akuma began to launch a barrage of blows on the Hollow, forcing it to let go of its prey and acknowledge the threat menacing its integrity. While now engaging in combat with the soldier wearing its eyes, the Hollow was able to quickly overwhelm him with its innate speed. Akuma could only block the potentially lethal attacks and cope with the rest of the blows slashing through him. His eyes were moving rapidly in their sockets, desperately trying to keep up with his enemy's movement.
Learning on the spot, Spike instinctively turned herself into a deadly beast, growing bony claws covering her fingers. She then screamed and began to claw into the demon's flesh, trying to slash its head while it was busy. On the other side of the battlefield, Savvy saw her life flash before her eyes. While trying to drag Jab out of danger, closer to where Rouge is, the Hollow leaped in the air with its gaping and salivating jaw wide open. Out of nowhere, a light blue gleam shined before her. Mute was able to get just in time to shove his blade across the beast's mouth, both hands struggling along the back of the blade trying to keep the heavy demon away.
Rouge jumped on the opportunity and joined with Savvy to pull away their deeply wounded friend; he was cursing and coughing blood. Savvy's shaking hands were inefficiently trying to press down on the bleeding wounds. Her friend quickly took over the situation.
"Leave him to me! Go help them! We need to kill those things! Go!"
"I- Y- Yes."
A horrendous gutsy feeling overcame her when she realized she was letting everybody down. She needs to be the one overseeing everything, keeping everybody together. Her sad realization lasted briefly before her guts and her convictions came back. Her mind was now in deep focus, working at an overwhelming speed. She understood Ace and Slash would not participate in any plan she would come up with, while they would not hesitate to step in when this would get out of hand. That meant this situation could still be dealt with, somehow.
We need to keep them split up. But we need to have the power to kill them. Meaning, somebody needs to be able to handle and hold a Hollow down while we deal with the other. But who can...
While she was lost in her thoughts, next to her, Mute still had his back digging in the dirt, pushing back the jaw trying to eat him alive. Suddenly, a burst of aura engulfed the muscular young man. Mute brought his knees to his sternum and flexed his thighs before landing a heavy blow, sinking his two boots into the beast's abdomen. The dark figure was immediately thrown with great momentum into the ceiling, digging deep into the rock layer. The blind assassin kicked his legs again in the same manner to jump back up on his feet. As soon as the Hollow fell back down, they engaged in a ferocious exchange of slashes and blows.
Mute was unable to go all out. He was holding back, thanks to his prior mistake. He did not know what would happen if he completely cut off this monster again. While the beast was slower than when he fought Slash himself, Mute was still struggling because he could not fully leash out. Savvy was trying to keep up, but she was mostly seeing a frenetic blue fog and dark red torrent clashing against one another. She then focused her attention on the other bout happening.
Both Akuma and Spike together were doing about as good as Mute on his own. While his body seemed somewhat okay, though covered in blood, Akuma's clothing was being torn to shreds. Alongside him, Spike was trying her best to cut off the thing's head. Even if her makeshift claws were able to dig through the beast, it wasn't enough to completely sever it. Savvy knew they couldn't kill this thing. They need attack power. They need Jab.
The young woman looked at the back lines. Rouge was kneeling over her fallen comrade, her finger fidgeting around her pouch. She finally pulled out a small vial, unknown to Savvy's knowledge. Rouge hesitated for a quick moment, the blood-filled glass recipient in her hand.
Will that really work? How should I administer it to him?
Her doubts were brought to an end when another of Jab's many suffering moans echoed. She knew she had no time to spare. She then triggered the vial, revealing a needle sticking out. She looked at Jab's fevered eyes.
"Sorry about this."
Rouge firmly stabbed the drunk soldier directly into his claw-shaped wound. The sharp metal extorted a painful scream out of the young man and made him convulse and arch his body in pain. Rapidly, the blood left the glass, and the open flesh absorbed its content; Rouge's blood mixed with his. Surprisingly fast, the soldier's organic tissues began to move on their own. The young woman, with her brown eyes wide open, was watching everything. Soon enough, the skin closed up the wood and the bleeding was put to a halt. Rouge was filled with an ethereal epiphany.
I did this.
Her blood was able to incorporate Jab's organism without being rejected. The properties of her cells and plasma accelerated the healing process, leaving her friend's stomach with a fresh scar, surprisingly faint, barely noticeable. The amputated soldier felt the whole process.
"What in the fuck?"
While trying to speak, he was still coughing and sweating heavily. He sat up to examine his stomach with his fingers, only to bump into blood and scar tissue. Savvy couldn't see everything that underwent, but she was sharp enough to somehow understand the entire situation in a split second.
"Rouge! Can you get him back into the fight?"
The improvised nurse heard her strategist shout and instantly put her hand back into her bag, only to pull out a second vial.
Sure can.
"Jab, I'm about to shoot you wit-"
"Just do it. Hit me up."
Rouge paused for a second before scoffing at her friend's recklessness. She then armed her blood vial filled with adrenaline and shot it into the young man's thigh. After a short instant, Jab's entire body throbbed. He rapidly brought his hand to his chest, sinking his finger into his skin. His heart was pounding, as were his eyes.
In reaction to that, he spontaneously was engulfed in a deep green aura, as if caught in ferocious and instant flames. He didn't say anything. All he did was laugh, maniacally.
Startled at first, but reassured right after, Savvy yelled back at Spike and Akuma, still holding their ground.
"Spike, hold him down! Pierce its feet and pin it to the floor! Akuma, hold it in place! Lock its arms behind it! And be sure to get the fuck out of the wa-"
None of them had time to react. Jab's fist effortlessly obliterated the Hollow's head. The young soldier punched through it with unbelievable might, splashing red and black ooze all over the rocky interior surrounding them, Spike's and Akuma's faces also included. Jab then brought his fist covered in goop and aura to his pouch. He pulled out a throwing knife and rapidly threw it behind his back, his eye shrouded in an emerald fog.
The knife perfectly pierced through the second Hollow's head, still engaging with Mute. The throwing blade easily sliced through the beast's skull and grazed the blind warrior's face bandages on its way out. It then continued its rapid course all the way back to the Commanders on stand-by. The lethal weapon was approaching Slash with astonishing speed; the Shogun barely had time to swiftly draw his blade and deflect it. He grinned menacingly. He knew Jab's aim was true. It was no mistake the blade came towards him. He meant to throw it towards him.
For a moment, everyone became silent. They let time settle. The two fresh bodies loudly collapsed on the ground. They stopped moving. The soldiers waited. The corpses didn't move. They truly eliminated the threat. It finally felt like they started breathing normally again, inhaling the humid and putrid air they were all used to. They grew up in it.
The young recruits slowly walked to see one another, checking if everybody was alright. Akuma was the most injured, but nothing his body couldn't handle. He finally snapped out of his trance state.
At the back, Ace exhaled loudly. She collapsed on herself, now crouching in a deep squat position. The adrenaline left her, leaving her alone to deal with the stress that accumulated in her body. Her head was resting in her crossed arms.
Fucking hell. Thank god nothing happened to them.
Amidst the reunion, Jab was still restless. Part of it was due to still being high on adrenaline, surfing the rush. But he also had unfinished business.
"Lazy much, asshole?"
Jab began to walk towards the Shogun, looking around, fidgeting.
"Hahaha! Don't give me that kid! See? You didn't need me, did you? And what about her? Ain't you gonna get mad at her too?"
"Fuck you. You stopped her from helping us. Don't think I didn't see."
"Um.. Actually Jab, he probably also wanted to help but he thought that was what was best for you guy-"
"Hahaha! No matter! You guys did great! That was almost cool! You still have some training to do! So, let's get back and get some new materials. That little fellow did end up destroying all of you guys' hard work Hahaha!"
The large Commander turned his back and began to carelessly walk away. Suddenly, he felt a horrendous aura piercing through his heavy armor, touching his soul. It had a vicious murderous intent. His eyes sharpened, and he immediately grabbed the hilt of his katana.
What!? It couldn't be!? A Hollow?! Now!? Wher-
The moment he began to rapidly turn away, Ace fired off a coin with her fingers. The force and speed of the golden piece violently crashed against Jab's temple. The young man's face was covered in a thick shadow, his only green eye piercing through the darkness. His arm was covered in throbbing veins, his fist hiding under an abundant cloud of aura. His knuckles were now almost touching Slash's chin, now completely turned around towards him.
Everything happened rapidly. The drunk soldier was immobile. His deadly hook stopped in its tracks; Slash's sword grazed his throat. The impact of Ace's attack shackled his brain, rendering him unconscious. If she had not, she had no idea what could have happened if his punch connected. Or if Slash would have been able to stop himself. The Commander's eyes were wide open, staring directly into Jab's empty ones. He then laughed loudly.
I knew he had potential.