Chapter 22: - Subjugation (Trials Final Part)
"Ha Ha Ha! Oh, this is going to be fun."
Slash's Trial
Chuck & Mute
The Examinees and Examiner are assigned specific weapons made of a blood-activated material. At the first glimpse of contact with any amount of hemoglobin, the blades of their weaponry will turn scarlet. The Examinees are not allowed to attack each other. The Examiner possesses two swords. They must both be activated from the two different Examinees for the Examiner to win. In the case they activate both their weapons before the Examinees can individually activate theirs, the Examinees fail. If the Examinees activate their weapons before the Examiner can successfully activate both of theirs, the Examinees pass.
"Ha Ha Ha! Are you guys ready to use my new super cool-looking swords!? I had a good buddy of mine make them for us, isn't that cool!?
The Shogun received no answer. His subordinate's silence did no number on him, though. Like his swordsmanship, his spirit is yet to be challenged. Deprived of his iconic scarlet armor, Slash looked very different. Shirtless, his bulky yet ripped body showed more scar tissues than undamaged skin. In contrast to the joyful nature of this strong warrior, Chuck and Mute could not be more stoic. Or at least look like they are. While one is genuinely just spacing out, the other is barely holding his frenzy.
I won't ever get a chance like this again. I must not falter. I will not fail.
Having once experienced this metamorphosis, Mute was able to tap into his profound power right off the bat.
I will win.
A deep sapphire mist started to breathe out of his face bandages and around his uncovered upper body as he clenched his fist around the hilt of his sword. Next to him, Chuck was not worked up one bit. Her arms crossed under her athletic bra, she was merely looking straight at the Shogun.
Who is this guy? He looks strong.
Her memory deficiencies were at it again. However, her guard quickly went up when she watched the man draw his silk katana.
"Ha Ha Ha! Come at me, kids."
The last decibels of the sound signal did not have time to finish echoing in the Coliseum when Mute's sword crashed against The Commander's. Slash masterfully deflected Mute's initial attack and let him slide past him. Moreover, Chuck was already dashing towards him, trying to catch him off guard. When she swung her sword, her blade only fazed through an after-image.
Too slow to match Slash's speed, she felt his katana coming behind her, already foreseeing the sensation of the cold blade cutting through her side. Like a blue lightning strike, Mute bolted between their feud and blocked the heavy attack, the weight of The Shogun's slash breaking the floor under him. Chuck wasted no time and rapidly spun around, aiming to lacerate the huge figure towering behind her.
To their surprise, the Commander was, again, already gone. At the back of the cube, they saw Slash holding his sword alongside his lowered and leaned-in figure. Almost parallel to the ground, both hands on his sword, they knew something was coming.
They both rapidly faced him and took a defensive stance before Slash disappeared from their sight. Now behind them, holding the same position, his rapid blow and its gust of force just now hit them and knocked them off. His blade, still white, had somewhat blocked his attack. However, he turned around and got into his offensive stance again.
How can a guy so big be so fast!?
The two Examinees swiftly stood back up in preparation for the incoming threat. Suddenly, Chuck's pupils filled her irises, a magenta fog seeping out. Her aura now covering her sword, she was ready; it was then that The Shogun disappeared again.
When he popped up behind them, Mute was blown on his back. But not Chuck. Slash had to replace his foot a few inches to not lose balance. At that realization, he started laughing.
Ha Ha Ha! She used the same technique I used earlier to deflect my new rival's initial attack. When did she learn that? Did she just watch me and copy m-
The Examiner could not finish his thought when he noticed the young woman positioning herself, perfectly, using the same exact stance he just used twice. Through her new power that allows her to acquire phenomenal learning and muscle memory, she successfully mirrored Slash's techniques at one glance.
"Ha Ha Ha! You really can copy my super cool secret techniques just like that! That's almost insulting, Ha Ha Ha! You may have copied my sick moves, but…"
In a burst, The Shogun was engulfed in a bright red aura. As if immersed by frenzied yet serene flames, he swiftly took his stance for a third time. Crazed in his eyes, he faced his adversary doing the same. Mute did not have time to grab his sword or get up; Chuck couldn't even move an inch. Traversed by a scarlet thunderbolt, Slash was now standing once more behind her. However this time, his katana was ruby red.
"You can't copy my hunger."
After a few seconds, the Examinee's shoulder cut open; she did not feel any pain. Too shallow to be called a wound, this scratch was provided with precision and care. She had failed.
Dammit! She's out! Does that mean I failed too? No. I can't take this. I will not take this.
The bandaged soldier picked up his sword and ran up to his comrade. He firmly took her sword out of her hand and rushed at the Commander. Mute voraciously threw himself on his target, launching a powerful dual-wielding barrage of attacks. Still overtaken by a fiery smog, Slash was effortlessly blocking every hack coming his way using only his remaining white sword. He did not need both.
He's just fucking toying with me! Dammit! I can't take this! I keep hearing them, everybody. Talking big about me. How I'm some sort of genius. A beast. And yet... No. If it's a beast they want, I'll give them a fucking beast.
With a loud clash and flashy sparks, Mute slashed himself back away from the unbeatable assailant. He began to power up, knowing he was going to need more than that to defeat the Shogun. However, Slash had other plans.
"Ha Ha Ha! Oh, I don't think so."
The Commander teleported right in front of him before wailing his sword violently, only to clash against the two blades of the soldier. The weight behind the blow sent the blind warrior flying straight into the back wall. Mute barely had time to land down and duck as the Shogun was already thrusting his sword into the wall, followed by a gust of wind pressure following his dash.
The Examinee could barely keep up with his two swords, blocking both the quick and heavy slashes coming back to back at him. Though it isn't clear to either of them if the Trial is still ongoing, for Slash himself does not deeply know the rules of his own challenge. However, it couldn't matter less to the duo of prideful warriors, as they have a continuing feud to settle.
The speed at which their brawl was going down was nothing less than astonishing. For a new soldier to keep up with arguably one of the fastest fighters in the Fondation, is nothing less than impressive. However, in what looks like a lavender tornado, Mute was slowly but surely falling behind at every hack and every slash. Even his dual-wielding cannot face against the masterfully wielded sole katana of this well-trained champion.
I- I can't keep up with him! I- I can't let it end like this! Faster! FASTE-
In the blink of a moment, Mute's potential soared up; Slash's vision could not keep up with him. The young bandaged beast was now ferociously jumping and leaping all over the walls, floor and ceiling of this crystal box. Leaving a mirage of afterimages in the arena, he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce on his prey.
Suddenly, a faint clatter echoed and the beast stopped. Low on the floor, his swords crossing in front of him, he was panting. Behind him, The Shogun was standing tall. Using his keen sense of hearing and his dominant echolocation, Mute was able to quickly make out that his opponent's katana was sheathed.
"Ha Ha Ha! Sorry kid, I can't let you outshine me just yet!"
Across his chest, Mute's flesh springly cut open. The handles of his sword slowly fell out of his grip, the two ivory blades crashing on the floor. The previous clatter was not from their weapons clashing against each other. No. It was the sound of Slash sheathing his katana, aware of the outcome of the match.
Despite Mute's unfathomable speed, The Shogun still spared the time to successfully slash his opponent beyond his notice, dodged his attack and put away his weapon. All of that in a fraction of an instant. Once the after-battle smog settled, Slash slowly pulled out his weapon only to reveal its fresh ruby tint.
The Examiner having successfully turned both his blades red from the blood of his opponents, the Examinees failed.
Mohs' Trial
Akuma & Spike
The Examiner is assigned a specific space drawn on the floor. They are forbidden from stepping out of their spot. In the case they move or are forced outside of their space, the Examinees win. If for the allowed time, the Examinees fail to push the Examiner out of their assigned zone, they fail.
This trial is fairly simple. But there has to be a twist. There just is. I just don't know what it is. I figured that even if I know these Trials are unbeatable, it's probably better I give it my best. That's something they might be looking for. And maybe there's a way we can actually pass. No. I shouldn't get my hopes up. I haven't really paired with Spike before. I know she's way more powerful than me. I hope I'll be able to be usefu-
"Ready, Balsy Creep?"
"Eh... Yeah, sure."
"Hehe, alright let's do this!"
"Oh, I am honored. To be able to test my fellow competitor's pupil herself. Let's see what Slash has been putting effort into lately. Sadly for you, I don't do swords."
"Hehe, don't worry Mr. I don't need any."
As she spoke those last words, she was enveloped by a purple mist. With a grin poking her ears and glimmering in her eyes, she immediately started running as she heard the signal. The white patterns on her arms swiftly slither their way down, now completely turning white her forearm and her armed fist. Her power enabling her to both consciously and unconsciously modify her bone structure, Spike solidified her arm in order to land a powerful hit.
With a thick violet shroud covering her arm, she promptly leaped in the air before landing a powerful and direct punch on the Examiner's nose. Indestructible, the Wall did not move a single inch. The impact between her hardened bone and his impenetrable iron body created a loud clamor; the force of the collision generated an intense blast of pressure cutting through both sides of the Commander.
Springly, she immediately dropped down and spun across the floor, sweeping her hardened leg at Mohs'. As expected, the target showed no sign of motion. Her power being somewhat similar to hers, Mohs can operate the flux and the abundance of iron within his metabolism. Therefore, by focusing on one part of his body, it becomes unfathomably though. However, being too heavy, it is impossible for him to move the limbs he hardens; trading mobility for invulnerability.
"His training is wasted on you. Weapons and swords are unreliable. What if you don't have any nearby? What if they break? Muscles are just the way man, I'm telling you. You should let me take care of your trainin-"
Suddenly, Spike nimbly spiralled her body, standing on her hands. With force, she propelled herself in the air, violently clubbing the soles of her boots under the Examiner's chin on her way up. Distracted by his own talkative manners, Mohs did not have time to properly solidify his head; he felt that hit.
"Well, fair enough."
While Spike is suspended in mid-air and upside down directly in front of him, the Wall dissolved his heavy armor to move freely. He then shifted his weight and flexed his muscles, throwing a heavy blow right in the young soldier's abdomen. At the moment of impact, he immediately hardened his fist, making sure to maximize his damage output.
Feeling it coming, Spike created a shell around her stomach to protect her inner organs. However, the force behind the adamant fist sent her flying. She flew past Akuma, cracking the air, before crashing into the wall. Akuma just watched everything happen, showing no sign of initiative. Behind him, Spike stood up and spat blood on the ground. She walked back right past her comrade, not throwing a single glance at him. With fevered eyes and a manic smile, she was marching bravely. She was on a mission.
She couldn't even move him a bit. What could I be able to do? Matters not, I need to at least try.
The young man slowly picked up the pace, following his friend's pace. Spike started running towards her enemy, crossing her arms in front of her.
Hehe, let's play with that a little.
Her now fully ivory arms slowly morphed into a pair of sharp stakes. She sharply uncrossed her acute bony spikes, holding them at her sides, ready to lash out. Letting out a playful shout, she hopped and rotated, gaining speed and momentum.
Simultaneously, Akuma instinctively slid under her and between the legs of the massive warrior. Defensively, the Wall brought his bulky forearms together in front of him, acting as a makeshift shield. Spike then unleashed a tornado of slashing strikes, all bouncing off of Mohs' rock-hard skin.
Meanwhile, Akuma tried to aim a powerful kick at the man's knee. However, he dealt more damage to himself than to his target.
Damn. There's no way I can move him. Not with the way I am right now.
Having failed to push and slash him, Spike had the clarity of mind to try and pierce the Wall. She forcefully poked her razor-sharp osseous forearm into the Commander's stomach, but to no avail. The mountain smiled.
"Hahaha! I can't be beaten."
Mohs grabbed the bone spear poking him, lifted the young woman effortlessly and smashed her into the ground before throwing her. As she slipped through his grip, she felt something different. The man strongly turned away, elbow first, trying to smash away the Examinee behind him.
Though fast in his maneuver, Akuma still swiftly dodged and rapidly counter-attacked, throwing a sturdy hook into his ribs. The only achievement claimed from this was a deep metallic noise echoing. Realizing his attack didn't do much, he bounced back and regrouped with his partner.
Yeah no, this just isn't going to happen. We can't push him, cut him, or pierce him. I don't know how we would be able to move him ou- … Wait. There is a way. But…
"Hey, Spike. I think I have a plan, but."
"Hehehe, no need buddy. I got it"
The young woman took a power stance, charging up her lavender aura, and turned her forearms back into deadly spikes before rushing once again. The Commander watched her come his way.
How futile. I'm just too strong.
As soon as he blocked the hit with his chest, he undid his coat in order to grab the woman's arm. He firmly lifted her and proceeded to throw her over his shoulder. Surprisingly, she did not slip out of his hand. It was at this moment that pain made its way to his brain. Stoic, he did not flinch nor did he grimace.
Oh, I see. I was careless.
Through his hands bone shards pierced through his skin; Spike cleverly grew sharp thorns from her osseous weapon. Her purple eyes widened; she was smiling.
"Hehehe, I knew it!"
As she spoke out her confidence, the Commander somehow successfully shook her out. He scoffed.
"You figured out my weakness. Not bad, girl."
Having noticed his palm did not feel as hard as iron when he flung her the first time earlier, she realized the drawback of his immense power.
She's smart. That definitively damaged him. But I don't think he's gonna fall for it agai-
"Well, I was too reckless. I only wanted to test my rival's pupil a little. But I guess this isn't necessary anymore."
The Wall flexed all his muscles and hardened his entire figure. Standing as an immovable fortification, nothing will get to him again.
I knew it. Now she can't do anything. But maybe I can try my strategy now.
Akuma slowly started to run up to him. He racked up some speed and crashed into the Commander.
Fool, I'm too heavy for your weak muscles to do anything.
The Examinee firmly grabbed on the iron statue, before putting all his strength into one goal: lifting Mohs. The Examiner wasn't moving at all, despite the young man's best effort.
Dammit, he's so heavy! I need more power!
His feet started to sink into the ground.
"I need more!"
Akuma naturally let out a scream of pure effort.
This boy really is stupid, isn't h-
As he yelled at the top of his lungs, his irises burst into light, a scarlet glow emanating from them. He had not processed it yet, but this was the first time he was able to, unconsciously, call into his power manually. No threat to his safety was needed.
Veins appeared and parkoured his entire body. Boiling steam erupted from his mouth as he grinded his teeth. For a quick instant, he could've sworn: Mohs moved.
"You're gonna break something my guy. You should sto-"
His heart skipped a beat; he felt lighter for a split second. His heels barely lifted from the ground when the sound signal was given.
There's no way he could have actually done it, could he...
Being unable to move the Examiner from his spot before the time limit, the Examinees failed.
Mob's Trial
Lunchbox & Kage
The rules were never discussed. As far as anyone is concerned, there are no rules.
"What even is the point of this? Is this some kind of joke?"
"Relax Lunchbox, be patient."
"Now, now. No need to be so tense, boys."
Nonchalantly standing under his heavy luxurious coat, arms crossed and resting on his golden cane, Mob seemed unfazed in the face of his Trial. No enthusiasm, no fear, no anticipation. Only he, and he alone, is aware of his schemes. Taking advantage of the cracks in his deal with Doc, The Father is willingly playing along the limits of his trust, if only to infuriate him for his own pleasure.
"Now, soldiers. It is up to you, but this Trial may well be resolved shortly; you need but answer my question."
"It can't be just that, can it?"
"Oh, don't fret. I mean no nasty business. I'm a man of diplomacy."
"Yeah. We'll see about that."
"Now, if I may ask, would you care in joining my faction, soldiers?"
"... What?"
The utter confusion in the audience was palpable. Left in a deafening silence, they could not decipher what was unraveling down in the Coliseum.
"What is Mob scheming? That bastard."
Spat Rowdy as he came back from his trip to Venom office, in need of a good fixing. Strangely, he also came back with a beer.
"Difficult to say. But knowing him, he's always trying to widen his assets."
Whiff hypothesized.
"Hmm, that is most likely correct. I heard he's in the midst of upgrading his Family. However, to recruit in this setting, directly in Doc's jurisdiction, under his keen eyes. Bold."
Spoke Bowie, almost with dread and disgust.
"So, kids? What do we say?"
"I- This isn't a real offer, is it? This is a test of our dedication to the Foundation, isn't it?"
Lunchbox let his disbelief be heard. And his suspicion.
"Why, I could never! You speak as if joining my division means betraying the Foundation. While in reality, we are allies to the Foundation. We all fight for the same goals."
"You say that to us right now, but I doubt this is something Doc agrees with."
Kage thoughtfully processed.
"Oh, but I assure you, soldier, if my enterprise did not sit well with Doc himself, all-powerful that he is, surely, he would have put a stop to my affairs a while ago. Really think about it, kids. The most important thing to have in our current climate is insurance. And under my care, I can promise you guardianship. You'll work easier missions, each purposely orchestrated. You'll be guaranteed to have a high-grade soldier on every operation undertaken. We work as a team. A family. Everything will be easier. Don't you see? How easy will it be to climb up the echelon? How fast will you earn better benefits? Suits, buffets, luxury. How many soldiers don't achieve such things, because they suffer the risks of a system based on rivalry? Never getting enough points to earn the convenience of a higher status. Or dying before they do. Whereas we, I, offer you what anyone desires, necessitate: Security."
Their silence was proof of their swaying interests, bending in the face of his adept marketing; The Father really is an entrepreneur.
Something is not adding up. This is too good to be true. It's almost too obvious, which makes me think it could strangely be true. But..
Kage couldn't come to an answer on his own, he had to seek it out.
"Are there any Commander that are in this organization of yours?"
"There are not, I am afraid."
"... Then doesn't that mean that your vision isn't working? I mean, none of your assets have truly ascended. The soldiers that are at the very top made it without your help. Sir."
"Very acute of you, Kage. You are correct, yes. Therefore, this is exactly why I am here before you. To make my, our vision, happen. This is only possible, however, with the help of promising estates like yourself."
The Commander did not falter in the face of his rather difficult clientele. The Examinees were looking at each other, in disbelief. And uncertainty.
Is this really right? To take the easy route like this, granted that this is real. When I left, I promised to make my parents and my siblings proud. But, this feels… Off. Is it really okay to seek comfortability over accountability?
"Oh, it is. I can assure you."
Kage's eyes widened when the Examiner spoke as if he could read his mind.
… What? How could h-
"How could he tell what I was thinking? Why, it was but an educated guess. For you see, despite my fair disadvantage of being incapable of sight, I am indeed quite capable of reading people."
"Kage, what is he talking about?"
Lunchbox yelled, frowning.
Is this his power? Wait, if it is, he can read that too. I need to stop thinking altogether. Can I even do that?
"Now, no need to go to such lengths. I mean not to trick you. To gain your trust, I am willing to tell you the origins of my powers. Knowing how we, as soldiers, gain our ability, you must know that I gained mine by losing my vision. But calling that a loss is a paradox, for I can see better now. With this, I can see through everything. And everyone."
Finishing his speech, he pointed his nose.
"Emotions are not only a concept. Something intangible. Every feeling has something specific to them that binds them to reality. Smell. Through time, I've had a lot of practice and gained valuable experiences. So now, I have developed quite a keen sense of reading people and their intentions. And it's even easier to do so when they feel the emotion with the strongest smell. Fear."
"Hey, snap out of it man. We may not be under time restraint, but I don't want to spend all day here."
Lunchbox vocalized his impatience.
"I don't know about you, Kage, but I'm tired of listening to this man. I think we can take him on. He clearly tried to buy us 'cause he can't beat us. He probably has under-average close combat ability. I don't care about his fucking promises, but I know something for a fact; if we refuse and take him down, whether that makes us pass the Trial or not, it's gonna give us more leverage and credibility to actually climb up the ranks, over whatever the fuck he's offering."
Lunchbox might be right. He must be lacking in combat capabilities, so he only became a Commander by scheming and buying off points and other soldiers. Even then...
"I take it you are refusing my offer. Very well. Sadly, I cannot let you walk away from here, leaving things ambiguous if you did pass or not. So.."
"Kage, now! If you won't do anything, I will!"
The Examinee had enough. He opened a small pouch mounting his belt to take out a medicinal capsule and immediately ate it. Soon after, a very dark and greenish aura rose up around him. As his pupils shrunk and began to pulsate, he began to let out a bestial scream. His aura spiked and his body entered a violent metamorphosis.
Lunchbox's recently discovered ability lets him draw the utmost potential from the things he eats. In this particular moment, he ingested a supplement of pure protein, allowing his body to experience an overdrive; he can now go beyond his physical limitations. Chaotically, one by one, each of his limbs and muscles expanded in both size and power. Now turned into a huge humanoid beast, he wasted no time to rush at the Commander.
"Very well."
Unbothered, Mob hung onto his cane and swiftly slid his shoulders out of his coat; the massive fur garment collapsing on the floor behind him. Unfazed by the massive threat charging at him, he threw his staff perfectly upward to catch it at the root. The gigantic fist of his enemy now closely threatening his figure, Mob firmly swung his golden rod with unexpected strength, the lush ball mounting it crushing Lunchbox's jaw and sending his heavy new form crashing into the glass wall. Kage flinched.
Wha- How? Were we wrong to assume he was coping with a lack of close combat abilities? There's no way I can defeat him. I-
"Mob. if I admit defeat. You wouldn't have any issues with me walking out of here now, then?"
"As long as we make it clear that you have both failed, I would indeed be satisfied, yes. But you can always reconsider my offer…"
"No. I made my choice. I will refute your proposition and admit defeat."
"Very well."
Though the conditions are unclear, the Examinees seem to have failed.
Bowie's Trial
Cortex & Savvy
The Examinees are working as a team. At intervals, the Examinees and the Examiner will take turns asking the other party a question. If they answer correctly, the turn ends and they ask a question. In the case the party answers incorrectly, they will suffer a consequence, which corresponds to poking a throwing needle through their skin, into their body. They will keep exchanging questions, answered right or wrong until one party refuses or is unable to afflict themself the consequence. If both Examinees fail to stab themselves first, they fail. If the Examiner fails to stab themselves first, they pass.
This is so twisted. Why would he turn to such a sadistic approach?
Savvy was sickened by Bowie's Trial. Next to her, Cortex was sitting; his resolve was already decided.
"I refuse to take part in this."
"You heard me, Savvy. You know just like me that this is pointless. We can't win. His power probably makes him overly intelligent or enables him to read our minds. Why else would he create such rules?"
"But… Don't you feel we at least need to try, even just to prove our resolve.? You even have an advantage; pain won't stop you from stabbing your legs."
"Yeah. But it's not because I'm paralyzed from the waist down that I can't bleed out, can I now? Think! You've seen the others, we cannot pass this. Hell! The answer might even reside in the fact that we realize that and throw in the towel before suffering from any harm. We'd be conserving our physical wellness and abilities for actual missions, who knows if this isn't the secret answer to this test? And I thought you were supposed to be smart. I'm done here."
Such an asshole.
In his automated wheelchair, Cortex moved away from the center of the cube. He is now waiting at the entrance for whatever outcome may happen.
"Now, Soldier."
"Y- Yes sir!"
"You may begin."
The young woman was nervous. She was dreading the consequence of answering wrongly. Moreover, she couldn't think of anything to trump The General.
A riddle? No. He must be expecting that. What would be something he wouldn't know… Damn it! I can't think of anything! I-
Savvy was having an internal meltdown. She felt powerless. Her quotient was functioning at high speed; she was overwhelmed. The Commander could notice her blue irises shaking when suddenly, they stopped. Epiphany.
Savvy took one of the needles given to her and brought her hands behind her back. Bowie curiously raised his scarred eyebrow. The Examinee brought her hands back in front of her, both closed. The Lieutenant, amused, scoffed. With intensity in her eyes, he knew what she was about to ask.
"Left or right?"
Clever. She knew she wouldn't be able to better me with a feud of knowledge. With that, she has a better chance of making me fail than with a traditional trivia quiz or a thorny riddle. She's betting on pure luck. She did not disappoint.
After a short moment, the young soldier closed her eyes, defeated. Her left hand, slowly opening, revealed a silver pick.
Shit! Did I make a mistake? Was he just lucky? Could he tell? Can I try it again? Is it pointless? Did he really know? Did he…
A completely, and utterly honest guess, pure luck, was all it took to shake her confidence. He accidentally successfully planted a seed of doubt in her mind.
"I answered correctly. It is now my turn. What is the true identity of the King of the Pioneers?"
"... What?"
Is he serious? The Pioneers? We barely know anything about them. Nobody I know, including the Commanders, has actually ever seen them! This is rigged! The King?
"How am I even supposed to answer that? Do you even know the answer to that?"
"I do not."
"Wait what? Are you ser-"
Just now, she realized Bowie's strategy.
Damn it, that's it. He's just gonna ask questions, not only I don't know the answer to, but that nobody at all does.
"I can't answer your question."
"I believe you know what to do then."
The young woman held one of the needles in front of her, her hands shaking. It was getting harder and harder to breathe; fear was settling in. Everything around her was blurry, leaving only the sharp stake clear in her vision. The idea of having its acute tip anywhere near her skin made her sick to her stomach; pain was never a concern.
Staring at her from afar, seeing her entering a panic attack, The General was questioning if she was going to stab herself at all.
"You do not have to do it, but you will fail immediately. But let me tell you this: if you fear the pain of a self-inflicted poking wound, you will find hardship in the harsh environment of the battlefiel-"
A scream cut him off. Savvy yelled frantically as she completely shoved the sharp metal stake right through her thigh. Blood immediately flooded out and stained her pants. Bowie was shocked.
I didn't think she had it in her. I am happy to have been proven wrong.
The Examinee took a deep breath. The sharp pain cleared her mind. She looked directly into Bowie's eye with a brand new unwavering will. She hid her hands in her back again, stumbling with the remaining needles, before speaking with a serious tone.
"Left or right."
Their duel went on and on. Savvy did not move away from her strategy. Having one chance in two, Bowie surprisingly guessed right every time. Sadly for her, with now five spikes piercing her leg, his power had nothing to do with him guessing correctly.
Even if she did manage to trump him in guessing wrong, his ability would allow him to negate the consequence; Bowie's nerves are completely rendered useless. He is unable to feel pain. Therefore, even if he guessed incorrectly, he could keep stabbing himself endlessly. She had no winning chances, and she was still unaware of it.
In the audience, her friends could not keep watching her puncturing her own body, bleeding herself out. They all had to look away. Having had enough, Jab leaped all the way down from the stands. He rushed to the cube of glass, ferociously punching its outer wall.
"That's enough! Just fucking stop it already!"
Tearfully shouted the young man, veins throbbing in his neck. His concerned scream gained her attention. Seeing the tears forming in his eye naturally triggered the same reaction in hers. Out of her frenzy, everything was settling in. The pain. The bloodloss. Having accepted defeat, she finally let go; she immediately collapsed.
The two Examinees, unable to continue participating, have failed the Trial. This marked the end of the Trials.
Right before completely losing consciousness, Savvy could not repel this eerie thought she had been pushing out.
Back then. When I ran away. Did I really make the right choice?