Bullied (18+)

Chapter 13: Helen

This chapter is mostly focused around the introduction of one character: Adam's mother, Helen.

Oh, and, uh, for those of you with a keen eye for clothing fashion; forgive me for the atrocity I am about to put together. XD

Hope you all enjoy. :)


Chapter 13: Helen

We had gone back down the hall to the master bedroom where Helen was snug under the covers in her bed once again. I had located myself by the door while Adam was on the other side of the room to give me space.

Initially, his mom was confused by our distance, but we explained jokingly that I would be all over him otherwise. Oblivious to the truth, she thought it was funny.

Helen asked a question that I didn’t exactly know how to answer. “How’d you two meet?”

“Ah, Mom, do you remember when I tripped over the spring rider in first grade?” I looked over at Adam as he tapped a finger on his bottom lip. “She’s the one who chased me.”

I cringed as Helen glared right at me and said, “That resulted in a trip to the hospital and Adam leaving with stitches.” I still faced Helen, but looked elsewhere as I tried to remember that event. Then I heard her laughing at me. “Years ago. You don’t have to worry about it now. Just be sure to give him a kiss every morning to make up for it.”

“I did,” came instinctively out of me. I glanced at Adam to see him smiling at me. When I looked back at his mom, she smiled back at me too.

“So you were chasing my little boy for years?” She smirked over at Adam. “You’ve kept her pent up for a long time.”

“Mom! Come on already. I thought you wanted to get to know her?” Hearing Adam say that, I immediately felt that he wanted to know more about me as well. I thought, ’I guess this is his attempt to ask questions without asking them?’

Helen never looked away from me as she spoke to Adam, confirming my guess. “What was it you wanted me to ask her again?” Adam slapped his forehead and groaned. A little laughter escaped me when I cracked a smile. “Oh, Adam, make sure you don’t lose her.” She leaned in and spoke with me. “A bit personal, but how many boys have you been with?”

I shook my head and blurted out a name. “Just Erin.” That caused her to raise a brown brow.

“How long since you and he broke up?” I had to think about that question for a moment.

But I also had another thought, ’Do I want to correct her?’ Not surprisingly, she assumed Erin was a guy. ’Maybe she heard me say Aaron? Doesn’t that sound a little different?’ Either way, Adam’s mom wanted to know how the relationship ended.

“We broke up a year ago, but…” Closing my eyes, I thought about when was the absolute last time we had been together. I shrugged as I couldn’t remember the date, just how it concluded. “Sorry. I tried to forget about it and I guess I succeeded.”

“Who dumped who?” She tilted her head to get a good read on me. As I showed her the painful expression on my face, she nodded. “I see. You still have feelings for him?”

I shook my head again. “Not like I do for Adam. It was how I got dumped that hurt.” I took a deep breath and told them how it wounded me for the rest of the year. “I didn’t know what to do. I began to second guess myself and bottle up rather than respond to everyone’s bull.”

“I completely understand that. Oh, you wouldn’t believe the amount of hot air people used to blow in my face. I’d fill up like a hot air balloon and explode on the last person who told me off.” She leaned her head back and tapped at her chin in thought. “I think that was Denis.” Helen grinned. “I put him in a headlock and he picked me up and threw me on the bed.” Loudly laughing, she was certainly amused by the memory. Once she settled down, she asked me about my last ’boyfriend.’ “How were you interested in this Aaron? Was he witty, cute, hot bod, good in bed, or maybe assertive?”

Thinking about it, I told her what I thought. “Hot and hot tempered.”

“You like someone with an attitude?” I shrugged a little and shook my head.

I tried to explain. “Not really. I had more of an attitude and, well --”

“He pushed you back. I’m with ya.” She shifted toward Adam. “Word of advice, don’t piss her off.”

“Mom, I’m aware. She can be scary.” Quickly, Adam looked at me and corrected himself. “But she’s not anymore.”

That reminded me of something I would be doing later. I’d had enough of the rumor about me at school.

Helen looked away from Adam and back to me. “The breakup hit you hard, huh?”

I didn’t have to think about that; it had. So I nodded in response. She reached out and grabbed, pulled, and threw Adam over her lap on the bed.

“Mom! What the Hell!?” As Adam yelled up at her, she curled over him and trapped Adam with her elbows on his back.

She cupped her chin in both of her palms and smiled sweetly with a restrained wicked laugh in her voice. “Loosening you up. You have a lot of work cut out for you to help your girl recover.” After she said that, she dug her elbows around into his back and made him squeal.

“Mom! Stop! Hey! Quit it! Ha! Stopit!” I stared in confusion. I would have thought what his mom was doing to him would hurt, but he reacted like it tickled. “Come on! Cut it out!” I couldn’t keep it in anymore and laughed.

She winked at me while the most brutal tickle-torture I’d ever seen continued. “Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll get him all nice and limber for you.” I was still laughing and just nodded.

“Hey! Haha! Please stop! Mom! Ha -- Jesus H. Christ! NO!” I laughed harder as Adam begged his mother to stop.

She finally ended her son’s torment and let him slink back to stand beside the bed. He rubbed his back and glared down at his mother.

And Helen just smiled back at him as she laid her head back down on the pillow.

“That was fun.” Helen grinned at me. “Want to go next?” I immediately shook my head and remained where I stood by the doorway. She shrugged. “Oh, well.” Glancing at Adam, she said, “Have the table ready before Denis comes home.”

Adam looked at his mother in confusion. “Now?”

Casually, she played with him. “No, yesterday.” Then smirked as she elucidated. “Yes, today, right now. Do it in thanks, because it was his idea you played hooky today.” Adam apparently stood for a second too long for his mom’s patience. “Hop to it!”

He got going and I was about to follow --

-- but his mom called out to me. “Hold it. Close the door. I want to ask you a question in private.”

Wondering what was up, I turned away from Helen to see Adam shrug. He apparently didn’t know… I waved and he left, so I closed the door and turned back to face her.

“You’re a runaway?”

I cringed at that label. “Sorta. Not from my parents, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“No. From Adam, I heard your mother passed and your father has gone missing.” I nodded, but I wasn’t sure where Adam had heard about my mom. “Running from the police?”

“Not exactly. They didn’t do anything. I just didn’t feel safe in my home anymore. Not alone, anyways.” That caused her to sit up.

“Wait. You were left there alone! What the f-- Sorry.” She shook her head in disbelief.

I tried to defend the officers in blue a little. “They had a car sitting out front. The guy that was suppose to watch over me --”

“A man? Alone with you. Even if he’s a cop -- No, especially since he’s a cop, that isn’t right at all.” My situation would be a bit difficult to explain, so I just shrugged. “They are going to be looking for you. You realise the kind of trouble that could bring?”

I sort of lied. “I was going to follow Adam’s plan.”

She asked, “Which was?”

“They are looking for a boy named Clint. Not Clementine. A girl.” Now Helen was confused. “They think I’m a boy.” She had this look on her face like I was telling her a big fish story. “Really. They do. I’m Clint Jeter.”

With a laugh, she stated: “You are no Eastwood.” She settled, sighed and leaned forward to rest her elbows down on her legs. Shaking her head, she mumbled: “If I didn’t already catch you with your pants down…”

After glancing at the computer she had in the corner of her room, I made a suggestion. “If you want, I have an account online for you to look at? You can compare me with Clint?”

She seemed interested and slipped out of bed.

“Clint Jeter, right?” I nodded to her confirmation of my name. “Okay. While I look you up, please explain why you are a girl with a boy’s identity. I would understand acting as a boy, being a bit of a tomboy in my heyday, but what you’re telling me is that’s not your case.”

She sat down and wiggled her mouse to wake the screen, which lit up brightly.

I pondered for a moment on the choices I had: To tell the truth or lie. The truth might get a terrible reaction, but I would have to keep lying and might fumble with the story at some point.

...That would be worse.

“It’s too complicated for me to understand, let alone explain.” Her fingers held still over the keyboard as she appeared to become angry.

“I can’t believe you!” I cringed as she nearly yelled that, but noticed she was glaring at the monitor rather than at me. Incredulously, she exclaimed: “Really! You set up your account so that I’d have to be your friend to see anything on the page.”

“Oops, sorry. I can fix that.”

“Don’t. Diddling with your page will let the cops know you have access to a computer.” She sighed again and looked at me. “I’ll take your word for it and go with Adam’s plan. Question I have for you is: How long do you plan to stay?”

I shrugged again and asked her about that. “How long are you comfortable with me being here?” Quick thinking, I listed what I could do to sweeten the deal. “I can cook. Um, chores are not a problem with me. I’ll clean whatever and wherever: Garages, attics, kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and there are no issues with me doing yard work. If you have a garden, I’ll tend to that too.”

She was laughing as she spoke. “You’re hired.” When she calmed down, she smiled at me. “Stay true to your word and treat my boy good; staying here won’t be a problem. But you might want to make up a last name in case the cops come around asking about ya.”

I asked, “Could I take yours for the time being?”

“And play being my niece?” She shook her head. “I don’t like that. Not with you and Adam going steady.”

When she put it that way, I understood. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I know. You were thinking like a married couple, right? Unfortunately, cops can look that up.” I felt heat rise up to my face and shook my head. “Oh? I can’t imagine what else you were going for. The cops could easily check to see who my kids are and they’ll know you’re not my daughter. That would either leave you as Adam’s cousin or the two of you got hitched.”

I bit the inside corner of my mouth for a second and thought about that. “Umm… How about Perot?”

“Per row?” I tapped at my neck to indicate the parrot tattoo on her. “Ah, gotcha. Clementine Perot. I like it.” She snapped her fingers and stated: “Like.”


“What I want to know is what you see in him.” As I comprehended and thought about that question, her smile grew a bit. “You don’t have to tell me now. ” In one swift shift from the computer and back to the bed, she slipped right back under those apparently warm and cozy bed covers. “Much better. So you know, relationships must take time to grow. It was a seven year wait before Denis worked up the courage to bend the knee.” With an open palm, she gestured at me and suggested, “You should carefully consider whether he’s the right one. When you’re confident on your choice, let me in on the details.”

Before I could contemplate on that, I was curious about one thing. “Has he said why he likes me?”

“Give and take.” As I looked at her in confusion, she sounded amused and clarified: “I’ll answer you with a like, if you answer me with a like in return. Deal?”

Right away, I said, “Adam was there for me.”

She gestured past me. “He still is, and you gave him hope you will be here for him.”

Smiling, I asked if I could be excused. “Is it okay if I help Adam set up the table now?”

“Sure. I know where to find you if I have any more questions.” She shrugged and added: “Or I’m sure Adam will know.”

After a short wave, I exited the master bedroom and went to find Adam in the kitchen.

While walking, I saw a number of portraits and photographs hanging in the hallway. Some of them had Adam in them. Other photos showed Helen with someone who must be her husband, Denis. He reminded me of a black leather jacket and sunglasses-wearing biker. Big beard, huge… I would guess as big as a bear and just as disheveled, like he just woke up from hibernation.

A few other photos had another big person in them. I assumed they were a big brother to Adam. They appeared similar, but bigger and burly. I would guess the big brother took after Denis, and Adam carried on more of Helen rather than the other two men in the family.

Turning the corner at the end of the hall, I saw Adam in the corner of the kitchen with a set of plates in each hand. One big, the other a small saucer. He set them down on the end of a rounded wood table. There were four chairs. I supposed that meant I wouldn’t be sitting next to Adam.

“Adam? What would you like me to do?” He looked at me, completely startled at first, then smiled.

Shrugging, he pointed at the still packaged napkins. “You could fold some napkins up and organize the silverware?”

Looking from the napkins to the table, I registered this as fancy. “Does your family do this sort of thing regularly?”

“Not really. Only when we celebrate or have guests.” He meant this was occasionally done. “I thought you were going to head out for some fresh air?”

I nodded and said so. “I will. I’d like to help you first.” Then I did so.

First thing I did was wash my hands at the kitchen sink. When I pulled my hands away from the water, I discovered my hands had already dried before I could use the washcloth hanging nearby. That was strange, but I didn’t want to be distracted while helping setting up the table.

I let the incident go.

“You appear to be in more control.” I looked back at Adam and smiled at his observation.

“Not really. After you kept your distance and left me with Helen, I calmed down.” I collected the napkins and the shining utensils to be laid down together. “I can feel myself getting worked up again. Best I can do is this until I figure something out.”

Adam had a suggestion. “I can look online. Maybe there is something that can help?”

“Possibly.” After I had set down the napkins and folded them over the silverware, I told Adam about the agreement I’d made with his mom. “I managed to get Helen to be okay with me staying here, so long I act like Cinderella.”

Adam paused in setting the table to ask for an explanation. “You mean cleaning and all that?”

“Cooking and outdoor maintenance. Really, anything that your mom wants, I’ll do it.” I turned from Adam and went back to the sink to run cold water over my hands. “Huh…”

Then I ran the water up my forearms. I’d discovered the cold could calm me. I thought to myself, ’I can’t wait for winter to be here.’

“My mom will appreciate that a lot.” I looked back at Adam and caught him cringing. “We haven’t exactly been doing our part around the house, like we should. Since Drew left, me and Dad -- Well we do what we can, but… We kinda procrastinate.” I figured Drew must be the big brother. “So yeah, Cinderella, she’s gonna love telling you what to do. Not so evil, but very demanding.”

I stared at him in silent wonder, ’What did I get myself into?’ I pulled my arms out from under the cool stream and turned the faucet off as I informed Adam. “I’ll head out.”

He nodded. “Oh, okay. Ah, when do you plan on coming back?”

I thought about that for a moment, but shrugged. “When I finish up.”

Adam became curious. “Finish what up? I thought you were just getting some air?”

Taking one good look at myself, I then faced Adam. “Do you think I can pass as Clint at school?”

“Not anymore.”

“Exactly. I’m getting to the bottom of that shit fest I had to deal with this year.” I knew who to ask first too. “Roger, right?”

Instantly, Adam was against the idea. “Wait! Don’t. If you go off on him and accuse him --”

“I’m not. He won’t know who I am, but I can still find out from him if he did it or who did. I thought about it, and you might be right, but his mom?” I shook my head in disbelief. “That’s the only kink in the idea that Roger was responsible.” I took a big breath and sighed. “I’ll find out. When I do, that’s it.” I shrugged. “What else can I do? I’m not going back to school like this.”

He shook his head and asked me a good question. “How do you plan on asking him? Walk straight through the closed gates and pass security? Like you said, they won’t know who you are and any I.D. you have won’t fly by them.”

Quickly thinking about it, I smiled and told him. “I’ll wait by the gate. Who’s going to question a girlfriend waiting on his man?”

“You mean her man. But I still don’t like the idea.” I winced and nodded at Adam’s correction. 

“Sorry, yeah, still confused.” I pointed at him to emphasize my next word. “Conflicted.”

He gave me a bit of advice. “The way everyone behaves around you won’t be the same anymore. Keep that in mind.”

“I know.” I took another look at myself. “By the way. I’m going to need some clothes. Would you mind if I take some more?”

“I won’t mind.” He gave me a once over before he said, “Stay here and I’ll go pull some out for ya.”

He waved and indicated that I should remain where I was. I supposed that was a good idea. I thought about it: ’If I go with him to change, we’d end up in the same situation as we did in the bathroom, right?’ I nodded and stayed put.

He nodded too. “When I come back, you can change.”

When he passed by me to go back to his bedroom, I immediately turned the faucet back onto cold and leaned in to splash a refreshing handful of water at my face. As he disappeared, I let out a deep breath and tried to calmly cool myself off more.

I shut the faucet off when he came back. Like before, I could tell that my skin had dried almost immediately.

Adam looked a bit uncertain as he jutted a thumb over his shoulder to gesture back at his room. “Not my choice. Mom stopped me and -- heh, I told her you needed an outfit.”

I raised a curious brow, but nodded. “Should I be worried?”

“Maybe? I guess if you’re cool with what she picked out, then, ah... cool?” He shrugged and stepped aside to let me pass.

As I walked into the hallway, I saw Helen take a step out Adam’s room. She glanced in Adam’s room, then to me.

“Laid them on his bed. Let me know if you need anything. I’ve got a hoard of clothes that I will absolutely not Goodwill away.” I heard her mutter to herself, “They’ll probably throw ‘em out anyways.” Then she said, “But hey, you’ll look badass in ‘em.”

“Thanks, Helen. I’ll give them a try.” I grabbed the edge of Adam’s bedroom door and placed myself behind it. “Excuse me.” I put on a smile for her and slowly pulled the door until it softly shut.

I wanted to have some privacy before I changed.

On Adam’s bed, I saw a pair of cutoff jeans and an off-white shirt. Picking them up, I caught on that the jeans were short shorts and the shirt was a tank top. There was something written on the back of the shorts.

I read them out loud. “When I die, bury me face down, so the whole world can kiss my ass.” I glanced over my shoulder and thought, ’Does she still wear these?’

Looking back down, I noted there was a brown belt looped around the waist. That might be a good thing. I hadn’t a clue what size I was anymore, let alone if these would fit. Looking down at myself, I saw that the boxers were a little longer than the short shorts.

Unless I wanted to look like a dork, that meant one thing.

“Great, commando.” I untied the boxers, shimmied out of them, and kicked them off to the side. Pulling the shorts on, I felt the belt was going to be a necessity.

I shucked the shirt I wore and tossed it onto Adam’s bed. Standing there, I enjoyed the freedom of being topless for a minute. I had cooled off my arms and face, but the rest of my body burned in need.

Honestly, I couldn’t wait to feel Adam pressed against me again and...

Clenching my teeth, I knew I was losing control and hated how little will I had.

“Was I always weak?” Reminding myself of the Hell I went through, I shook my head. “I’m not.” I just needed fresh air to cool off.


Some time to myself, to reflect on what had happened to me. To prepare myself if I could or not be who I was anymore.

Getting my mind off of these thoughts, I returned to inspect the clothes Helen had offered me to wear. The tank top had a group of black leather jacket and jeans-wearing, hard-rocking birds. Literally, obviously with the bodies of men, but bird heads. I think they were parrots. They had that punkish long feathered hairdo to fit that punk attitude in their postures.

I caught something written on the inside of the tank top, right where the tag should be.

Again, I read out loud. “Blood is the new black. Sterling Bartlett? I guess that’s where the quote came from.”

Pulling on the shirt, I found it felt nice and cool. I suppose that was because it was a tank top and I had nothing to wear under it. That made me curse.

“Fuck.” Looking down at myself again, I caught on how noticeably perky I was.

Taking a look around, searching out of habit, I knew I had to grab two more things to complete the outfit. Footwear was one and something to cover up my acquired assets was the other. I wasn’t very thrilled about the concept of wearing a bra, but I doubt I would be allowed to stand at the school gate for very long with me sporting an eager pair.

Opening the bedroom door back up, I called for Helen. “Helen? I have a slight problem.”

I caught her leaning back against the master bedroom door frame in mid-yawn. Sheepishly, I mumbled something close to saying I was sorry for catching her like that.

“Ah, no probs. What’s the real problem?” I opened the door more to show her and she laughed. “HA!” She turned and yelled out for Adam. “Adam! You lucky sonuvabitch!”

She continued to laugh, but I noted that she’d technically called herself a bitch here.

Adam peeked around the corner into the hall. “What’d I do?” When he looked my way, I stood more erect to emphasize exactly what the discussion was about. “Wow, ah, okay. I’m gonna -- Ah, yeah.”

He waved and retreated back into the kitchen.

Helen was having difficulty with her laughter and cupped her mouth shut to put a lid on it. She held up her other hand to indicate I should wait a moment. I did wait and watched her gradually calm back down.

“Oh, wow. You got me good there.” She shook her head and said, “Shame the other boys weren’t here to see those.” I felt that same blushing heat rise up to my face. “They wouldn’t be capable of direct eye contact with you for the rest of their lives!” A bit more laughter came out of her, but tame in comparison to before. “Okay, ah yeah, so you need a tad more cover. I doubt I’ve any your size.” Helen showed off her assets by thrusting her chest out. “I’ve already gone through my ABCs before settling with these sweet double D-ealers after having Adam.” I assumed she referred to bra sizes and nodded. “Aw, don’t worry, they grow after having a kid or two.”

After her consoling remark, she winked at me. I silently nodded again, and after entering the hall, I closed Adam’s bedroom door behind me.

Helen lifted a finger for me to wait another moment, then she disappeared in her room. When she came out, between her fingers was hanging a black crop top net vest. It was plainly see-through, but I could see the merit in wearing it. No one would be able to notice my perks and the top would be cool to wear in more than one way.

Accepting the offered garment, I told her about my last problem. “I came here barefoot.”

“Ah, yeah that might be a problem. I’ll see if I can find something in the closet that would adjust to fit you.” She disappeared again and I heard some rummaging beyond the doorway.

While I pulled over my head the black mesh top, I saw a hand shoot out into my view with a pair of green flip flops. She came around and offered them to me.

“Sorry, but a lot of my shoes are not meant for others.” Cringing, she turned over one of the flip flops carefully, like it was radioactive.. “These were -- gifts that never got any love. All yours.”

“Thank you, Helen.” I accepted the offered footwear and set them down on the floor to slip into them.

She gave me a thumbs up. “Just let me know and I’ll see what I have for you. Consider it as down payment for what you promised to do to stay here.”

With a smile and laugh, I nodded to accept that as fair.

“Going out now. I’ll be back later.” Walking away, I gave her a wave and passed the kitchen to give Adam a wave goodbye too. “I’ll see you later.”

“Cli-- Clementine, please be careful.” He must still have been worried about what I was about to do. I showed him my smile and nodded.

“I’ll be careful. I don’t get into fights and I’m not about to like this.” I gestured at myself to display the outfit I wore. I even dangled a foot out for him to see the flip flops. “See, I’ll be treading very carefully.” With a nod, I added: “Round trip.”

Adam asked me curiously: “Round trip?”

“Like an airline trip, a ticket to my destination and back again. It’s supposed to be the safest way to travel.” That got him to nod in understanding. “I’ll see you.”

“Okay. Please come back before dinner?” As soon as he said that, I paused.

“I’ll see what I can do. Not sure how long Roger will take.” He tilted his head and looked at me in confusion. I thought, ’I could have sworn Adam told me Roger was in wrestling?’ “Remember, he does wrestling?”

Realization hit him. “Ah, yeah, forgot that was a thing.” 

Now I looked at him in bewilderment. “You were the one who told me he was in it.”

Apologetically, he shrugged. “I forgot. I’ve been -- distracted? Maybe a little mindless?”

I considered what he’d experienced recently and gave him the benefit of the doubt. “Yeah, I guess that’s my fault.” One more wave, I gave him my goodbye. “See you later. I’ll try to be back as soon as I can.”

“Ah, wait!” I skidded hard enough on the floor that I tripped out of one flip flop as he called for me to stop.

Irritated, I questioned him. “What!”

“Sorry, but you, ah, your eyes.” He pointed at my face.

“Oh shit. Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry.” I shook my head as I apologized for having snapped at him. “Adam, I’m sorry. Do you have sunglasses?”

“Gimme a second.” He ran back to his bedroom quickly and came back nearly as fast. “Here ya go.”

He offered me a pair of rounded sunglasses, tinted a coppery shade. As I put them on, the warm colored vision I now had reminded me of how I woke up every morning in my room. “Thanks, Adam.”

He pleaded with me. “Just promise me you’ll come back safely?”

Smiling, I told him I would. “I will. Like I said, soon as I’m finished.” I gave him my final wave and took a walk.

Taking the other corner, I was surprised to go down steps to the door that led outside. I vaguely remembered half crawling up steps last night, and I supposed these were them.

“Wait, wasn’t that in the back…?” I could’ve been wrong. That made me wonder what kind of house I was in.

Outside, I turned around and backed up until I could get a scope of the architecture of the home.

The foundation was constructed on stone that rose up to half my height. On top was rose-red paneled siding. A large living room window, then several smaller windows a story above. It looked like a two story home, but it felt like a single story house.

That made me wonder what was below the house. A basement, I was sure, but I felt weird when I tried to reason out how or why it was built like that. It was like the basement was constructed above ground.

“Maybe they have a basement below the basement? Is that a thing?”

Overall, Adam’s home reminded me of a weird red barn. I dropped the subject of how it was constructed for now. Keeping it in mind, I would ask about it later on when I came back.

As for right this moment, I turned and started on my way to school…


Hope you all enjoyed! :D

I'll work on another chapter sometime tomorrow. Work will be sucking the life out of me today. XD

Lemme know what you all thought! :)

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