Broly In Naruto

Super Secret Ninja Mission?! More Fights!?

"Heheh Jiji this ole thing is how I'm gonna take that hat of yours even faster." Naruto explains.

"Oh? And what does it do Naruto-kun?" Hiruzen questions.

"This thingy makes it harder to do stuff." Naruto says while smiling and leaving the Hokage no where closer to getting the answer he wants.

Broly smirks at Naruto's answer.

"It's called a gravity seal old man. What it does is exactly what Naruto said it does. But back to the question. Why can't I pull off this clone jutsu?" Broly asks, ignoring the Hokage's curiosity towards the seal.

Hiruzen coughs to clear his throat and says, "Show me what you're doing first."

Broly and Naruto both do the hand seals for the clone jutsu and then 2 sickly and idiotic versions of the boys appear.

"Well Aomatsuna-kun and Naruto-kun that's because you two don't have enough chakra control for the technique it seems.." Hiruzen says as if upset at that fact.

Broly just stares at the old man as he remembered that the chakra control techniques in the library are only for genin and above only.

"Are you gonna teach us some of that then Jiji?!" Naruto asks excitedly.

Hiruzen shows the boy a pained smile as he realizes he won't be able to change the shinobi school system this year due to the civilian council always interfering when the young Jinchūriki is involved. They would definitely question why he would want to make changes when nothing of importance towards the safety and strength of his village is at stake.

"I'm definitely going to have to get the civilians council out of my shinobi matters. I don't know what I was thinking back then letting them talk me into this." Hiruzen thinks while sighing.

"Unfortunately, my boy I can't teach you chakra control techniques" Hiruzen says sadly.

This caused Naruto to start to feel sad.

"But I can give you two advice on how to find out ways to learn them." The wily old Hokage says before grinning.

Also making Naruto to feel excited about being able to learn something from his Jiji even if it is indirectly. Broly just continued to stare at the foolish old man before also waiting to hear how he was going to learn these chakra control techniques.

"While I can't teach you two chakra control techniques, no one ever said you can't ask other people who aren't me to teach you chakra control techniques." Hiruzen grins.

"But why can't you just teach us though, and instead we have to be all sneaky about it?" The curious fox carrier asks logically.

Hiruzen is momentarily shocked at the boy asking the question and smiles.

"Treat it as a super secret ninja mission Naruto-kun. Ninja's have to be sneaky with both words and their actions." Hokage tells the boy.

"Alright Jiji! Watch me become the secretest ninja ever! Oh! And learn those control techniques for my lame chakra!" Naruto exclaims.

Broly just nods at the Hokage and walks out the Hokage tower with Naruto. The two boys began walking down the dark street before noticing all the stares they were getting. Broly just whispered something about worms and Naruto started to feel slightly guilty walking along with Broly.

"Hey Aomatsuna-kun, I'll uh see you tomorrow and we can ask about chakra control then!" Naruto says awkwardly before taking off.

"Are you going to come out yourselves or do you want me to drag you out screaming and broken into pieces?" Broly asks to a suddenly silent dark road. Three figures come out of the dead of night and stand directly across from the young legendary saiyan.

"You might want to stop associating with that boy. For your own good." One of the men said.

"Yeah and if you continue to hang out with the fox brat, we know a certain someone that could help us figure out how to deal with a monkey." The second lanky one said in a whimsical tone.

"Her name rhymes with Madeera." The buffest of the three said in a gruff tone.

Suddenly a dangerous glint flashed across the tailed boy's eyes and a large amount of killing intent started to bombard the three boys. They suddenly started to shake in fear before looking again towards who they were facing and noticed a devilish grin sported on his face.

"You're gonna regret resisting b-boy…." The tallest and lankiest one said while still shaking.

The three boys dash towards the weaponless 8 year old and watch as he does nothing while they move towards him but smile, but suddenly his smile freezes and turns into a grimace.

"I nearly forgot that the old man warned me about crushing these bugs too harshly or that damn civilian council will get involved. No, he said against civilians.. And these three fools are definitely genin with their headbands still out. Looks like I can finally see the results of my training!"

As the three boys tried to attack Broly at the same time, The boy looks at his arm with some weird kanji sketched onto it and smiles before dodging their attacks. The boys stop attacking at the same time and switched it up once they noticed their first attempt wasn't working so well. The large boy attempted to grab the agile boy, before hearing a *CRACK* sound and looking towards it. Once he noticed his broken wrist he was about to scream until a foot smashed directly in his face knocking him away down the street unconscious.

"That worm got off lucky. You two won't be as nearly as lucky as he is." Broly said before charging towards the skinny genin.

The lanky boy in question nearly shat his pants in fear from the killing intent and ability this boy has. He attempted to elbow the rushing Saiyan child with his eyes closed before feeling a hand grab his stomach and lift him in the air and smash him in the ground with a *CRASH* His eyes widen on impact and he tried to move but he suddenly felt a hand grab his face and start running through the concrete road with a maniacal laugh. He fainted halfway through assault to his body and skull and the remaining genin was frozen in terror.

He saw the tailed boy throw his severely beaten and bruised friend towards him! He wanted to dodge but his body couldn't move. He tried his hardest to move until he decisively bit his tongue hard and rolled out of the way. His friend's body crashed into a nearby wall and fell into an undignified heap. The remaining genin locked eyes with the terrifying, monstrous looking, and cruel young boy 4 years younger than him. His entire being was telling him to run away and escape at all costs, but the look in the younger boy's eyes dared him to run. It dared him to escape from him. The last genin did the only thing he believed he could. He smashed his head against a wall and fell unconscious.

But little did he know that this only enraged the young legendary saiyan even more. He went and grabbed each boy that threatened him and ultimately disappointed him and then stomped, smashed, kicked, and punched each boy until they screamed, begged, and cried, and fainted again.

"Foolish worms are begging for an early grave by even thinking about threatening me." Broly left the three broken, bruised, and unconscious boys in the middle of the destroyed street.

Suddenly a black figure appeared where the once raging tailed demon stood and gathered the three boys and took off with them.


"Aomatsuna-kun are we gonna practice those jutsus again today?" Esumi asks nonchalantly.

"Eventually, but I have to do something else before we go into the forest." Broly responds.

"Where are we going first?" Jabie asks

"To a dango shop." Broly says. Esumi visibly brightens up at this and is excited for some reasons.

They arrive at the dango shop and Broly walks up to a trench coat wearing woman with mesh armor on underneath, leaving almost little to the imagination. Causing Jabie's face to redden at the sight of it.

"Esumi. Ask her about chakra control exercises." Broly commands.

Esumi nods and puts on her innocent cute child face before walking towards the woman.

"Anko-nee-chan! I wanted to ask you about something.." Esumi says while twiddling her fingers behind her back and looking down at the ground.

Anko takes a moment to stop eating the dango in her hand and looks at the familiar blue-haired shorty.

"If it's about boys, always remember to spend their money before you break up with them." Anko says nonchalantly.

"What? No! I wanted to know about chakra control exercises!" Esumi states

"Why would an academy brat like you need to know about that? Shouldn't you be learning about flower placing or something like that?" Anko questions in a lackluster manner.

"The academy is so lame. I learned most of the stuff the academy teaches by the time I was 7 in the library."

"Look at you little nerdy brat, I have to tell ya though the boys aren't big on nerds." Anko warns.

"I don't care about catching the attention of boys! Just tell me the exercises" Esumi yells

"Calm down girl brat and tell your two little boyfriends to come over as well." Esumi while angry just nods towards Broly and Jabie and they both come over. Jabie, red in the face and Broly just blank as usual.

"Okay tell the reason why you brats need to know and if I like it enough I'll tell you 1 exercise. If I really like it I'll tell you two." Anko says with a mischievous smile on her face.

Esumi and Jabie just look at Broly before he looks at Anko in the eyes.

"I can't perform the Clone jutsu from the academy." Broly says.

Anko smiles even harder causing some slight irritation to appear on Broly's face.

"Oooh our village's monkey prodigy doesn't know as much as he seems." Anko says insultingly and teasingly.

Broly's irritation only grew.

"It would be best if you did not try to anger me thoughtlessly." Broly warns

"Ohoh and what will ya do to me brat? Are you gonna smash me up like you did those three genin on the street last night? At least be a bit softer with me than you did with those three." Anko says in a seductive voice, only serving to enrage the young saiyan boy even further.

"Tell me the way to increase my chakra control or I'll force it out of you myself woman." Broly threatens. Anko's face turned from goofing around to suddenly serious.

"I want to see you try monkey brat." Anko baits.

Broly's lust for battle surges and Esumi and Jabie take a couple steps backwards and take out their weapons just in case things get bad for Aomatsuna.

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