Broad World

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Speech and construction

The next morning Henry stood on a high platform made up of wooden barrels, and underneath were countless slaves with numb expressions. He used a phantom sound technique to increase his volume and then said loudly: “You are all slaves I bought back, allowing you to work to death without paying for it. But I am a benevolent lord, and I will give it to you now. An opportunity. The twenty people who work the best every day can get rid of the status of slaves and become civilians. The civilians can get a salary and get a piece of land for farming after the construction of the city is over. Tell me now, do you want to be my leader? “The slaves in the audience began to have a slight commotion. They wanted to speak but some were afraid to say that they would be whipped or killed. Henry saw some effect and said loudly: “Don’t you want to get the status of civilians? If no one answers within ten figures, I will take back what I just said. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four. When he counted to four, a teenager shouted: “I! I don’t want to be a slave. I want to be a civilian.”

Henry looked at the young man and said, “Very good, you stand up now. Tell me your name.” The young man slowly walked up to the stage with some fear and said to him: “Master, my name is George. It is one of your slaves. “Henry patted his shoulder and said: “Very good George, I now declare that you are no longer a slave. Here I grant you the status of a civilian. You are now my leader, as long as you work hard every day You can earn a silver coin.” George couldn’t believe it when he heard these words. He twisted his arm hard and found that he was not dreaming. Then he said loudly to Henry with tears: “Thank you for your reward to my lord. I will work hard for you in the future.” Henry looked at him with satisfaction and then said to the others in the audience: “I believe you all see. When it comes, I am a commitment-oriented person. As long as you meet my requirements, I will not be stingy in granting you the status of civilians. Now go and work hard again. I look forward to promoting twenty people to become my leaders tonight. “After having the example, the slaves cheered loudly, and their numb eyes began to be full of hope.

Henry named the two islands according to the customs of this world before starting the construction. The largest one is Emerald Island and the smaller one is Hart Island. Then according to yesterday’s arrangement, Kegan, Amy, and Robert all led their own people to work. Hawke sent two boats and forty sailors to go fishing, and began to direct the slaves to start building the dock according to the blueprint. . Because of the promise just now, their enthusiasm for work is very high and they are desperately rushing to work. After Henry saw that everything was on the right track, he blessed himself with a flying technique and flew into the sky, and began to find a hidden place on other small islands around him. After traveling for two hours, he found a relatively remote island, which is about 350 square kilometers mostly made of shale. There is a relatively high mountain on one side of the island, and on the other side is a large, smooth rock washed by the sea. The entire island has no sandy beaches. Just a little processing of the large tracts of rocks by the sea can become a very good salt field.

The recent large amount of expenditure has caused Henry’s gold coins in the dimensional bag to shrink severely, and he began to consider the need for a trade to make up for his loss. After much deliberation, the only way to go is to dry the salt. Even in the modern era where salt prices are so cheap before the crossing, sun-dried salt is still a hugely profitable industry and is monopolized by the state. In most places, Fei Lun still relies on boiled salt in sea water or salt mines and salt lakes to obtain salt, which is an opportunity for him. This is the best way to make money for him with a large number of islands and territories. As long as this is operated for a few months, there will be a steady stream of gold coins that can be used for territory construction. After choosing the address and marking the magic, he began to plan to arrange spells around the island to hide the entire island. This is a big project that will last for at least three months. At that time, as long as a small number of residents are left on the island to carry out the salt drying work, and Amy carries the dimensional bag for transportation regularly, the salt island can be prevented from being discovered by others.

At noon, he flew back to the village and asked Captain Hawk for a boat, three hundred men and three hundred women, and commanded the slaves to drive the boat to Salt Island. After arriving on the island, he asked the slaves to start digging a diversion channel to lead the seawater to the rock with tools blessed with magic weapons. When the seawater was introduced, the unevenness gradually changed into bays of different sizes according to the shape and size of the rock. . A large tract of salt fields were built in just one afternoon. A few months later, a large amount of coarse salt can be harvested here, and then it can be eaten after being dried on the stone behind.

In the evening Henry and six hundred slaves drove back to the village, and the people who had been busy all day began to eat dinner. Henry let all the slaves start to elect each other, selected twenty people they believed to work the hardest, and publicly pardoned them as slaves and allowed them to be civilians. The slaves became excited after seeing him abide by his promise. Many people said that tomorrow they would definitely work hard to become a leader as soon as possible. After all the slaves returned to the house to sleep, Hawke walked to Henry and asked curiously, “Boss, what did you do with the 600 slaves during the day?” Henry put down the book in his hand and looked at him and said, “I still have it. I can’t answer you, but I can tell you it is a very profitable thing. You will see the results in a few months.” The old captain was a little puzzled, but did not continue to ask. He knows that people who like to inquire about secrets usually don’t live long. Regardless of him, as long as he can earn gold coins, it doesn’t matter.

Henry took people to dig new salt pans every day in the following days. Kagan also cleared the forest around the mine and began to burn refractory bricks to build a blast furnace. The brick factory on the outskirts burned a large number of bricks 24 hours a day, and Henry took out the method of making soil cement. With the availability of various building materials, Hawke quickly built the wharf and let all the ships dock in. A large number of wooden houses around were demolished and replaced by brick buildings with three to four stories. The whole city began to take shape slowly. Three months passed quickly, and a large number of slaves were given the status of civilians. Henry paid them a salary of one silver coin a day, which made everyone’s enthusiasm for labor even higher. After a long period of magical arrangement, the salt island has been hidden by Henry, and only a vast ocean can be seen from a distance. If you get close to this area, you will be changed by the power of magic to bypass the island unknowingly. Six hundred slaves have all become civilians and he has been placed on this island to do salt drying work. The construction of Kagan’s blast furnace was not going smoothly. When the furnace was first ignited, the entire furnace collapsed because the clay in the furnace was not resistant to heat. He has now found a better clay and is rebuilding it.

The construction of the entire territory was in full swing, but it was quickly interrupted. The salt on Salt Island is produced for the first time. Heng used his own dimension bags to fill almost thirty tons of salt. I came to the city under construction and found Hawke and took him to the warehouse. He said, “I remember a few months ago you asked me what to do with six hundred people, and now I will give you the answer.” The salt fell on the ground and gradually formed a hill. The old captain was stunned without noticing that the pipe in his hand dropped. After Henry poured out all the salt, he gently grabbed a little and added it. Then he grabbed Henry’s shoulder excitedly and said, “Oh my God! O my god! These are all salt? Did you find a natural salt mine? Or a salt well?” Henry smiled and broke free of his hand and said: “Calm down some Hawke. I just used some special methods to turn the seawater into salt. Now I need to go back to Baldur’s Gate with you, and you will take the fleet with you, and transport the salt back and exchange it for gold coins.”

The old captain picked up the pipe on the ground and worked hard to calm himself down and said, “No problem, I will arrange someone to take over and direct the city construction. Tomorrow I will let someone use a wooden barrel to transport all the salt to the ship, the day after tomorrow. You can set off. The salt can be exchanged for at least three hundred to four hundred thousand gold coins.” Henry looked at the captain’s still shaking hands and said: “Then we will set off the day after tomorrow. In addition, the construction of the city’s sewers should start as soon as possible I don’t want my city to become full of feces and dirty water.” After speaking, the two people left the warehouse. Henry was patrolling his territory along the newly built street. At this time, the short man ran over, panting and shouting: “I have succeeded! I finally built the blast furnace. Come with me and see it soon. The first furnace of molten iron.”

“Really, take me to see.” Henry was also a little excited when he heard that the blast furnace finally succeeded after several failures. The two quickly came around the mine. Henry saw the huge furnace at a glance. The slaves stepped on a few iron fans and desperately poured air into the smelting furnace along the protruding iron box next to the blast furnace. The surrounding heat is beginning to be unbearable. A lot of smoke came out from the chimney above the blast furnace, and everyone around looked at the huge iron furnace with stunned expressions. The dwarf walked over and looked at the temperature in the furnace through the small hole. After a while, he turned his head and shouted loudly: “Open the gate!” The brawny men who had been waiting nearby began to turn the iron winch to tighten the thick iron chain. Tight and straight. The huge furnace gall was slowly torn out, and the bright red molten iron exuded intense heat. Soon the molten iron was poured into the pre-prepared mold, and the steel blocks were quickly formed. Kegan danced with excitement. He shouted at Henry: “See you! See you! The steel we made in one shot is equal to the output of Naxikai’s four months.” Henry hugged the black and gray man. The dwarf said, “Yes, we succeeded. Now you pack up and hand over the work here to others. We need to go home. I plan to take my mother and sister over, and your hammer smithy should be yours too. moved.”


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