Broad World

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Encounter and old friends

The weather in early October has begun to gradually cool down. The slightly colder temperature cannot prevent the merchants from enthusiasm for trade. Henry has seen at least six waves of caravan passing by him along the way. Pulling the hood vigorously, trying to cover the hair and eyes as much as possible. From the eyes of the caravan guard just now, you can see how attractive his appearance is now. This is not good news for a mage who aspires to become a low-key mage.

When he was about to arrive in Belgost, he heard a noise in front of him. The truck was pushed aside by the opponent. The two caravan leaders were arguing fiercely, and the guards were at war. What’s going on, this is at the gate of the town. Wouldn’t they be afraid of attracting flame fist mercenaries like this? Henry didn’t quite understand the thinking of these two businessmen. Forget about them. Just as Henry was about to walk through the crowd, he saw an acquaintance.

“Morrian, why are you here?” Henry shouted to a woman holding a crossbow and facing a mercenary. The woman turned her mind to look at the mage in front of her suspiciously. Damn it, this time he remembered. When I saw her last time, I still had blond hair and blue eyes.

After taking off his hood, he smiled at the businesswoman and said, “It’s me, Henry. My hair and eyes have permanently changed color because of magic experiments.”

“Oh my God, you have changed so much.” Molian looked very surprised.

“What’s the matter, you guys are fighting with other caravans?”

“Oh, they are the people of the Iron Throne. They want to increase the distribution of the Nashikai Iron Mine. Since last week, the small miners around me have been banned from trading with us. After they collided here, they cursed each other and turned into That’s it.” The business woman shrugged and spread her hands.

“Well, I’ll see if I can make them compromise with each other. If you fight here and attract the attention of the guards, you don’t have to leave today. Let’s go to the town’s dungeon for the night.” Henry felt that he would help if he saw it. Right. Somehow they gave me a letter of recommendation.

He passed through the encirclement without hindrance and came to the head of the spiritual position. The dress of a mage made the guards dare not easily stop it. The status of most mages is generally relatively high, and their tempers are not good, mercenaries do not want to cause trouble for themselves.

“Two gentlemen, please quietly listen to me.” After using a phantom sound, the two men stopped arguing and turned to look at the wizard.

“Mr. Iron Throne, what is your name?” Henry asked.

“Tas, you can call me Tas. Mr. Master.” The leader of one of the caravans answered Henry’s question politely.

“This gentleman from the Seven Suns Business League, how do you call it.” He turned to face a bald fat man and asked.

“My name is En Ge,” the fat man replied out of breath. It seems that the quarrel just now made him very angry.

“Well, two respected sirs, you can’t decide on the business strategy of your respective chambers of commerce. The quarrel here is meaningless. If there is a fight here, the flame fist mercenaries in the town will be very happy to hold you all together, and then A large sum of gold was fined and locked in the dungeon for one night. In this way, you lost both money and time. How can such a thing happen as a successful caravan leader.”

“For what you said to Mr. Master, I would like to thank you on behalf of the Iron Throne. At the same time, En Ge, I apologize for my language offense.” Tas immediately made a statement.

“I also apologize for my excessive language just now, thank you for your mediation, respected mage.” The fat man clearly understood his situation.

Henry nodded in satisfaction and said, “Since the two gentlemen have reconciled, I will leave.” After that, he walked back to the business woman.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that you would be able to reconcile such a fierce two people with just a few words.” Molian looked at him with a little admiration.

“Their caravan is dealing in food-related businesses, and you are dealing in magical items and gems and there is no serious conflict of interest. The competition in the chamber of commerce does not affect this aspect. The reason for the quarrel is just a dispute of spirit. Just let them understand. Continuing to argue will cause unnecessary losses, and the shrewd businessman will immediately stop and reconcile.” Henry explained to the businesswoman.

“Mollian, we are leaving.” En Ge shouted at the two chatting behind. The business woman hurriedly followed the caravan and shouted, “Goodbye Henry.”

Henry waved at her and turned to enter Belgoost. When Henry came to his door, it was already dark, and he stepped forward and knocked on the door lightly.

“Who, who is knocking at the door.” Mother’s voice came from the room.

“It’s me, mother.”

“My God, Henry, you are back.” Opening the door, the mother quickly gave Henry a hug. “Welcome home my child. What’s the matter with your hair and eyes.” The mother asked after seeing Henry’s strangeness.

“This was caused by a magic experiment. It just changed some pigments in the body. It didn’t cause any harm. Don’t you think my hair color and pupils are much better than before.” Henry said to his mother with a smile.

“Brother’s hair is indeed much better than before.” Little Lori ran out of the room and commented on her new hair color.

Henry smiled and picked her up and put her on his shoulders and said: “It seems that our little Lina is more discerning.”

“You two brothers and sisters will always sing and play together, a pair of naughty guys.” A family of three walked into the house with a smile. After dinner, his mother said to Henry: “You came back this time to complete your magic study?”

“No, I came out this time mainly to send two letters to the teacher. I stopped by Belgoost and came to see home. How about the family’s money is enough?” Henry replied while teasing his sister with magic tricks.

Lily smiled and said, “Enough. The gold coins you left last time didn’t even spend a fraction of it. How long are you going to stay home this time?”

Henry thought for a moment and said, “Just one night tonight, and tomorrow morning after seeing Kagan, we will leave.”

“Well, I will boil water for you now. Take a good rest in the evening.” The mother is also helpless for her son’s long-term absence from home. After all, this is his life.

“Brother, you promised to teach me magic.” My sister heard that my brother was leaving tomorrow and immediately quit.

Henry took out a common language textbook from his bag and gave it to his sister: “This is a book that teaches people to read and write common language. You must learn the words in it before you can learn magic. You learn it at home. If you understand, ask Grandpa Kegan. “Most people in this era are illiterate and only speak lingua franca and can’t write. If you want to help your sister become a mage, start with the most basic literacy.

The night passed quickly, and the sun rose again. The noisy town has awakened once again, and the Hammersmith has been well received by adventurers from the north and the south since its opening. The exquisite craftsmanship of the dwarf blacksmith is much better than the mass-produced quality of Thor’s Forge. The first thing Kagan starts every day after eating breakfast is to poke open the sealed stove and push in the tongs pot full of ore. Whenever I see a furnace of molten iron dripping out of it, exuding bright red and scorching heat, I feel sincerely satisfied.

Two apprentices have been able to start building some simple blanks on their own after months of training. This makes the workload of the old dwarf a lot easier. I really miss Henry when he was studying here. It would be great if all the apprentices wanted him to build fine weapons independently in one month, Kagan thought.

After waking up the apprentice, the dwarf opened the door himself and sprinkled water on the ground. Suddenly found a person walking across. His head full of silver hair fluttered in the wind at will, and his silver eyes gleamed with wisdom and determination. “Henry? Is Henry you?” Cagan dropped the basin and ran over with his short legs.

“Of course, my old friend.” He gave a hug to the dwarf. “Oh, you have become a bit heavy lately. You must have drunk too much.” Henry teased the team of dwarves.

“Haha, some have gained weight recently. By the way, what’s the matter with your hair and eyes.”

He shook his head helplessly and explained the trick of fooling his mother to the dwarf again. “I just came to see you and set off.”

“In such a hurry? Where to go?” Kegan asked.

Henry smiled and said to his lover: “Candleburg, my tutor asked me to send a letter there. By the way, I will study there for a few days. The knowledge there is world-famous.”

The dwarf touched his beard and said to Henry: “Then you go quickly, you have to cross the Avenue of the Lions from here to Candleburg. There is not much peace there recently, and there are often wild wolves.”

“You forgot again, I am a druid. Ordinary beasts will not attack me unless they are extremely hungry. Goodbye Cagan.” After speaking, he left Belgoost along the road.

When passing the three-way intersection of Coastal Avenue, I noticed that there were more guards patrolling here. After a few questions, I realized that after the cargo convoy was attacked last time, the Grand Duke Baldur’s Gate held an emergency meeting. The parliament voted to strengthen patrols in this area to combat bandit beasts and monsters.

went west and entered the Lions Avenue before long. Walking along the road, I arrived at Candleholder when it was almost dark.

Strictly speaking, Candleburg was built on a small island, and there was only a very narrow road connecting it to the mainland. The huge city wall surrounds the entire island, and there is a city of Urn on the city gate. This is a protected area of ​​knowledge, where books are more precious than people.

came to the city gate and handed the book prepared in advance to the guard. After checking it, he confirmed that the book was worth more than 1,000 gold coins before he was allowed to enter. After entering Candleburg, Henry decided to find a hotel to live in. After asking the guards on the patrol, he came to the Candleholder Inn located northwest of the fort. The name is very vulgar, but I can’t control that much. ———————————————————————————————

ask for clicks, ask for recommendations. Seeking collection

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