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Chapter 559

She said: “Yes, but she wants to go together.”


The little fox didn’t know when he approached and said, “This fox will go too!”

“Hmph, you can’t go, you are too naughty and will make trouble.” said the girl.

“Little girl, let me go, okay? I invite you to eat in the gourmet world.”

When she heard that she was going to eat in the food world, her eyes lit up suddenly, but she still pretended to reluctantly said: “Huh, seeing you are so pitiful, let you go.”


The little fox made a victory gesture and said happily. .

=== Chapter 376 Li Huan decides to go back to Blue Star, and Blue Star is in crisis ===

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Mountain top, a table, two futons.

Two people, sitting opposite each other.

No. 3 said: “The main body has been somewhat sluggish recently. I don’t know why it is. Is it convenient to talk about it?”

No. 3 deserves to be Li Huan’s most respected clone, and he has a good grasp of Li Huan’s state.

Li Huan was a little dumbfounded. He has indeed been in a bad mood lately. The reason is simple.

Invincible for too long, lonely in my heart.

The memory of the past gradually faded, and some worried that I would lose some feelings.

Li Huan said: “It’s just invincible and lonely.”

The third said: “The ontology should go back and have a look. You have been invincible for too long, and your heart is too lonely. It even makes you feel that everything is illusory. This is a good thing for you if you can handle it well. “

What the number three said was reasonable, the word invincible loneliness, Li Huan Chuan Chuan was only seen as a joke before, but now this invincible loneliness falls on him, and everything is different again.

This 30 is a kind of loneliness and loneliness that carries through the body and mind, which originates from the heart and is difficult to remove.

Li Huan sighed and said: “Indeed, invincibility has been too long, and my heart is empty and lonely. This is not something other people can make up for, and only oneself can solve it.”

Li Huan’s current mentality is lonely and empty, and everything seems illusory.

His mentality is very dangerous, not to say that it is dangerous to him, but to the entire Chaos Domain.

Because he can create the world with one thought, and destroy the world with one thought. If his emotions are unstable, the destiny of sentient beings will also become unstable. WeChat search [Sheng Ying Download] Mini Programs, more free TXT unlimited downloads

It can be said that he is the master of all beings.

Even if he feels that the clones are unnecessary, the clones of the three will be taken back at any time, which is the worry of the three.

No. 3 sent a feeling and said: “Yes, I am in charge of the birth and death of countless worlds in the void, and the fate of countless creatures. Sometimes I feel that the responsibility is very heavy, but when I find that they are just as weak as ants. When they exist, their birth and death can hardly affect my emotions. This is the price of becoming stronger.”

Li Huan smiled and said, “Yes, indifferent feelings are the price of becoming stronger. Saitama is the best example, but now his feelings have returned.”

Number Three said: “He is no longer invincible.”

“Invincible is so lonely.” Li Huan and No.3 sighed sadly.

The wind blew, and a cloud flew from the sky, covering the scorching sun above.

No. 3 drank a cup of tea and said, “Ontology, how long have you been back to Blue Star to see it?”

The question on the third made Li Huan silent for a long time.

How long has it been since?

It’s been a long time, so long that he has forgotten the time.

Seeing that Li Huan didn’t reply, Number Three said: “Ontology, you may have forgotten how long it has been, but I remember it has been five years.”

Five years, five years have not gone back.

The time flow of God’s Domain is the same as that of Blue Star, so Blue Star has also passed five years.

After Li Huan left Blue Star, as his strength grew stronger, his feelings became somewhat indifferent.

Blue Star is a memory in his heart, but this memory is overwhelmed by various things that keep coming in, leaving him no time or free time to look back at Blue Star.

Number Three said: “Ontology, it’s time to go back and take a look!”

Yeah, it’s time to go back and take a look.

It’s his home there.

Now that he has cultivated to the Chaos Realm, he has been invincible for too long, and it is time to return home.

“You’re right, it’s time for me to go back, to see the changes in Blue Star, and to see my former relatives.”

When Li Huan’s voice fell, he opened the door to the blue star’s world.

“I’m leaving~”

After all, man has entered the door of the world.


Blue star.

The planet where Li Huan once lived.

This is an ordinary world, and there is no extraordinary power in the entire universe.

Once, Li Huan gave the world many gifts, such as plants that can change the planet’s environment, and his gifts to the Chinese people.

They have powerful brain talents, which have greatly promoted the development of science and technology, but have also increased ethnic differentiation.

Now, in just five years, the entire Blue Star civilization has developed to an astonishing level of civilization. They have colonized the entire solar system, and they have also targeted outside the solar system.

The resources of the solar system can no longer satisfy them. They want more resources, a larger territory, and a greater development of science and technology.

With plants that can transform planets, the barren planets are life planets to them. Therefore, they don’t shy away from meat and vegetables, and they conquered Proxima with patience.

At this moment, their crisis came.

A civilization that ruled a large area of ​​the Milky Way galaxy discovered the Blue Star civilization, and the war began.

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