Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 9 - A bowl of sweet potato porridge

“That’s it.” Hu Xiaomei looked at the porridge in Chen Xiayue’s hand, looked very appetizing, and did not refuse, but turned around and took a bowl and put some pickled radishes of her own and handed it to Chen Xiayue, “You too Try it, this is my pickled radish, you can also take it back and eat it with porridge.”

Chen Xiayue took the pickled radish and handed the porridge to Hu Xiaomei, “Thank you, Mrs. Hu, then I’ll go back.”

“Hey.” Hu Xiaomei watched Chen Xiayue turn and go back, and she also returned to the dining table with the porridge.

“What’s wrong? Why did the Achuan family bring a bowl of porridge? Isn’t it just porridge? It’s like no one has eaten it?” The elder sister-in-law of the Wang family looked at the porridge in Hu Xiaomei’s hand and said contemptuously.

“It’s just a bowl of porridge. You also gave her a bowl of pickled radishes? The third daughter-in-law, are you very generous?” Sister-in-law Wang said strangely.

Hu Xiaomei’s family fled from Sichuan Province, but Hu Xiaomei’s parents have the ability, so they can support their family when they come here, and they live a good life.

Hu Xiaomei did not escape like her parents, she grew up here since she was born. And she learned the skill of pickling hot and sour radish from her mother.

Sister-in-law Wang’s family is a local, so she has always looked down on Hu Xiaomei, a concubine from other places. Even if Hu Xiaomei grew up in the local area, she still thinks that Hu Xiaomei is a foreigner, but she looks down on her as a refugee.

However, the third eldest of the Wang family is good to Hu Xiaomei, and Hu Xiaomei’s mother’s family is also capable, so the elders of the Wang family also value Hu Xiaomei, and they have a better attitude towards Hu Xiaomei’s daughter-in-law than other daughters-in-law.

This made Mrs. Wang very upset. She was the eldest daughter-in-law of the Wang family, but her parents-in-law valued the third daughter-in-law even more, which made her face as the eldest sister-in-law to be put to rest?

Therefore, Sister Wang targets Hu Xiaomei everywhere and picks on her thorns everywhere.

“I grew the pickled radish myself. I pickled it myself. What’s wrong with me using it for food? Sister-in-law, you worry a lot. I’m not giving your stuff to others.” Hu Xiaomei pouted back with a smile. , Anyway, my sister-in-law has always looked down on her, and she, Hu Xiaomei, has never had the temperament to swallow her anger, of course, she always pushes her back on the spot every time.

“Come on, mother and father, try it. I smelled a very fragrant taste when the Achuan family just cooked the porridge. How about your second husband?” Hu Xiaomei is very good at life, so she shared this bowl of porridge with her in-laws. Of course, she gave the rest to her men and children. As for the other uncles and uncles, don’t even think about it.

After all, the bowl of rice porridge given by Chen Xiayue is really not much. It would be good for her to be able to divide these people a little, and it is impossible for the whole family to eat it.

The old man of the Wang family looked at the porridge in the bowl. It was not thick but not too thin. This kind of porridge was just right, and the old man Wang was very satisfied.

Hu Xiaomei’s husband Wang Laosan said in surprise after tasting it, “It tastes really good, I never knew sweet potato rice could be so delicious?”

Hu Xiaomei’s two children couldn’t even lift their heads. Although their mother only gave them a few bites, they still ate very satisfied. The taste is really good, so is this the taste of sweet potato rice?

“Mother, this sweet potato rice is so delicious, can you make it?” asked Hu Xiaomei’s eldest son, who still wanted to eat such delicious sweet potato rice.

“I don’t know about your mother, do you think the sweet potato rice I made before is so delicious?” Hu Xiaomei said with a smile.

Her cooking skills are not bad, but the food she makes can only be eaten. How can someone from Achuan’s family be so good? People have learned the cooking skills from the chef’s father since she was a child. Although she learned the recipe for pickles from her mother, she is still not that good at cooking.

“Brother Chuan’s new daughter-in-law made it? Mother, can I go to Brother Chuan to eat in the future? Take my ration and ask Brother Chuan’s daughter-in-law to help make it?”

“Are you dreaming?” Hu Xiaomei patted her son’s head amusingly and said, “There are so many things to do in the Achuan family’s house, where do you have time to cook for you? People don’t want to do their own thing?”

Sister-in-law Wang watched eagerly at the way her in-laws and Wang Laosan’s family were eating with relish. She swallowed her saliva, envy and jealousy.

After listening to Hu Xiaomei’s eldest son’s words, she rolled her eyes and felt that she could find a way to eat a meal. The new daughter-in-law from the city is definitely not so thick-skinned, so she should be able to eat.

Everyone in the Wang family who ate the sweet potato porridge made by Chen Xiayue wanted to eat the food she made again. On the Zhang family’s side, when Chen Xiayue returned home, the three members of the Zhang family couldn’t even lift their heads.

Chen Xiayue uses such simple ingredients and simple methods to make food taste delicious, which is her unique talent.

If it weren’t for this talent of hers, she would not have embarked on the road of becoming a food blogger in her previous life. Instead, she would finish university peacefully, and then enter the company as an ordinary white-collar worker.

It is because of her unique culinary talent, and the popularity of live broadcasts and videos later, that Chen Xiayuecai embarked on the road of food bloggers.

With her own craftsmanship, she was able to earn millions.

“Come back, come, your share.” Zhang Chengchuan pushed a bowl of porridge next to Chen Xiayue and said.

If he hadn’t put this bowl of porridge out early and put it next to him, his parents, who had just eaten so hard, would definitely have eaten up the porridge in the bowl.

His wife’s craftsmanship is also very good. This simple sweet potato porridge can be made so delicious, and the loofah soup and pumpkin tips are especially delicious, making people want to eat them.

Chen Xiayue sat next to Zhang Chengchuan and took a bowl to eat, and she was in a good mood seeing Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying eating happily.

Chen Xiayue is not an orthodox chef, but everyone who likes to cook likes to see that the food they make can make people happy.

Chen Xiayue eats the porridge slowly. She is not in good health, so she eats slowly. In the last life, she ate faster than others. However, in this life, because of her health, she has developed a way of chewing slowly and chewing many times. Law.

Liu Guiying ate the delicious food and also had a good look on this daughter-in-law. This daughter-in-law was just not satisfied with her poor health, but she was still able to do things at home and cook such a delicious meal. Not so much injustice.

“You can make lunch and dinner in the future. You don’t have to get up too early in the morning, I will make breakfast.” Liu Guiying said to Chen Xiayue after eating.

Liu Guiying also took into account the poor health of her daughter-in-law. Anyway, she didn’t need to go to the ground to work with the group, so don’t get up early, she can make breakfast by herself.

“Okay.” Chen Xiayue was also very surprised that her mother-in-law didn’t let her get up early to make breakfast. Although she said that Liu Guiying’s mother-in-law would occasionally stab her with words, but because of her not letting herself get up early, Chen Xiayue regarded Liu Guiying as the world. The first good mother-in-law.

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