Bring Dragon Ball to Marvel

Chapter 12 These damn rich people!

"Oh. Mobile phone m.."

Peter nodded confusedly, took two steps back, and watched silently as Lorna took a menu, placed it gently on the table, and said to the brown-haired woman, "Excuse me, what would you like to eat?"

The brown-haired woman obviously came prepared. She didn't even glance at the menu and said directly: "Kung Fu Barbecue."

"This dish is ordered by portion. How many pounds do you want?"

"One pound first."

"OK, just a second."

Lorna put away the menu, walked into the kitchen and said to Saint: "Boss, a customer ordered a pound of kung fu barbecue."

"You came?"

Saint, who was cutting vegetables with his head down, said without raising his head: "I understand, have you met Peter? He is a new handyman and has no work experience. You should teach him more."


Lorna agreed and went to change into work clothes first, then walked to Peter and told him what he should do and what he shouldn't do.

After a while, Saint walked out of the back kitchen with a plate of cooked raw meat. He swept his eyes around the store and walked straight to the brown-haired woman. He placed the plate behind the table and stood in front of her. , use Qigong to grill pieces of raw meat.

Facing this scene that could not be explained by science at all, the brown-haired woman was extremely shocked. Her big blue eyes were as wide as beads. She gently covered her red lips with her right hand to prevent herself from screaming. She seemed Very educated.

"Please enjoy."

Saint finished the barbecue and was about to return to the kitchen when the brown-haired woman stood up and called him, "Please wait a moment."

"Joy Meacham."

The brown-haired woman announced her name and extended her fair right hand to Saint: "I am an old friend of Danny Rand."

Saint was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was Danny Rand's childhood sweetheart. He was also worth billions. He was one of the resident directors of the Rand Group, and he actually appeared in his house. The purpose of the small shop is quite intriguing. She is not like Danny Rand who was born in Kunlun, and the kung fu plot is not that deep.

"Because of Saint Lee."

Saint pinched Joy Meacham's fingertips and squeezed gently: "Nice to meet you, Ms. Meacham."

"Can we sit down and talk?"

"of course."

There were no other guests at this time, so Saint nodded and sat down calmly: "This is my honor."

Joey Meacham glanced at the barbecue in front of him and said with emotion: "Mr. Li, three minutes ago, I thought you were a shameless liar."

Saint raised his eyebrows, surprised by her directness, waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. Doubt is human instinct when facing the unknown."

"The truth, to this day, I still can't quite believe."

Joey Meacham stared at Saint with sharp eyes and said, "Perhaps, you are actually a master of magic."

"Ha ha."

Saint smiled nonchalantly: "Ms. Meacham, I don't owe you anything. There is no need to prove myself to you. Whether you believe in the existence of Qi or not, what does it have to do with me?"

Hearing this, Joey Meacham narrowed his eyes, bit his lower lip gently, and said with a hidden voice: "Mr. Li, you don't seem to know my identity yet, I am..."

"I know that the famous Meacham family, directors of the Rand Group, are worth hundreds of millions and are extremely powerful."

Saint raised his hand to interrupt Joey's words and asked, "So what?"

Joey Meacham took a deep breath, barely calmed down the anger in his heart, and showed a symbolic smile: "I'm rude. In fact, the reason why I'm here today is because of Danny. Tell me, as long as he comes to your place for a barbecue, he will know that what he tells is the truth."

After saying that, Joey Meacham paused and said in a sincere tone: "So, Mr. Li, please understand and let me believe in the existence of 'qi', for me and for Danny." , are really very important.”

Saint suddenly understood that it must be Danny Rand who told Joey a lot of nonsense about "Kunlun" and "The Hand", but he couldn't prove it. In the original plot, he was dismissed for this. Joey was sent to a mental hospital and locked up...

After thinking about this, Saint couldn't help but ask nicely: "Didn't he summon the 'Iron Fist' to show you? I think that a fist that shines from the inside out has nothing but 'qi'." Explained."

"not at all."

Joey Meacham glanced at Saint in surprise: "However, he did say the word 'Iron Fist', but I can't understand it at all..."

"That's it..."

Saint gently nodded his head, knowing that although he had received his guidance, Danny Rand still could not summon the "Iron Fist" as he wished. After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to Joey Meacham. He took out his right hand and said: "Okay, I'll help him again! Ms. Meacham, through a technique called 'breath giving', I can convey my own 'qi' to others. Please give me your hand, I'll let you feel the 'qi' for yourself."

Joey Meacham hesitated for a moment, then slowly stretched out his arm and carefully placed five slender fingers on Saint's palm: "Is this okay?"

Saint nodded: "Close your eyes, try to block out the noise around you, concentrate, and tell me when you're ready."

After a moment, Joey Meacham, with his eyes closed, said in a calm tone: "I'm ready."

The next moment, Joey Meacham suddenly opened his eyes, his whole body trembled violently, and quickly withdrew his right hand as if he was electrocuted, looking straight at his fingertips: "This... this …”

"This is 'qi'."

Saint stood up, and before Joey could react, he had already walked away, leaving only one sentence: "Tell Danny Rand that he owes me a favor."

After pretending and running away, what a cool and unrestrained back view!

Saint thought proudly, but...he just returned to the kitchen, and saw Lorna follow him in with a strange look on her face, handed him a black bank card and said: "Boss, that one outside A customer locked the door of our store and put up a 'Closed for Business' sign. When I went to stop her, she gave me this card and said that you can use it as you please..."


Facing this familiar operation, Saint's mouth twitched and he muttered in envy and hatred: "These damn rich people!"

It’s just five buckets of rice, so I’d better give in...


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