Brightest Doom

Chapter 8

The Brightest Doom

Chapter 8

The Set-Up.


The Overlook

Bruce Wayne, better known as BATMAN

Bruce thanked a waiter as he guided his unwanted companion towards an available table. Seated across from him on a high chair sat, Talia Al Ghul. Talia was not only his Ex-lover, but also Ras Al Ghul's daughter.

Placing his order for a dry martini, Bruce took his customary seat. There were two egress points he noted had larger than average people milling about.

So Talia had come prepared.

Looking at the other side, Bruce also noted another standing in the way to the emergency exits. Turning around, he used his trademark smile to then nod. Talia instantly returned with her own, and he understood that she knew that he knew.

With a smile on his face, Bruce allowed Talia to have her little victory. What he gave in return was silence, a silence that she would have to break if she wanted anything from him.

"Tell me, beloved, when was the last time you have faced the jester," Talia asked with a slight smile on the edge of her lips. "Words have made it to my father's ears that he has gone missing."

Now that had brought Bruce up short. He had known something was wrong, but he didn't know that it was so wrong that Ras would have to ask about the situation.

"I have some ideas," Bruce returned, not giving anything away but wanted to fish for more information.

"I see," Talia returned as she took her drink from the waiter. There was no way she was going to make it easy on Bruce.

Bruce looked at her and accepted that answer for what it was, a complete non-answer. From there they started up a little small talk, Bruce was trying to fish for more information while Talia was looking to pull Bruce into her own plans. Bruce gave away the second drink that he was nursing to keep a keep mind and not succumb to its influence. Bruce heard the clue he was looking for. Talia was in town to find the mind behind the revolutionary gamma radiation.

Bruce called it a night after that, checking his phone. Bruce noted that the night was still young. The other message that he noticed was that Alfred was already downstairs waiting on Bruce, it was disconcerting to know that Ras was after the person behind the gamma discovery. Yet, he did not know as of yet why such a person was also tied with the missing Joker.

This he would have to find out. And he knew just the right person that would know.

Alfred pulled the car out of the parking lot, with a press of a button. The windows of the vehicle darken, blocking the view in from the outside. The panels of the sides opened, showing Bruce his gear. Bruce was dressed in his cowl in time for Alfred to drive under a bridge that had no cameras in the area. The top of his custom vehicle slides back, allowing him to shoot out a grappling hook into the underside of the bridge.

Bruce didn't look back at the car as Alfred kept on driving as if nothing changed. Turning towards the west side of Gotham, Bruce fired his grappling hook. There was a new diamond necklace arriving tonight, and that was the best place to find her.

It had taken Bruce all of half an hour to track her down. It would have been faster if he hadn't stopped a mugging on his way. With one last leap with his grappling hook, Bruce was in place just in time to watch her open a window on top of the warehouse. Moving silently, Bruce made his way down to the warehouse below, finding a dark corner to wait on her return.

She didn't take long, and Bruce made a note to up her stealth and speed rating later in his systems. He watched her make her way back out with a bag in hand. With speed, he knew she would not be able to react with; Bruce grabbed Saline by her wrist.

A kick was sent his way, which he blocked easily. Once Selina realized she wasn't going to get away with that, she went for a judo throw. Letting go of his grip, Bruce disengaged with what he wanted.

"So, you showed up and didn't bring a girl any flowers?" Selina purred in her Catwoman leather outfit. Bruce was silent and allowed it to sit for a while as he stared her down. His eyes squinted as she noted that he had her stolen diamonds before she went into a relaxed stance. Bruce knew what it meant when she took up a relaxed position like this one. Selina was coiled and was thinking of fighting for her goods or just leaving it behind.

"I'm looking for his latest hideout," Bruce said gruffly with no preamble.

"He would be gone by now," Selina returned with a sway of her hips as she got up onto the ledge of the rooftop. "But if you want, check the chuckle palace."

Bruce grunted in affirmation as he watched her jump away from the rooftop. He noted that there was no longer that hostility Selina normally carried with giving away information on the Joker. Turning around, Bruce made his way to return the stolen diamonds. With a message sent to Gordan. Bruce made his way back out of the warehouse to his batmobile.

With a jump, Bruce landed inside his Batmobile as it drove underneath his location. Pressing on the gas, Bruce took off in the opposite direction where the GPS was leading him.

Something was going on, and he was going to get to the end of it.

Bruce stopped a few more crimes in motion before getting out of his Batmobile five blocks out from the Chuckle Palace. Bruce set up surveillance of the area before he moved in. The first thing he noted was the missing glass on the roof and the stripped vehicle out front. With sure movements and silence, Bruce made his way inside the Chuckle Palace.

Bruce found the standards of every location he has ever investigated for the Joker. Yet, something felt different about this one. Clothes were still here, and so was a half-eaten bowl of on tao chicken. The Joker never leaves his favorite foods half-eaten. Pressing a button on his gauntlets, Bruce activated his thermal tracker mode.

Bruce understood that there would no longer be any thermal trails, but there was still the difference in thermal temperatures between liquid splatter to non-liquid splatter. Keeping his hands to himself, Bruce noted the slept in bed before making his way into the main rooms. The main room looked like there was a fight. Bruce noted the Joker's favorite hand cannon with a chamber filled, but with one round fired.

Slowly, Bruce turned around, casing the area. Not too far from the fallen hand cannon, Bruce found the fired round. Opposite that was scuffed marks on the ground where one person was moving in a struggle. Bruce bent down and took a sample of the metal scrap on the ground. Bruce noted that it carried the same paint coloration as the missing metal on the vehicle outside.

Bruce took his time to look around for more and more clues. That was when he found what he was looking for. There was topsoil near some charred flesh. This was the break he was looking for, without preamble, Bruce collected the samples into evidence bags before leaving.

The batmobile arrived posthaste, as Bruce thought about what this might mean. Sitting in the driver's seat, Bruce allowed the auto-drive function to take him back to his Batcave. His thoughts were interrupted as the batmobile drove through the hidden waterfall entrance.

Jumping out of his batmobile, Bruce placed the topsoil in a spectrometer and the charred flesh in another scanner. Activating both, Bruce sat back in his seat to wait on both devices.

"It's best not to brood on an empty stomach, master Bruce."

Bruce said nothing as he took the cup of coffee that Alfred had brought him. The coffee never made it to his mouth, though, as the D.N.A. analysis came back with a match. The match was from a missing Arkham Asylum inmate, the Joker.

The Joker was dead, and the topsoil was his only clue on who did it. The ping on the spectrometer drew his attention to gamma radiation on the topsoil, and he would have to find Doom.


The GreenHouse

Vincent Doom

It's been three days since Dent has gained a new understanding of my goals. Over the last few days, I had transitioned most of my work to Harvey for completion. With some leads purchased from the Penguin, I had Waylon hunt down a site for the roller derby. It was hard work tracking across the west coast, but I had workers for that now.

The knock at the door drew me from my latest project. At the door was Harvey Dent dressed in his best with Waylon standing right behind him. Waylon was wearing his standard military pants and boots with a black shirt that showed off his arms. Harvey was wearing one of his finer suits, though, and it was interesting to note that this one wasn't one of his two-toned colored variants. Walon gave me a nod as he took a position next to the door.

Harvey came in and took a seat right across from myself. The look on his face said he had work to share. With a sigh, I closed down my work on the mother box. Not only was I cracking the code in record time, but I was also extremely close to having it available for my immediate use. With my work closed down, I watched Harvey fiddle with his paperwork.

A double-tap on the counter with my knuckles drew Harvey's attention to my gaze.


"We have settled on a price for that roller ring," Harvey replied smoothly as he placed the vanilla folder onto the table. "Star City has offered us a nice little plot of land. We outbid the 1.65 that has eaten into our reserves, but we also sold the patent on your electric engine to LexCorp. That has buffed out your coffers, sir."

"That sounds splendid, but I would like to hear the bad news because there is always bad news in this bloody reality," I replied with a sigh while leaning back into my chair. "The fact that the place was purchased in Star City is definitely not enough bad news."

"Queen Industries has decided to buy into the project under a shell company, and so have Wayne Enterprises."

My urge to smash things instantly shot through the roof. Yet, the only outward sign of my lack of control came from the raised eyebrow. That and a few levitating items around the room that crumpled due to proximity.

"That is a very interesting twist of business." I half growled as I spoke, causing Harvey to flinch in his chair. The smile Waylon cracked said he was thoroughly enjoying my frustration. "Anything to add, Waylon?"

"Yeah, boss, why don't you just do them like you did, Harvey?" Waylon answered me with a shrug of his shoulders. For a moment, I actually mulled the idea over, and then I destroyed such a thought and threw it to the wayside.

"Can't, they have a very capable telepath as a friend." I replied as I tapped my index finger on the table. Hell, I know that I am powerful, but I wasn't sure I was on the same level as Martian Manhunter on navigating the mind. I needed time, but I was never going to get any of it.

"Why not just kill him and then get them on our side?" Waylon asked while rubbing his chin.

"NO! I refuse to paint a target onto my back for the Justice League to zero in on." I returned with a growl. "Wayne and Queen have connections that I don't need on my back right now."

"Noted, Sir." Both Waylon and Harvey replied while snapping to attention.

"Good, so get those papers filed," I replied before getting up from my chair. Walon opened the door for me while I grabbed my keys from the hook. "Get my plans for the U.N. charter off the ground, Dent. And Waylon, find me a nice corner with camera coverage."

I could feel the cage closing in, but they will learn what happens when you attempt to cage a tiger.

For now, though, it was time to pick up Harley from work. So many things were happening and not enough time.

Gotta love life, though.

Whistling to myself, I pressed the summoned button on my keyfob while I made my way to the GreenHouse. My own customized version of the A.U.D.I. A8 pulled up as I stepped a foot into the greenhouse. A quick mental flick sent the growling tulip scurrying away from me.

Damn thing, thought it could take a bite out of me.

"Hon, your gonna have to do something about all this wild growth," I called out loud as I made my way deeper into the GreenHouse.

"Ohh, but my beautiful babies need as much room as they can get to grow."

"Keep them tamed; I doubt you would like me pruning your garden if one were to overstep its bounds," I replied as I walked past the labs and into the bedroom.

"Ohh, sugah, you can tend to my garden anytime," Ivy said as she leaned from around the doorframe. In her hand was my bomber jacket, the same jacket I had come here looking for.

"Hmm, maybe I should right now." My voice rumbled along Ivy's lips as we shared a chaste kiss. Ivy purred as she trailed a finger up my chest, and I almost fell to my lusts. "But, you have things to clean up while I run some errands."

The look she gave me was one of utter betrayal.

"There is a forest that surrounds the house. Send your sentient plants out there and not in here." I said with a shrug. "The GreenHouse is where we sleep and work. They are crowding the living space, and you need to get them under control. We shall not live like savages."

There was no way I would succumb to pouting and quivering bottom lip. So I did what any self-respecting man would do, I turned around and walked away. I sent a small blast of telekinetic force before me as I made my way out of the GreenHouse. There was one thing to breed these plants, but it was another to let them run wild.

Pulling my jacket on, I slide into the driver's seat of my vehicle. A few taps later, the G.P.S. to the bar was entered, and I was on my way. The radio was doing some talk show from Metropolis, but it went in one ear and out the other. I had caught some snippets of someone talking about Superman, but I was ignoring all of that. Right about now, Harley was about to get her lunch break before this afternoon bar rush.

Smoothly, I pulled into traffic, heading towards the bad side of town.


As I pulled into the parking lot outside the bar with no name, I found Harley standing at the back door. She had an extremely put out pouting face, which made me want to squish it. I pulled up to the curb, allowing Harley to get in the passenger side of the vehicle. A Ceasar salad levitated down into her lap as I spun the car around and sped out of there.

Harley ate as I drove while messing with the radio station. I took a look at her and noticed the short shorts she had one. At least this time, she was wearing boots on her feet and wasn't as barefooted as she liked to walk around the property. I drove in silence as Harley made a racket at my side.

Halfway to our destination, Harley had completed her salad to climb over the middle console to the back. I caught glimpses of flesh as she moved around to change her clothing. Tapping the brakes, Harley flew around the back a little as I caught her attention.

"Are you going to give her an offer?" I asked the giggling bobble head behind me.

"Of course, silly. Behind all those books is a girl who wants to get down and dirty." Harley said with a huff, She blew some hair out of her face and went back to changing as I pulled into the parking lot of Gotham Library.

As Harley and I got out of my vehicle, I felt that telltale tingle of someone watching me. I turned around to skim along the rooftops of the buildings on the other side of the block. There was nothing in sight, but some rapid movements did draw my eye. Narrowing my eye at the movement, I opened my telepathic link to the outside world and zeroed in on that section of space.

What I found was a wall blocking me from entering the mind I found. Pulling back from the scalpel approach, I went for the surrounding aura. The spike of jealousy, a little anger and frustration told me who it was that was watching over my shoulder. With a snort, I turned around and followed Harley into the library. I had some plans for Greyson, but that can wait until I wasn't on four separate cameras in the area.

Walking into the library, I watched Harley skip towards the cute blonde behind the counter. What happened next, I was not expecting. They shared a hug, and then the librarian split into two different ladies. That was when I realized where I knew the name Jessica Hudson from. She was a C level villain from DC, one of Batman's super minor villains. Jessica was yellow blonde, and her sister that just popped out of her, was platinum blonde. Well, a platinum blonde with a pair of rabbit ears coming out of her head.

The one with the rabbit ears gave me a look and a wink, which I ignored. Sexy rabbit girl or not, I wasn't down for some easy ass because you never knew who it was given up to before I came along. Harley let out a laugh before taking her hand and guiding her towards her in a conversation.

I found myself a seat as Harley had her chat with the White Rabbit. With her distracted, I closed my eyes and peeled my astral form from my body. The feeling was as if the world gained a focus, that my eyes were a hamper on my senses. The version of Jessica with the rabbit ears turned to look at my astral form before turning back to the conversation. That was an interesting development I would have to beware of later.

Floating above my body, I noticed the glow of blue telekinetic force projected raising up a few books in a show of telekinesis. I noticed that I would need a fresh cut soon. That side fade was looking a little too filled in for my taste. Turning around in the air, I willed myself forwards as I flew outside the library. What I found was disorientating. Streams of thoughts tried to assault me as I flew into the open world.

Unprotected thoughts were projected loudly all around me, bombarding my astral form as I floated out in free space. Looking around, I found two null zones within my telepathic area of influence. I willed myself forward once more. I found myself floating above the prone form of Richard Grayson. I still couldn't figure out why his nickname was Dick unless that's because he was a dick in real life. Then that might be an apt description.

He was all dolled up in his Nightwing outfit overlooking us, but also on his communicator with someone.

"Come on, Babs, I am telling you he is up to something," Nightwing complained into his coms unit. "No, I am not following him; I'm just saying. I found him with Harley, so I have decided to do a follow-up. You know Joker is missing and Bruce is looking for Doom."

That was interesting to note; Bruce was out looking for me. There was no way he could approach as his normal self that meant he could only approach me as the Batman. With a snort, I turned to go, but I made a mental note about Batgirl going to look for some kid by the name of Static Shock. Interestingly, I knew who that was and might have to make plans to snatch him up before anyone could get their hands on him.

With my surveillance over, I made it towards the other null space. What I found made me extremely angry. Sitting in a room drinking tea was Talia Fucking Al Ghul. Now I understood why Bruce wanted to chat. Her fucking father was aware that Jack Napier was dead and wanted to pit Bruce and I against each other.

When I got back, I found my body in the most interesting position. Harley was straddling my lap with my face pressed into her mountainous breast. Shaking my head, I slide myself back into my body. Bringing my hands around, I picked Harley up and placed her on top of the table before me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

"Getting some lovin," Harley replied with a shrug.

"And what about you getting your crew sorted?" I asked, looking at the pouting bombshell before me.

"Well, she wanted a tumble in the hay witchya, but I shot her down. But then she wanted to do a heist with me, and I said yes. So I gotta go do something with her, and then we can go skating together." Harley rambled as I looked at her from my seat.

"Alright, then here are the car keys," I replied, pulling to my key fob. "Don't get caught by Marie then."

Her eyes shined as she snatched the keys from my hands. As Harley ran to find her little friend, I made my way out the back of the library. I jumped up on a fire escape and made my way around the block. My phone pinged me, letting me know that someone else was driving my car. I waited in the shadows and watched as Nightwing took off following Harley.

I stood on the roof and watched him vanish into the fading light. I turned around and spoke what was on my mind.

"What does The Demon Head, Ras Al Ghul, want with me?"

Was trying something new with this chapter, please leave a comment. Not happy with it, but it's been in my folder long enough.

Was trying something new with this chapter, please leave a comment. Not happy with it, but it's been in my folder long enough.

Please leave a review with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.

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