Brightest Doom

Chapter 3

The Brightest Doom

Chapter 3

Breath in…

Breath out…

Breath in…

Breath out…

There was a slight tingle to my left… Instantly my guard went up.


Such force hit me that I was off my feet and rolling along the ground. With smooth and swift motions, I was back up on my feet with a feral hunger on my face. Currently, I was blindfolded, but I had my ears, and my spatial sense opened to the world. My mind and telepathic powers were creating a 3D map in my mind, and I was still coming to grips with using this to fight.

The amount of information my mind was taking in and cataloging was on a level that I didn't know was possible. The ground trembled, and the very air shifted, I had to ignore the blood pounding in my ears, ignoring the heavy breathing and pushed through. My muscles ached and groaned from the painful exertions, but I pushed through it.

To my mind's eye, the person on my left was a large hulking frame, featherless and colorless, but nonetheless, it was a 3D model of the person I was facing. Hours after hours of punishment and I was finally getting the hang of the telepathic version of Toph's seismic sensor from the Avatar. I was able to see, without sight, the large hulking frame began to bear down on me again. Catching the arm mid-swing, I placed a quick jab in the armpit right into the nerve cluster located there.


Not only did I hear the grunt, but I watched with my mind's eye as the pain flared through my opponent. A shoulder check slammed into me as my opponent went down on a knee while his body curled in to cover the nerve cluster I had attacked. With the shoulder slamming into my front, I was knocked over onto the ground because of the size difference. I was already a large person standing at six feet six inches, but Waylon was the infamous Killer Croc standing at eight feet easily and with a lot more weight behind him than my well-built frame.

There was a flare of red, and I knew that Waylon let slip the alligator from its mental cage. The first swipe drew blood from my side as the arm that knocked me over, pinned me by the neck. Fear spiked through me for the briefest of moments before I got angry right back at him because of the situation I found myself in. Raising a leg, I was able to catch the arm that swung forward poised to end my life. My leg was jammed in between the forearm and bicep; I was greeted with a grunt before my right leg came up and kicked out, blasting the body from me.

The ground shook as the body flew from the area where we were both engaged in combat. Tree's shook, and some fell as the body kept on going into the surrounding forest for a little bit longer. I couldn't help but wince at the sound and rumble or vibrations the ground gave off.


Taking off the blindfold, I was greeted with the destruction that Waylon and I had caused with our morning spar. All along the ground in the twenty-foot ring we were fighting in had claw marks from the swipes that Waylon took at me. Along with those claw marks, were the cratered parts of the ground were my telekinetically enhanced retaliations. Slowly I was getting the hang of using my telekinetic powers for attack and defense, but there were moments like a few seconds ago where my lashing out packed far more power than what I would like to use. If I was correct in my thinking, then my powers would place me along the lines of the Flash with his unlimited speed but more of a mental twist to it.

With a sigh, I placed my thoughts aside and flew over to where Waylon was laid out on the ground. From the rise and fall of his chest, I was certain he was alive. Running a quick scan of his body, I was certain that he was not only alive but only knocked out, and his scales took the brunt of the damage. Physically, I was in peak human condition but weaker than Waylon. Once I started to use my powers in earnest, our spars became a no contest. With a shake of my head, I telekinetically picked up Waylon and floated him back to the house and onto the grass outside our sparring ring.

The garden hose slowly snaked its way from the rack it was on and into my hand as I looked down at my sparring partner. Without any more procrastination, I turned on the water and held the hose over the chest of Waylon.

"Waahhhh, who, what, how?" Waylon yelled as he instantly sprung up onto his feet. I watched as Waylon's head moved as if it was on a swivel while he looked around, trying to find the person that splashed cold morning water on him. "What happened?"

"I hit you far too hard and sent you flying," I replied to the large man. "Sorry about that. I guess that's it for the morning spar then. The kitchen is fully stocked if you want some breakfast, but I need to make a stop in my lab before I get ready to leave."

With a hand on his hip and a hand scratching his head, Waylon looked around at our little scuffle. "I guess I will clean up here."


Since Waylon decided that he was going to clean up the spot where we had our little spar, I turned on my heels and walked towards my greenhouse. Opening the door and walking inside was like walking through a teleporter. With Ivy in the greenhouse, it was like transported to another world. Ivy had come three days ago and scared away the piece of ass that I wanted to plow into my bed and then maybe through that depending on how wild in bed Cheetah might be. With Ivy in my greenhouse, all the plants took a life of their own, and the greenhouse became something akin to a mystical jungle.

Walking past some low hanging vines, I made my way towards my work station and lab setup. The greenhouse was almost as large as the house, but whatever Ivy did with her powers over the green changed the plants in a way that made them grow exponentially. There were a few scanners set up on the roof to help me scan for whatever it is that Ivy gives off. I knew the power of the green was a thing even if no one was currently aware of it. With the month that I used to get my name out there, I had done my research into the world within which I was now living.

From what I would make out, it would seem that everyone was a mixture of the new fifty-two comics and the action series with a mix of the Justice League cartoon and the Superman, Batman T.V. series. The only reason I had gone after Cheetah to tap that ass was that she was the sexy version from the new fifty-two making her sleek and sexy, but I was still down to tap it even if she was furry. Yeah, I know shame on me for being the guy willing to stick it where most men would shy away from. All those fangs and claws: but I say shame on you for turning down such a hot piece of ass. That is pure, untouched, and unspoiled ground that needs plowing after years of abandonment.

Putting my musings aside, I sat at my control console that was currently going through yesterday's work.

[Test #32 - Failure]

[Test #33 - Failure]

[Test #34 - Failure]

[Test #35 - Failure]

[Test #36 - Failure]

[Test #37 - Success]

That caught my attention faster than the other things I was currently working on. The data points came up for me to go through. It would seem that with a little genetic material from Ivy combined with my own base DNA, I was having some success with my work on the way to give myself complete immunity from everything as well as give my healing factor a healthy boost. I had a side project working for the immunity for that laughing asshole, but he can wait until after I make myself immune to his gas. There was no reason for Bruce not to have figured this out with the amount of time he has faced the Joker over the years from the news articles that I have seen. The only reason why he might not have gone this route would because either after he made the cure for the people Joker gassed, Bat-boy gave himself a permanent booster shot, or he built up his own immunity like the Joker from being around the gas so often.

Ignoring that train of thought, I kept going over the immunity booster I had created. From the data my computer had gathered for me, I would be completely immune to not only gas but also any oral, and any touch-based poisons, paralytics, or spores as well as anything else the world could throw at me. Tapping my fingers against my chin, I decided to take the jump. Taking a spare rubbing alcohol patch, I cleaned my forearm and went for the visible vein.

With a fresh blood sample, I paired it with the test sample #37 into three different vials and placed them into small mixing vials. Leaning back in my chair, I watched as my blood and the booster mixed. Once finished, I would be able to tell under a microscope if it would work on me properly. Less than twenty minutes later, the timer pinged, and I placed a little drop of my experiment under the electron microscope so I could take a look at my work while the computer did the analysis. From what I could tell, my cells were adapting at a rapid rate with the absorption of the metagene I was able to synthesize with the genetic material from Ivy. If I am reading it correctly, then I have an eighty-four percent chance at survival once this was injected into my bloodstream.

This was a moment where I was about to jump over a hurdle that humanity never realized was there. When I first started this project, I had taken all of the available knowledge out of Ivy's head, but pairing that with my ever-increasing intellect, it was scary how easily I was able to solve the human toxicology issue. From my creation and reading of the data, anyone could be given this, and they would be permanently cured of everything. This booster was like Logan's healing factor on overdrive.

The weight of that hit me full force as I sat back in my chair. All mt monitors showed green signs of success.

So… I sat there.

There was a ping, and that drew me out of my small moment of awe. Sitting in the synthesizer was a vial of the immune booster. The booster shot was clear with hints of green, I reached for it, but my hands trembled. Slowing down, I took a moment to gather myself and took up the booster shot and placed it into an injector. The injector floated before me as I rubbed my chin and thought about where I would like to inject myself with the booster. The neck was off-limits, close to the brain and heart or not; I refuse to place something so close to my jugular vein. That could only leave my femoral artery on my inner thigh and the brachial vein in my left arm.

The one in my leg would be the best one to go for, with me still smelling horribly from all the sweat from sparing, I had to reconsider that option. With a nod, it was decided that my left arm brachial artery won out. With my mind made up, I cleaned the injection site with rubbing alcohol before injecting myself. There was a pinch, and I began to feel a cool tingling rush move up my arm and along my chest. The booster hit my system, giving me a sense of bliss. Slowly and surely, the tingling spread from to my head and then down to my toes. For a moment, I just sat back in my seat and allowed the zen to flow through me.

For a moment, I allowed my control to slip and allowed my mind to flow over the city. Anger, pain, greed, happiness, love, and so much more flooded my system. It was a beautiful mix of chaos; the human mind was such a complex quantum computer. Immersing myself even more within my zen, I felt the indomitable will in the direction I knew could only be the Wayne Manor: but I also felt a madness from the other corner of the city. Near the madness was a person in pain, and I gritted my teeth.

Even if I was about equality and had no issue smacking down a lady that presented herself as a warrior, there was no need to lay one's hands on a lady outside of a fight and especially one that a person is in a relationship with. Ole Joker was going to get his once I get my hands on him. Now that I had an immune booster, all it needed was a way to cancel out his version of toxin immunity, and it was just a matter of time.

The warmth of the sun shined upon my body as I sat within my zen, and I listened to the minds of Gotham. So many minds to influence and so many things to learn to bolster my own intellect, yet I knew that before long, they would bow before Doom.


Opening my eyes, I found myself sitting in a meditative position. Directly above my head was the clear glass of the greenhouse, and below me was the jungle. Keeping my breaths slow and deep, I let my mind hum along with plans and possibilities.

Money wasn't an issue, and I was in no rush for tech and advancement, but I do need to have my own base. This home that I have been using won't last once I remove the Joker from the board. Bruce would never admit it, but I knew that he is enamored with the Joker and would do nothing to remove the love of his life permanently.


Closing my eyes, I slowly released the breath I was holding. There was one thing that I wanted that I did not have access to. The only way to get it was a major gamble, but if it was successful, it would be a major boon in moving my plans forward. Nth metal was most likely under watch by the Justice League, and kryptonite was radioactive in all the wrong ways. Well, that and the fact that I don't have any on hand to study and be able to create an inversion ray and turn it from green to blue kryptonite.

The only way to get my hands on what I wanted was to bite the bullet and roll the dice.


My attention was pulled from my musings when I heard a slow moan from behind my floating form. On a large flower bed lay a woman with light green skin and bright red hair. The flower bed that she slept on was more than ten feet from the center to the outer petals. From my location, I could tell that three of the petals folded over to create a blanket while the third petal folded into a pillow.

Ivy stretched like a lazy cat as she sun shone down upon her. Ivy noticed my shadow that shown on one of her petals of the bed. Rolling over, she looked up at my floating form. In front of me was an Ivy in nothing but her birthday suit.

"See something you like?" Ivy asked as she winked at me with her bright green emerald orbs. We both watched each other in silence. Ivy's nipples hardened as I intently stared into her eyes before slowly descending to her bed. The slight breeze that I felt on my bare back made me aware that I didn't don the shirt that I used to cover my sight during my spar with Waylon.

Buxom and deadly, just how I like my women, my only reservation was to test how my booster worked against her naturally secreted toxins. I was certain that with the exponential propagation in my cells that my booster was already through my whole system, but knowing was one thing and testing it was another. My original healing factor made sure Ivy's pheromones didn't work on me, but I had reservations in bedding her without the booster. Anyone with half a dose of common sense would know that Ivy couldn't be with anyone with her deadly natural secretions.

Landing lightly before her, I gave Ivy a charming smile as I stepped into her personal space.

"I don't see something, I see someone that I want," I said to Ivy as I brushed my hand against her cheek. There was a slight tingle in my fingertips, but that sensation faded as fast as it came.

"And am I that someone you want?" Ivy breathed in a sultry fashion. Mint flashed across my mind for a moment before I went for it. My large frame engulfed hers while Ivy stood on her tiptoes, kissing me as I pulled her to my frame. Her flavor was indescribable, but I paid that no mind as our tongues dueled.

Ivy's kiss was heady and needy, as mine was pure hunger for her. I had been trapped in the void and tossed into a new world, given powers, and then left to make my own way. From the moment I had awakened in the hospital, it was made clear to me that I was a metahuman, and normality wouldn't do. The hot piece of tail that had run away before I could enjoy it was now replaced with a far more deadly meal, which made its way onto my plate.

This meal had taken me three days of preparation, but it was going to be worth it. My hands moved as I caressed her body, and Ivy moaned into the kiss as her arms wrapped their way around my neck. Ivy slightly tugged me towards her, but I refused and picked her up. With a yelp, Ivy was up in my arms as I stood tall.

Ivy's well-proportioned ass was held in my hands as she pulled back and breathed heavily after our little bout of passion.

"How? Wahh… how?" Ivy breathed as she tried to catch her breath.

"Immunity," I replied with a grin of my own. Ivy shivered in my hands, and I felt the heat radiate from her loins. With swift telepathic action, my pants were ripped off and tossed aside. Held firmly in my hands, Ivy looked at me with a lust-filled gaze that made me drive home deep within her depths. Ivy screamed out as her nails dug into my back. She was wet, tight, and damn hotter than anything I could remember. Ivy's involuntary muscle contractions squeezed me in a vice grip as if her life depended on it.

"Ohh, god." Ivy moaned out lustfully as I slotted into her wet heat, stretching her folds apart. My tip pumped into her walls causing Ivy to toss her head back in pleasure. Pulling back and thrusting back in elicited another moan from the beauty in my hands and brought a smile to my face.

Holding her glorious orbs in my hands, I knelt down on the flower petal bed as Ivy gave me a grin. Removing her legs from the vice-like grip that she had around my waist, Ivy pushed me onto my back as she stayed straddled around my waist. Relinquishing my control, Ivy pinned my hands above my head as she ground onto my dick. Long alluring red curls fell around my face as Ivy looked down into my eyes and rode me with abandon.

Her walls flexed and stroked me as I thrust upwards into her core, hardened nipples trailed across my chest as we shared kisses soaked with passion. Ivy's body quivered and shuddered as her first orgasm struck her, causing her to cry out in pleasure. Her breathing was hitched and ragged, but I was not about to let her rest right now.

Ivy tried to catch her breath, but once her grip on my forearms slacked, I had us flipped, and Ivy pinned beneath me. Ivy had lust lidded eyes from her post-orgasmic high, but it was now my time to strike. With an arm wrapped beneath her, I pulled Ivy up and traced my kisses down from the nap of her neckline down to her mountainous breast and hardened peaks. Nipping on a nipple brought a groan of pleasure from Ivy's lips as her walls rippled along my length. With the pressure letting up for a moment, I gave Ivy strong, steady strokes. The ambrosia of her body spilled onto my tongue and chest, causing me to change my ministrations only to find a surprise of milk flowing from both peaks.

Ivy looked stunned at the response of her body, but I paid it no mind, changing between nipples brought more ambrosia for me and pleasure for her. Pinned beneath me, Ivy took my strokes deep as her body invited me in. Pinching a nipple and kisses along her skin kept her pleasure up: our bodies entwined and in sync, Ivy's moans of pleasure were music to my ears. Stroke after stroke, the pressure within me built up faster and faster until there was nowhere else to go.

Releasing the hand, I pinned allowed Ivy to spring forward and seal my lips with her own. As Ivy kissed me, her walls clammed tighter increasing my pleasure and breaking my restraint. My first spurt slammed into her womb at full force, and the rest of my semen coated her walls to overflow. Ivy's body fired off with more orgasms as my spunk flooded her pussy to dribble down my balls.

We fell back onto the bed as we panted heavily from our coupling. With Ivy laying on my chest, I enjoyed the sun and shadows as they mixed with foliage of the jungle. We laid there and let the silence wash over us.

"That was…" Ivy breathed as she tried to catch her breath. For a moment, I looked down at Ivy on my chest before using my telekinesis to fix our positions. From the position we were in, Ivy was still straddled across my waist. I wasn't going to move her without her moving first. And no, it had nothing to do with the fact that I was still inside her, and her walls were slowly massaging my length.

With the petal pillow propped up behind my back, we laid there, and I waited for her to put her thoughts together.

"Why haven't you died yet?" Ivy asked with her chin propped up on my chest.

Tilting my head to the side, I thought about it for a moment. Yeah, I didn't start my morning looking to be here, but I'm here now, and it wouldn't hurt to share a little info.

"That thing I have been working on for the Joker." I started slowly as I put my thoughts together. "The immune booster works against everything."

"That's why you were able to survive my kiss," Ivy answered as she pieced it together.

"The test showed it would work, but it's more than just boosting my immunity. It also boosts my healing factor and works with anyone from what my data points read." I replied as I thought about what the booster does.

"Is that what you have been working on during the last few days since I have been here?" Ivy asked as she sat up and looked down on me. The motion sent a spike of pleasure through both of us, and I felt her clenching down on me.

Ivy gave me a sensual grin as she slowly ground her hips.

"This and among other things," I replied with a trust of my own.

Ivy released a moan of her own while her face spread into a grin as she slowly rode me. "And what are these other things?"

My hands moved up to pinch a nipple as I accepted Ivy's ministrations. "Plans to stall the Batman and the rest of the League in a way that they can't retaliate without becoming hypocrites themselves in the eyes of the people. It wouldn't do to have them whipped into a frenzy when Batman gets angry about what I plan to do to his little boyfriend."

"Hmm, So devious, tell me more." Ivy moaned as rode me harder.


"Good afternoon Master Kent."

"Good afternoon Alfred," Clark Kent replied as he walked into the BatCave after a call went out from Bruce earlier that day requesting his presence.

"Dinner will be ready shortly," Alfred replied before he turned on his heel and left his adopted son and his friend to their conversation.

Clark watched as Alfred walked up and left the cave in the express elevator as he stood behind Bruce and waited for him to speak. From what Clark could surmise, the call for him to come over was rather important, but from what he could see on the Bat-cave monitors, it was a file on a young man by the name of Vincent Doom.

That's a weird name, Clark thought to himself. Who has a surname as Doom, looking further down he noticed the birthplace of Latveria and knew that couldn't be right because there is no such place as Latveria on the world map or in the archives he has in his fortress.

"Okay Bruce, you called and said it was important." Clark began since he couldn't put together the parts of the puzzle before him.

"He's on the list," Bruce grunted as he scrolled through all the papers that Vincent Doom had published to date.

"What list?" Clark asked as he looked over Bruce's shoulder. His eyebrows shot up as he read some of the dissertations on gamma radiation and the use of quantum probability to stabilize a slip-stream event. These papers were highly advanced for someone not running his own company or working at Star-labs or any other major lab around.

Bruce turned around in his seat to give Clark a glare from under his cowl. "I created an algorithm with Barbara's assistance that helps us predict the likelihood of a person becoming a supervillain. Vincent Doom of Latveria has a ninety percent probability of becoming a threat to the League and the world."

Clark looked at the monitor and then back at Bruce, unable to figure out the reason why he was asked to be here. "Okay, but why is this a concern Bruce, help me understand."

Bruce placed his hands together, and Clark noticed that his fingers became interlocked and then leaned forward in his seat.

"The concern Clark, is his genius-level intellect is an issue when he becomes a threat to the public and the world," Bruce answered gruffly.

"I still don't see a concern here Bruce, just your normal paranoia," Clark answered back as he folded his arms across his chest.

"The problem Clark is not a matter of if, but when he becomes an issue, we must deal with. Luthor has marked him and blacklisted him across all markets. No one can hire nor assist him, and my sources have told me that Luthor has made attempts at trying to hire Vincent Doom, but he has been turning him down." Bruce replied before turning around and bringing up more detail on his Bat-monitor.

Clark's face paled for a moment and then took a step forward, "Okay, okay, can't you hire him or anything to keep Luthor from causing a situation?"

"No, that would bring too much trouble to Wayne Enterprises," Bruce replied.

"Forget the trouble this might cause, this is a person you said might become a world threat; there has to be something we can do to avoid such a disaster," Clark said with concern in his voice.

"There is, but you're not going to like it," Bruce replied as he turned back around in his seat.

"What did you do, Bruce?"

"I heard your cousin Kara is visiting you this weekend." Bruce began tentatively.

"Yeah, she asked if I could take her shopping."

"Well, there is a science fair this weekend that Barbara is going to attend with an extra ticket. I also heard that the Daily Planet is going to be there." Bruce said as he sat back into his chair to meet Clark's eyes.

"Bruce, you know that is uncalled for, right?" Clark said with a frown before he started to rub at his brows. "Why do you want my cousin there anyway. I don't see how she should have anything to do with this young man."

"Vincent's psychological profile suggests he will be attending the science fair, but undercover since he has turned down a chance to present and speak in person. I would like Kara to make an introduction, and with you there, we can get a better feel on the situation." Bruce finished as he watched Clark begin to pace back and forth in the cave.

Clark paced for a moment deep in thought as ideas one after another sped through his mind at lightning speeds. "This will be tricky Bruce, especially if this Vincent is as intelligent as you believe him to be."

Bruce looked at his friend, took a moment, and then spoke with finality, "This has to be done Clark; otherwise, I will have to resort to taking him down hard before he starts."

"Master Bruce, Master Clark dinner is ready."


Getting out of bed, I sent out a telekinetic tendril and turned on the water in the shower for a quick wash. Taking one last look behind me, I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face from the sight displayed on the bed. On the flower bed, Ivy was laid in a way that anyone that caught sight of her would know that she was well and truly fucked. Ivy's emerald-green skin had a sheen from perspiration, and my semen was still leaking from between her legs. There was no suppressing the smile on my face now because I had one name to remove from my list.

Shaking my head, I made my way to the shower and cleaned myself up for my next move. Once I was out of the shower and dressed, I went outside to find Waylon working on the old pickup truck that was here at the house.

"Hey Croc, things might get a little crazy in a moment," I said to my big friend slash henchmen. Since the first time I met the big man, I have been projecting trust and loyalty in his mind while also associating his thoughts that working for me will benefit him the most. Ohh, I had plans to cure him, but I was also going to give him an upgrade that would have him standing toe to toe with some of the Justice League's heavy hitters.

With a grunt, Waylon turned around and looked at me with a heavy stare, "Crazier than you bending over Ivy for the last three hours?"

I had nothing to say to that, and I could only reply with a shrug.

"Honestly, I have no clue what our little visitor might do."

With a sigh, Waylon closed the hood of the old truck and began to pack his tools. I decided to help while I kept up the mental programming, I knew he liked to work with his hands, and this was one of the things that helped him relax. With the tools placed away, I levitated up the truck and moved it into the garage and closed it. By the time this was finished, Waylon was ready and in full combat mode.

"We can't fight him, so relax or head back into the house," I said as I began to put my game face on for my little visitor.

Waylon stood off to the side for a moment, and I watch the ideas play through his mind, so I picked one to stick.

"I think I'm gonna go to the bar. All this undefeatable mysterious person bit is far too much right now." Waylon grumped before he headed off towards one of the SUV's parked in the driveway.

"Alright, just don't give Mary any trouble because I finished installing a new response system that will take even Superman," I replied to my big friend and watched him grimace for a moment. With a wave I watched Waylon drive down the path on of the bikes I built for him and out of sight, with a flex of my telepathic abilities I waited and felt him get further and further away from the house. Now that Waylon was gone, I had no one to interrupt what was about to happen since Ivy was still in bed from my attempts at rearranging her insides.

[Deep breath]

[Deep breath]

"Mr. Mxyzptlk, I would like to make a deal."

With his name said, I held my breath because I knew this could go very good for me or very bad in a way that would see me dead.


Before me was Mr. Mxyzptlk in all his glory taking a bath.

"Hello my baby, Hello my honey, Hello my ragtime gal," Mr. Mxyzptlk was singing in the shower.

"Well shit," I let slip as I watched him for a moment and when he heard that everything changed.

"Aahhhh, help a pervert is watching me shower!" Mr. Mxyzptlk yelled out, pulling the shower drapes around himself to cover his unmentionables, which I was trying desperately not to see with my hand covering my face.

"Urgh, If you weren't so important, I would not have to go through any of this." I groaned out, which elicited a laugh from the little fifth-dimensional imp.

"Alright kid, wadda ya want?" Mr. Mxyzptlk asked before he spun in the air, and his clothes materialized.

"A deal, that's why I invoked your name," I said, standing straight now that I didn't have to watch his little finger dangle before my eyes. Mr. Mxyzptlk floated in the air before me in a purple suit and matching bowler cap on his large cranium. This man couldn't be more than three feet tall but had the power to create and change reality however, he wants. Not even Zeus, the king of the gods nor Darkseid, can stop him if he wanted to get rid of them.

"Nahh, I don't think so." Mr. Mxyzptlk said before turning his back to me. Then he held up his hand and dug his pinkie finger within his ear.

Gritting my teeth, I held back the retort I was going to spat at the little imp because I knew this was the only way I can get my hands on what I wanted. So the only thing I could do was go with plan B.

"I would like to trade a few pranks on Superman that won't get you caught and can be used more than once," I said as my brain worked overtime for the angles I could use to get what I wanted out of Mr. Mxyzptlk. When I said prank Superman in the same sentence, the little fifth-dimensional imp paused and then turned around with a wide smile on his face.

"Well, why didn't you lead with that ole buddy ole pal of mine." Mr. Mxyzptlk said with a massive grin on his face.

With a smile of my own, it was time to lay some plans, and if poor Clark had to pay, then he will have to do his civic duty as the boy scout and take the pranks and deal.

"For one ton of Nth metal, I will tell you the ultimate prank," I said as I held up my hand to the little fifth-dimensional imp Mr. Mxyzptlk.

For a moment, I watched Mr. Mxyzptlk think about it before he crossed his hands before his chest, "Nope sorry kid, that's not a fair deal. Nth metal is not something that could be given freely. Also, I know what you plan to do, and that metal will only make you vastly undefeatable. Pick something else."

Mr. Mxyzptlk said it with such ease like this was a Sunday breeze. That was the very reason why I wanted Nth metal. It was one of DC's ultimate metals and vastly out performs Vibranium when you add in the magic negation ability that it carried.

The Nth metal was the only reason why I risked summoning the man, and here he is telling me that it would make me too overpowered so I can't have the substance.

As I paced back and forth in the dirt, an idea struck me, "How about we share ten pranks on Superman where I plan, and you pull off the execution in exchange for one ton of vibranium from the Marvel section of the omniverse of which I'm certain that you are aware. That is a material that doesn't carry the anti-magic properties that I'm certain has you concerned."

Mr. Mxyzptlk stood on the air and watched me very intently, and I could see the gears turning in his head. For a moment, we both stood there and watched each other. There was no way I was going to brush against his mind, not with all that power he held at his fingertips.

"I don't want those ten prank ideas, I will watch and expect you to perform for me, and that includes making fun of ole boy blue." Mr. Mxyzptlk said as he kept his eyes on me, and that sent a chill down my spine.

I knew there was danger in calling him, but having him watch my every move is not something I ever wanted to happen. There was no way for me to turn him down because he is the only way I could get what I wanted. From my research online, the Thanagarians have not invaded yet, but Hawk Girl was on the Justice League team, so there was no other way to get Nth metal besides through Mr. Mxyzptlk.

The only other way was to look up the small deposits of the metal in the Egyptian desert, but I had none to have my scanner get a molecular sample needed to scan for the substance.

This was the only way since I didn't have any magic yet. So I held out my hand for a shake to confirm the deal.

"Deal, so let's shake on it.

"Ha!, don't let me down kid," Mr. Mxyzptlk said. Then with a pop, he vanished after shaking my hand, leaving behind a pink purse. It was weighted with a weird clasp on top, but my steady hand shook as I brought it before me to see what it had on the inside.

My hands would not stop shaking, so I had to levitate the little pink purse before me with my telekinesis. Tentatively, I opened the purse and found a chunk of metal the size of a small car. The dark silver glowed a little blue, and I almost creamed my pants from the sight of the metal.

Calculations and formulas sped through my mind with the things I could not only create but discover having a substance that might not even exist in this reality, but my thoughts stopped at that because the multiverse is far too large for there not to be a version of this in the DC reality. The feelings that washed over me made me want to scream to the sky and shout to the world in excitement, but I held it in.

Without a second thought, I was off towards my labs in the greenhouse. When I got inside, I found Ivy in a robe made out of garland with flowers lined around her neck. In Ivy's hands was a cup off coffee, and she had her legs crossed as she looked over the data points of my immune booster on the monitors.

As I walked up to the bank of monitors Ivy was using, she looked up and gave me a stunning smile.

"Hello there, handsome."

Returning the smile I leaned over and gave Ivy a sizzling kiss on the lips. Ivy purred contentedly beneath me as we kissed for a moment. Ivy nibbled on my lower lip as I pulled away to take my seat in the chair that I telekinetically summoned.

"New accessory?" Ivy asked as she cocked a brow at the pink bag I had hovering around. That earned a snort from me before I began to look around the small section of the lab for a place to put a ton block of Vibranium.

"It's from the deal I made with a devil, but all it cost me was a little humility and not my soul," I replied as I found a good spot to start working. "I would count this as a win."

Ivy stopped what she was working on and watched as I pulled the large block of Vibranium out of the pink purse. Once the block cleared the purse, the item vanished with a pop.


It would seem that Mr. Mxyzptlk was very aware that I was going to use the purse as a bag of holding and decided to cut off that lane of advancement, but magic was real here, and I would create something like that soon as I had the chance.

"My dear, this metal will be a top-secret," I said as I turned to Ivy, letting her see my face and know that I was very serious about the situation.

"Computer send me the sonic drones," I said out loud as I rubbed my chin. With that said, I waited for the combat practice drones to come to use. "This metal my dear, is one of the most versatile metals in existence next to the nth metal. I will give you a pound, and you can use it for your babies."

I looked at Ivy and smiled at her as she closed down the project she was working on to look at the metal more closely. I telekinetically summoned a flower pot and some of her prized fertilizer over. Ivy rose an eyebrow but said nothing as we waited for the drones to come in.

A few minutes later, a set of four sonic drones came into the lab, picking up the control panel I turned around to look at the ton of vibranium. A smooth jade arm wrapped its way around my waist, and I look at my left to find Ivy laying her head on my shoulder as a vine supported her in a relaxed position. Looking at her, I raised an eyebrow and summoned a pair of noise-canceling headphones for her protection.

The headphones floated for a mere second before Ivy took them out of the air, she placed a kiss on my lips before protecting her ears from the upcoming onslaught. With but a thought, I had the Vibranium levitate before us as the sonic drones circled the block of metal. Taking a breath to steady myself, I turned the drones turned on, blasting the metal with their sonic emitters. Instinctively I flinched at the sound until my ears adjusted.

Slowly I adjusted the pitch down and changed the timber, and with that, the sonic texture of the sound waves changed. I kept the variable oscillation going until my eyes caught a flash of the blue dimming. With a grin, I backed up and isolated the frequency that sparked the diffusion of the sonic metal allowing it to go inert and less volatile. With the sonics narrowed down, I broke off a gram for further examination and then took five pounds for Ivy to work within her own research. For myself, I kept a sharp eye on the block as I pulled a bar from it.

With the metal block in my hand, it was time to up my psionic game. A vein throbbed in my forehead as the air itself around the block sparked to life. One of the things people never truly realized about telekinesis is that if used by the proper person, telekinesis could be one of the most overpowered abilities in existence. Currently, I could excite the molecules in the air to produce fire and create many other effects to my liking, but those ideas wouldn't help currently.

The block of Vibranium melted into putty for my ministrations. Out of the liquid metal came ten wafer-thin throwing knives. This will be for when I inevitably face the Batman; It wouldn't do for him to figure out my telekinesis. It would be best if he thought I was the master of magnetism for now. With that thought, I created ten more knives bringing the total to twenty throwing knives.

The rest of the metal, I just turned into a sphere for me to use later when building my armor. Ultron used a quarter ton to build a floating island to crash into the earth.

I believe that Doom can do better.

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Lots have gone down and all I want to say if nothing until the next chapter. Joking but honestly who thought Superman would be such a tool. Well, I did because no matter how much he complains to Bruce he never stops him from crossing the line. So much happens in the comics or the show and yet no one ever stops Batman. So any thought on what's going to happen in the next chapter.

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.

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