Break Up with the Green Tea Heroine First

Chapter 161

Chapter 159: Extra (5)

Jiang Ting walked in front, Yan Su walked behind him, followed by Qi Ruo.

Yongsha Xiaozhai is a very distinctive stockade, but at this time, this characteristic has become a kind of torture under the extreme silence.

The house around is a template, although it is very distinctive, it is also very similar to copy and paste, if it is not a strong sense of direction, people are likely to get lost.

And Jiang Ting has been walking in one direction.

He knows the way?

A hint of doubt appeared in Yan Su’s heart, Jiang Ting turned to greet him, “Follow me, don’t get lost.”

Yan Su responded, and was about to take a step when Qi Ruo suddenly pulled his sleeve, her voice trembling, “Late…even night…”

“Huh?” Yan Su turned back and looked at her inquiringly.

“Look over there…” Qi Ruo pointed to the right direction, there is a unique landscape in the village that has been seen on the Internet, which is called “Sacred Tree” by the villagers The place.

The sacred tree is very tall and luxuriant, and the sound of wind chimes “ding ding” came along the wind.

Yan Su’s eyes stopped on the branch of the god, and quickly moved to the branches and leaves.

If he read it right, this is a locust tree.

The locust tree usually has two views, one is a symbol of auspicious longevity; the other is the opposite, a tree that is extremely easy to attract ghosts.

Only in such a supernatural world, the appearance of the locust tree must not be a good sign.

Qi Ruo must have thought about this and was taken aback.

Jiang Ting also heard it. With long legs, he walked in front of the divine tree in a few steps. After examining it carefully, he suddenly realized something and stretched out his hand to stop Qi Ruo and Yan Su who were coming over.

Qi Ruo clenched the corner of Yan Su’s clothes, the weather was not cold, she actually shivered.

Make a “ding ding” sound.

It should have been a beautiful scene, but it became scary because of the content on the wooden sign.

Every wooden sign has a girl painted on it.

Some are only a few years old, and some are forty or fifty years old.

Yan Su took a few steps forward and reached out to find the familiar wooden sign.

“It’s Yu Yu!” Qi Ruo touched the bag subconsciously, and there was a wood carving inside, but she didn’t have the courage to open the bag and look at the wood carving.

If something like this happens to her tonight, she will be made into a wooden sign and hung on this tree like Yu Yu?

For a time, all the hair on her body stood up.

She couldn’t see what Jiang Ting was thinking, she turned to look at Yan Su, who had been thinking about it since just now, she seemed to have a bottom in her heart, although she didn’t understand this kind of inexplicable appearance. Feeling, but compared to these companions, Yan Su can give her a sense of security.

Yan Su felt that someone was looking at him, glanced at Qi Ruo, and continued to think about his clues.

It is surprising that Yu Yu’s wood carving is hung on a tree, but this is a supernatural world where everything is possible. These are not problems, the problem is – what is the purpose of the people behind the scenes?

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Hao Qing’s voice broke the strange silence. He walked over from the opposite side and gave Jiang Ting a wink, “Quick, Tingzi, come over!”

He looked excited, Yan Su frowned, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

But when he looked over, Hao Qing and Xu Zhu were not abnormal, only Lu Chen’s expression was a little solemn, but it was not surprising that he was in a heavy mood in this atmosphere.

Yan Su stared at Lu Chen a few more times, but Lu Chen had always been quiet and there seemed to be no problem.

He followed Jiang Ting and saw that there was a problem with the location of Hao Qing Station.

The branches of the gods are lush and leafy, plus the angle of view, when he stood under the locust tree, he only thought that there was a house specially built to be close to the **** tree. It’s a shrine!

“This…how does the door of the ancestral hall open towards the divine tree?” Yan Su frowned.

“Maybe it’s worship.” Hao Qing didn’t care, and pointed behind him, “The door is open, do we want to go in and have a look?”

The corner of Yan Su’s mouth twitched, and he knew where the bad premonition came from.

If you don’t die, you won’t die. It’s a supernatural world. This kid has to run to a dangerous place. Can you die quickly?

Hao Qing took two steps back. Below the plaque with the words “Xia’s Ancestral Hall” was a dark red door. At this time, a slit only the thickness of an arm was opened.

“Every place has taboos, it is best not to enter the ancestral hall casually, especially…this kind of place.” Xu Zhu ruthlessly broke his thoughts.

Jiang Ting nodded in agreement.

Lu Chen’s phone didn’t leave his eyes, and he said, “It’s better not to enter this kind of place casually, we can go to another place to have a look.”

“But… I heard Yu Yu’s voice, she was calling us to save her.” Qi Ruo raised her hand hesitantly, several people looked at her, she shrank behind Yan Su , “Maybe I heard wrong…”

“In the evening, I’d rather believe it or not, what if Yu Yu…is really in it?” Jiang Ting looked bitter, “We can’t really put it down just because of this. Did she just leave it here?”

At this time, they tacitly did not mention the matter of not going out in the middle of the night.

Because they were waiting for the evening, a few people were distracted even eating, so they ate a few bites and went upstairs to rest.

The village in the middle of the night was even more deserted, with only scattered stars on the ground, Yan Su had to turn on the flashlight of his mobile phone to illuminate.

Several people sneaked up to the ancestral hall like thieves. The wind blew through the rust of the locust tree, accompanied by the sound of bells and wooden signs, which was enough to make people nervous.

The door of the ancestral hall was closed, Hao Qing pushed the door and found that it was covered, so he hurriedly greeted them, “Quick, you can enter!”

Everyone stepped lightly one by one and walked slowly into the ancestral hall.

The ancestral hall is very large and empty, surrounded by statues covered with white cloth to prevent dust.

Yan Su turned around and felt that something was wrong.

Ancestral halls are generally used to place ancestral tablets, and a small number of them will arrange statues, but there has never been an ancestral hall so strange to put a circle of statues.

He didn’t even see any information about the ancestors… Could it be in the back hall?

Several people also sensed something was wrong, Lu Chen stretched out his hand to lift a white cloth, and what caught his eye was the face of an evil spirit!

The author has something to say:    Today’s heart (1/1)

See you tomorrow!

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Lazy Future Future 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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