Break Into Another World

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: , The Most Dangerous Place

After some looting, Xu Ming enthusiastically held Lin Han’s hand and said with emotion, “Be sure to come and trouble me often in the future!”

Can you not be enthusiastic?

Xu Ming discovered that Lin Han was simply a cash cow and a human-shaped ATM machine!

When Xu Ming was short of money last time, Lin Han sent forty taels of gold to his door. This time Xu Ming was short of money again, so Lin Han simply brought three friends from the gold owner and arranged the entire looting process.

In Xu Ming’s view, making money on your own is simply too easy – say a few provocative words, and then move your muscles and bones, and the money will flow in rushingly.


The reason why Yunqi Sanjie appeared at the gate of the Ten Thousand Beasts Martial Arts Arena today is actually to go to the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce next door to make a big purchase, so…they are full of money!

Of course, the money has now been transferred to Xu Ming’s pocket.

“Walk slowly, a few!” Xu Ming waved his hands flamboyantly.

Xu Ming’s petty troubles here did not attract anyone’s attention; on the street where people came and went, not a single person stopped to watch.

In a world where martial arts are respected, people have long been accustomed to speaking with their fists and feet instead of their mouths. A fight between a few outsiders who practiced the third turn is equivalent to a child bickering at best; who would be interested in watching such a small scene?

Of course, if it was a few high-level hands, who could jump up and down, and the dust was flying, it would attract a lot of onlookers.

“It’s ruthless, Xiao Ming!” After seeing Xu Ming’s skilled robbery process, Xu Kai sincerely admired it.

“People are in the rivers and lakes, they can’t help themselves!” Xu Ming showed a helpless expression, “If I don’t hit them, they will hit me!”

“But… after they beat you, will they continue to rob you?”

“I don’t know about that – but I’m not giving them a chance to hit me!”

When brothers meet in a foreign land, it is natural to have a meal and drink. But even when he was eating and drinking, Xu Ming’s cultivation was quietly and rapidly improving.

In this robbery, Xu Ming looted almost all of Yunqi Sanjie’s belongings, and obtained more than three hundred taels of gold. After all, the net worth of Yunqi Sanjie is not comparable to Lin Han – at least it was like this before he was robbed by Xu Ming.

“So much gold is enough for me to hang up offline and practice 5th rank outside!”

If you transfer from three to four, you need three days to hang up at nine o’clock; if you go from four to five, you need four days to hang up at sixteen. Xu Ming went outside to practice Rank 5, and there was still gold left on his body!

What surprised Xu Ming was that even the golden ticket could be directly exchanged for hanging points.

It stands to reason that the golden ticket is just a piece of paper, and it does not have much value in itself; however, the small hanging can be directly exchanged for the hanging point according to the denomination on the golden ticket.

“However, gold and golden tickets can only be exchanged for level 1 points, so what do I need to exchange for level 2 points?” Xu Ming didn’t care much about this issue for the time being, because he hadn’t found out where to use it. level hanging point.

“Come on, touch it!”

After another drink, Xu Kai comforted: “Okay, Xiao Ming, don’t be depressed! Women, where are you?”

The two brothers sat down and had a drink, and they would naturally review the situation. Naturally, they talked about why Xu Ming was in the capital, and then they talked about Chi Xue.

“Depressed? I really have nothing to be depressed about!” Xu Ming said.

“I really can’t imagine that Chi Xue would treat you like this!” Xu Kai said with emotion, “I remember that she used to follow your **** all day long, calling out to Brother Xu Ming…”

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about you!” Xu Ming changed the subject, “Are you assigned to the capital?”

The Feiyun Army is spread all over the Feiyun Country. Outside the capital city of Yunqi, there is an army of hundreds of thousands of people stationed.

“Yes, I will be in Yunqiwei in the future, and it can be considered a good place to be assigned!”

The two brothers chatted until it was dark and then went back separately. Xu Ming returned to the place he rented, while Xu Kai returned to Yunqiwei’s residence in the capital.

Back at the residence, Xu Ming thought about his future plans carefully.

“The capital is by no means a safe place!” Xu Ming pondered, “The reason why Lin Muqing didn’t attack me is because of Chi Xue’s shock, and because the capital is under martial law recently; Martial law has been lifted, so there’s no telling when he will do it! But…”

Xu Ming is very tangled: “But because of the influence of obsession, I can’t leave the capital!”

Xu Ming felt that he was like a turtle in a urn. Once Lin Muqing’s murderous intention really came up one day, he would not be able to escape.

“No, I can’t just sit still!”

But what can be done?

Four days later, it was time for Feiyun Martial Pavilion to recruit new disciples; after Feiyun Martial Arts Pavilion had selected the talents with good talent, it would then be selected by other Martial Houses. It is estimated that the work of recruiting new people in all Wufu in the entire country will be completed in ten days.

In other words, it was only these ten days that Xu Ming was relatively safe in the capital, and Lin Muqing should not have shot at Xu Ming at all costs—because in Lin Muqing’s eyes, Xu Ming was probably just an ant, and he didn’t need to be alone. Too much energy is wasted on an ant.

After that, whether Xu Ming is safe in the capital can only depend on Lin Muqing’s mood – when Lin Muqing is in a bad mood, Xu Ming’s death is coming.

“For ten or so days, my cultivation base can only go outside to practice Rank 5 at most. At fifteen years old, practicing Rank 5 outside is considered an extraordinary talent; but with Lin Muqing’s energy, if you want to kill me, I’m afraid not. What a difficult thing!” Xu Ming was extremely insecure, “What should I do…”

Suddenly, Xu Ming flashed: “Perhaps… the most dangerous place is the safest place!”

That is, on this night, Lin Han took Yunqi Sanjie and ran to Lin Muqing with a sad face to complain.

“Young man, you must call the shots for us!”

“What’s wrong?” Recently, Lin Muqing was very dissatisfied with this little brother from a sideline of the family. He did not work efficiently, didn’t say that Xu Ming was expelled from the country, and was robbed by Xu Ming in turn. This is not a shame. ?

However, no matter how embarrassing the younger brother is, Lin Muqing, the eldest brother, still has to maintain his bearing, so as not to make other younger brothers feel cold.

“Also, why are you three bears here?” The “three bears” in Lin Muqing’s mouth, that is, Yunqi Sanjie, are also his younger brothers.

“We…” Yunqi Sanxiong looked at each other and was ashamed to speak.

Or Lin Han, the old driver who was robbed once and cried once, was thick-skinned, and cried again: “Young man, we were robbed by Xu Ming again!”

“What?” Lin Muqing couldn’t believe his ears.

“Then Xu Ming, robbed all the money on the three of us, and asked the youth to stand up for us!” With the beginning of the old driver, Yunqi Sanxiong also followed and cried.

“He robbed the three of you!?” Lin Muqing couldn’t believe it.

“Yeah! The three of us together can’t beat him alone, and he stole all our belongings!”

“One enemy three? This kid hides so deep, he almost has the strength to practice rank four, but he has never been discovered… What a terrible enemy!” Lin Muqing narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, ” In the past few days, he has exposed his strength, I am afraid that he thought that the capital was under martial law, and I dare not touch him… Then I took the opportunity to join a small Wufu, I want to seek blessings and stay in the capital!”

“You go back first!” Lin Muqing said.

“Young man, what about our money?” Lin Han and Yunqi Sanxiong, of course, were very concerned about the stolen property.

“The entire city is now under martial law, I really can’t move him!” Lin Muqing said, “But don’t worry, as long as martial law is lifted, it will be his death! At that time, I will let him spit out all the money and profit. of!”

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