Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 497

497. Stopover (5)

Among the challengers who had risen to the upper ranks of the Tower of Trials, the ‘Pioneer’ and the resulting ‘Pioneer Rule’ that it gave to rankers were of great value.

‘Even the beings called the three ancient gods did not have powers outside of standards such as the Precursor’s Law of Foreshadowing.’

In fact, the Law of Presence gained by becoming a Precursor is a power that allows mortals to stand against even the three ancient deities.

‘If not only I, but also the Lord of Iron Blood and the White Crane Swordsman have it, it will be of great help in the future depending on how they use it.’

If the Tower of Trials hadn’t retrieved the Supervisor’s ability called the Law of Perception that the Administrator had acquired during his lifetime, those two could have become great allies as well.

“The Precursor and the Precursor Law. I heard that the Lord of Iron Blood and the White Crane Swordsman still have it. “Then shouldn’t we listen to that first?”

According to what Dam Cheon-Woo said earlier, didn’t he say that the visionary power given by the Tower of Trials and the power of the visionary law gained through it are still in the hands of the administrator?

‘Damcheonwoo is also a challenger who climbed to the 41st floor of the Tower of Trials, and he knows a lot about many things, so he couldn’t have given me wrong information.’

It was true.

[The Iron Blood Lord ‘Canary Rugfeld’ frowns, feeling a little embarrassed by your words.]

[ …Where did you hear that the Tower of Trials did not retrieve the Precursor’s Law of Foreshadowing from the administrator? Isn’t this information likely to be unknown to you at this point? ]

[Baek Seol-hwa, the white crane swordsman, looks at you and tilts her head as if questioning.]

[ …Huh? Iknow, right. I guess the information that some managers have the law of vision acquired as a visionary has not yet been revealed to Seongyoon, right? How did you know? ]

“Well, I also have a helper who tells me about rare information. Besides that, I also know that neither of them have any major restrictions on disclosing information.”

It was a lie.

There was nothing like that, it was just a story I found out from Dam Cheon-woo, who resides in the Blood Heavenly Demon Sword.

Well, getting in-depth information about the Tower of Trials itself requires a lot of time and effort.

I think I might be able to find out more if I go to a place like the official climbing plane where the Tower of Trials is located and poke around here and there…

but I don’t really want to waste my time on that.

‘Damcheonwoo also knows a lot of advanced information about the Tower of Trials, and unlike ordinary challengers, I have no problem clearing the trials even if I don’t know that.’

It was natural.

That is, it is high-level information that only a very small number of challengers who have risen to the upper ranks will know about how the Tower of Trials will change in the future.

It didn’t seem to be very efficient whether they were going around the official climbing levels registered at the Tower of Trials and looking for high-ranking challengers or those in power who had shared advanced information with them.

In that case, it would be better to ask Dam Cheon-woo for important information once in a while before moving on.

‘There’s no need to waste time.’

like now.

“ah. And what kind of seer and seer laws were provided to the Lord of Iron Blood and the White Crane Sword as options in the past. “I think it would be good if you could tell me as much as you remember.”

The Iron Blood Lord and the White Crane Swordsman also seemed to have decided to get to the point rather than continuing to wonder how I had discovered information that had not yet been made public.

[Canary Rugfeld, the Lord of Iron Blood, nods and answers as if he knew this would happen.]

[Yes. Well, as a seer, you also kind of expected this to be the case when you acquired the law of seer… so it’s not unexpected. Let me tell you. ]

She came forward and spoke as if she wanted to start with the Iron Blood Lord.

[Canary Rugfeld, the Lord of Iron Blood, looks back on old memories and speaks.]

[When I was still a challenger, I was selected as a pioneer by the Tower of Trials and was given three options. ]

The Lord of Iron Blood calmly explained, recalling the three laws of foresight presented to him by the Tower of Trials as a forerunner.

[‘Judge’. It was a way to learn the law of perceiving . By quantifying the good deeds and bad deeds of others, it was possible to randomly impose a penalty of confiscating one concept of divinity or magical power from a being whose evil deeds were higher than their good deeds… It was ambiguous in many ways. ]

[ ‘traveler’. It was an option to learn the law of precognition … It was a useless movement ability that allowed you to roam anywhere in the universe at will. You can’t go to a place you’ve never been to before. Well, I don’t need to say more than this, right? It was trash so I didn’t pick it. ]

[ ‘conductor’. I was able to learn the Law of Perception, , and when using it, it was possible to temporarily increase all abilities by 100% and grant absolute mental power to multiple allies… but that’s a power that only truly shows its true value when there are a large number of allies. Isn’t it? I didn’t think it was efficient. ]

If we had to be honest, should we say that it is an unlucky case like Dam Cheon-woo?

‘Judge’ law of judgment can apply a strong penalty when the latter value of ‘good deed value’ and ‘bad deed value’ is higher, but conversely, it cannot be used if ‘good deed value’ is higher than ‘bad deed value’ .

The ‘Traveler’ precept rule , as the Lord of Iron Blood said, is nothing more than a movement ability, so it is a failure for those who desperately want combat abilities.

Unlike ‘Judge’, is superior because, unlike ‘Judge’, it does not have any conditions for use, and unlike ‘Traveler’, it is specialized in the battle itself, so it is better, but it cannot be evaluated as a good ability.

[The Lord of Iron Blood, Canary Rugfeld, continues speaking with a bitter smile.]

[All three have powers that do not suit me. In the end, I had no choice but to reset all of the pioneer’s options and choose a new option. Well, the good news among the misfortunes is that in the end, I gained very good abilities. ]

Perhaps because of that, the Lord of Iron Blood also reset and refreshed all three pioneer options like Dam Cheon-woo before making a decision.

[‘Conqueror’. I was able to learn the law of perseverance, , and unlike the two laws of perseverance mentioned earlier, it was absolutely excellent. Even challengers selected by the Tower of Trials as pioneers rarely have better abilities than this. ]


[ When activating the Law of Perception , a special barrier is constructed using divine power, reducing the sacred power and magical power consumption of allies within the range by 30%, and reducing the sacred power and magical power reserves of enemies by 30%. presents an overwhelming penalty that cannot be recovered naturally. ]

The Lord of Iron Blood’s pioneer law of the ‘Conqueror’, , was not even compared at all with the pioneering law of Dam Cheon-Woo’s pioneer ‘Resurrectionist’, such as .

[ ah. For reference, the maximum range of a special barrier made up of divine power created by activating the law of perseverance is the entire planet. also. The special barrier of , as well as the structures within that range, are set as ‘absolutely indestructible’ items. ]

The difference in performance of the laws of foreshadowing was so severe that the seer possessed by the Lord of Iron Blood could not be compared in any way with the seer possessed by Dam Cheon-woo.

[The Iron Blood Lord ‘Canary Rugfeld’ looks at you and smiles confidently.]

[Now. What is it like? From your perspective, the pioneer ‘conqueror’ seems like a fairly useful power. ]



The pioneer ‘conqueror’ and the pioneer law is not at a level that seems useful.

The ‘Absolutely Indestructible’ tag placed on the Blood Heavenly Demon Sword by the manager of the Tower of Trials, ‘The Hero of the Ruined World’, has never been broken.

If you think about it, if you spread the special barrier created by the law of enlightenment across an entire planet, it could become an unbreakable battlefield even if three ancient gods come and fight.

‘…It’s amazing to transform a planet itself into an indestructible fortress, but the additional effects applied to allies and enemies are also incredible.’

It’s not even just that.

Not only is it not enough for allies to receive a 30% reduction in the cost of sacred power and magic power, but it also makes it impossible for enemies to naturally recover their holy power and magic power.

That means that unless the Ancient Godhead also has the means to counter the power of the Forerunner and the Law of Precursor, he will not be able to fight on his home ground for very long.

“Excellent. This is even more true when you consider that the pioneering law of the ‘conqueror’, , seems to be effective even when dealing with multiple ancient deities.”

Is that why?


I was looking forward to it.

White Crane Swordsman, who was chosen as a seer by the Tower of Trials like the Lord of Iron Blood, what kind of seer and what kind of seer law does he have?

Moreover, since it could not have been of a lower level than the Seer ‘Conqueror’ of the Iron Blood Lord and the Forerunner Law , expectations for the White Crane Swordsman were bound to inflate even more.

“Now that we know about the Lord of Iron Blood’s vision and the laws of vision, it is now White Crane Swordsman’s turn to tell us.”


[Baek Seol-hwa, the white crane swordsman, feels burdened by your expectant gaze and turns her head slightly.]

[ …Ugh. I’m sorry to Seo Seong-yoon, but unlike that woman, I won’t be of much help to Seo Seong-yoon. Please don’t expect that much. ]

Contrary to what people think, Baekhakgeomseon opened his mouth with a bit of despondency, as if the laws of enlightenment he had acquired as a pioneer were not so good.

[‘Trainee’. By learning the Law of Perception , I was able to permanently increase all my abilities simply by repeating the task. Without limits. However, I didn’t choose it because it wasn’t particularly attractive. ]

“Is that so.”

[‘Predator’. After learning the Law of Perception , when you specify an opponent and use it, you can steal 40% of the opponent’s total divinity and internal power for 10 minutes and increase the amount of damage the opponent receives by 100%. In the end, it wasn’t chosen in the end. ]

“What’s next?”

[ That…. ]


[Baek Seol-hwa, the white crane swordsman, slumps her shoulders and continues speaking with no confidence.]

[ Sigh. The following are the pioneers and the laws of vision that I ultimately chose. As I said at the beginning, it won’t be of much help to Seongyoon, so don’t be disappointed…]

That wasn’t the case.

[‘Adapter’. I was able to learn the law of foresight , and the power of the law of foresight itself is simple. From the moment you activate , you can adapt to the damage received and gain resistance, immunity, or response ability. ]

Rather, the pioneers and laws of the White Crane Sword had ridiculous powers that went beyond common sense.

[ ‘Adapter’ and the law of foresight When activated, takes time to identify attacks inflicted on me, and then acquires resistance to the same attack, reducing the amount of damage, or becoming immune to the same attack so that I do not take any damage at all. ]

It was certain.

[Uh…and. If it is impossible to respond to the same attack even if I gain resistance or become immune, I can temporarily acquire the ability to respond accordingly. It’s not permanent though. ]


[Baek Seol-hwa, the white crane swordsman, glances at you and smiles awkwardly.]

[ Are you disappointed because it is a useless power that is not of much help to Seong-yoon? ]


I just stared blankly at the White Crane Swordsman for a few seconds and then suddenly laughed out of bewilderment.

‘This is a useless power that doesn’t really help me…?’


‘Are you bragging to me with irony?’

Perhaps, unlike the Lord of Iron Blood, the White Crane Swordsman could be the best ally in some cases, capable of fighting even the ancient god itself.

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