Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 24. Flight and Fear

As they were getting ready to leave the room, Lupa approached Bonny again.

She didn’t want to shift back to her wolf form in front of Tamanna, so was still in wolf kin form. She had been warned that humans were vulnerable to the lycanthropic curse, but Bonny’s analysis hadn’t found any issues. Either way, animal and beast kin seemed to be immune to it. Lupa trusted the ferret not to reveal her true nature, but she still wasn’t comfortable shifting in front of anyone but Bonny’s closest companions.

"About earlier, I, um, wouldn't mind a leash. Like Miu." Lupa's tail was wagging so hard it twisted her body from side to side.

Bonny laughed and reached out to pat Lupa’s head. "That's fine. You two can be my pets, a cat and a dog."

Lupa looked at Bonny’s lips for a moment, then dropped her gaze to the ground. Her cheeks showed a hint of rose. She ignored the insult since she knew Bonny didn't mean it like that. “Can … can I kiss you?”

“Of course!” Bonny grabbed Lupa’s collar and tugged her into an embrace.

Their lips met, soft at first, tasting each other with tentative, exploratory touches. Then Bonny slid one hand up behind Lupa’s head, grabbed a handful of her hair, and pulled her in tight. The kiss turned needy and crushing, demanding. Devouring.

Bonny could feel Lupa’s canines, not as long as they were in wolf form, but larger than most of her companions. Eloisss was the exception, of course.

The wolf kin started whimpering and clutching at Bonny, hands around Bonny’s back, grasping at her fur. Lupa’s mouth worked against the bunny, opening and closing, drool turning her desperation into a wet, sloppy kiss.

When Bonny let go, Lupa stumbled back, gasping for breath. A long string of saliva connected them for a moment until it broke. Lupa’s cheeks were bright red.

“How was that?” Bonny’s voice was low and husky as she smirked at the younger girl.

Lupa’s mouth opened and closed without a sound. Her eyes were open wide and she reached up to touch her lips. She nodded, licked her lips, then, without a word, she dropped to all fours and started shifting.

Bonny leaned down to rake her fingers through Lupa’s scalp, feeling the hair and fur mix together during the transition.

When she looked around, everyone was staring. She smiled as she straightened. “I’m going to visit Kama while Lupa’s transforming. I’ll meet you all outside, okay? Freja, can you take a robe for me.”

The centaur agreed and continued getting ready.

When Bonny reached the brothel’s office, she knocked and waited for Kama's acknowledgement. During Bonny’s conversation with Eloisss after the shrine visit, she thought she had figured out who the mysterious client might be.

“I promise I won’t reveal the client. Is it Eris?” She blurted it out as she entered and closed the door behind her, without waiting for a greeting.

Kama put down some paperwork and gazed back, silent, for a moment. She nodded.

“I knew it! No one else fits.”

“Will you entertain her then? What do you want in exchange?”

“I … yes!” Bonny nodded. “I will. Did she say why? Does she need any special considerations?”

“She apparently liked the way you handled the demoness last week. Can you do the same to her?” Kama hadn't been there, but the stories were spreading.

Bonny thought back. So much of that day was blurry. She had been exhausted after running from crisis to crisis. She remembered Lust allowing her give a show to the council, to give the impression that the demoness was controlled. Of course, Lust had tried to possess her a few hours after that, which led to their current situation with both demons restrained.

“I can.” Bonny agreed.

“I will provide the gear. I believe anything is permissible as long as she is unmarked and unharmed when you leave.”

“Anything? Unharmed when I leave? She knows I’m a healer, right?”

Kama laughed softly. “Her words were ‘no permanent injuries or scars’, but I think she likes the thought of someone dangerous more than she actually wants to be hurt.”

“I … okay. I can do that. When should I plan for it?”

“How about tonight? She’s very eager to see you.”

Bonny considered her day. She had promised to spend time with Zeal this morning, but then wanted to join the rest of her companions for training and a patrol with some of the guards. This evening belonged to Willowbelle, but she could probably take a couple hours after dinner.

She hadn’t set a time with Lupa or Iolana yet, but was looking forward to it. They could probably wait till tomorrow though.

“Sure. How about at sunset? Make sure she skips dinner. Does she have a safe word? Should we have a witness? Will the room be soundproof? I’m not sure how to handle some of this.”

“I will observe if you wish, since none of my girls know who she is. I’ll get the room setup and let you know.”

“Can you have her restrained and facing away when I enter?” Bonny considered for a moment, then added, “And a whip. I want a whip.”

Kama nodded. “We have whips. I’ll have a couple available.”

Bonny smiled. “Thank you.”

Her companions were outside when she exited the brothel. All except for Kanae, who was still asleep in the room.

Adelina was sitting on Willowbelle, who held her sapling close as always. Lupa was in wolf form and ran to greet Bonny, tail wagging her body. Eloisss glared at the wolf, but didn’t say anything.

Bonny scratched Lupa’s head for a moment, then patted her side and stood.

“Willow, no additional companions tonight please. I want to make sure I concentrate just on you. Okay?”

The dryad nodded and looked pleased.

Everyone else was armed and armored, except for her and Zeal, who were both naked. Miu had modified her gorget to fit under her new collar, though it seemed like a tight fit. Even Violet was wearing some type of leather breastplate.

“Do you need that?” Bonny asked the slime girl.

She nodded and shivered, the motion sending little ripples along her visible skin.

[[it feels nice]]

“Okay. I’ll see you all later. Please be careful.” Bonny kissed each of them, then turned to Zeal.

Zeal was shifting. Her change was fairly quick. Instead of mist or shifting bones, like Kanae or Lupa, Zeal's scales, claws, and teeth manifested as her body expanded like a balloon. It took only a few seconds until a full sized, thirty foot dragon crouched on the dock beside them.

The fishermen on the dock and other citizens nearby screamed and ran. The area around the party cleared as people fled and hid. Several of the fishermen jumped into the lake, completely abandoning their equipment.

Bonny sighed as she hopped onto Zeal’s foreleg and started to climb up. “I’m going to hear about this later.”

Once on top, she carefully made her way further up, stepping between spikes on Zeal’s armored neck plates. There was a small gap just behind her head for mobility, and Bonny dropped into it. She grabbed a hold of Zeal’s horns.

“Is this okay?”

“Yes.” Zeal’s voice was a low rumble.

Bonny giggled wrapped her legs around Zeal’s throat. “Say something else.”

“What do you want me to say?”

“MMMmmm.” Bonny rocked her hips. “Your whole neck vibrates when you talk. It feels good. Can you sing a song?”

“I can roar.”

“Wait! Let's leave the city first.” Bonny’s heels kicked into the softer underside of Zeal’s neck. “Giddyup!”

The dock cracked as Zeal leapt into the air.

“Oh, fuck!”

The dock was something else she would have to pay for later.

The dragon’s wings beat hard and they quickly gained height and speed.

Bonny screamed in delight and held tight to Zeal’s horns. They curled and twisted slightly, angling back and up, like raised handlebars on an enormous flying motorcycle.

Bonny thought back to the day of her fight with Zeal. She had just hung on as the dragon took her up into the sky. Fortunately, she had had her own wings and had landed safely afterward. Now she had no fear of the dragon dropping her.

They flew swiftly around the lake, farms and houses ringed the shore, interspersed with a few small copses of young trees, obviously replanted for future construction. The lake itself was dotted with beaver dens and there didn’t seem to be any obvious areas for them to land and enjoy themselves.

Bonny pulled on Zeal’s horns, turning the dragon toward the dam to the south and the river beyond. She leaned forward and shouted above the wind. “Let’s go downriver a bit.”

Their speed increased again as Zeal responded, wings shoving the air behind them. In moments they were over the dam and following the river. It was wide and calm, much like the lake.

Zeal let out a sudden vibrating roar, sending tingles of pleasure through Bonny’s center.

She giggled and squeezed her legs tight around the dragon’s neck.

Zeal roared again, this time venting a jet of flame almost a hundred feet long. Her scales grew hot, heating Bonny’s groin and sending pleasant thrills through her.

A bell started ringing in the city behind them.

“Fuck! We need to get further away.” Bonny was laying almost flat against Zeal due to the speed. She pulled back and down, angling the dragon's head up. “Up!”

They rose, Zeal’s wings beating at the air, lifting them into the sky once more.

Bonny had flown in a jet twice, travel for a family vacation when she was a young teen. She had stared out the window the whole time, marveling at the cotton candy clouds.

One of those clouds enveloped them, feeling cold and wet and not at all like candy. Water condensed on her fur, soaking her in moments, cooling the heat in her center.

Zeal roared and spit flames again and the water evaporated around them. Then they were through the mist and the sky opened up before them. The bright sun reflected off of the white clouds. Gaps in the coverage showed the ground far below, checkered near the city and river where people lived and worked, green and brown further out.

The air at that height was thin and hard to breathe. Bonny took a long slow breaths and decided they should head back down.

Bonny turned Zeal’s horns back toward the city and down, giggling. “Let’s buzz our friends.”

Zeal followed Bonny’s guidance, turning north and folding her wings in. They fell, speed rapidly increasing, and Bonny let go of Zeal’s horns, lying completely flat, hands gripping the edges of Zeal’s scales.

She screamed in delight as their speed increased, trusting Zeal completely. The wind howled around them, then Zeal snapped her wings out and gravity squished Bonny into the dragon as their trajectory changed. They were about fifty foot up and the buildings beneath them blurred past. The mage tower was the only building higher than they were.

The city bell was still ringing and Zeal roared again as they flashed past the north gate.

Bonny caught a brief glimpse of her new medical training building. Freja and Eloisss were the only figures she caught sight of before they were gone.

They angled up and circled just before the forest edge. There was new construction here as well, Bonny’s house and the wall.

She sat up and petted Zeal’s neck and the dragon responded with a soft rumble. If Zeal was a cat, Bonny would have called it a purr. It was deep and slow and sounded happy.

“That was, like, the biggest, scariest roller coaster ever. We’ll probably get yelled at for making a fuss. Well, I will.” Bonny quieted for a moment, then took hold of Zeal’s horns again and turned them west. “I know where we can go.”

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