BNHA: Spiritual Aura

Chapter 45: What have I done?! (R-18)

These past months as a hero had been almost a revival for Nemuri—going out on patrol, capturing villains, helping people, saving lives, seeing faces full of gratitude, feeling that she was really contributing to making the world a better place with her own hands. It was truly the only thing missing from her almost perfect life with Kai and his family, which made it impossible not to keep a huge smile on her face.

Although as a writer, she had received much love from the people. It was a real joy for her to see how her work was so well-received, especially when she received messages from her fans telling her how her books had changed their lives. But the truth was that feeling the gratitude of people up close was something much more special and, without a doubt, her true calling.

But it wasn’t just the return to being a hero that made her happy; what delighted her the most was that she was now a much better hero than before. Not only she was capable of solving cases faster and more efficiently, but she could also handle events that the old her would have found, if not impossible, extremely difficult.

Although her experience and new physical capabilities helped a lot with her new unstoppable streak of case resolutions that had all the media surprised. What truly made the difference was his blue-eyed love, his beloved Kai.

The [Accomplice] Kai had given her not only kept her safe in complicated situations, but the skill it had developed for her had elevated her quirk's utility several notches. Now, her sleep-inducing aroma not only affected men and women equally, but she could even control how her scent spread and the level of unconsciousness it would leave her targets in.

This alone had dramatically expanded her range of action. Now, she could not only work in teams more easily and be useful in complex terrains or with civilians, but she could also use her sleep aroma to leave a target in a state between unconsciousness and wakefulness. This greatly facilitates interrogations and similar tasks.

Even though her new abilities attracted some attention, she simply explained it as the result of seven years of experimenting with her quirk. Which led her to improve her control over it while also finding more creative ways to use it. This explanation, while not extinguishing all questions, served as a good excuse and allowed her to avoid the topic.

But if she had to name what most influenced his new record of cases solved, it would undoubtedly be the 'glasses' that Kai had given him. These glasses had an incredibly useful virtual assistant capable of identifying anyone he looked at and providing a wealth of information about the target. They could hack nearby cameras, offer night and infrared vision, or provide satellite imagery to give him a clear view of his surroundings. They could even analyze fight patterns and villain behavior, making it much easier to defeat or capture them.

All these improvements not only made Nemuri immensely happy, but also made her feel incredibly proud of Kai's amazing skills—the great man he had become—which only convinced her even more that the best decision she had ever made was to stay by his side.

In the middle of the night, Nemuri returned home and immediately noticed that the gym was open, and the lights were on. So she quickly headed there, only to find Kai sleeping on a mat with Salem by his side, which somehow brought a smile to her face.

“He’s really so careless sometimes, fufu.”

With a calm stride, Nemuri approached the sleeping boy and gently lifted him off the floor, carrying him like a princess after confirming that he wasn’t wearing the weights he used for training. They weighed several tons, something only he could lift. This immediately alerted Salem, who glanced at her for a moment before stretching.

As Nemuri carried Kai to his room, Salem followed closely, almost like a royal guard, until they reached the door. There, the enormous cat took a small detour to lie down in his bed, which was in the room next to Kai's. The boy had kicked him out of his room ever since he started growing as big as a large dog.

Once in the bedroom, Nemuri laid Kai down on the bed but couldn’t help noticing that he was all sweaty. This made her smile nostalgically as she remembered the old times, and she lovingly ran her fingers through the boy’s unruly hair. She then went to fetch hot water and several towels to clean him up.

Kneeling on the floor, Nemuri dipped the towels in the tub of hot water and proceeded to remove the black cotton sweatshirt Kai was wearing, all while trying not to wake him. But when she managed to take it off, the beautiful heroine audibly swallowed as she saw a torso that almost seemed sculpted from marble.

Kai’s bare torso was something she could only describe as the epitome of health and beauty—perfectly chiseled and incredibly tempting, to the point that her mouth watered just looking at it. But she was his older sister, and as such, she couldn’t have those kinds of thoughts, so she quickly splashed some water on her face to calm herself down.

After taking a deep breath a couple of times, Nemuri started to clean Kai. However, the more she felt his body, the more evident the 'heat' became, to the point where she could feel her lower parts getting wet, which forced her to slap herself in the cheeks. After all, she could not let herself be carried away by those intrusive thoughts.

(Calm down Nemuri, it's Kai, your baby, you can't have those kinds of thoughts about the child you raised, control yourself!)

A little anxious, Nemuri continued cleaning Kai with the towels, but the more time passed, the slower and more 'careless' her rhythm became. To the point where the towel started to 'slip' from her hands frequently, causing her to 'accidentally' feel Kai's body with her hands, although she decided to ignore those silly accidents.

(Well, it's just the lower part, nothing out of the ordinary. I've done these thousands of times; this time is nothing special. Besides, I'm only doing it because it's necessary for Kai to sleep clean and avoid getting sick…)

While Nemuri recited her internal monologue in an attempt to convince herself of something, her hands, clearly trembling, began to slowly lower Kai's black pants. But when she finally managed to remove it completely, she closed her eyes and repeated her internal monologue several times.

After a few deep breaths, Nemuri opened her eyes again and continued cleaning Kai's legs. All the while desperately trying to ignore the almost waterfall of transparent and viscous liquid that started to stain the lower part of her hero suit.

With trembling hands, Nemuri quickly cleaned Kai's legs, although 'strangely' she spent a lot of time 'cleaning' his crotch, which inevitably caused a dragon to wake up under Kai's boxers, making its presence known strongly, which broke something inside Nemuri.

Almost possessed, Nemuri quickly pulled down Kai's boxers, to then stare almost hypnotized as the rod of flesh stood erect and proud. At the same time, her hero suit became incapable of containing her love juice, which flowed like a fountain.

Full of nerves and anticipation, Nemuri grasped Kai's manhood, which caused a jolt to run through her entire body, shattering the last thread of sanity she had left. Immediately, she began to tear apart her hero suit with all her strength, somehow managing to expose her proud breasts and delicate vagina.

With one hand on her left nipple, Nemuri adjusted herself to be at the height of Kai's rod, which she began to smell with an expression of intoxication on her face. Meanwhile, with her other hand, she touched her delicate, light pink vagina, which was glistening due to the abundant amount of love juices it was releasing.

As she masturbated wildly, guilt, fear, and lust took over Nemuri, leading her to feel the greatest pleasure she had ever experienced in her life. However, her body demanded more, so she quickly climbed onto the bed and knelt over one of Kai's legs. She then slowly lowered her head until her mouth reached his penis, which, filled with nervousness, she inserted into her mouth. At the same time, her vagina touched Kai's leg, causing a jolt of pure pleasure to run through her entire body.

With a gaze crazed by excitement, Nemuri began to suck Kai's penis as if it were the most delicious candy in the world. Simultaneously, she moved her hips like a whore to rub her soaked vagina against Kai's leg. This caused intense waves of pleasure to course through her body like an endless tide.

With her eyes unfocused from pleasure and lust, Nemuri looked at Kai's sleeping face while feeling like she was in heaven. She was experiencing pleasure beyond words or anything she had ever heard of, having mini-orgasms every few seconds and a strong one every few minutes.

The endless waves of intense pleasure caused the sexy and lustful heroine to emit almost bestial moans, at the same time that she pulled her nipples hard and took Kai's penis deep into her throat. While resisting gagging, she left a pool of love juices on Kai's leg, leaving a large stain on the bed.

But Nemuri's wild lust reached its peak when she felt Kai's penis harden even more and twist in her mouth. This made her move her head faster and in larger arcs that brought her delicate cherry lips from the tip of Kai's penis to its base. At the same time, she rubbed her delicate vagina against the young man's leg with such speed and force that she started to feel pain. However, this only increased the pleasure she felt, adding a new dimension of sensations that fascinated her.

A few minutes later, as Nemuri's eyes rolled back in her head from the powerful consecutive orgasms she was experiencing, Kai released a thick load of semen into the mouth of the frantic beauty. This triggered the most intense orgasm she had ever felt in her life. It caused her to arch her back like a cat, while her juices shot out of her vagina like a high-pressure hose, staining the entire area with her lustful aroma.

With a gaze lost in lust, pleasure, and satisfaction, Nemuri fell to one side, lying on her back on the bed, looking like a lustful slut, with her torn and disheveled suit. Her large breasts were completely exposed, revealing her painfully erect nipples with red marks, evidence of the places where she had pressed them mercilessly. Meanwhile, her vagina, lightly red and totally soaked with love juices, visibly contracted with the remaining waves of pleasure.

Feeling completely fulfilled, Nemuri remained lying in the same position for a while, savoring the remnants of Kai's semen in her mouth with great pleasure. She was so reluctant to let it end that she moved it from side to side in her mouth, trying to leave the flavor imprinted so it wouldn't fade away.

Time passed slowly, until fatigue began to take over Nemuri's consciousness, who had a satisfied smile on her face. But at that moment, she suddenly came back to herself, opening her eyes in a panic, and then looked at Kai, who was still breathing steadily. This made her let out a sigh of relief, at the same time that a deep feeling of guilt enveloped her.

(What have I done?! Oh my God, what did I do?! I raped Kai! The baby I raised with my own hands! I’m a monster!)

The realization of her reckless actions hit Nemuri like a truck, causing her emotions to spiral out of control. Tears filled with guilt and regret welled up in her beautiful blue eyes.

(I should stay away from Kai. I’m a danger to him. When he finds out what I did, he’ll hate me forever and never forgive me…)

Tears streamed down Nemuri’s face as she looked at Kai's face and imagined scenarios where she lived without him, breaking her heart into a thousand pieces. She could no longer conceive of life without Kai—he was a fundamental part of her life. But what she had done was unforgivable; Alisa-san would never forgive her.

(I’m sorry, Kai. I’m sorry, Alisa-san. I’m so sorry.  I don’t know what came over me—I lost control… forgive me… forgive me…)

As Nemuri silently cried, begging for forgiveness, a horrible tangle of emotions—guilt, regret, and sadness—completely overwhelmed her, to the point where fatalistic thoughts began to fill her mind. But at that moment, the sleeping Kai suddenly turned over and hugged her.

Because of the position they were in, Nemuri's head ended up on Kai's sculpted chest, causing the heart of the beautiful blue-eyed woman to fill with terror. Fearing that the young man was awake and had realized everything, leaving her petrified in place.

But after several minutes, Nemuri only heard a soft, rhythmic breathing, accompanied by the calming melody of Kai's heartbeat, which somehow put her in a state of peace and tranquility that she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

(I’m sorry, Alisa-san, but I definitely can’t live without Kai. He means everything to me, so even though I know I’m a danger, I can’t stay away. So instead, I’ll give everything I have to keep my impulses in check from now on, and maybe even get a boyfriend…)

Nemuri’s stomach churned with disgust when the idea of being with another man besides Kai crossed her mind, so she quickly changed her thoughts.

(Scratch that, it would be a blatant lie. I’ll just make sure to get some really good toys that can calm my lust, even if I have to have them custom-made. But I’ll make sure something like this never happens again!)

After making her mental declarations, Nemuri gently extricated herself from Kai’s embrace, got out of bed, straightened her clothes a bit, and carefully carried Kai to another room. She then returned to take care of cleaning everything up.

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