Blue Core

Day 131 - Iniri (Explicit)

She could hardly believe she was doing this. Doing this again. Part of her was worried she was just selling herself out for power, like some common whore, but another part of her remembered last time and was the louder of the two. She wouldn’t be considering it if she hadn’t actually enjoyed it for her own sake.

Parts of her still tingled whenever she thought of it.

Iniri finished stripping and sank into the warm water. Places like Wildwood had such things as a matter of course, and it wasn’t like the palace didn’t have its own luxuries, but there was something special about Blue’s little hot pool. Maybe because it was truly private, absolutely off-limits to anyone but Shayma and herself. Perhaps Ansae as well, but that was still only two other people.

It helped that Shayma wasn’t hovering. The fox-girl seemed to be quite the libertine, but she was a little more private and preferred to be by herself when it came to time with Blue. Iniri stretched out in the water, memories of the last time coming to her all unbidden. Not that she minded, really, but the thought of his strong warmth caressing her kindled something inside, a heat quite different from the water around her.

Iniri had thought she’d take a while to work up her courage, or at least it’d take some of that massaging, but after only a few minutes of waiting in the pool, she could barely stay still. Tension built inside her until all thoughts of relaxation were gone. Her hand drifted down to between her legs of its own accord, but she stopped and stood up. After all, that was why she was here.

“Blue, I want you now,” she said, not really interested in lying down for a slow massage. It wasn’t that she objected to being attended to, but she wasn’t in the mood. Besides, if she was going to actually take being Blue’s Companion seriously, she couldn’t have him do all the work.

Black dungeon-flesh rose out of the water, forming into a large, flat surface at first but once it touched her the shape shifted as Blue picked up on her mood. The last time, should feel a few trickles of emotion and interest, but this time the feedback was stronger. There was a clear impression that he had picked up on her intentions and the change in the breeding station’s shape confirmed it.

Instead of a table, the soft dungeon-flesh shaped itself into a freestanding saddle, though rather more contoured and textured at the top. She put a hand on it, and understanding flowed back from Blue on what exactly he intended, though it wasn’t difficult to guess. The stippling on the surface of the saddle looked very interesting.

Iniri swung a leg over it to straddle the breeding station, and felt it shift slightly underneath her, cushioning and spreading her weight. It supported her even as it slid between her spread legs, drawing a gasp as he touched the lips of her sex. He moved with dextrous grace to part her folds, soft texture rubbing against her bare skin as she wriggled against it. The merest thought that she’d like something to brace herself against resulted in black tendrils rising up, tangling with her outstretched hands to give her a soft handhold with a core of unyielding strength.

“Mmmh.” She made a soft sound as she started to rock against the saddle, content to take it slow as she focused on the delicious sensations Blue’s touch brought her. Then she squeaked as the seat between her legs began to tremble, soft slow vibrations tingling against her sensitive sex. They were just strong enough stoke the heat inside her, making her rub more enthusiastically against the saddle.

One of Blue’s smaller tendrils wrapped about her tail, stroking along it with a fine and tender touch, while more found their way around her horns, curling and squeezing softly at the base of each. It was far less overwhelming than last time, and gave her the space to enjoy each sensation. Kirin tails were far less sensitive than those of other demihuman races, but that didn’t mean the feel of tiny, smooth touches dragging along hers didn’t elicit a shiver of delight.

She’d never really thought of her antlers as sensitive either, but as Blue’s delicate and strong touch caressed them, she found she really liked being touched there. He responded to that revelation, much to her delight, and she fairly purred as he paid more attention to them. The tendrils branched, stroking and tugging softly as she rocked her pussy against the saddle.

Blue’s warm flesh grew more textured, raising up slightly to let her rub her clit against it with each rock of her body, but he remained slow and gentle, letting her set the pace this time. She leaned forward more, letting her weight press her harder against Blue, feeling the soft vibrations thrill up through her with every motion. Then something tickled her feet.

“Hey!” She protested, kicking at some of Blue’s tendrils that had moved without her noticing, and felt his amusement as he moved them up to stroke along her legs. He only used one for each, caressing upward to the curve of her knee before trailing up her thigh and back down, adding the slow sensations to that on her tail and horns. Secretly, she had to admit the brief surprise had sent a very enjoyable thrill through her, and realized it wasn’t so secret when Blue responded with smugness.

She snorted and closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of the vibrations and slow motion of deliciously teasing texture against her sex, letting Blue’s tendrils caress her as she worked her wet and senstiive pussy against the saddle. Pleasure wound upward into her core as the soft vibrations built on the tension inside her, blooming until she gasped, arching against the saddle. An unexpected but welcome orgasm rolled through her, making her quiver and squeeze Blue’s tendrils where she held them in her hands.

She stayed still for a moment, the soft vibrations keeping her balanced on ecstasy for long moments before she finally came down, leaning forward against a body-warm support that hadn’t been there a moment ago. She could tell that Blue had enjoyed that nearly as much as she had, and the feel of his lust as well as some inkling of intentions made her eager for more.

The soft saddle between her legs shifted, slowly starting to slide into her as she leaned against Blue’s tendrils. She moaned as his heat invaded her depths, exactly and perfectly thick to fill her, working deeper and carrying the soft vibration with it. Iniri hips started rolling again, working his member and biting her lip as it altered shape ever so slightly to rub against certain spots inside her.

The wetness of her own pleasure slicked the black flesh where her own sensitive body rubbed against his, making her shudder at the delicious friction of his warmth against hers. She squeezed instinctively around the shaft filling her with every rub and jolt and groaned as she felt Blue’s enjoyment of the sensation, of her tightness and wetness around him. It made her more confident to focus on just working her hips against him, on the feel of him inside and against her and the soft vibrations winding the tension inside her.

Iniri found herself panting slightly as she worked her hips against Blue’s shaft and made herself slow down slightly, trying to savor the pleasure of having him inside her and the feel of his flesh against hers rather than drive herself to her peak. If the last session was anything to go by this was going to last for some time, and she didn’t want to wear herself out too soon. It wasn’t like she was going to indulge in this sort of thing often so she wanted to really take her time.

Despite slowing down, it wasn’t long before the pleasure rising through her made her tense up around Blue again. She muffled herself against the dungeon-flesh she was leaning against as she shuddered and came, squeezing hard around the cock she was riding, then shuddering again as she felt Blue’s own pleasure crest. Hot liquid flooded her depths, pulling a smaller, second orgasm from the sensation of him filling her.

Blue toned down the vibration for a little bit, long enough for the tingling to fade, then ramped it up higher than it had been before, making her moan as she started to work her hips again. Some magic of the breeding station kept the pressure exactly right, never becoming too much or too little as he rubbed against her outer sex and her swollen clit while at the same time kept her filled.

The vibration increased again and she bit into the dungeon-flesh by reflex, glad Blue didn’t mind her fangs as she rolled her hips with single-minded purpose. Air huffed through her nostrils as she savored the way he flexed within her, the way the textured saddle curled up to cup her clit. Blue’s tendrils had stopped rubbing her at some point and now just wrapped around her waist and shoulder, holding her as she moaned. It was even better that way. The feeling of being held made everything better.

She relaxed into a slow rhythm, letting the pleasure build inside her again, gasping every time Blue’s cock rubbed against a particularly sensitive spot. Every time that happened it pushed her toward greater heights, driving her up and up. The tingling sensations inside and against her rose up to another orgasm, squeezing Blue hard as she shivered and groaned. She slumped against him, inner walls twitching, and then growled as she felt him flood her again.

Heat flared inside her, her body loving the feel of his seed filling her. The power of that reaction surprised her and made her squirm, since she’d been a virgin not too long ago and now could only think about how much she wanted to be filled. To be filled by Blue. She’d always known she would need to have heirs but it had always been a distant sort of thing. Now her body was telling her how much it needed her to be pregnant. How it wanted children, before it was too late.

Her sudden fixation drew Blue’s interest, and he began to wriggle and writhe within her, still gently, careful to keep from overstimulating her, but adding more to the slow grinding of her hips. By now she was dripping down over the saddle and her thighs, Blue’s tar-black seed trickling down her skin, and the vibration continued on, sparking pleasured frissions in places she’d never felt before.

From then on it was a long haze of ecstasy, as Blue’s amazing saddle and just-right shaft drove her in waves, up to an orgasmic peak and then down long enough to catch her breath. Somehow he knew just when she wanted to lean forward, gripping and biting, or backward to arch her back and moan into the air. His eagerness to please her pushed her on long after she might have stopped on her own, growling and bucking every time he came in her.

Which he did again, and again, and again.

Eventually she was just too sore and exhausted to continue, sweat-soaked and panting as Blue lowered her into the water. Somehow he’d cooled it just enough to be refreshing, and she luxuriated in the pampering as she leaned her head back against the soft pillow of Blue’s breeding station. A regeneration field soothed her, turning her soreness and exhaustion to a sweet ache and comfort. It was difficult to think, especially since she could feel Blue’s smug enjoyment radiating from their link, but it did occur to her that it was too bad that she wasn’t going to be doing this often.

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